Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1182: Brothers get together again

Chapter 1181

Basically, some powerful geniuses have five units of the strength they possess in the ten pill of laws.

And on this basis, if you cultivate to a half-step dominating realm, your strength is at least ten units or more, and even if you have fifteen units, it is not impossible.

But if you cultivated the eleventh pill of law in the pinnacle of Nirvana, you might have seven or eight units of power.

Then, if you are promoted to dominate by half a step at this level, the power you possess can reach twenty units!

The gap among them is naturally very large!

Originally, this Xuan Yunfei only cultivated the realm of ten pill of law, although he also wanted to cultivate the eleventh pill, but unfortunately, even if he cultivated the sacred vein of the phantom clan. Eleven pill of law is still impossible!

But his magical twin pupils that awakened from the illusion clan's holy veins gave Xuan Yunfei an unexpected surprise.

In an accident, Xuan Yunfei discovered that suddenly he was able to use the power of the eye pupil technique to fuse a new and special pill of law in his body.

He called this pill of law the pill of pupil law!

Regardless of whether it is the pill of pupil law or other pill of laws, these are not important to Xuan Yunfei. What is important is that he finds that he can cultivate the hope of the eleventh pill of law.

Therefore, he deliberately brought the Xuan family, the most outstanding Deadpool he had cultivated over the years, to this initial secret realm to hunt the world beast pill.

Although his magical double pupils can give him hope of the eleventh pill of law.

But Xuan Yunfei also discovered that the cohesion of his eleventh pupil law pill requires a lot of law power.

Simply being able to enter the initial secret realm this time, Xuan Yunfei felt that God was helping him.

Xuan Yunfei was very excited after he finally entered the realm of half-step dominance with the eleven pill of law.

However, despite this, Xuan Yunfei frowned slightly after being excited.

"Although I have been promoted to the master by half a step now, after all, it is the pill of law condensed by the pupil technique. It is still somewhat unstable, and a lot of law power must be used to continue to consolidate!

But when it comes to the power of this large number of laws, Xuan Yunfei started to have a headache again.

The reason why he was able to hunt so many five-star world beasts before was because before entering the initial secret realm, he spent a huge price, and obtained most of the five-star realm beasts from a certain force. s position.

Regardless of how Xuan Yunfei had obtained a total of seven or seventy-nine pill of laws, even among the five-star world beasts, there would be some world beasts without the existence of world beast pill.

So, really speaking, the number of five-star world beasts Xuan Yunfei has killed has already exceeded the number of forty-nine, even more than sixty five-star world beasts.

Although the five-star world beast seems to be very rare to people who enter the initial secret realm.

But in fact, the number of these five-star world beasts in the entire initial secret realm is definitely not as small as believed.

Although it is not necessary to say that the number of five-star world beasts is 1,000 or 800, there are still two or three.

It's just that the initial secret realm has limited divine consciousness, and the breath of the world beast is hidden, making it more difficult to detect. For the five-star world beast, that is even more so.

Therefore, if the person entering the initial secret realm does not understand the specific situation, like Qin Shaofeng's situation, they subconsciously believe that the number of five-star realm beasts in the initial secret realm is not that many.

However, even the five-star world beasts in the entire initial secret realm, there are still a lot of them.

According to Xuan Yunfei's current situation, there is no place where the five-star world beasts existed.

And if his eleventh pupil rule pill is to be consolidated, the strength of the rule required is not a little bit.

Most importantly, there is not much time left for the final round of the Nirvana Grand Competition.

"No, even though I have enough confidence now, in order to have full confidence, it is better to completely consolidate this pill of pupil technique. After all, this time the first place, I must win!"

A light flashed in Xuan Yunfei's eyes, his expression extremely serious.

In fact, the reason why he values ​​Meng Xin'er so much is because he discovered that Meng Xin'er also has a very powerful pupil technique.

If he can swallow the opponent's pupil technique, his pupils will definitely go further.

If it weren’t for Meng Xin’er’s awakened phantom tribe’s sacred vein, it was the kind of reason that could enhance his phantom tribe’s sacred vein through men’s and women’s fusion, I’m afraid he had already directly acted on Meng Xin’er and forcibly seized the opponent’s pupil power. Up.

Since the opponent's illusion race's sacred veins are so unique, it would be the best player to seize the power of the opponent's pupil technique in the way of blending between men and women.

"Meng Xin'er can't miss it, because maybe I can get the pupil power of the other party, my pupils can go further, and maybe I can condense the second pill of pupil technique!"

Xuan Yunfei gradually became more and more excited, and at the same time a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Then, in the current situation, we still have to get the best of the Ban Yue Guo on Yan Yang, and the rest of the methods to consolidate are too slow!"

Finally, he whispered a little, Xuan Yunfei's figure flashed, and he walked out of the cave in an instant, took his two dead servants, and ran directly into the distance.


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng, who had been hunting world beasts somewhere in the initial secret realm, finally stopped.

Because he met two people, they were very familiar with each other, and they knew each other very early, but there was no one they knew each other.

Tang Qijian and Du Meng!

That's right, it's his two brothers!

In fact, Tang Qijian and Du Meng are no strangers to this initial secret realm. In fact, the two of them can have such strengths because they have already entered this initial secret realm.

Even the other one of the original secret realm, that is, the area that belongs to the cultivation of the dominating realm, they have also practiced.

If not, it is impossible for them to have regular attack power at the peak of Nirvana.

However, even so, the two have not been promoted to half-step masters.

This is all because the physique and spiritual roots of the two of them are too strong. It may take some time before they are promoted to the half-step master.

The reason for the two entering the initial secret realm was to cultivate on the surface, but the real reason was Qin Shaofeng.

No, to be precise, he came in for Yan Yang.

The two hadn't contacted Qin Shaofeng for a long time, because of the previous situation, they had changed Qin Shaofeng's name to Yan Yang's indestructible incarnation, and directly recognized Qin Shaofeng as a newly added demon family member.

Therefore, they wanted to find Yan Yang, and then learn something about Qin Shaofeng from the other party.

Then, the present scene appeared.

Although both Tang Qijian and Du Meng had good detection methods, they still spent some time searching for the location of Yan Yang.

At this moment, after finally finding Yan Yang, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh, I finally found the sun, and now I can finally know the news of the boss.

"Ha, Yan Yang, you guys are really hard to find! It took so much time for me and Leng Bingcui!"

As soon as he saw Yan Yang, Du Meng laughed familiarly.

This Yan Yang, like himself, is a dependent of his boss, he must be his own!

This is the true thought in Du Meng's heart. Although Tang Qijian on the side is still silent, he is afraid that it is also similar to Du Meng's thoughts.

It's just that the next moment this ‘family’ Yan Yang said, it surprised the two of them.

"Mengzi, Seven Swords hasn't been seen for a long time!"

Seeing the two of them, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly, feeling and excited in his heart.

"long time no see?"

Qin Shaofeng's words caused Du Meng to be slightly taken aback, a little unclear.

But Tang Qijian on the side flashed a light in his eyes, as if thinking of something, he violently stepped forward a few steps, came to Qin Shaofeng and stared at Qin Shaofeng closely, and whispered, "Boss, is it you?"

"Yeah!" Qin Shaofeng nodded with a smile.

"Boss?" Du Meng touched his head, his face even more confused.

Seeing Du Meng's confused look, Qin Shaofeng smiled again.

Such a scene is so familiar, and the feeling of meeting the two of them again is really good!

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that if he didn't explain it any more, Du Meng might still have some time to wake up, and Tang Qijian was also puzzled at this moment.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng quickly explained.

"It's me! I'm Qin Shaofeng. Now this body is just an indestructible incarnation of me. The reason why you feel the breath of a family member is because I have transformed this indestructible incarnation of myself into a family member in the same way! "

"As for the reasons for this, it's a bit complicated, it's like this..."

Next, Qin Shaofeng explained to the two of them, Tang Qijian and Du Meng quickly understood.

It was at this time that Du Meng completely figured out that the person in front of him called Yan Yang was not a family member of the boss Qin Shaofeng, but his boss himself, which made him scream again!

During the conversation between the three, Qin Shaofeng also learned about the experience of the two of them during this period of time from Tang Qijian and Du Meng.

With the help of Feng Jiuxuan, Tang Qijian and Du Meng joined two very mysterious and powerful forces in the ancient sanctuary.

These two forces were not built with the same blood, but were similar to sects.

However, compared with the sects of the ancient sanctuary, the sect of the two people is very powerful, and even from the tone of the two, Qin Shaofeng knows that these two sects have comparable strength to the ancient saints.

The mysterious force that Tang Qijian joined is a force named Jianzong!

Sword Sect is a special force that purely cultivates swordsmanship. Among Sword Sects, there are not only blood geniuses in the ancient sanctuary, even ordinary humans, as long as they have extraordinary talents, they can also join Sword Sect.

The power mad temple that Du Meng joined is also in the same situation as Jianzong.

Regardless of birth, as long as the talent is sufficient, you can join it.

Whether it is Sword Sect or Crazy Temple, they all have strong strength.

Because among these two forces, there are actually a large number of strong masters in the dominance realm, and there are already more than twenty strong masters known to Du Meng and Tang Qijian alone.

From this point, we can see that the sword sect and the mad temple are powerful.

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