Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1183: Mother's origin

Chapter 1183 Mother's Origin

In the eyes of ordinary people, the powerful forces in the ancient sanctuary are undoubtedly powerful family forces.

For example, the fantasy clan where Xuan Yunfei is located!

Whether it is the fantasy family, the Xuan family, the Meng family, and even other families in the fantasy clan, in fact, when taken seriously, they all belong to the same family.

Only when all these families add up can it be considered a fantasy clan!

However, the only difference is that the phantom clan will only have a phantom family with the main line.

Therefore, in this way, the illusion race also has several strong people who dominate the realm.

Even if it was considered that the dream house was still in good condition before, there were five in the Domination Realm of the Illusion Race!

A tribe with five dominating realms, such a force, can be regarded as a very powerful force in the ancient sanctuary.

The strong man who has the dominance in the ancient sanctuary is a super family.

The fantasy clan is also a very powerful super family, but for now, the strength of the fantasy clan has declined.

In fact, there are many ethnic forces like the fantasy race in the entire ancient sanctuary.

But compared with these strengths, whether it is the Jianzong where Tang Qijian is located, or the Madness Temple where Du Meng has joined, it is very powerful.

They are all mysterious sects with more than ten powerful masters in the dominance realm. Can this kind of strength be strong?

This also made Qin Shaofeng deeply understand that the ancient sanctuary was not as simple as it was on the surface. I am afraid that when it comes to the real situation, he only knew the tip of the iceberg.

The water in the real ancient sanctuary is deep!

Because in addition to this sword sect and the madness temple, Qin Shaofeng also learned some information about Zhao Yuner from Tang Qijian and Du Meng.

However, even the current Tang Qijian and Du Meng knew very little about Zhao Yun'er.

They just knew that Zhao Yuner had entered a very mysterious sect-the Star Temple!

When Qin Shaofeng heard the three words Star God Temple, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

This is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has heard of the power of Star God Temple.

Because of the information left by his old master alchemist, Qin Shaofeng already knew the existence of the Star God Temple.

And most importantly, there is actually a Star God Temple on the Origin Continent.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu later told Qin Shaofeng that the Star God Temple on the Origin Continent was actually just a small branch of the real Star God Temple, and was built to find geniuses with excellent star power physique.

And the real location of the Star Temple is the ancient sanctuary!

However, Xiaoqiuqiu didn't know the specific body of the Star Temple, because the Star Temple was also extremely mysterious in the ancient sanctuary, and others did not know where the Star Temple was in the ancient sanctuary.

There are only some legends that occasionally appear, saying that the Star Temple is somewhere in the endless starry sky of the ancient sanctuary, but no one knows where it is.

And it's not just the Origin Continent. In fact, with the ancient sanctuary as the center, the Star Temple has built many branches to collect disciples, full of a lot of continental space, and some small planes.

From the tone of Tang Qijian and Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng knew that the existence of the Star God Temple was much more mysterious than the sword moves and the Mad God Temple where they were.

And it's definitely much stronger.

After knowing this, Qin Shaofeng's heart sank and was silent for a moment.

Originally Qin Shaofeng thought that with the speed of this immortal incarnation, he could be considered very fast.

And with the strength of his own indestructible incarnation, this can be regarded as a powerhouse.

But now it seems that just the current strength is not enough!

Even if it is the immortal incarnation of oneself, now that he has cultivated twelve pill of laws, it is definitely still weak.

In the face of truly powerful forces, even the strongest Nirvana, it is extremely weak!


It seems that the effort is still not enough, we must continue to accelerate the speed of improvement!

He sighed softly in his heart, and then Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something, raised his head slightly, looked at Tang Qijian and Du Meng in front of him, and then asked: "Right, Qijian, Mengzi, has Senior Feng Jiuxuan mentioned about me? Some things about your parents?"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered this!

At the beginning, Feng Jiuxuan told him that before his body has reached the Nirvana Realm, he must not appear in the ancient sanctuary in his body.

However, now that his immortal incarnation already possesses the power of the pinnacle of Nirvana, he would have known some things about his parents.

It was just that during this period of time, it was not a battle between humans and demons, or a great competition between humans and demons, which caused Qin Shaofeng not to go to the Feng Clan to look for Feng Jiuxuan and ask about his parents.

Now Tang Qijian and Du Meng are in front of him, and Qin Shaofeng believes that with their current strength and status, I am afraid they can know something!

Unexpectedly, after he asked this question, whether it was Tang Qijian or Du Meng, there was a face of silence.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that things were not as simple as he believed.

"What? Don't you know?" Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, his face sinking slightly.

do not know?

Not very capable!

Because Qin Shaofeng knew from the expressions of the two of them, the two of them must know a little bit about this matter, but it should be because the matter was too simple, so they didn't dare to say more!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's face sank, and when he said such a sentence, he somewhat forced the two of them.

"No! Boss, it's just..."

Du Meng was anxious, but when he thought of the seriousness of the matter, he didn't know what to say, so he could only do it in a hurry.

But after a glimmer of light flashed in Tang Qijian's eyes, he said directly: "It's still me!"

Du Meng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Tang Qijian's words.

Qin Shaofeng did not speak, but stared at Tang Qijian closely.

Tang Qijian glanced at Qin Shaofeng, sighed softly in his heart, and then said: "Boss, you should know that there are some ancient holy races in this ancient sanctuary!"

Ancient saints?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, his eyes flashed: "Know some, it is said that the ancient holy races are some powerful races. People in the races are born with powerful holy veins and can be easily awakened. The strength of the whole group They are all very powerful!"

After saying these words, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have something in mind.

Is his mother from the ancient saints?

As if he could see what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Tang Qijian nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that you should have guessed the boss too. That's right, boss. Your mother is a member of the Jiang family who only possesses the title of the ancient saint clan to kill demons!"

It really is!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was extremely excited, because after searching for so long, he finally learned some news about his mother.


"Jiang Family of the Feld Demon Clan?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, obviously unfamiliar with such a name.

"Yes, it's the Slayer Clan!"

Tang Qijian nodded, and then said: "Boss, you may not be aware of this. The so-called ancient saints are actually not just one ethnic group, but there are many ethnic groups, and not all ancient saints are the same. The status of sage also existed in the ancient holy race!"

After a slight pause, Tang Qijian seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "Well, in fact, the phantom family is also the ancient holy clan, but now this phantom family is only the phantom family among the ancient holy races. No matter how small the branch is, its ancestor is just a disciple who made a mistake and was expelled from the ancient sage Huanjia!"


Tang Qijian's words caused a storm in Qin Shaofeng's heart.

Now the fantasy race of the ancient sanctuary is actually just a family built by an expelled disciple of the ancient sanctuary fantasy family?

Then doesn't this mean that the real fantasy race, its strength is probably so powerful that it shocks the world.

A disciple can multiply the phantom race that appears, how powerful is the real phantom race?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, but what made him more shocked was Tang Qijian's next words.

"Such an illusion race is indeed very powerful, but the boss! What I want to tell you is that a holy race like the illusion race is actually only an ordinary strength among the entire ancient holy race. If it is distinguished by the third class, the illusion race is just the inferior ancient holy race!"

Lower level?

Qin Shaofeng was startled and didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought of something.

Tang Qijian told himself so much, I'm afraid the Jiang family, the so-called demon clan...

His heart sank, Qin Shaofeng asked.

"What's the Jiang family's position in the ancient saints?"

Tang Qijian didn't immediately speak, but after thinking about it, he said, "The existence of the ancient saints is actually because in the ancient years, some extremely powerful existences killed the demons and monsters in the ancient sanctuary and let me The human race has gained territory only enough to thrive."

"So, in order to extol the strong, the Human Race regards its family as a holy race. This is the origin of the ancient holy race."

"And among the ancient holy clans still remaining today, there are thirty-six inferior ancient holy races, twenty-four middle ancient holy races, and twelve upper ancient holy races!"

Speaking of this, Tang Qijian paused slightly, looked directly at Qin Shaofeng, and said in a calm tone: "However, in addition to these upper, middle and lower third-class ancient saints, there are three ancient saints that surpass these seventy-two ancient saints. These are the spiritual family of the Holy Spirit family who are born to awaken the Holy Veins and possess the body of the Holy Spirit, and the ancient family that is said to inherit the early opening of the heavens and the earth, a certain powerful creature power, and the last one with many demons and great powers. Most of the evil cultivators have an innate restraint of demons—the Jiang family!"

"It is said that thirty years ago, when the little princess of the Jiang family was out with her parents, she was attacked by the demons and several powerful evil cultivators and eventually disappeared unexpectedly. It was not until 16 years ago that the Jiang family found her. Their little princess!"

That's right!

Everything is right!

Tang Qijian's words finally let Qin Shaofeng completely determine the origin and identity of his mother.

Qin Shaofeng remembered that his grandfather had said that his mother had met by chance when she was out once in thirty years.

When my mother was fainted, it was his father who rescued her.

However, at the beginning, I was less than ten years old, and when I woke up, I seemed to have lost my memory.

After searching for a long time, Grandpa had no choice but to bring him back to Qin's house in Lanjiang City.

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