Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1184: return

Chapter 1184

After returning to Qin's house in Lanjiang City, his mother and father lived together.

Then, after a long time of love and two little guesses, his parents finally came together.

Then he was born!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng remembered that when he was four or five years old, his mother didn't know where to go, and then his father also disappeared.

Now that he is over twenty years old, everything is in line with what Tang Qijian said.

But this pair is right.

But what Qin Shaofeng never expected was that his current background was so big.

The little princess of the Jiang family, the demon clan

I circled a cross!

Doesn't this mean that I, Qin Shaofeng, also has a strong background?

Of course, Qin Shaofeng just thought about such things.

Because if that were the case, I am afraid I would have enjoyed the comfortable days of the super giants.

Without thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng probably guessed one clearly in his heart.

His father is just the head of a Qin family in Lanjiang City!

But where is Lanjiang City?

Um, Nine Clouds Continent, uh, then, Nine Clouds Continent died in Origin Continent!

To be more direct, that is, on a remote continent in a small plane, it is the head of a small family in a remote town!

Such an identity, drawn out of the ancient holy race, would be countless times stronger.

After all, in a sense, the ancient sanctuary is already equivalent to the existence of the immortal realm and the **** realm to the small plane of the Origin Continent.

But his mother was the person of the top power among the immortal realm and the **** realm, and she was also the kind with very noble status.

This is no longer a question of the right one!

Under such circumstances, it is already a very incredible thing that my father and myself have not been directly obliterated.

Qin Shaofeng has seen many things, whether it is the ancient sanctuary or the origin continent or even the family on the Nine Clouds Continent, it is because the family disciples marry individuals or marry individuals, so that the family suffers humiliation, and it is directly obliterated. .

Some clan forces that value the glory and face of the family are quite normal.

After finishing all the words, Tang Qijian's eyes fixed on Qin Shaofeng motionless, but when he saw Qin Shaofeng's calm appearance as always, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it is the boss, knowing that the Jiang family exists, and he is still calm!

Calm down?

It's really calm!

Qin Shaofeng was really calm at this moment, even though he knew that his mother's origin was so amazing, he still calmed down.

No matter how amazing the facts are, they are all facts. No matter how shocked I am, that's the same thing.

Moreover, with the god-level cultivation system, Qin Shaofeng didn't think that the existence of the Jiang family was an unclimbable peak for him.

After calming down, Qin Shaofeng started thinking normally, and then understood a lot of things.

It's no wonder that Senior Feng Jiuxuan didn't talk to him many times at the beginning. This is the reason for his parents' affairs!

As for why the other party would decide that his own body is not enough to be in Nirvana and cannot show up in the Origin Continent, Qin Shaofeng also knows now.

It's nothing more than being afraid of being discovered by the Jiang family!

Because Qin Shaofeng now knows that some powerful masters in the dominance realm can detect the aura of people who belong to the same line as him, and this range seems to be very large.

If one's own body appeared, it might be a matter of minutes to be discovered by the Jiang family.

The cultivation of Nirvana is a process of practicing Nirvana with the power of the law again and again, condensing the elixir of the law.

In this process, both the body, the blood, and even the soul will experience Nirvana-like strengthening and promotion time after time during Nirvana.

As long as you have experienced Nirvana once, the breath of your own blood can be concealed from the powerful dominance that belongs to the same vein.

I'm afraid that Senior Feng Jiuxuan, it is precisely for this reason that he has repeatedly asked himself to prevent his body from reaching the Nirvana state, and never appear in the ancient sanctuary.

Even for this reason, the other party also prepared him the method of Nirvana incarnation of the Feng Clan, so that he could practice the incarnation and walk in the ancient sanctuary with the body of the incarnation.

This is to keep yourself from being exposed!

But in this way, this also let Qin Shaofeng know one thing.

That is the existence of Domination in the Jiang family, hoping to let himself die!

If not, how could Senior Feng Jiuxuan be like this?

Ah, very good!

Just now I learned of my mother's existence and possessed such a powerful and terrifying enemy!

This seems very challenging!

The corner of his mouth curled slightly, and Qin Shaofeng sneered.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart was full of shocking killing intent!

The Jiang family, the demon clan?

It was originally this family, so that his parents were scattered!

Such a culprit, how can he spare the other party lightly?

In the following time, Qin Shaofeng hunted and killed the world beast even more quickly.

And this time, with the addition of two masters, Tang Qijian and Du Meng, the hunting speed was even faster.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is Tang Qijian or Du Meng, both of them know the location of the five-star world beast in the initial secret realm.

After knowing these positions, Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, and took the two directly to hunt down the five-star world beast.

While cultivating five-star world beasts, hunt down the five-star world beasts at the same time!

Even if it is the twelfth law of pill, it needs a lot of law power to transform from Yin Yang Yun Pill into the law of Yin Yang origin, Qin Shaofeng's progress is very fast.

Because killing a five-star world beast, even if there is no five-star world pill in its body, the legal power possessed by the corpse of a five-star world beast can at least allow Qin Shaofeng to cultivate two A five-star world beast.

And if the five-star world beasts killed were very large, the number of five-star world beasts cultivated would increase!

This means that every time Qin Shaofeng hunts a five-star world beast, he can get at least two five-star world beast pills. If he is lucky, three and four are also common.

Therefore, even though there were only a dozen days left, the number of five-star world beast pills Qin Shaofeng had obtained was far more than the total number of five-star world beast pills he had obtained before.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Xuan Yunfei had found him after seven or eight days before the final round of Nirvana Tournament began.

At that time, Xuan Yunfei did not attack Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is simple. Looking at the five-star pinnacle world beast that has almost reached six stars, under the joint efforts of Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian and Du Meng, only five breaths have been lost, and it completely cut off its vitality. Under the circumstances, Xuan Yunfei did not take action.

What a joke, even if it is Xuan Yunfei how confident he is, after seeing Tang Qijian's ability to shoot against Du Meng, he dare not say that now he can pick two!

Perhaps after he completely consolidated the eleventh pill of the law of pupil power in his body, and adapted to the power of the ‘half-step dominating’ realm, he would have one-on-two confidence.

But now it doesn't work!

However, even in this situation, Xuan Yunfei didn't think he would lose to Qin Shaofeng's trio.

He can win!

If the consequences are not taken into consideration, Xuan Yunfei is confident that he can defeat these three, and then seize the half moon fruit he wants!

But winning like that definitely requires some price.

This is what Xuan Yunfei didn't want to encounter.

After all, the final round of Nirvana Grand Tournament will begin within a few days.

If at this juncture, he suffered some trauma, his strength would decline.

Xuan Yunfei can count on letting that Meng Xiner surrender himself with the first place result in this competition, and finally achieve the goal of letting his pupils evolve again.

Therefore, after repeatedly weighing the gains and losses, Xuan Yunfei did not intend to attack the three Qin Shaofeng.

But when he finally left, looking at the figure of Qin Shaofeng in the distance, Xuan Yunfei's eyes flashed with biting killing intent.

"Yanyang, you wait for me, you don't use that half-moon fruit in the end, if you don't, I Xuan Yunfei will make you unhappy!"


Qin Shaofeng didn't notice Xuan Yunfei's arrival.

Because Xuan Yunfei was a little far away, Xuan Yunfei also looked at this side with the power of his pupils.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not notice the arrival of Xuan Yunfei for a while.

But even if he found out, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't care.

It's just a Xuan Yun flying!

If this is not the initial secret realm, but some places outside, with Qin Shaofeng's character, I am afraid that he would have used some of his hole cards long ago, and this Xuan Yunfei would have been solved.


Under the constant hunting, the day of the final round of the Nirvana Realm Competition has finally arrived.

During this period of time, with the help of Tang Qijian and Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng won many five-star world beasts.

However, even if he had obtained a lot of world beast pills, one third of the twelfth in Qin Shaofeng's body had been transformed into the pill of law of Yin and Yang origin.

Of course, now Qin Shaofeng is external, but has combined the power of the law of the 11th Pill of Law with the power of the law of the 12th Yin Yang Yun Pill.

This led to the eleventh and twelfth Yin-Yang Cloud Pills, both in the state of Yin-Yang Yun Pill.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's current realm to the outside world is nothing more than a Nirvana Realm ten master with ten Pills of Law!

I am afraid that at this moment, even some powerful masters in the Domination Realm cannot detect Qin Shaofeng's true realm.

Before long, under the leadership of Tang Qijian and Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng came out through a passage of the original secret realm.

The entrance to the original secret realm is still the same as before, with a pile of wine jars and a drunkard!

However, what puzzled Qin Shaofeng was that both Tang Qijian and Du Meng had great respect for the drunk.

Qin Shaofeng asked after returning to the place where the Human Demon Dabi had passed through the teleportation array, and then realized that the drunk was indeed a very strong existence.

However, Tang Qijian and Du Meng didn't know exactly how strong it was. Anyway, it was a very strong one.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless, but in the end he did not ask carefully.

Because after the teleportation back, the final round of the Nirvana Grand Tournament will finally begin.

Even Qin Shaofeng and the three of them had walked a long way in the initial mystery because they hunted down the five-star world beasts. When they rushed back, there was only four hours left before the start of the game.

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