Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1185: guilty?

Chapter 1185

Soon, the three of Qin Shaofeng understood the rules of this final round of competition.

But after seeing this rule, Qin Shaofeng noticed one of them.

"You can only use your own destiny? No other weapons or props, can't you use them?"

Qin Shaofeng is speechless!

This is so special, it is obviously aimed at yourself!

Because seriously, those mechanical puppets of oneself are props, or directly weapons.

Obviously, this point must have been raised by the Demon Race, in order to stop himself from using mechanical puppets.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth, and he felt a little more playful in his heart.

Yes, these mechanical puppets are not their own destiny!

But the problem is, the Demon Cloud is his own natal soldier!

In fact, when the realm reached the realm of the realm, Qin Shaofeng discovered that his soul power had once again improved, and he could integrate the third natal weapon!

However, at that time, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any powerful weapons or other preparations in his hands, so he didn't choose to integrate the third natal weapon.

Later, after discovering that the Moyun is an evolving intelligent flying boat, it is not simple. Compared with the general evolving intelligent flying boat, Qin Shaofeng decided to integrate the Moyun into a more powerful and powerful mechanical puppet. My third natal soldier.

In fact, it was the Demon Cloud that became Qin Shaofeng's natal weapon. If the speed of evolution was so fast, it had evolved to the level of today's eight-star intelligent flying boat.

Since this Demon Cloud was already his destiny, the mechanical puppet made by Demon Cloud, but the ability of Demon Cloud, would naturally be regarded as Qin Shaofeng's destiny.

However, it was precisely because of this that later Qin Shaofeng, with his current indestructible incarnation, could no longer accommodate the fourth natal soldier after his soul had been elevated in the Nirvana state several times.

Originally, according to the strength of Qin Shaofeng's soul, after this immortal avatar was promoted to Nirvana, after being strengthened again, it was able to fuse the fourth natal weapon.

It's just that the Demon Cloud is too special, which causes his soul to no longer be able to continue to integrate the natal soldiers.

Because this extra soul power has been occupied by the upgraded Demon Cloud.

Of course, this is only a temporary situation.

As long as Qin Shaofeng's soul returns to the body, and then the body enters the Nirvana state, then his soul will be able to gain Nirvana again.

Moreover, at that time, Qin Shaofeng's body was undergoing Nirvana, and the strength of the soul's ascension was definitely much stronger than the current immortal incarnation.

When the time comes, even if the Moyun evolves to a nine-star or ten-star smart flying boat, he will be able to integrate the fourth or even the fifth natal weapon.

However, it is too early to say that.

But now because the Demon Cloud is already in his own destiny, the rules that seemed to restrict him have been completely ignored by Qin Shaofeng.

In addition to this rule, Qin Shaofeng was speechless and there was another rule, which was the rule for clearing points.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that the points obtained in the previous competition, whether it was Human Race or Demon Race, were actually cleared.

This means that from now on, both the human race and the demons have no points, so this is the final round of competition.

"I circled a cross, can I still do this? What was the previous game?"

Qin Shaofeng, who was speechless in his heart, couldn't help but vomit.

Knowing such rules a long time ago, it would be better to start the final round of the game from the beginning!

What kind of world master realm competition, realm king realm competition, and Nirvana realm competition!

It's just a waste of expression!

However, Qin Shaofeng felt a little relieved that although both the Human Race and the Demon Race had directly cancelled the points they had accumulated before.

However, the points that he and others have already obtained still exist, and they can still be exchanged for resources and items in the human treasury!

And in the last round of the competition, points can also be obtained, and the points obtained are still a hundred times the amount of the ranking points.

That is to say, in this final round of the game, you can get a little point, which is a hundred points in the human treasure house, which can be exchanged for items worth one hundred points.

This relationship is good!

After seeing this rule, Qin Shaofeng said he was very happy!

Because of this, he can also get a lot of points.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the previous top ten Qin Shaofeng and the others, ten more people were added to this final game.

Five human races, five demons!

And the amount of points earned has also changed a lot.

Twenty contestants can get at least one point regardless of their ranking.

This means that even if you lose in the first game and end up in the 20th place, you can get a little bit of points.

This is completely different from the previous rules for the points obtained by the ranking.

From the eleventh place to the last twentieth place, you can get a point.

For the top ten, the sixth place has six points, the seventh place has five points, the eighth place has four points, the ninth place has three points, and the tenth place has two points!

For the top five, the fifth one has eight points, and the fourth one gets ten points.

Here comes the point!

In fact, starting from the fourth to the tenth place, the number of points obtained by the top ten does not feel very large. The real difference is the points obtained by the top three.

The third place can get 15 points, and the second place can get 20 points!

If you get the first place, that would be 30 points!

And there is one more point. The victorious side of this battle can also get a little point.

It can be said that if this is to get one, I am afraid that half of the victory will be determined.

After all, the first place can get 30 points directly!

After reading the rules, Qin Shaofeng calmly waited for the game to start.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that at this moment, because of him, there were some disputes among the high-level Human Race.

Not long ago, just a few hours before Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian, and Du Meng came back, Xuan Yun flew back here.

Because he didn't take action against Qin Shaofeng, Xuan Yunfei could only hunt down the world beast, and use the world beast pill to consolidate his eleventh law pill.

It is precisely because of this situation that Xuan Yunfei spent a lot of time, and did not return until the day before the final round.

After returning, Xuan Yunfei hated Qin Shaofeng's killing of Du Yuanlong when he thought of his desperate hunting of world beasts these days.

It's worth it!

Du Yuanlong is a nirvana ten-fold master with ten pill of law, a rare genius among the human race, and has been included in the final round of the human-devil competition.

Suddenly died now, which is no small thing.

The most important thing is that the opponent was killed by Yan Yang, who was also one of the human players. This is no small matter.

Because of this matter, the senior human race has been discussing for a long time.

Originally, the high-level Human Race had already decided that after Yan Yang, Qin Shaofeng, came out of the initial secret realm, he would take him down for the first time.

But I don't want to, after Qin Shaofeng came back, he actually appeared in the ten-fold realm of Nirvana Realm of Ten Principles of Pill.

Then, there were different voices from the top Human Race.

If it were before, it was just a scorching sun with the highest level of Nirvana. Without the use of mechanical puppets, there would be no combat power at all!

If it were not for the firm support of Mr. Bai, it would be impossible for the opponent to occupy a place in the finals.

But now it's different!

This Yan Yang is also the state of the ten levels of Nirvana, with ten pill of laws.

Well, such a realm would be eligible for a place.

Compared with the importance of this game, Du Yuanlong, who has died, is obviously not important.

However, in the face of such a situation, Xuan Yunfei is naturally not pleased.

Fortunately, there are high-level human races who have the same idea as him.

It was still on the void stand, where the high-level human race was laying down a layer of enchantment and conducting heated discussions.

"No! How bad is this Yan-zheng personality, and they will kill each other with the clan. How can such a person let him fight for my human clan?"

A middle-aged man with a gloomy face and forty years old said viciously.

From his face, what he said, and his tone of voice, it was as if the Du Yuanlong killed by Qin Shaofeng was his son, he was extremely angry.

This person is also a strong human race who dominates the realm. It happens that this person has a good relationship with the master realm ancestor of the Xuan family.

So, even if he didn't know Du Yuanlong and Du Yuanhu at all, it was because Xuan Yunfei had found him, he didn't intend to let Yan Yang live.

"Why not!"

A burly man in his 30s who was across from him suddenly smiled coldly, "That Du Yuanlong deserves to die, because he was the one who did it first, and in the end he fought with Yanyang, but it was a fair fight, and death can only be blamed. he himself!"

This brawny man is also a strong man who dominates the realm, and the reason why he helped Qin Shaofeng speak for a simple reason is because of his identity.

This brawny man was born in the Celestial Army, and most importantly, his other identity is the disciple of the old man.

As the person his master looks at, even if it is wrong, he will support it!

"Is this a question of fairness and unfairness? The question is Du Yuanlong's strength, I am afraid I can get a few points for my human race in this competition. And how about his Yanyang? If there were no mechanical puppets, I am afraid the whole match would be. He is at the bottom!"

Xuan Yunfei did not deliberately explain in detail, Du Yuanlong's death was not in Qin Shaofeng's hands, but in the hands of Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets.

"You said that the bottom is the bottom?"

"That's natural, he has the first level of Nirvana in the Yanyang area, and it has only been a long time before he has reached the tenth level of Nirvana. Can he control the sudden increase in power? How much strength can he burst out now? How could it not be? The bottom-most existence?"

"Joke, this game hasn't started yet, you just think so? Who do you think you are!"



Soon, the whole scene began to noisy.

At this time, Na Tantaiyi finally couldn't sit still, "Okay, don't fight! Since that Yanyang killed Du Yuanlong, then..."

Tantaiyi hadn't finished saying this, but suddenly he seemed to be a dozing old Bai Lao, suddenly raised his head, and then said weakly as if he was not awake yet.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Yan Yang's mechanical puppets are all his natal soldiers, and now because of the realm beasts in the initial secret realm, they have also improved several levels!"

As soon as he said this, the old man lowered, and then he fell asleep.

Gloomy man: "..."

The brawny man: "..."

Tantaiyi: "..."

Everyone: "..."


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