Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1186: it has started

Chapter 1186

"Heh, then Xuan Yunfei is really dishonest!"

Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth as he watched the teleportation jade talisman whose light dimmed.

Just now, the old Bai suddenly came over, and then Qin Shaofeng knew that Xuan Yunfei had already stabbed him on the matter of killing Du Yuanlong himself.

It was not until this time that Qin Shaofeng knew that one of the five extra spots on the Human Race side in the last round was actually Na Du Yuanlong.

After knowing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but complain again.

Special, Du Yuanlong is so stupid~ Is he sick?

Obviously there is already a quota, and he actually plans to grab his quota. Isn't this a brainstorm?

And what left Qin Shaofeng speechless the most was that in the face of such a situation, those high-level human races actually wanted to blame him.

Although Xuan Yunfei was involved in ghosts, Qin Shaofeng was still very upset!

After all, if it weren't for himself, Human Race would have lost this big match long ago, and they would even use him to indict.

Besides, no matter how you ask the crime, you won't find him!

After all, whether it was Du Yuanlong's killer against him before, or between him and Du Yuanlong later, it was also an open and upright contest.

In such a competition, kill Du Yuanlong, he is fine at all!

However, even though he was very upset in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was still silent.

No way, who told those high-level leaders to have the strength to dominate the realm one by one, which makes them unattainable now!

You can't afford to be offended, but that doesn't mean that you have been slaughtered like this!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng not only explained to Bai Lao that he defeated Du Yuanlong with his real strength, and most importantly, his mechanical puppets had been greatly improved.

Not only have they reached the nine levels of Nirvana, they even have a mechanical puppet with ten levels of Nirvana.

After learning about these things, Mr. Bai only gave Qin Shaofeng a word of'you brave the game', and did not continue to say anything to Qin Shaofeng.

However, after receiving Bai Lao's assurance, Qin Shaofeng was completely relieved.

With Bai Lao here, he doesn't need to worry too much.

Just as Qin Shaofeng expected, when Old Bai said that he had 15 mechanical puppets with nine levels of Nirvana, and a mechanical puppet with ten levels of Nirvana, the original voice of asking him for questioning was completely reduced.

It was very simple. Those high-level Qin Shaofeng mechanical puppets had seen them and knew that those mechanical puppets were a bit special and had very powerful combat power.

The level of the sixth level of Nirvana can defeat some Nirvana level ten masters who have six or seven pieces. Now they have been upgraded to the level of the ninth level of Nirvana. That kind of combat power is already very powerful.

And there is also a mechanical puppet with ten levels of Nirvana!

If this is combined with Yan Yang himself, a ten-tier master of Nirvana with ten Pills of Law, even if the lineup does not get the first place, it may be able to enter the top ten, or even the top five.

Compared with him, a mere Du Yuanlong is no longer important!

Even though the gloomy middle-aged man among them, he still suggested that Qin Shaofeng might lie, saying that those mechanical puppets could not be his destiny at all, so that they could not be taken out in the game.

But these words were all in the words of "You bastard~ account doesn't believe the old man", so I completely silenced him.

To tell the truth, once Bai Lao is more serious, let alone the gloomy man, even if he is present, including Tan Taiyi, the person in charge of the competition, he cannot refute it.

If it weren't for this reason, I'm afraid that a rare entry into the initial secret realm would not fall on Qin Shaofeng, a kid with the highest level of Nirvana.


After the interrogation with Bai Lao ended, Qin Shaofeng never received any more information, and quietly waited for the start of the big match.

A few hours later, the final round of the human-devil competition finally began.

Qin Shaofeng did not sit with Tang Qijian and Du Meng at this moment, because the Jiang family's existence, even the slightest possible exposure factor, was strangled by Qin Shaofeng and the others.

Therefore, the three are sitting separately now.

In fact, in this competition, all the players did not sit in one place, and Qin Shaofeng was just sitting in a stand around the ring space.

Now Qin Shaofeng only knows that the previous top ten players, the five more human races and demons behind this, he still doesn't know!

However, Qin Shaofeng knows one thing, that is, his first opponent must be a member of the Demon Race.

Because in the final round, there were 20 players, half of the human race and the demons.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, the opponent can only be hostile!

As for who his opponent is, it is all determined by the high-level human and demons. Qin Shaofeng heard the old Bai say that it seemed to use the most primitive method-drawing lots!

When those high-level officials decide the order of the game, then their players will soon know their opponents.

Soon, at the last quarter of an hour to the game, Qin Shaofeng learned of his first opponent from the jade talisman allowed for the game.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt a little weird when he saw the name on the jade talisman he was sending.

Mo Yanyu!

This is Qin Shaofeng's first opponent, Qin Shaofeng never thought that his opponent would be him!

Regarding Mo Yanyu's situation, Qin Shaofeng naturally knew, after all, the opponent was following him, the Mozu who followed the trend to the final.

Qin Shaofeng also knows now, why this Mo Yanyu possesses so many powerful mechanical puppets, this is all because this Mo Yanyu was born into a demon clan of the Demon Realm Royal Family, and is also a member of the family line.

The most important thing is that the person in charge of the demon clan is the Lao Tzu of the demon Yanyu.

This seems to be a really awesome rich second generation and strong second generation!

However, Qin Shaofeng still didn't pay attention to the opponent in this situation.

Huh, mechanical puppet?

Do not worry!

Mo Yanyu, you Lao Tzu made such a rule for you, and soon Qin Shaofeng will let me understand that this is useless.

Not long after, all the players knew their first opponent.

This last round of matches was not all carried out at the same time like the previous ones, but one after the other.

Anyway, there are only twenty players. From the beginning to the end, it is estimated that it will not take much time.

First of all, there were ten matches with twenty players, and only after this match did the real top ten masters have been decided.

The match between Qin Shaofeng and Na Mo Yanyu was not the first, but was ranked in the third.

This first game was Tang Qijian and a demon race.

Although they had recognized each other, Qin Shaofeng still did not replace Tang Qijian and Du Meng with the system skills they currently possess.

In fact, no matter it is Tang Qijian or Du Meng, the three skills they possess are no longer helpful to them at this stage.

Although Xiao Li's flying sword and Wukongshu are god-level skills, whether it is Tang Qijian or Du Meng's Xiaoli flying knife or Wukongshu, they are actually not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng's own. , Be regarded as a weakened version of the god-level skills.

Although still very powerful, it is only relatively speaking!

After all, both of them are now at the pinnacle of Nirvana, and the number of Pills of Law has exceeded ten.

Therefore, even if the two had already practiced Xiao Li Fei Dao to the full level, the power was limited.

Even now Tang Qijian uses his own spirit root to awaken sword moves, but there are many of them, which can explode the power of Xiao Li Fei Dao in his full level state.

With Wukongshu, let alone say no more.

In fact, the full-level state of this air dance technique allows Tang Qijian and Du Meng to have the ability to break through space.

But unfortunately, this not only consumes a lot of money, it is also very fast.

In Tang Qijian's words, if the body fits the sword, the speed is probably faster than the Wukongshu, many times faster!

Although Du Meng is not a speed-type master, instead of consuming a lot of the power of the law, he is doing the air dance, it is better for him to directly break the constraints of space with his powerful body!

The only skill that still has some effect on the two of them now is Yi Jin Jing.

But for the same reason, the Yi Jin Jing that the two had was not as exaggerated and powerful as Qin Shaofeng's, and neither of them had cultivated the Yi Jin Jing to the full level.

But that's it, the Yi Jin Jing of both can bring them some bonuses, these bonuses are one to three times the power of the laws they own!

Don't look at such a small bonus, as little as one to three times.

But in fact, even if it is restricted by spiritual roots, the power of the law that every pill of law possesses is not a lot of Tang Qijian. That is all relative. The power of law he possesses is actually compared to the general Nirvana. Master, but much more.

To make an analogy, in general, the power of the law of a pill of law in Nirvana is one unit, so the Tang Qijian probably has at least five units, and with the addition of Yi Jin Jing, it is at least quite ordinary people’s eight. ~ Nine times.

As for Du Meng, it is even more needless to say, not to mention the comparison of the general Nirvana.

Even if it was Tang Qijian, a powerful Nirvana pinnacle master, Du Meng possessed three or five times the power of the law.

This has the bonus of Yi Jin Jing, and Du Meng's law power is probably dozens of times that of the general Nirvana!

Even Qin Shaofeng's words, if it wasn't for the ontology that was just the current indestructible avatar, even with the blessing of Yi Jinjing in its full-level state, it would be far less powerful than Du Meng's possession of so many laws.

This makes Qin Shaofeng a little bit emotional, because if his immortal incarnation possesses as much law power as Du Meng, then he is sure that under the dominance, no one will be his opponent, even those so-called' Half-step dominate'!

I circled a fork. If I had such a law of power, the flying feather knives could be thrown at will, I see which person under the dominance can handle it.

This was the first time Qin Shaofeng felt the emotion when he learned of the power of law that Du Meng possessed.

This is true, because with the power of the law in Du Meng's body, even if it is the uninterrupted use of the flying feather knife, it can burst out at least 70 or 80 times.

What's worse is that Yi Jin Jing has a super recovery ability.

Even the speed at which Du Meng recovered the power of the law was not as exaggerated as the Yi Jin Jing possessed by Qin Shaofeng's body.

However, with the base of the power of law that Du Meng currently has, he can recover the power of the law that consumes twelve or three flying feathers with one breath.

If this is Du Meng's physical recovery ability, I am afraid it can increase his recovery two or three times!

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