Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1189: Qin Shaofeng appeared

Chapter 1189 Qin Shaofeng Appears

Xiang Chengfeng is just one of his demon family members, even if he has been strengthened by the system, he possesses a very good and powerful Sword Demon Holy Spirit.

But in just a few months, he jumped from the realm of the realm to the realm of Nirvana, and it was also the pinnacle of the realm of Nirvana, with ten pill of laws.

This is incredible!

However, when Qin Shaofeng saw Xiang Chengfeng's newly evolved talent skills, he knew why Xiang Chengfeng's realm had progressed so leaps and bounds after the devouring.

The devouring of this demon is very terrifying and very evil.

Because of the devouring of the devil, Xiang Chengfeng has the ability to swallow the strength of others to strengthen himself to improve.

For example, if Xiang Chengfeng is only the first level of Nirvana and has a realm of the pill of law, if there are ten Nirvana states of the same realm and let him swallow them, then he can quickly ascend to the second level of Nirvana. , And condensed two pill of law.

And the most incredible thing is that while possessing the Devourer of Demon, this envoy of Xiang Chengfeng is actually a Devourer!

Regarding this spirit devourer, Qin Shaofeng knew of its existence from some information left by Leng Yaxuan.

Devourer insect is the most other existence in the ancient sanctuary demon realm. It has no entity. Although it is called devourer insect, it is actually just a special energy similar to insects. Life form!

This Devourer Worm itself doesn't have any specific powerful attack power. Strictly speaking, it doesn't even have much attack power at all.

If it weren't for the existence of a special power in the Seven Realms of the World, I am afraid that it would not need the domain master realm, and even the strength below the lord realm would be able to easily catch this devourer.

Such existence is definitely an extremely weak existence.

But the Devourer Worm has a very special, and relatively powerful ability, that is, the power that all spirituality possesses.

What is the power of spirituality?

In fact, it is very simple. Human races and demons, as well as other races in the ancient sanctuary, all have spiritual power, in simple terms, they have spiritual life.

Even if there is no spiritual intelligence, as long as there are creatures with some power, they can be swallowed by the devourer.

And the most amazing thing is that no matter how much power the Devourer Worm swallows, it will not be burst, and it will not even have the slightest effect on itself.

But if someone is attracted by the Devourer Worm and clings to each other as a symbiote, then that person is extremely lucky.

The power of devouring creatures is just a natural instinct of devouring devils. Since it does not get any improvement, once it attaches to the host, it will feed back most of the swallowed power to the host, allowing the host Improve strength.

I'm afraid this is because after being swallowed by the Devourer Insect, the power that comes back out is purer than what I cultivated myself.

If the devouring demon insect swallows a master of Nirvana, the power of the law swallowed by it can definitely turn into the purest power of law.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the power of the rules of Naye was probably the same as the power of the laws contained in the world beasts in the initial mystery realm. They were all the power of laws that could be directly absorbed and used for improvement.

After learning that Xiang Chengfeng possessed such a Devourer Insect, Qin Shaofeng's spurs were advancing so fast, which was not so strange.

The only thing that surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Xiang Chengfeng was able to obtain a Spirit Devouring Demon Insect, which was really incredible.

Because the appearance of the Devourer Worm is definitely a big movement, especially the newly born Devourer Worm, for the existence of Domination Realm, I am afraid that it can be sensed for the first time even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles apart.

The existence of the Devouring Demon Insect, even the powerhouse who dominates the realm, will definitely be moved.

I am afraid that once it appears, it will definitely cause a **** storm.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know when Xiang Chengfeng got the Devourer Insect, even with Xiang Chengfeng's current strength, it was absolutely impossible to obtain a Devourer Insect silently.

Is it a gift from the blood family?

Qin Shaofeng guessed in his heart, but soon he shook his head and denied it.

Because even if it is a special mutant sword demon like Xiang Chengfeng, no matter how talented he is, he is not a disciple of the blood family, it is impossible to give such a precious spirit devourer insect.

But Qin Shaofeng still doesn't know exactly what it is.

No way, after Xiang Chengfeng came here, it was a while in the demons camp, Qin Shaofeng couldn't contact the opponent at all.

However, even though he didn't know Xiang Chengfeng's experience during this period, Qin Shaofeng knew that Xiang Chengfeng's current strength was absolutely powerful.

In fact, it is true!

In the arena, after the players from both sides appeared on the stage, the whole battle did not last long, and it ended immediately.

Obviously, Xiang Chengfeng's opponent did not know that Xiang Chengfeng, the mutant Sword Demon clan, possessed a Devourer Insect.

Although the Devourer Worm doesn't have any offensive ability, if faced with a pure energy attack, the Devourer Worm can swallow it directly.

When announcing the start of the game, the master of Human Race Nirvana clearly knew about the existence of Xiang Chengfeng, a mutant sword demon race. Because of Xiang Chengfeng’s previous performance on the big competition, this human race was the first to pull away from Xiang Chengfeng. Distance.

Such a move was quite correct, and it was indeed a very correct choice to keep away from fighting Xiang Chengfeng.

Only in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's actions made Qin Shaofeng not know what to say.

Because at the same time as the distance, the human nirvana master burst out an attack immediately, and it was the kind that burst out with all strength.

The human race expert was full of breath, and the power of the law continued to surge, and then shot a huge palm print against Xiang Chengfeng in the air.

This is incredible, because this human race master is also a talented genius, and the power of the law of his cultivation actually has three attributes.

Fire, wind, thunder!

This is the power of three laws that complement each other!

Wind can increase the power of fire, and fire can increase the power of thunder.

Therefore, the palm prints that erupted from the human masters roared astonishingly, the whole body was made of hot flames, and the entire huge palm prints were surrounded by violent purple lightning.

The most advantageous thing is that this outbreak seems to be the extraordinary performance of the human race, allowing the power of this palmprint to reach the level of almost ‘half-step dominating’.

With such a power, I am afraid that even if Du Yuanlong regenerates, if he meets, he will definitely hate Jiuquan again.

Even when it broke out, the Nirvana human race master himself was slightly taken aback, and then there was a bit of joy and confidence on his face.

But the next moment, what happened, made him completely stupid.

Because under this eruption, his supernormal handprints were displayed, and when he was about to hit Xiang Chengfeng, he suddenly shook and disappeared.

It did not disappear, because at that moment, the Devourer Insect in Chengfeng moved.


As if just stretched a lazy waist gently, a special force burst out from the spirit devouring insect in Xiang Chengfeng's body, and directly faced the huge palm print.

Then, the space is distorted!

As if a black hole appeared suddenly, that palm print was swallowed up in that instant.

It looked as if it had disappeared all at once.

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, the Human Race expert's face was dumbfounded, and the whole person was even more dazed.

Then, without giving him a chance to react, Xiang Chengfeng's figure flashed directly in front of him.


As soon as he stretched out his hand, Xiang Chengfeng blasted the opponent out, and this was not over yet, at the moment when the opponent was blasted off, the human master had already suffered severe damage.

Because at the moment when he attacked the opponent, Xiang Chengfeng moved the power of the sword demon holy spirit.

Xiang Chengfeng's Sword Demon Holy Spirit, the talented spirit root skill, is an attack directly on the enemy's soul.

Therefore, after this blow, the ending is doomed.

It's over!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly, knowing that Xiang Chengfeng had won the game.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's brow furrowed slightly.

I saw that after the arena blasted the opponent out, Xiang Chengfeng was in the same figure, and he actually followed it closely. Before that human race master had not landed, he came directly to the opponent.



With a scream, the next moment everyone saw that a powerful suction burst out of Xiang Chengfeng's body, completely sucking up that human race!

Although he knows that Xiang Chengfeng now represents the Demon Race, and his Human Race is a mortal enemy.

But after seeing Xiang Chengfeng's method, Qin Shaofeng still felt a little disgusted.

Forget it, after all, Xiang Chengfeng's current identity is the Demon Race, if he is not a killer, I am afraid that some Demon Race will be disgusted, but it is not easy for him to integrate into the Demon Race.

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it.

Anyway, he didn't know that human race, he would die if he died!

It's just that Qin Shaofeng didn't notice that even though Xiang Chengfeng had a cold face when he was absorbing the human master, in the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of madness and color, and some...fascination!

With the end of the second game, everyone's reaction to the first game was completely different.

Because this time, it was the turn of the demons to laugh proudly, and the human side began to feel depressed.

Especially after seeing the third game, after the players on his side, and the players on the Mozu side, the atmosphere of the people on the human side was even more sluggish.

"How could it be him?"

"It's over, this time it was actually Yan Yang, this one is terrible!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that Yan Yang would actually participate in a good round of competition. Isn't this a mess?"

"It's not good, it's very bad, it seems that this time our human race has to lose another game."

These voices were not deliberately aimed at Qin Shaofeng, but since they learned that in the last round of the game, only their own destiny soldiers can appear, both the human race and the demons agreed that they were originally in the Nirvana Grand Competition, many times. Yan Yang, who was dazzling the scene of the game, probably gave up the game.

Everyone knows that Yan Yang's strength only comes from his mechanical puppets. Now that there is no mechanical puppet, Yan Yang itself is probably a weak chicken at all, unable to get on the stage at all.

Many Human Races and Demon Races agree that the senior human race has already replaced Yan Yang's quota.

But now it seems that Yan Yang's quota has not been replaced, it is him!

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