Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1190: Puppet to puppet

Chapter 1190 Puppet vs. Puppet

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the Human Race side to be so absurd, and actually let that Yanyang play?"

"It's really funny, I remember that Yan Yang itself is the first level of Nirvana! What can he do without a mechanical puppet?"

"Hahaha, don't say so absolutely! It's right that people have been practicing hard during this period, and now they are the cultivation base of the peak realm of Nirvana?"

"Fart, when Nirvana reaches its peak, can it be cultivated by being ruthless?"


Unlike the Human Race, the Demon Crowd was laughing and mocking.

In their opinion, under the limitation that existence can only use natal soldiers, Yan Yang without mechanical puppets is completely funny.

On this point, the Human Race is also thinking like this.

In short, no one has any hope for Qin Shaofeng!

In fact, because Qin Shaofeng also returned from the initial secret realm, his own realm was deliberately hidden again.

Although Qin Shaofeng's deliberate concealment is actually hidden under the premise of concealing the eleventh pill of law.

It's just that, even if it is hidden like this, it is estimated that the entire scene, except for those high-level human races who have known it beforehand, can sense the ten-fold realm of Nirvana of Qin Shaofeng's ten Pills of Law at this moment, and it is probably difficult for others to sense it.

So, in fact, seriously, those demons who laughed at Qin Shaofeng were really right.

Qin Shaofeng really raised his cultivation realm to the pinnacle of Nirvana in such a short time.

It's just not from the Nirvana Realm!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was standing in the arena, and it was Mo Yanyu, the son of Demon Abyss!

After boarding the ring, Mo Yanyu didn't look at Qin Shaofeng more, just glanced at Qin Shaofeng first, and after giving Qin Shaofeng a look of contempt and mockery, he didn't look at Qin Shaofeng any more.

Although Mo Yanyu's posture seemed a bit arrogant, he still had such a capital.

Because there is no such thing as a leapfrog challenge to get points, so before the start of the last round of the game, this Mo Yanyu also conducted a special training class.

You must know that Demon Yanyu's Laozi Demon Abyss, but an absolute powerhouse, is not only a powerhouse who dominates the realm, but also an existence far beyond the general ruler.

For this match, Mo Yuan personally trained Mo Yanyu in a special training, and he still practiced without regard to resource consumption.

Therefore, at this moment, before the start of the final round of the competition, Mo Yanyu finally reached the tenth level of Nirvana, and then cultivated ten pill of law.

Needless to say, Mo Yanyu's mechanical puppets had already been adopted by him as the gods.

With a powerful father like Moyuan, for strengthening mechanical puppets, for Mo Yanyu, there is no need to worry about anything.

With the accumulation of resources of the Demon Family of the Demon Realm Royal Family, now Demon Yanyu's mechanical puppets belonging to his natal gods are far more powerful than before!

Mo Yanyu believed that as long as he took out those mechanical puppets, he would definitely shock the countless people present.

Mo Yanyu also has his ambitions, because of the existence of his father Moyuan, he knows the significance of this time the human-devil competition.

To be precise, this is the real purpose of this ten thousand race for hegemony.

Therefore, Mo Yanyu wanted to get the first place in this competition.

Although Mo Yanyu knew that this time, it was very difficult for him to get the first place.

But Mo Yanyu is confident that with the power he currently holds, there is no absolute hope for the first place, but if he is the second, he can have absolute certainty.

At this moment, looking at the human race in front of him, Mo Yanyu smiled coldly and said directly: "Humanity, do you go down by yourself, or let me kill you on this ring?"

Although Qin Shaofeng had many dazzling achievements and performances before, Mo Yanyu still did not take it to heart.

Because in Mo Yanyu's view, the opponent's own mechanical puppets were able to achieve those dazzling performance records before.

But in the current situation, the opponent obviously can't use those mechanical puppets.

How could such an enemy be his opponent of Mo Yanyu?

However, this Mo Yanyu also has his arrogance!

Disdain to kill some weak human races to show his strength.

If it weren't for the previous rules, there was a rule of leapfrogging to obtain points, even if it was only Mo Yanyu of the fourth and fifth levels of Nirvana, most of them, even a few of the top ten masters of Nirvana, would not take it seriously.

Now that there is a mere scorching sun, how can he look at it?

Mo Yanyu's arrogant posture naturally let Qin Shaofeng know the other party's mentality at the moment.

It's swollen!

Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly, raised his gaze, and smiled softly: "Heh, who are you? This time, Yan Yang has heard a lot of these things, but all the demons who say such things are now already dead!"


Mo Yanyu did not expect that he mercifully spared the other party a small life, but in exchange for such a word, it made him instantly furious.

"Damn Yang, you really dare to say that!"

Mo Yanyu's face sank, and his eyes shot with murderous intent: "Very well, a human being, I am merciful and spare you a dog, not only do you not kneel and kowtow to thank you, but also make such a big talk. It seems that you can't keep you!"


With another light stroke, a black shadow flashed past, and a mechanical puppet suddenly appeared in front of Mo Yanyu.

The moment the mechanical puppet was seen, the crowd exploded in an instant.

"My grass, a mechanical puppet? And it's still a ten-level mechanical puppet of Nirvana?"

"Yeah! Didn't it mean that no mechanical puppets can appear in this final round of competition?"

"You are so stupid! The rules for this final round of the competition are that weapons and preparations other than one's own destiny cannot be displayed. Obviously, this demon Yanyu can freely summon this mechanical puppet, that means this mechanical The puppet is the opponent's natal soldier!"

"Tsk tusk, if you have a background, it's different! It's a waste of fusion times to fuse mechanical puppets as one's own destiny!"

"Hey, you don't know about it! People are members of the Demon Family, the Demon Family's special bloodline, even if the number of times the current price is used to integrate the natal gods, etc., it can be improved. Increased again!"

"Hey, it's the same sentence, no matter how hard you practice and struggle, you might as well have a good birth!"


Outside the ring space, there were waves of discussions, which fluctuated with each other.

At this moment, let alone the side of the Demon Race, even the crowd on the Human Race side cast a lot of enviable gazes at Demon Yanyu.

At this moment, on the Void Stand, the high-level members of the Demon Race were all flattering Demon Abyss.

"No loss is the son of Lord Demon Yuan, Master Demon Yanyu is really talented, and he can cultivate to the tenth level of Nirvana in such a short time!"

"Indeed, but, apart from the reason for Master Demon Yanyu's detached talent, Master Demon Yuan taught well among them!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's right, Master Demon Yuan is amazing!"

"It seems that Master Mo Yanyu will definitely be in the top three in this competition!"

"What the top three! In my opinion, the first place belongs to Master Mo Yanyu!"


With a disgusting flattery, it is hard to imagine that this is a group of powerhouses who dominate the realm.

What is even more unimaginable is that in the face of such a disgusting flattery, as the ruler of the extremely powerful Demon Abyss, he actually heard it with relish and enjoyed it very much.

It has to be said that this strength is one thing, but it is true that, except for changes in strength, no matter it is Human, Demon, or other races, they cannot escape the general vulgar personality and habits.


On the ring.

The high-profile situation made Mo Yanyu very proud.

However, when his gaze fell on the opposite Qin Shaofeng, he suddenly felt angry again, and then with a big wave of his hand, he gave instructions to the mechanical puppet in front of him.

"Go, number 3, kill this ignorant and arrogant human for me!"


Mo Yanyu gave an order, and the figure of the mechanical puppet No. 3 flashed, and instantly killed Qin Shaofeng.

This No. 3 is worthy of being a mechanical puppet with the tenth level of Nirvana. The strength is very good, just a flash, it came to Qin Shaofeng in an instant, and then attacked.

This shot is absolutely full!

Because Mo Yanyu's order was to kill Qin Shaofeng, all this mechanical puppet didn't mean to retain any strength at all.

At this glance, the attack of the mechanical puppet No. 3 would fall on Qin Shaofeng's body, directly blasting Qin Shaofeng to death.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly appeared in front of him.


With a pure and powerful metal crash, the figure that suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly blocked the attack of Mo Yanyu's No. 3 mechanical puppet directly.


this is?

Seeing a figure suddenly appeared on the ring, the crowd outside the ring space became lively again.

Because of this sudden appearance, the figure who replaced Qin Shaofeng's No. 3 mechanical puppet attacking is also a mechanical puppet!

"No, why is it a mechanical puppet again? Didn't it mean that you can't take it out if it's not a natal soldier?"

"Hey, do I need to say more? It's nothing more than that Yan Yang directly integrated one of his mechanical puppets into his own destiny soldier!"

"Tsk tusk, this scorching sun is really true, he thought he was that demon Yanyu! Without enough soul strength, he was so wasting the refining of a mortal soldier!"

"Ha, maybe people plan to win a good result in this competition!"

"Good grades? Just rely on his current mechanical puppet? There is a fart possible!"


After watching Qin Shaofeng also summon a mechanical puppet, people were surprised whether they were Human Race or Demon Race.

But more still don't care!

Because they didn't believe that this time Qin Shaofeng could still win the game by relying on mechanical puppets.

Mechanical puppet?

On the ring, looking at the figure who had been fighting with his No. 3 mechanical puppet, Mo Yanyu showed a trace of astonishment in his eyes, but soon a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Heh, this Yan Yang is really ignorant. He thought he could win the final round with a mechanical puppet?

What a delusion!

With a cold smile in his heart, Mo Yanyu didn't care.

Because he had already seen that the mechanical puppet that the opponent summoned was not as high-level as his No. 3 mechanical puppet, it was just a mechanical puppet with ten levels of Nirvana.

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