Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 119: New skills


After giving the last order, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a slight change in his attribute interface, and then in the skill column, the three skills of Wudang Changquan, Wudang Zongyun Ladder, and Huashan Basic Sword Technique disappeared.

Along with the disappearance of the three skills, there was another prompt sound from the system.

"System prompt: The recovery is successful, congratulations to the player for obtaining 12150 skill proficiency points!"

12150 points?

Qin Shaofeng moved in his heart, calculated it in secret, and then understood.

The three skills of Wudang Changquan, Wudang Zongyun Ladder, and Huashan Basic Swordsmanship are all ordinary skills, and they have all been promoted to full level 5 by Qin Shaofeng.

In other words, each of the three skills has 8,100 skill proficiency points, and the total of the three skills is 24,300 points.

Now after the recovery, Qin Shaofeng only got 12150 points.

It can be seen that it was swallowed by the system abruptly, and there were no points at all.

"Oh, it really is a black heart system!"

He sighed softly, but the next moment Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes and smiled.

Because he can finally learn, the dance he has longed for so long.

Qin Shaofeng has long been fascinated by Wukongshu. Now that he has become an innate martial artist and has more than 10,000 points of skill proficiency, how about letting Wukongshu not learn?

"System I want to learn the air dance technique!" Excited Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

The system also gave Qin Shaofeng face, and the prompt sounded immediately.

"System prompt: Does the player Qin Shaofeng learn the god-level skill Wukong?"


As Qin Shaofeng responded with excitement, he buzzed, Qin Shaofeng saw the attribute interface in front of his eyes. There was one more skill in the skill bar.

Air Dance: Level 1 0/100, God-level active skill, after it is cast, people can move and fly freely in the air without being restricted by gravity! The current level is level 1, which can fly up to 100 meters high at a speed of 10 meters per second. Need to consume internal energy, 10,000 internal energy needs to be consumed every minute.


At the beginning, the attributes of this empty dance made Qin Shaofeng's heart moved.

Level 1 can fly freely at an altitude of 100 meters, and the speed actually reaches 10 meters per second, which is really flying.

But in the end, Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded by the words that required 10,000 points of energy per minute.

With 10,000 points of energy, can only perform the maintenance of the air dance for one minute?

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng discovered that his current internal energy seems to be less than 10,000 points!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate anymore. In order to fly as quickly as possible, he used all the remaining experience points to upgrade his level.

Although Qin Shaofeng's storage level is as high as 280,000 points, because of the upgrade task, the current upgrade experience value needs to be upgraded three times normally.

Qin Shaofeng spent 29,997 experience points when he reached the first level of the innate, and then when he reached the second level of the innate, because it required 10,000 points of experience, it was almost the same as upgrading from an acquired martial artist to an innate martial artist.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng was upgraded to the second congenital level, he also consumed 30,000 experience points. When he was upgraded to the congenital third level, Qin Shaofeng consumed 90,000 experience points.

Innate Triple Ascend Innate Quadruple requires 120,000 experience points, and Qin Shaofeng's stored experience points are still enough.

In the end, in less than a minute, Qin Shaofeng flashed three upgrade white lights.

After breaking through the four levels in a row, Qin Shaofeng consumed a total of 210,000 experience points, and the remaining experience points he had stored were a little more than 70,000.

This is not enough to upgrade and break the innate fivefold.

So in the end, Qin Shaofeng had only been promoted to the four-fold congenital realm, and the remaining stored experience values ​​had become Qin Shaofeng's current experience at a ratio of three to one.

If this is known to others, I am afraid it will be shocked and stupid.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the four levels of cultivation have been continuously improved. This is considered a breakthrough in the Spirit Garden. Qin Shaofeng is also the first person since the establishment of Lianyang Academy!

At this point, the upgrade task is finally over, Qin Shaofeng can now continue to kill monsters and upgrade.

Qin Shaofeng, who was born in the four-fold realm, his inner vigor finally exceeded ten thousand points, and he met the requirements for performing the dance art.

Qin Shaofeng immediately used the comprehension dance technique as soon as his internal energy reached the requirements of the dance technique.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt his body lighten as soon as he performed the Wukong technique, and then he floated up.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that he could fly at will with his thoughts and intentions while floating.

Fast or slow, high or low, left or right, up or down...

For a while, what Qin Shaofeng played was a great joy!

The only thing that made Qin Shaofeng a little regretful was that the space in this wooden house seemed to be a little too small, and he couldn't really enjoy flying.

But despite this, Qin Shaofeng returned to the ground when his internal energy consumption reached less than 10,000 points.

After returning to the ground, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and then consumed his skill proficiency, and began to upgrade the level of the dance technique.

In the end, 11100 points of skill proficiency were consumed, and Qin Shaofeng's air dance technique reached level 3.

Air Dance: Level 3 0/10000, God-level active skill, can move and fly freely in the air without being restricted by gravity! The current level is 3, and it can fly within 300 meters at an altitude of 30 meters per second. Need to consume internal energy, 10,000 internal energy needs to be consumed every minute.

Qin Shaofeng was not disappointed by the 3rd level dance art. Not only did the altitude rise to 300 meters, but the speed reached 30 meters per second.

One second is 30 meters, which is compared with the speed of a general cheetah.

If the internal gas value is sufficient, one hour is 100 kilometers.

This air dance is really amazing!

This made Qin Shaofeng increasingly look forward to this empty dance technique.

After finally calming down the excitement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng began to enter the system store and choose new skills for himself.

After some selection, Qin Shaofeng spent 23,000 points and purchased three skills from the system store.

These three skills are prefecture-level three-star all true swordsmanship, worth 10,000 points.

The prefecture-level two-star body method walks on the snow without trace, worth 8,000 points.

The prefecture-level one-star palm method Tianshan Liuyang palm is worth 5,000 points.

The prefecture level skills can be upgraded to level 7. The true swordsmanship, snow treading Wuhen, and Tianshan Six Sun Palm are enough for Qin Shaofeng to use for a long time.

At the very least, before the level is raised to the spirit vein realm, there is no need to change the sword technique, palm technique, and body technique.

Seven swords and seven styles of the true swordsmanship, a total of seven, seven forty-nine styles. Every level of improvement can awaken one sword and seven poses.

Treading Snow Without Trace, one of Tianshan's unique skills is the proud skill of Tianshan Tongmao. After use, people can move to the selected location instantly.

Although this so-called teleportation, Qin Shaofeng also tried it, at most it was a flash, it probably didn't take 1 second, it was not a real teleportation.

But within three meters, it only needs to consume 10 points of internal energy, and it can flash anywhere in less than a second, and even if it is ten meters, the maximum is 100 points of internal energy.

This is only a level 1 state of Taxue Wuhen, if it reaches level 7, Qin Shaofeng's heart is excited just thinking about it.

Qin Shaofeng believes that Taxue Wuhen, who is at least level 7, can definitely achieve the real state of Taxue Wuhen.

As for the Tianshan Six-Yang Palm, this palm is extremely powerful, and it is one of the deepest palms of the Xiaoyao Sect, and when the palm is released, the left and right palms can carry different internal qi from the yin and yang, and the fusion erupts with more powerful power.

It can be said that these three skills are more than a bit stronger than the Wudang Changquan, Wudang vertical ladder, and Huashan basic swordsmanship that Qin Shaofeng originally possessed.

After all, no matter how you say it, these three skills are also earth-level skills!

With the sword technique, the body technique and light skill, and the palm technique.

Well, there seems to be nothing missing!

Well, the real reason is not that there is nothing missing, but that Qin Shaofeng's points are not enough.

Otherwise, he is afraid that the first thing he will learn is the Lingbo Weibu of the Xiaoyao Sect and the Six-Medition Divine Sword of the Dali Duan Clan.

It's a pity that whether it is Lingbo Microstep or Six-Medition Divine Sword, they are all heavenly five-star skills, and Qin Shaofeng's eyes are stopped by the more points!

However, Qin Shaofeng is also quite satisfied now.

The level has been improved, the skills have been learned, and the empty dance technique has been fulfilled.

Looks like you can go out!

But Qin Shaofeng entered this spiritual garden in less than a day!

There is no way to avoid other people's attention, Qin Shaofeng still intends to consume it here.

Anyway, he had already prepared food for ten days in accordance with Lao Li's instructions in the storage ring, and even five more days of food was prepared by Qin Shaofeng.

That being the case, Qin Shaofeng could only practice the skills he had just acquired in this wooden house.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng began a helpless skill training.

But the next day, when Qin Shaofeng was practicing the 108 Yoga pose, he suddenly discovered that practicing the Yoga 108 pose here was half the effort, and Qin Shaofeng soon succeeded in practicing the second pose.

The success of the second type of cultivation has increased Qin Shaofeng's basic internal energy by a full 1,000 points.

In addition, when Qin Shaofeng practiced the third formula, he also felt that he could successfully cultivate the third formula in these ten days.

This finally made Qin Shaofeng a little energetic.

During this period, on the fifth day of entering the Spirit Garden, Qin Shaofeng, who was somewhat bored, took the time to conduct an ordinary lottery.

In the end he got an experience bonus card.

Ten times experience bonus card: After use, players can directly get ten times experience points on the basis of the experience points gained by killing monsters for one hour.

Ten times experience bonus card!

And it's still ten times the basis of all experience gained by oneself!

As soon as this experience bonus card was obtained, Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to rush out immediately, and then found a group of monsters to fight.

But after feeling that his 108 yoga pose was about to break through to the third pose, Qin Shaofeng finally held back.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to use that special chance for a lottery. Anyway, he didn't seem to be short of anything at this time. It might be possible to play a special role when it is critical.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't know was that this idea was actually verified after a few days.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng was extremely grateful for his actions today.

Two more days later, on the seventh day Qin Shaofeng entered the spiritual garden, his 108 yoga poses finally broke through to the third pose.

And Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't stay still, and was about to arrive.

The third style also gave Qin Shaofeng 1,000 points of internal energy, and Qin Shaofeng's attributes at the moment had been completely changed.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Grade: Congenital Fourfold, 24417/40000

Internal energy value: 105000 (Innate Quadruple possesses 12000 points, Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, equipment bonus is 10%)

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of Thunder

Skills: Eyes of Fire, Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Lei Dun Lightning Armor, Alchemy, Yoga 108 Style, Dancing Sky, True Sword Technique, Snow Stepping Wuhen, Tianshan Six Sun Palm...

Battle Beasts: Bailing Demon Fox, Tiger Roaring Lion

Equipment: Face of First Spirit, Chain of First Spirit, Belt of First Spirit, Ring of First Spirit

Task: None

Points: 1100

Title: Official student (star students from Lianyang Academy have been recognized by Lianyang Country, killing monsters in Lianyang Country will get a triple bonus for gaining experience!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 1 time

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skills not learned: none)

Props: a card consumes one prop (experience bonus card)

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