Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 120: Run away?

Inner strength broke 100,000!

This is the benefit that yoga pose 108 brings to Qin Shaofeng, and this is the third pose. Wouldn't it be even more exaggerated if you cultivate to the back?

Not only that, in the past few days, after exhausting all skill proficiency, plus Qin Shaofeng's own practice, the True Sword Technique and Treading Snow Wuhen finally both reached level 3.

"It's time to go out!"

Glancing at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little light, and then took out the token, and thoughts together, the wooden house split in an instant, and Qin Shaofeng immediately walked out.

Seven days have passed, and at this moment, among the ten wooden houses, only four wooden houses are still glowing.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng's ten people are only the last four left.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly came out and was immediately noticed by the instructor who had been guarding here.

That instructor was strange, it was clear that Qin Shaofeng still had three days to go, but he actually came out early.

There is something wrong with this!

No one else hates staying a while longer, but the instructor remembers the few people before, he called out after the time was up.

Qin Shaofeng was the only one who came out on the initiative.

However, before he could speak, another wooden house flashed light, and a burly figure came out.

Take a closer look, isn't it Du Meng that fierce boy?

Qin Shaofeng came out at the right time. After seeing Du Meng's appearance, he immediately walked up, and as soon as his eyes started, Du Meng's attributes appeared before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Character: Dumont

Level: Congenital Double Peak

Internal gas value: 23000/23000

Spiritual root of talent: soil

Talent Skill: Nine Turns Overlord Body



After practicing in the Seven Heavens Spirit Garden, Du Meng not only broke through the realm of innate martial arts, but also reached the realm of innate duality, and he was still at the pinnacle realm.

This is not far from the innate triple fear.

"Brother Feng!"

Du Meng also saw Qin Shaofeng for the first time and ran up excitedly.

"Look, Brother Feng, I am already a martial artist with the second innate level!"

Putting on a muscular shape, Du Meng said triumphantly.

But as soon as he spoke, he was discouraged and depressed again: "Unfortunately, there is not enough time, otherwise I will definitely be able to break through to the innate triple realm."

Seeing that Du Meng was so depressed, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, shook his head slightly, and then handed his token to Du Meng, and said, "In that case, you go ahead and fight for it. Triple realm!"

This token can be used by other people. There are no strict requirements at this point.

But there is one thing, that must be ten people who are equally qualified to enter the spiritual garden in order to exchange freely.

Du Meng subconsciously accepted the token, but he soon reacted.

"Brother Feng, this is your token? You gave it to me, then what do you use?" Du Meng asked incomprehensibly.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong, and only seven days passed. It stands to reason that Brother Feng has three days left!

But why did he come out?

And what does this token mean to yourself?

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, didn't say anything more, just turned around and walked to the instructor beside the teleportation formation on the other end.

Then, Qin Shaofeng said as he walked, "Okay, I have already broken through to the innate triple realm, and I am also bored here, it would be better to let you break through the innate triple realm!"


Dumont was stunned.

Looking at the far away figure, Du Meng couldn't say a word.

Du Meng is not stupid, but he knows that although this token can be traded, it needs to pay some price!

Before, there was a ninth-ranked person who came into contact with Du Meng secretly, saying that he would exchange tokens with Du Meng for 50,000 contribution points.

Although Du Meng did not agree in the end, it also made him understand that staying in this spiritual garden for one more day would be at least equivalent to 10,000 points of contribution!

And this is only the lowest case.

Tightening the token in his hand, Du Meng didn't say anything again, but took a deep look at Qin Shaofeng who was going away, his eyes were a little red, and then he turned and walked towards the wooden house of Qin Shaofeng before.

When Qin Shaofeng left the Spirit Garden and walked out of the Teleportation Array hut in the depths of the academy, recalling the strange gaze that the instructor looked at him, Qin Shaofeng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

What's so fuss about, isn't it just breaking through to the congenital triple realm within seven days.

Is this exaggerated?

If I told you directly, I was actually an innate four-tier martial artist, wouldn't you be scared?

But Qin Shaofeng said that he didn't know that in the eyes of that instructor, Du Meng, who cultivated the "Nine Turns Overlord Body", had not reached the innate triple level in seven days, but Qin Shaofeng said it was done.

You know that kid Du Meng has already practiced the first round of "Nine Turns Overlord Body" and has a golden light for his body protection!

But even so, Du Meng's speed is no longer as fast as Qin Shaofeng. Doesn't that mean that Qin Shaofeng's practice is more powerful than "Nine Turns Overlord Body"?

Of course, this thought just swayed in the teacher's heart and then disappeared.

How can this be possible with a technique that is more powerful than "Nine Turns Hegemony"?

Qin Shaofeng also saw the instructor's doubts and surprises, but he did not intend to explain anything.

To tell the truth, Qin Shaofeng himself didn't know which one of "Nine Turns Ba Ti" or his "Yi Jin Jing" was more powerful.

However, according to Qin Shaofeng's guess, Du Meng's "Nine Turns Overlord Body" should also be considered a holy technique.

But compared with my own "Yi Jin Jing", it is more or less inferior!

However, this is only from a hierarchical point of view. For now, Du Meng's performance is that "Yi Jin Jing" is a bit inferior to "Nine Revolutions Hegemony".

Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about what was going on.

After saluting the old man of the teleportation formation, Qin Shaofeng left the wooden house and walked directly to the official student area.

He now plans to go back and clean up, and then change his student token.

After all, after Zou Lingyuan came out, once his cultivation reached the realm of an innate martial artist, he didn't need to go through any tests to become a star student.

Moreover, it is still evaluated based on the level of cultivation, the innate four-fold realm can directly become a four-star student.

This is another big advantage of getting into the top ten in the ring and entering the Spirit Garden.

After all, this saves four upgrade assessments.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng entered the formal student area, he attracted some people's attention.

Qin Shaofeng's current reputation is not low, and there are many people who know him.

When he appeared, he was immediately recognized.

Then, Qin Shaofeng felt like a monkey and was watched...

But Qin Shaofeng didn't notice. There were a few unkind gazes in the crowd watching him. After watching Qin Shaofeng carefully, several people immediately turned and left.


In the star student area, in a room belonging to a Samsung student, an exclamation came out at this moment.

"What, you mean, Qin Shaofeng has already come out of the Spirit Garden? How could this be possible? He won the first place in the ring. It should take ten days. How could he come out in only seven days."

It was a teenager who was in his mid-20s, not someone else, but Wang Wenwu, Wang Wenhao's older brother.

At this moment, Wang Wenwu's face was surprised.

In fact, since Qin Shaofeng defeated Tang Qijian, Wang Wenwu felt a lot of pressure.

Who is Tang Qijian?

Naturally, Wang Wenwu couldn't understand this.

Don't think Tang Qijian is an acquired martial artist, but in fact, Wang Wenwu dare not offend the other party.

Although Tang Qijian's status is not low, the most important thing is Tang Qijian's strength.

Tang Qijian, who practiced "Sword Art of Seven Kills", has also successfully cultivated the realm of the first kill.

As long as Tang Qijian stepped into the realm of an innate martial artist, even Wang Wenwu felt very difficult for the first kill of the "Sword of Seven Kills".

Therefore, after Tang Qijian defeated Qin Shaofeng, Wang Wenwu felt a little more nervous.

But later, he heard that the reason why Tang Qijian was defeated by Qin Shaofeng was because of what means Qin Shaofeng used to prevent the internal energy in Tang Qijian from showing up. This was the final defeat.

This gave Wang Wenwu a sigh of relief, but in order to be more cautious, he practiced very hard during this period.

As early as the beginning of the ring competition, he had already broken through to the innate quadruple realm.

So far, he has not only consolidated the cultivation base of the Innate Quadruple Realm, he has even taken a step further.

Especially knowing that Qin Shaofeng won the first place in the arena and was able to stay in the Lingyuan for ten days. Wang Wenwu finally felt cruel. In order to be foolproof, he spent all his contribution points and bought some pills to improve his cultivation. medicine.

In these seven days, Wang Wenwu had already elevated his cultivation to the late stage of Congenital Fourth Layer.

This gave Wang Wenwu enough confidence to defeat Qin Shaofeng.

Even if Qin Shaofeng is a rare genius, how many innate levels can he promote in the Spirit Garden?

According to Wang Wenwu's estimation, Qin Shaofeng, at best, was able to reach the congenital double in ten days at the Spirit Garden.

With his current innate four-layer late stage, how can he be afraid?

But at this moment, after hearing the news that Qin Shaofeng had come out of the Lingyuan in advance, Wang Wenwu was not calm.

What is going on with Qin Shaofeng?

It came out three days in advance. Could it be that he has already made great gains?


The more he thought about it, the more irritable Wang Wenwu's heart became. This was the sign that Chen Yuanxin seemed to see a bad thing. He rolled his eyes, slapped his thigh, and shouted: "Ha, I know!"

Chen Yuanxin's loud gesture immediately scared Wang Wenwu, and Wang Wenhao, who was also with him, almost fell on the ground.

Wang Wenwu frowned, and said a little dissatisfied: "Yuan Xin, what are you shouting?"

Without noticing Wang Wenwu's bad tone at the moment, Chen Yuanxin hurriedly said: "Cousin Wenwu, this can't be blamed on me, because I just suddenly thought of a possibility, knowing why Qin Shaofeng came out of Lingyuan ahead of time!"


Wang Wenwu's heart moved, but he didn't care about being angry, and hurriedly said, "Tell me, what are you thinking of?"

"Hehe!" Chen Yuanxin was not eager to answer. Instead, he smiled first, and then said with a smug expression: "Why else? Isn't it just his Qin Shaofeng who is afraid of his cousin!"

What does it mean?

Afraid of me?

A trace of confusion flashed in Wang Wenwu’s eyes, but Wang Wenhao beside him brightened his eyes and couldn’t help but said, “Ha, I also know, I think that Qin Shaofeng knew that even if he had been practicing in the spiritual garden for ten days, It's not your opponent, Brother, so he left the Spirit Garden in advance, planning to escape and escape the idea of ​​fighting with Brother!"

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