Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 121: One move

What, run away?

Wang Wenwu was shocked, but then suddenly understood.


Maybe this is the case!

The more I thought about it, the more Wang Wenwu thought so.

Then Qin Shaofeng knew that it was not his opponent, and then planned to escape, to avoid fighting.

And no one would think that someone would leave the spiritual garden in advance. After all, the spiritual garden is a blissful place for cultivation, and staying longer is also of great benefit.

But Qin Shaofeng came out early.

Isn't this afraid of yourself, but what other reasons can it be?

Soon, the worries in Wang Wenwu's heart that Qin Shaofeng came out of the Spirit Garden in advance disappeared instantly.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Wang Wenwu said softly with cold eyes, "Escape? Can he escape Qin Shaofeng?"

"let's go!"

With a big wave, Wang Wenwu got up and stepped out.

When Wang Wenhao and Chen Yuanxin saw each other, they looked at each other, and there was a trace of pride and cruel expression in their eyes, and they immediately followed Wang Wenwu.

Qin Shaofeng this time, you are done!


Back to the room where he lived in a formal student, Qin Shaofeng began to pack his bags.

In fact, it's nothing, just a few sets of clothes, and nothing else.

Oh, and the barrel of red wine.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to do with the barrel of Lafite red wine won in this lottery.

The oak barrel of this barrel of red wine is a super large and huge one, with a capacity of 500 liters, which is about a thousand catties of red wine.

"What should I do with so much red wine? Did I drink it myself?"

Looking at the oak barrel in front of him, Qin Shaofeng looked speechless.

"Oh, forget it, it's a big deal when you change the room of the star student, and put this barrel of red wine in the room. Anyway, it is said that the room of the star student is very spacious, it should not be a problem!"

After muttering to himself, Qin Shaofeng walked to the oak barrel and put it in his storage.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng really finished cleaning up.

Without any nostalgia, Qin Shaofeng turned around and left.

After coming out of the room, Qin Shaofeng went straight to the mission hall.

The next step is to exchange student tokens.

But Qin Shaofeng stopped shortly after he walked out.

You can't stop without stopping!

Because the way is blocked!

"Wang Wenwu!"

Looking at the few people who suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Shaofeng said in a playful manner towards the person in the middle.

Qin Shaofeng still didn't understand this posture, Wang Wenwu was here to make trouble for him.

Suddenly, after Qin Shaofeng saw Wang Wenwu, he remembered that he seemed to have a battle with this Wang Wenwu!

Qin Shaofeng thought so, but didn't say anything.

But this made Wang Wenwu's heart determined and confirmed something more.

Ha, it seems that this Qin Shaofeng is really going to drive off, and now that he is caught by himself, I am afraid that he is already panicking!

"Hey, Qin Shaofeng, where are you going?"

Wang Wenwu didn't speak, but Chen Yuanxin did. His tone was full of playfulness.

"Where shall I go for your shit!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't save him face, and he said directly that Chen Yuanxin was almost confused.

"Well, you Qin Shaofeng, you have a catastrophe, and you dare to be so arrogant, I will tell you clearly, you can't escape today, you're done!" Chen Yuanxin angered.

Wang Wenhao beside him also immediately agreed.

"By the way, Qin Shaofeng, don't plan to flee. Today you are fighting with my eldest brother. If you just don't want to fight, then you have to fight. You must accept your fate!"

Can't escape?


For a while, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused by Chen Yuanxin and Wang Wenhao.

But seeing the pride and hatred on their two faces, and the indifference and disdain that Wang Wenwu looked at him, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood something.

Qin Shaofeng is not stupid, and the expressions of these three people have already made him understand.

Feelings came out of the Spirit Garden in advance, and the other three people thought that they were afraid of Wang Wenwu's behavior, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but smile.

Sister, will I be afraid of Wang Wenwu, Qin Shaofeng?

Are you kidding me?

And step back ten thousand steps, even if I'm really scared, then I'm really out of the way, do you tribes know?

This IQ is simply flawed!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt that it was an extremely wrong move to make an appointment with Wang Wenwu.

For such a mentally handicapped, he actually has a general knowledge of him?

Qin Shaofeng kept silent, which made Wang Wenwu feel more confident.

Like Qin Shaofeng's thoughts at this moment, Wang Wenwu definitely shouldn't have agreed to this battle.

He has lost his identity.

Just as Wang Wenwu thought this way, he suddenly discovered that Qin Shaofeng had turned and left.

Upon seeing this, Wang Wenwu couldn't help but shouted: "Qin Shaofeng, stop for me, are you really planning to miss the appointment?"

"No appointment?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, turned his head in disdain, and said: "Just you, Wang Wenwu, will not let me miss the appointment, don't you want to fight, then go to the ring!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to him either, and walked quickly.

At this time, Wang Wenwu also discovered that the direction Qin Shaofeng was going was indeed the direction of the ring.

But Qin Shaofeng's words made him feel slightly angry, and he couldn't help but snorted: "Huh, at this time, you are still so stiff, so good, don't blame me for being ruthless in the ring!"

Having said that, Wang Wenwu also immediately followed.

At this time, everything that happened here was immediately spread.

Qin Shaofeng came out of Lingyuan ahead of time!

And Qin Shaofeng is about to accept the appointment and fight with Samsung student Wang Wenwu!

For a time, after a large number of formal students learned of this news, they all rushed to the ring.

Even some of the star students in the star student area, after learning the news, set off for the ring.

If before, they had been Qin Shaofeng challenging Wang Wenwu, which was a post-dinner joke, but since Qin Shaofeng won the first place in the ring, those star students have changed their views on Qin Shaofeng.

Although they still didn't think that Qin Shaofeng could defeat Wang Wenwu, a three-star student, after all, they knew a little bit about the news that Wang Wenwu was promoted to the fourth level of innate.

This battle is still a battle without suspense.

However, even so, they wanted to see how capable Qin Shaofeng, who dared to challenge Wang Wenwu and won the first place in the ring, was able to do so.

When Qin Shaofeng and Wang Wenwu boarded the ring, this was the time when no less than a thousand people had gathered under the ring.

The scene is noisy and lively, very chaotic.

But judging from some of the conversations, they are all talking about the outcome of this battle.

Qin Shaofeng heard it too, and he heard it clearly.

No one seems to be optimistic about him!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care either. He just wanted to finish early, then go to the mission hall to upgrade his student token, become a star student, and go to the monster forest to kill monsters and upgrade.

Wang Wenwu was cruel but with a sneer on his face. He is now more and more sure that Qin Shaofeng will definitely not be his opponent.

He had already started planning now how to torture Qin Shaofeng in a while.

"Are you two ready!"

At this moment, a voice came from Qin Shaofeng and Wang Wenwu's ears, but it was the referee student who spoke.

"I'm fine!" Qin Shaofeng replied somewhat indifferently.

"I don't have any problems anymore. Referee, you can announce the start!" Wang Wenwu's face flashed with a sullen smile.

Upon seeing this, the referee student did not hesitate, and directly announced: "Okay, the competition officially begins!"

After the order was given, neither Qin Shaofeng nor Wang Wenwu moved on the ring.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng on the opposite side, Wang Wenwu smiled grimly: "Qin Shaofeng, I will give you a chance. You will kneel down immediately and knock the first seventeen or eight beeps. Maybe I will let you go, otherwise... "

In the end, Wang Wenwu shook his whole body, and a tyrannical aura burst out of his body, sweeping away unscrupulously in the surroundings.

this is……

Everyone was shocked when they noticed Wang Wenwu's breath.

"Quadruple, this is the aura of the innate quadruple realm. This Wang Wenwu is already an innate quadruple martial artist. Judging from this aura, I am afraid that he has reached the innate quadruple late stage!"

"Tsk tusk, innate four-fold late stage! This Wang Wenwu's strength is really strong, this time, Qin Shaofeng is probably in trouble!"

"Hey, I finally won the first place in the ring, and I will soon become a star student, but now Qin Shaofeng is in trouble again!"


Under the ring, formal students and star students stayed in two places.

This is the voice of those formal students, there is not much change, they are generally not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, thinking that Qin Shaofeng will definitely lose.

No one among the formal students is optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, and the same is true among the star students.

"Ha, Wang Wenwu's has grown a bit, and his strength has improved a lot!"

"Fart, it's not because he was worried about Qin Shaofeng, and spent a lot of contribution points, enough to buy some pills, so that he raised his cultivation to the current level?"

"An acquired martial artist also made him worry about this. It is really hopeless, and Wang Wenwu may regret it now. He struggled to squeeze his potential. In the end, how strong can Qin Shaofeng be? "

"Well, although Qin Shaofeng used some means to cover up his aura, I estimate that he has reached the peak of the second congenital peak at best!"

"Innate double peak? Ha, in my opinion, his Qin Shaofeng is now at best in the early stage of innate double layer!"

"Heh, whether it is the early stage or the peak of Xiantian Second Layer, Xiantian Second Layer kills Xiantian Second Layer, this Qin Shaofeng is determined!"


Qin Shaofeng and Wang Wenwu in the ring naturally heard the comments under the ring.

Although there are some voices among those star students who are not very satisfied with them, in general, Wang Wenwu is still very proud at the moment.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng has seen it, this is my strength, how can I tremble? Then quickly kneel and kowtow!"

Wang Wenwu laughed loudly, his tone was full of supremacy, and his face was extremely proud.

For today, he didn't even go to upgrade the four-star student.

"You're so long-winded!"

While Wang Wenwu was laughing, he suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng's voice.

But Qin Shaofeng's voice immediately made him angry.


Actually say I'm long-winded?

With this anger, Wang Wenwu suddenly violently shot.

"Well, you are Qin Shaofeng. I have given you the opportunity. Since you don't cherish it yourself, then don't blame me for not being affectionate!"

Before he could speak, Wang Wenwu rushed out.

That powerful innate four-fold aura, overwhelmingly crushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

For a time, many people couldn't bear to close their eyes, and couldn't bear to watch the next scene.


There was a scream, but the voice was something wrong.

Those who closed their eyes immediately opened their eyes and looked at the ring, but by this look, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

On the ring, the moment before, Wang Wenwu was still arrogant and arrogant, but at this moment he flew upside down and fell directly out of the ring.

The test is over!

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