Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1194: Admit defeat?

Chapter 1194

The top ten was born!

Then the next step is to win the top five!

The final round of this final round is very simple, it is a one-to-one match, and then the winner advances!

At the beginning, there were twenty players, and then compared to the previous game, the top ten was decided, and then the top five was compared to the last game...

In this way, they were promoted again and again, and finally won the first place!

However, of the ten players remaining on the scene, six of them are humans and only four are demons!

This means that there will be a battle with the same camp on the human side!

However, this also shows that the Human Race has already appeared in advance, and a place in the top five.

This is the benefit of a large number of people, after all, after entering the top five, this can at least get eight points!

In this regard, it is beneficial to the human race.

The order of the game and the opponent are still randomly matched.

The four Mozu players were randomly matched to four of the six clan players, and the remaining two naturally became a group.

Soon, the match was over, and then the match started immediately.

This time, Qin Shaofeng's game was ranked first!

However, this game is over soon!

Because when Qin Shaofeng first stepped onto the ring, his opponent directly surrendered.

This caused an uproar at the scene, because faced with such a result, neither the Human Race nor the Demon Race had expected it at all, especially on the Demon Race side, they could not end such a result at all.

If Qin Shaofeng's opponent was Human Race, and the situation of surrendering directly, it would be easy for people to end.

And this is basically a certainty. In such a big comparison, it is normal for players from the same camp to give up directly.

But the problem is not now!

Faced with such a result, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised at all.

The reason is very simple, because his opponent this time is not the other Demon players, but Xiang Chengfeng, the mutant Sword Demon!

As his dependent of Qin Shaofeng, how could he fight with his master?

Because of the promotion of this immortal incarnation realm, Qin Shaofeng's body soul has also been promoted, and now the divine consciousness is equivalent to the general dominating realm divine consciousness.

Therefore, when he learned that his opponent was Xiang Chengfeng, Qin Shaofeng took a chance and gave the other party a message: "It's me!"

Normally, even if Qin Shaofeng has the divine consciousness to dominate the realm, with so many dominating realm powers present, there are even more powerful masters such as Tantaiyi and Demon Realm.

Qin Shaofeng directly transmitted the voice to Chengfeng, which might still be easy to spot.

But in the end, because Xiang Chengfeng was Qin Shaofeng's family member, and the content of Qin Shaofeng's voice transmission was only two words, it was only a moment of time.

Therefore, even the old man who was present did not notice it.

As for Xiang Chengfeng, who received Qin Shaofeng's voice transmission, he actually knew for a long time that the three players on the scene were the same as himself, who belonged to Qin Shaofeng.

What he didn't think about was that one of them was Qin Shaofeng himself.

However, now that he knew that the other party was the master Qin Shaofeng, then Xiang Chengfeng naturally knew what he should do.

Then, there was this scene where Xiang Chengfeng surrendered.

However, always surrendered directly, which made the Mozu side a little unacceptable. At this moment, Xiang Chengfeng was surrounded by Moya, who were also Mozu players, and asked about it.

"Sword Demon, why did you give in directly?"

Mo Yi looked at Xiang Chengfeng coldly, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Among the contestants in this competition, because of his identity and strength, Mo Yi has already attributed himself to the position of leading all other contestants.

Therefore, after surrendering to Xiang Chengfeng, Moyi asked immediately.

Dao Demon is Xiang Chengfeng's current name, and the name Xiang Chengfeng is not suitable for Xiang Chengfeng's current identity.

Since his current body is a mutated Sword Demon, he should simply call it Sword Demon.

"Not sure!" Xiang Chengfeng said coldly.

Although Moyi was not simple in terms of strength or status, it was clear that Xiang Chengfeng did not sell his face.

"Not sure?"

Mo Yi's eyes flashed, and there was more anger. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Xiang Chengfeng's answer.

"Don't fight if you are not sure? Don't think that you performed well before, and you can do it at will. Now you dare to face me questioning in such a tone, who gave you the courage?"

Mo Yi was really angry, looking at Xiang Chengfeng's gaze, it was definitely Chi Guoguo's killing intent.

But at this moment, a strange tone of Yin and Yang sounded.

"Oh, Master Moyi! You are really awesome, when is it your turn for someone from my blood family to come and tell you?"

Soon, a figure came from behind Xiang Chengfeng, still disdainful of the sneer on Moyi's face.

The person here is the Blood Sea. As the son of the Blood Family Patriarch, the Blood Sea knows that the family attaches great importance to the Sword Demon.

Now that Moyi actually puts on airs in front of the sword demon, how could he not care?

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the Sword Demon who suddenly conceded defeat, but the Sword Demon was a member of his blood family, and it was not his turn that Demon Yi could still point his fingers.

Therefore, the sea of ​​blood came forward for the first time.

In Moyi's situation, not to mention the relationship between the various demons, there are also many frictions between the three major royal families, anyway, it is the kind that everyone sees who is not pleasing to the eye.

Especially Blood Sea and Moyi are in the same generation, and they naturally compete with each other.

Although the competition between the two has always been the situation where Moyi has the upper hand, it is precisely because of this that the blood sea is even more uncomfortable with Moyi.

Mo Yi naturally knew this, so he was not surprised that the sea of ​​blood stood up.

"Blood sea, give me a break. You don't know the importance of this game to my demons. Now this sword demon easily concedes defeat, I suspect he is plotting wrong!"

At the beginning, Mo Yi directly put a big hat on Xiang Chengfeng.

This made Xuehai's complexion drastically changed, because he knew that Moya was right, and in fact, at the first time when the sword demon gave up, he also felt that there was something wrong with the sword demon.

But at this moment, Dao Demon Xiang Chengfeng spoke again.

"It is precisely because of the importance of this competition to my demons that I gave up!" Xiang Chengfeng said, his tone still cold and emotionless.

"Hmph, a joke, even if you are looking for a reason, you have to find a decent reason!" Mo Yi smiled coldly, not believing Xiang Chengfeng's words at all.

But Xiang Chengfeng didn't care about the other party's expression. Instead, he turned his head and said seriously to the sea of ​​blood, "Master Xuehai, since you are here, then I will talk about the reason why I gave up, so as not to be slandered by this demon!"

Xiang Chengfeng's words made Xuehai feel very comfortable.

Because the other party called himself Young Master, he directly called Mo Yi his real name, which was obviously not a level of treatment!

"Don't worry!" Xuehai looked at Xiang Chengfeng with satisfaction and nodded, "Sword Demon! Don't worry, as long as you have a reason, I will not let outsiders slander you!"

The singing of Xiang Chengfeng and the sea of ​​blood made Mo Yi very unhappy, and the opposite of Xiang Chengfeng was full of murderous intent, almost making him unable to bear it, and directly attacked Xiang Chengfeng.

But at this time, the surrounding players, as well as many demons with some identities, have already noticed here. If you don't tell Xiang Chengfeng, it might be a little difficult.

"Good! Good! Good! You are good!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yi stared at Xiang Chengfeng with a gloomy expression, and said coldly: "Let's talk, I want to hear your reason!"

Looking at Mo Yi indifferently, Xiang Chengfeng spoke calmly, "The reason is simple, I can't beat that human!"


The surrounding demons were a little startled when they heard Xiang Chengfeng say this.

Even the sea of ​​blood frowned slightly, feeling that such an explanation seemed unreasonable!

"Can't beat it?"

Mo Yi smiled, and also smiled happily.

"If you can't beat you, you won't fight? What a joke, when did my demons appear as cowards like you? And that human Yanyang has more than a dozen mechanical puppets. With your strength, I'm afraid there is a possibility to win. Opportunity, how could it be possible to give up directly?"

"Under such circumstances, if you take the initiative to give in, don't you have a ghost in your heart?"

As if grasping Xiang Chengfeng's pigtails, Mo Yi sneered again and again, and after he said these words, the eyes of the surrounding demons looking towards Xiang Chengfeng changed slightly.

Even the sea of ​​blood standing next to Xiang Chengfeng was a little uncomfortable at this moment.

But at this moment, Xiang Chengfeng raised his head fiercely, the expression on his face that had not changed, finally changed!

"Are you an idiot?"

Seeing Mo Yi's Xiang Chengfeng, suddenly said something like this, the complete expression on his face looked like an idiot.


How dare he call Moyi an idiot?

The surrounding demons were dumbfounded, and even the blood sea was dumbfounded at this moment.

As for Moyi, he was immediately angry, and he was still furious.

Can't help it directly, Moya is about to attack Xiang Chengfeng.

However, Xiang Chengfeng's next sentence was the abrupt move that Moyi was about to take action, and he stopped directly.

"You also know the mechanical puppets owned by Yan Yang! Yes, according to your Moyi, I do have a chance to win. But don't think that Yan Yang kills like you. There are more than a dozen mechanical puppets. Will take out one or two to blew up!"

"You haven't seen the previous game. Yan Yang had a situation where a mechanical puppet blew himself up to win the game. If it were the mechanical puppet of the previous six levels of Nirvana, my sword demon would naturally not be afraid, but now that The mechanical puppets owned by Yan Yang are all nine levels of Nirvana!"

"The most important thing is that from the previous scenes of fighting with Mo Yanyu, although Yan Yang's mechanical puppets are only the ninth level of Nirvana, their combat power has definitely reached the top Nirvana with ten pill of law. In the master realm, if such a mechanical puppet explodes itself, its power is absolutely terrifying!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Chengfeng paused deliberately, took a faint look at Moyi, who was completely stunned, and said leisurely: "Although my sword demon has some strength, it explodes in the face of the mechanical puppet in Yan Yang's hand , It is impossible to carry it completely, and even if it can be carried once, it is absolutely impossible to carry it a second time!"

"Since I can't win, why don't I keep my strength and compete for sixth place? You need to know the result of sixth place, but you can get six points!"

"So, this time I voluntarily admit defeat, it is the wisest choice!"

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