Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1195: Mozu high-level shot again

Chapter 1195


The demons present were completely stunned by Xiang Chengfeng's repeated words.

Because after thinking about it carefully, they actually agreed with what Xiang Chengfeng said in their hearts.

Indeed, if Yan Yang directly allowed his mechanical puppet to explode one after another, then Xiang Chengfeng would have a very slim chance to win!

Since you can't win the opponent, admitting defeat seems to be the most appropriate choice.

Otherwise, if you fought against the Yan Yang, not only did you fail to win in the end, but also suffered heavy losses, then you would have lost your wife and broke down!

On the contrary, it is better to admit defeat and fight for sixth place.

How much can you get some points!

"Hahaha, yes, this is indeed the wisest choice!"

A sudden laughter interrupted everyone who was stunned, but it was the blood.

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood had no doubt about Xiang Chengfeng.

Because he felt that what Xiang Chengfeng said was right, it made sense, and most importantly, the other party directly cursed Moyi as an idiot!

This sentence alone made the Sea of ​​Blood very happy, especially in the current situation, Mo Yi was actually unable to refute this idiot. This was the thing that made the Sea of ​​Blood the most enjoyable.

How many years has it been?

I haven't seen Mo Yi so aggrieved in years.

This is exactly what a happy heart!

Mo Yi was very angry at the moment, but more frightened.

Because Xiang Chengfeng's words reminded him that mechanical puppets can still explode!

Especially when he thought of the twenty mechanical puppets that his cousin Mo Yanyu had taken away by Yan Yang!

There are more than a dozen mechanical puppets owned by Yan Yang himself, but Moyi is still unclear about how powerful a mechanical puppet can explode after it explodes.

But for the twenty mechanical puppets in his own cousin's previous hands, Moya knew very well what kind of terrible power such a Nirvana ten-level mechanical puppet would have if it exploded.

Not to mention too much, as long as seven or eight mechanical puppets blew themselves together, even he himself would not be sure that he could resist it unscathed.

If ten of them come together, he might be seriously injured in one careless situation!

Too dangerous!

Thinking of this, Mo Yi suddenly forgot the idiot that Xiang Chengfeng had scolded him before.

After listening to Mo Yi, he was surprised to find that if Yan Yang used a mechanical puppet to explode in this situation, he would probably explode the first place in the finals.

No, you can't let this happen!

A firmness flashed in Mo Yi's eyes, and no matter how the blood sea laughed at him at the moment, he flashed directly and ran towards the empty stand on the upper side of the demon clan above the ring space.


Leaving aside what happened to Xiang Chengfeng, after Xiang Chengfeng surrendered, Qin Shaofeng stepped off the ring, and then the second game began.

The second game was Du Meng's game, and his opponent was the most mysterious and strange player present-Sombra!

This time, after seeing the black shadow on the stage, many people subconsciously thought whether it would appear this time. No matter how the opponent attacks, the black shadow will still stand and win the game.

and then……

It's so surprising that people guessed right. The situation in this match was exactly the same as this black shadow, the last match with Feng Qingluan, it was just a copy!

No matter how his opponent attacked, he stood still, and waited for the opponent's attack motionlessly. Before falling on him, he instantly disappeared inexplicably.

What is even more speechless is that the opponent on this dark shadow is Feng Qingluan of the Feng clan, and this time his opponent, although not the Feng clan, is the genius of the Dragon Clan, Long Xiangtian!

The dragon tribe, like the phoenix tribe, were lucky enough to obtain the blood of the dragon tribe, and then they reproduced the dragon tribe.

So, in the final analysis, the Dragon Race of the Ancient Sanctuary is also a member of the Human Race.

However, the dragon clan of the ancient sanctuary seems to have inherited the arrogance of the true dragon clan, and they generally believe that their clan is no longer a member of the human race, but a race that surpasses the human race and is far above the human race.

To be honest, this Long Xiangtian can appear in this competition, standing on the side of the human race, but it surprised many people.

In fact, in terms of realm, this Long Xiangtian has completely reached the realm of'half-step dominance'.

In terms of strength, Long Xiangtian is probably on par with Xuan Yunfei.

Although Xuan Yunfei has the magical powers of the twin pupils, that Long Xiangtian also has the power of the dragon bloodline.

But what makes people very speechless is that, like Feng Qingluan, he met an unknown opponent.

On the arena, even if Long Xiangtian burst out an attack that could break the space barrier of the ancient sanctuary, in the end it didn't fall on the black shadow, and it disappeared inexplicably.

In the end, the attack method was exhausted, and Long Xiangtian, who did not save the shadow, let alone how angry and aggrieved in his heart.

Then, after feeling that there was no hope of defeating his opponent, Long Xiangtian turned around and not only left the ring, but also left directly.

With Long Xiangtian's departure, this somewhat inexplicable match finally ended, and the black shadow once again advanced in such a strange way.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to these things, because as early as Long Xiangtian was constantly attacking Sombra, Qin Shaofeng suddenly received a call from Old Bai.

"Boy, discuss something with you!"

Not long after the match between Long Xiangtian and Heiying started, Mr. Bai suddenly came over.


The sudden voice transmission of Mr. Bai surprised Qin Shaofeng, but he quickly replied, “If you have something to say to Mr. Bai, please tell me!

Qin Shaofeng's tone was very respectful, and to the strong old Bai, Qin Shaofeng truly respected each other.

Although Mr. Bai is a bit unreliable for certain things, Qin Shaofeng knows very well in his heart that if he hadn't been for Mr. Bai, it would be impossible for him to reach this level of immortality in such a short period of time. .

It is also possible that it is like this moment, standing in the arena of human and demons!

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Mr. Bai was not only a strong person, but also an elder.

"Well, it's okay, I'm afraid you won't be able to use your mechanical puppets in your future matches!" Old Bai's voice sounded in Qin Shaofeng's ears.

Can't use mechanical puppets?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, these demons finally couldn't sit still!

Among them, as early as after defeating Mo Yanyu, Qin Shaofeng predicted that the Mozu would once again target himself on the mechanical puppet.

Now Bai Lao's words have indeed confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess, and also thoroughly confirmed that the Demon Race is indeed an unbelieving race.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't panic either, because when Mr. Bai first spoke directly, his old man's tone had a hint of joy, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

It stands to reason that he cannot continue to use mechanical puppets, and Mr. Bai will definitely not let the demons do as they wish.

But in the current situation, I'm afraid there are other situations in it.

Qin Shaofeng's guess was correct. After Cong Xiang Chengfeng's words, he finally understood the danger of the mechanical puppet in Qin Shaofeng's hands, and found his uncle Moyuan for the first time, and then explained the situation.

Not to mention, if it wasn't for Moyi's reminder, Moyuan hadn't thought of this for a while.

Even though they are high-level demons, they will definitely limit Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets in the end.

However, the reasons they targeted did not include the risk factors for the mechanical puppet to explode.

There is no way, anyone who can say that the mechanical puppets that can evolve to this level are all valuable.

See you, at the very beginning, in order to design Qin Shaofeng, the Demon Lord who was responsible for the super-intelligent interference in the ring space, eventually came up with a puppet of the tenth realm of Nirvana!

It is a puppet refined by ordinary means, and it is of high value to reach the tenth level of Nirvana, let alone a mechanical puppet.

Therefore, neither Demon Abyss nor other Demon Race masters had thought that the mechanical puppet would explode.

But after MoYi's reminder, Mo Yuan and others discovered that this was not impossible, especially since the other party had taken away Mo Yanyu's twenty mechanical puppets.

If the other party uses these twenty mechanical puppets to carry out a suicidal self-detonation attack, I am afraid it will not feel much heartache.

This one is incredible!

Although even the twenty ten-level mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm, all of them blew themselves up, they couldn't threaten them, the powerhouses of the realm.

But the problem is that in the final round of the final, if Yan Yang did this, I am afraid that no one can resist it.

In this case, this last first place will probably fall into the hands of the human race.

The first place can get 30 points. Which side can get these 30 points is half of the win.

So, finally the Mozu high-level action.

Mo Yuan directly contacted Tantaiyi and told the other party clearly that Qin Shaofeng would not use the mechanical puppet, and the specific conditions for the other party to mention.

It was impossible for Tantaiyi to agree to such a condition.

Demon Yuan could imagine the situation, how could Tantaiyi couldn't think of it, he also knew that if the Yan Yang blew himself up with a mechanical puppet, the chance of the opponent winning the first place was at least 80 to 90%.

How could Tantaiyi give up such an opportunity for the people to win.

But before he opened his mouth to reject Demon Abyss, Old Bai suddenly stopped him, then took the words, and made several demands to Demon Abyss.

The request made by Mr. Bai made Mo Yuan's face extremely ugly.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and agreed to Mr. Bai's request, and then took out a lot of things according to Mr. Bai's instructions.

In this way, the high-levels of the two parties reached a ‘deal’!

And as soon as this ‘deal’ ended, Mr. Bai spread his voice to Qin Shaofeng’s side.

At this moment, seeing Qin Shaofeng not speaking, Mr. Bai on the Void Stand was also speechless.

Looking through the layers of space, Old Bai saw that Qin Shaofeng was still calm, and finally couldn't help transmitting the voice again.

"I said you kid, what do you say soon?"

"No need, I believe Mr. Bai!"

In a word, Qin Shaofeng directly blocked what Old Bai originally wanted to say.


"Count you brat!"

Old Bai's face twitched slightly, and finally threw a word, waved at Qin Shaofeng and simply ignored Qin Shaofeng.

This is not in a hurry, why is this kid getting more and more boring!

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