Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1199: Dumont vs. Moyi

Chapter 1199 Du Meng vs. Moya

The cheers of the demons were naturally heard by the demons on the ring.

However, when facing Du Meng, Mo Yi didn't feel at ease in his heart.

The opponent has almost the defensive power to dominate the realm, and is a formidable opponent.

But Moyi didn't think he would lose this game.

Because he will definitely win!

Mo Yi was extremely confident in his heart, and even because of his confidence, he spoke to Du Meng.

"Dumont, right! You surrender!"


Du Meng, who was wiping his fists and preparing to fight a fight, suddenly stopped his opponent to say such a sentence, which was a bit daunting for a while.

"You want me to surrender?"

As if he felt that he had heard it wrong, Du Meng pointed to himself and asked Mo Yi seriously.

"Of course!" Mo Yi nodded proudly, "Because there is no need to fight, you are not my opponent!"

From Mo Yi's point of view, the Du Meng in front of him is at best physically stronger, but if he really fights, he has the means to defeat the opponent.

But in the face of such an arrogant Moya, Du Meng smiled, gently raised his hands, squeezed hard, banged against his chest, and then grinned.

"Really? Then let's try!"

To speak, Du Meng didn't give Moyi a chance to speak, and rushed towards Moyi with a brutal charge.

Doesn't it work?

Mo Yi frowned slightly. He had originally thought that if he could not do it, he would not do it.

Although he was confident of winning the game, Mo Yi also admitted in his heart that Du Meng was tough. He was afraid that in this battle, the opponent would go crazy and hurt himself.

The next game is even more difficult.

Especially after learning that Xuan Yunfei possessed the power of the law of soul, Moyi was extremely careful.

Because facing such an opponent, there are some minor injuries in the body, but it has such a huge impact.

But now that Du Meng took the initiative to attack, Mo Yi understood that he wanted to win easily, I am afraid it was a little unlikely!

In that case, then...

His eyes flashed, the next moment, Mo Yi shook his hands lightly, and then his left and right hands each had a scimitar.

The whole body of these scimitars is dark, and there is still a trace of blood in the dark. The curved blades are like a crescent moon, giving people a very beautiful look.

But from the sharp point of the knife, and the white light of the blade, it is enough to make people feel the terrible place of this scimitar.

Just a little sense from the breath, it seems that you can experience the sharpness of the machete, and... bloodthirsty!

"Blood Demon Moon!"

Suddenly, outside the ring space, an exclamation sounded, and there was an uproar across the scene.

Blood Demon Moon?

That is a famous weapon of the Demon Race Demon Race, a machete of dominance!

After this exclamation, the crowd at the scene boiled.

Because at this time, people suddenly remembered that this Blood Demon Moon seems to be a powerful master possessed by the Demon Family, and it is also the treasure of the Demon Family!

According to legend, it is precisely because of this Blood Demon Moon that this demon family has kept the eternal overlord position of the demon family in the demon domain, and can become a veritable royal family in the demon domain for countless years!

No one knows how strong this Blood Demon Moon is.

Everyone just knows that in the previous battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races, a strong man who dominated the realm of the demon family held the blood demon moon, and faced the siege of the three strong masters on the human side with his own power.

Not only did it fail in the end, but it even severely injured the three masters of the human race.

If the Human Race had not sensed that something was wrong and sent a stronger Domination Realm powerhouse, I'm afraid it would be a question whether the three Human Race Masters could survive.

That's all, but what I am most afraid of is that the Demon Master holding the Blood Demon Moon is actually just a Demon Disciple who broke through to the Domination Realm on the spot.

This means that the opponent only broke through to the Domination Realm, and relied on the Blood Demon Moon to fight against the three Domination Realm powerhouses, not only did not fail, but it was even considered a complete victory.

This was then, but it caused a great shock.

It was also that battle that made Blood Demon Moon, which had not shown its sharp edge for many years, once again presented its terrifying and powerfulness to the world.

Now that I think about it, the disciple of the Mo Family who held the Blood Demon Moon at the time seems to be the Patriarch of the Mo Family, the eldest brother of the Demon Abyss, and the father of Mo Yi in the ring at this moment.

"It's actually Blood Demon Moon?"

"It's terrible! I didn't expect the Mojia to be so crazy. For this victory, Moya was actually allowed to refine this thing."

"I can't win, facing this Blood Demon Moon, even if Du Meng is now breaking through to the dominance state, I think he will lose too!"

"Yeah! That's Blood Demon Moon! It's lost!"

"Crazy, crazy!"


At this moment, Du Meng didn't care at all in the face of the discussion outside the ring space.

But the moment Moyi took out the pair of scimitars, Du Meng felt a threat in his heart.


Subconsciously, Du Meng's body shook, and his body was instantly enveloped in a layer of golden light.


The moment Du Meng showed his body protection light, Moya's machete had already been cut on him.

Seeing this scene, many people could not help but closed their eyes.

Because of the reputation of Blood Demon Moon, most of the people present subconsciously thought that Du Meng would be cut in half by the opponent.

But the next moment, something that shocked everyone happened.


There was a metallic collision sound, and when the scimitar in Moya's hand fell on Du Meng's body, it was actually blocked by the light of his protective body.

"how can that be?"

There was an unbelievable exclamation among the crowd.

At this moment, seeing this scene, no matter whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, I can't believe my eyes.

Can someone who has not even reached the dominance level actually resist the Blood Demon Moon?

What kind of physical exercises did Du Meng cultivate?

Can you be so awesome?

Du Meng's cultivation method is naturally very impressive, but it is still far away to the extent that Du Meng can safely resist the Blood Demon Moon with the light of the body in his current state!

This is all because the Blood Demon Moon in Moyi's hands at this moment is not a real Blood Demon Moon.

This pair of scimitars is just a real **** moon, imitating forged weapons.

However, even if it is an imitation, the scimitar in Moya's hand is a high-level treasure with more than ninety **** patterns, and it is also extremely powerful.

In fact, as early as when Moyi took out the pair of scimitars, Tantaiyi on the void stand came to communicate with Moyuan.

"Heh, Demon Abyss! It seems that your demon family has produced a lot of good things over the years. This pair of scimitars actually portrayed ninety gods. This is what makes people enviable!"

Tantaiyi's expression of emotion was heavy in his heart.

Although it is only an imitation, it can be imitated to this point, which is not good!

After all, this is Blood Demon Moon!

"Haha, this is natural!"

Moyuan smiled triumphantly, looked at Tantaiyi from the void, and said triumphantly: "Tantaiyi, are you surprised? This is just a mere high-level treasure!"

A mere high-end treasure?

That's it?

Mo Yuan's pride made Tantai Yi's heart more worried.

Not so good!

Could it be that this demon's family has really imitated a replica with the power of Blood Demon Moon?

"Boy Yi, you are so worried about the ball!"

Just when Tantaiyi was extremely worried, Old Bai had a beard curled up, and said disdainfully: "I haven't seen the **** moon thing, the old man. Although that kind of power is very abnormal, it is also positive. Because of this, it is impossible to imitate it!"

Yes indeed!

Mr. Bai's words made Tantaiyi seem to think of something, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and he didn't communicate with Moyuan.

But Tantaiyi didn't know that when Bai Lao finished speaking, there was one sentence in his heart that he didn't say.

Indeed, it is impossible to imitate the power of Blood Demon Moon and reapply it to other weapons, but that is only under normal circumstances, if it is...

He couldn't help but glanced at the ring, Bai Lao's gaze fell on the pair of scimitars in Mo Yi's hands, and he felt a little more worried.

I hope I have thought about it, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't calm down.


In the ring, the match has been going on for a while, and Du Meng and Moyi have fought countless times.

The light of Du Meng's body was getting brighter and brighter, and the glazed glaze flashed with dazzling gold.

This allowed the machete in Mo Yi's hand to easily block it whenever it hits it.

Speaking of ease, this is just looking easy.

You must know that Du Meng at this moment has already raised the light of his body protection to the limit. Even so, Moya cuts down every time, although he did not break the light of his body protection, it can still induce a shock. Of Juli.

If this kind of shocking force were replaced by someone else, even Qin Shaofeng's current strength would probably not be able to endure a few strokes, and that kind of shocking force would cause internal injuries.

However, Du Meng could bear such a huge shock.

But this number is too large, even Du Meng's body, after being tempered by regularized power, is already equivalent to the strength of the body of a general Domination Realm powerhouse, it can't stand it!

One or two dollars is nothing!

At thirty or fifty dollars, even hundreds of dollars, Du Meng could ignore it.

But the problem is that in this period of time, the number of times that the two swords in Mo Yi's hand fell on Du Meng's body has exceeded a thousand times.

Rao is so powerful that Du Meng's body is too strong.

At this moment, everyone outside the ring space can now see that the pair of scimitars in Mo Yi's hands is not the pair of Blood Demon Moon from the Mo Family.

But even if it was not Blood Demon Moon, everyone felt that the terrifying aura of that pair of scimitars was definitely a very strong high-ranking treasure!

In fact, even some demons have admired Du Meng until now.

Because of so many attacks, the opponent hasn't been injured yet, even though the opponent has begun to be at a disadvantage.

If this is a change of person, even a master in the realm of ‘half-step dominance’, it’s absolutely unbearable!

This also made everyone understand that this Du Meng's defensive power is really abnormal!


In the end, Du Meng snorted in a low voice when he was suffering from the magic sword again, his breath was chaotic, and the body protection light on his body was also shaking, seeming to have a tendency to disperse.


Finally, after withstanding so many attacks, Du Meng was shocked internally by the tremendous force of the shock.

good chance!

Seeing this scene, Mo Yi's eyes lit up slightly and his hands tightened, preparing to launch a more violent attack on Du Meng.

But at this moment, Du Meng suddenly shouted, which caught him by surprise!

"Wait, I won't fight anymore, I surrender!"


Admit defeat?

For a while, Moyi was a little confused!

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