Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1200: The top five are born

Chapter 1200

He actually gave up?

When Du Meng surrendered, Mo Yi really couldn't understand.

Because in his opinion, with Du Meng's previous performance, how could this be a deadly collision with himself!

Well, in his impression, Du Meng had completely become a reckless person.

Therefore, Du Meng directly surrendered now, which surprised Mo Yi.

In fact, with Dumont's character, he would not give up easily.

Du Meng looks a little honest, but in fact this guy is very combative. If it weren't, he wouldn't go to Tang Qijian to learn from each other.

Now that he finally met Moyi, a strong opponent, Du Meng had already prepared for a battle.

To Dumont, winning or losing is not important at all.

In his opinion, as long as he plays happily, that's fine.

It doesn't matter if you lose or lose!

But this time, the situation is a little different.

Although this Moyi is strong and can burst his full strength, in fact, fighting with Moyi does not make him enjoyable.

The opponent kept slashing at him, but he could only passively defend.

And what made Du Meng a little unacceptable was that, except at the very beginning, Moyi confronted him several times, and in the next battle, the other party did not fight directly with him at all.

On the contrary, he kept avoiding his own attack, and then used a pair of scimitars in both hands to continuously chop himself.

That's right, Du Meng likes to fight, the stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

But Du Meng didn't have a hobby of being abused. Facing this kind of battle unilaterally hacked by Mo Yi, Du Meng felt very depressed.

In the end, after suffering some internal injuries to his body, Du Meng couldn't find a chance to fight with the other party, so he simply gave in.

After shouting to admit defeat, Du Meng immediately turned around and stepped off the ring without looking back.

Despite some accidents, Mo Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Du Meng leaving.

Phew, that's good, ending the battle like this is somewhat beneficial to me.

In fact, don't look at Moyi, who constantly chopped Du Meng before, but in fact, at the beginning, Moyi didn't care about Du Meng too much.

Because in Mo Yi's eyes, Du Meng's existence is at most its defensive power, which made him a little concerned. For Mo Yi's own offensive power, it should be nothing to Mo Yi.

I don't want to, with such thoughts, at the beginning of the game, after Mo Yi and Du Meng bombarded several times, his heart completely changed his opinion of Du Meng at the beginning.

Because he suddenly discovered that the power erupted from Du Meng's fist far exceeded his estimation.

That kind of barbaric power like a fierce beast is not at all the power that the general Nirvana peak realm possesses.

I am afraid that even some ‘half-step masters’ may not be able to possess such great power.

Even with the scimitar in his own hand, Mo Yi could still feel it, because of the terrifying and brutal fists of the opponent, he felt how terrible the counter-shock force from the pair of scimitars in his own hands.

It was precisely for this reason that Mo Yi changed the way of fighting, dodge Du Meng's attack, and then took the opportunity to launch an attack on Du Meng.

In the course of the battle, Mo Yi was always on guard, and Du Meng suddenly attacked himself regardless of the way he was injured.

Now Du Meng suddenly gave up, although it was unexpected, but it also made Mo Yi breathe a sigh of relief.

Being able to win so easily is a bonus.

However, seriously speaking, this is not easy!

After all, under the battle just now, the power of the law in Moyi's body was abruptly consumed 30%.

If the battle continues and enters a war of attrition, which side will have a better chance of winning in the end, this is also uncertain!

However, with Du Meng's temperament, he might not consume it like that at all!

With Du Meng's surrender, the top five were finally born.

Among the five people who were promoted, the three on the human side were Qin Shaofeng and Xuan Yunfei, and one who had turned the West Wind on the surface, but actually Meng Xiner was posing as a person.

On the side of the Mozu, Sombra and Moya have advanced.

Although the demons are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, in fact, neither the human race nor the demons feel that the human race can absolutely win.

Needless to say, Moya was not only very powerful, but also possessed the imitation scimitar of the Demon Blood Demon Moon in his hands.

Under Mo Yi's attack, even Du Meng, who had amazing defensive power, could not bear to admit defeat.

Therefore, with Moyi's strength, I am afraid I can compete for the final first place.

Such strength cannot be ignored.

As for Sombra, another player in the top five of the Mozu, it is even more unpredictable.

Even the vast majority of people on the scene thought that with the dark shadows, they might be able to dissipate their attacks no matter which opponent they met.

Because of Sombra's weird ability, it makes people who think that he can get the first place are not a few!

As for the Human Race, even if Qin Shaofeng took out so many mechanical puppets, there were still not many people optimistic about him.

The unfamiliar West Wind, but even more so.

The only person that everyone is optimistic about is Xuan Yunfei!

Of course, who can win the final victory depends on the specific game.

However, before the start of the finals, there is one more thing that needs to be resolved.

This is the last five rankings of the top ten!

After all, the points that can be obtained in the top ten rankings are all inconsistent. If you rank higher, you will naturally get more points.

This means that Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Long Xiangtian and Blood Sea still have Xiang Chengfeng, and they will continue to compete.

There were originally five contestants, two draws, one bye, and then another one, one bye, and finally the sixth place, this order of the game.

But after losing to Sombra, Long Xiangtian felt very embarrassed and left the Taibi scene directly.

Therefore, he was regarded as voluntarily abstaining and was directly ranked tenth, while the remaining Du Meng, Tang Qijian, Xiang Chengfeng and Xuehai competed for sixth to ninth.

The order of the game is Tang Qijian facing the sea of ​​blood, Du Meng facing the wind!

But soon a very strange touch appeared!

Because as soon as the order of the game was announced, Xuehai and Du Meng had waived and surrendered.

Xuehai suffered a certain amount of trauma from being attacked by Xuan Yunfei's soul, and now he can only exert half of his strength during the period of the victory.

Therefore, he directly surrendered in the match with Tang Qijian.

Even in the final match for the eighth place, he directly surrendered when he faced Dumont's opponent.

By the end of the game, the eighth, ninth, and tenth places have come out.

The remaining Tang Qijian and Xiang Chengfeng are now competing for sixth place.

The two did not choose to admit defeat, but started a real fight with live ammunition.

The battle between the two was very exciting and fierce, it was inextricably difficult to distinguish!

But the battle between the two was so boring in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng.

The reason is simple, because the battle between Tang Qijian and Xiang Chengfeng was a show.

Under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate instructions, the two communicated while fighting.

Communicating while fighting, it didn't take long to fight, and even a warm-up battle was not over, and the two knew each other thoroughly.

Then, the next thing is simple.

You know my tricks well, and I also know what yours is.

And with intentional cooperation, the battle has naturally looked very ‘exciting’ and ‘fierce’.

Regarding this, even those high-level dominance levels of Human Race and Demon Race did not see it.

Even the strong masters of both sides could see that something was wrong with the battle between the two.

Because the two sides seem to be fighting fiercely, but there are few deadly attacks.

But in this situation, those high-level powerhouses in the end attributed it to Tang Qijian and Xiang Chengfeng, both of which were afraid of the other party's special attack methods, and they did not use their full strength to attack.

Tang Qijian has a regular attack power, but the sword demon also has the means to swallow others' attacks.

It is normal for both parties to fear each other!

In the end, under Tang Qijian's unobvious flaws, Xiang Chengfeng directly used his hole cards-self-destruct!

Everyone has seen the blew of Xiang Chengfeng, a mutant sword demon clan, once.

This is a very terrifying move, the power is simply too strong to pervert!

Therefore, in the face of Xiang Chengfeng's self-destruction, Tang Qijian also ‘naturally’ walked away and left the ring directly, which was regarded as a surrender.

In the face of such a situation, neither the human races and demons, nor the high-levels of the two sides on the Void Stand felt anything wrong.

In fact, it is true!

In order to be realistic, Xiang Chengfeng was cruel, and he really blew himself up.

Then, everyone saw that under Xiang Chengfeng's self-explosion, the entire ring space was severely smashed, and there was a violent shaking.

Seeing this scene, both Xuan Yunfei and Moyi were shocked.

Because they can feel it, if they change to them at this moment, they will probably make the same choice as Tang Qijian, leave the ring space directly, and choose to surrender.

Finally, when the power brought by the self-detonation subsided completely, Xiang Chengfeng revealed his figure again.

However, this time no one can be absorbed by him, so he is very weak at this moment, so weak that any realm master can easily kill him.

Seeing Moyi in such a state, Moyuan immediately shot out a force and swept Xiang Chengfeng to his side.

Xiang Chengfeng's ability is naturally obvious to all. For such a genius, the demons don't want to take it as a loss.

The reason why Mo Yuan appeared was because he was afraid that when Xiang Chengfeng was weak, the Human Race would do anything unfavorable to him.

However, Moyuan's worries were unnecessary.

Even if I feel that Xiang Chengfeng's ability is a bit dangerous for Mr. Bai, then he doesn't have the idea of ​​doing anything to Xiang Chengfeng!

So far, all the rankings after the fifth place in the competition have been arranged.

Now only the top ten games are left!

The first five games are similar to Dumont's previous games.

Two games are played, one bye is played, and then the top three are born.

At this moment, everyone present is very concerned about the order of the game this time.

To be precise, it is the player who cares about the bye.

Because of a bye, it means that the opponent has directly advanced to the top three!

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