Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 123: The strategy of the Uranus?

After leaving the competition arena, Qin Shaofeng went straight to the mission hall.

This time, Qin Shaofeng was watched more seriously.

But no one among them came to hinder Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng came to the Mission Hall smoothly.

Two quarters later, Qin Shaofeng once again came out of the mission hall.

After Qin Shaofeng came out, although he was still wearing a blue student uniform, at this moment, in his storage ring, he put three sets of star student costumes with three stars and sky blue.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's student token has also been replaced with a three-star student token.

Qin Shaofeng is now a star student, and also a three-star student.

Qin Shaofeng still remembered that the person who tested him was dumbfounded when it was tested in the Mission Hall that he was already in the Triple Realm.

This is already the result of Qin Shaofeng's deliberate concealment. If he were to let the other party detect that he was in a four-fold innate realm, it would be even more shocking.

Soon, the story of Qin Shaofeng becoming a Samsung student was spread.

Everyone finally knows Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation base.

Innate triple!

This is a continuous triple breakthrough!

For a while, many people were shocked after learning about this.

Everyone understands one thing, Qin Shaofeng is really a real genius, the future is unlimited!

And some students even thought of the scene that inspired the Innate Golden Pillar during Qin Shaofeng's assessment that day. Qin Shaofeng paid more attention to it.

Although the entire Lianyang College is divided, there are several areas.

But really care about it, Lianyang Academy is just divided into two parts, one is the outer city and the other is the inner city.

The outer city is composed of three major areas: the preparatory student area, the formal student area, and the star student area.

To make it clear, this so-called Outer City is just a peripheral college of Lianyang College.

The real core of Lianyang Academy is the inner city.

However, to enter the inner city, there is only one way to become an elite student.

In other words, even the inner city of Yang Academy is the place where the Lingmai Grandmaster stays.

And only if you enter the inner city, you are qualified to have the opportunity to enter the spiritual garden.

In the outer city, except for the ring match and a few people with special identities, there is no way for everyone else to get a place in the spiritual garden.

And the headquarters of all the gangs in Lianyang Academy are in the inner city.

At this moment, among these gangs, it was because Qin Shaofeng had some ups and downs again.

Five people are sitting in a hall at the headquarters of the Uranus Party.

Looking at the envelope on the table, the five people were silent.

In the end, a seemingly 25-year-old young man took the lead to speak.

"Let's talk about it, that's it, what do you think about it?" the young man asked.

"Can you have any comments?" A handsome man dressed in gorgeous clothes and looking disdainfully said: "Isn't it just a breakthrough to the innate triple realm at one time? What's the fuss about it, who is not the case?"

When the handsome man spoke, he immediately got a response from the other two.

"Yes, it's just a triple congenital. When I was as big as that of Qin Shaofeng, I had already reached the state of quadruple congenital. Let alone someone who is better than me, our Uranus Party is not without."

"If you want me to say, you are too nervous, aren't you just an innate triple kid? I want as much as the Uranus Party."

Hearing these three people's words, the young man frowned, but he didn't say anything, but his eyes fell on the person who didn't speak at the end.

This last person is different from the other four people present because she is a woman.

The snow-white skin that can be broken by blowing, a figure that makes countless women jealous, and that beautiful appearance, these combined, make this woman's appearance, even if compared with Zhao Yun'er.

And most importantly, this woman looks a few years older than Zhao Yun'er, and she is full of the charm of that mature woman. It makes people look at her. She just swallows her saliva and can't wait to swallow this woman.

But the few people present did not dare to show this expression, even if it was a fantasy that was missing in their hearts, they would never dare.

This female surnamed Yan, called Yan Churui.

The reason for this is that Yan Churui's cultivation base is not lower than them.

This one of them, but what scared them the most was Yan Churui's identity.

This Yan Churui is not only the eldest daughter of the Yan Family Patriarch of the three major families of Lianyang Kingdom, she is also the woman of the leader of the Heavenly King Lian Yulong!

No one dared to be disrespectful to the heavenly king and even Yulong's woman, even the four heavenly kings in front of them.

Among the Heavenly Kings Party, that Lian Yulong is a well-deserved Heavenly King, and that Yan Churui is the Queen of Heaven.

Yan Churui gave a faint glance at the four people present, and then looked at the three handsome men and said softly: "Cheng Jiang, what you said is correct, a trivial congenital kid who is nothing in front of our Heavenly Kings Party, but you Don't forget, you Qin Shaofeng inspired the Innate Golden Pillar in the acquired realm. According to the rules of the academy, once he has cultivated to the spiritual vein realm, he can occupy a position in that place."

"Moreover..." Speaking of this, the woman paused, her eyes flashed with a strange light, "This Qin Shaofeng has only been in the academy for less than half a year, not even five months, and he has risen to the level of innate triple level. Now, you said, how long does it take for him to rise to the Spiritual Vessel Realm?"

As for the woman, the three people who had called very cheerfully before immediately fell silent.

Lian Chengjiang, the handsome man with disdain before, expressed his disdain for Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, I really think about it seriously, then Qin Shaofeng's situation is different from his!

He Lian Chengjiang is the royal family of the Lianyang Kingdom. He has been studying and practicing in this Lianyang Academy since he was a child, and he also enters the spiritual garden from time to time to exercise his body with spiritual energy.

But Qin Shaofeng is different, and Lian Chengjiang can be sure that this is the first time Qin Shaofeng has come into contact with this spiritual energy.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng's body must have been strengthened.

Moreover, for the innate martial artist, aura is still much higher level of energy, after being inhaled into the body, only a very small part is used.

But more, still hidden in the body.

With Qin Shaofeng's situation, I am afraid that in the next period of time, the rate of progress of the cultivation base will be faster.

But in this way, if Qin Shaofeng reaches the Spiritual Vessel Realm, this will have a lot of influence on their Heavenly King's future plans.

Thinking of this, even Cheng Jiang couldn't help but whispered in his heart: Hey, the ancestors are also real, why set the conditions of the innate golden pillar? Shouldn't all good things be left to our royal family?

But he just complained. How could he dare to question the rules laid down by Emperor Lianyang?

In this way, the scene suddenly fell silent again, and in the end it was the young man who interrupted the silence.

The young man's surname was Hou, named Hou Manfeng, and he was one of the four generals under Heavenly King Lian Yulong. Although his cultivation was the lowest among the four generals, he was indeed very good at strategy, and even Yan Churui would not underestimate him.

After taking a look at a few people, Hou Manfeng said: "In that case, we can only recruit Qin Shaofeng!"


Except for Yan Churui, the three of Lian Chengjiang looked at each other, and they all saw the disdain in each other's eyes.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng's identity had long been known by them.

A small future City Lord of Lanjiang City, who couldn't be smaller, actually let them come and recruit?


This is too low price!

But after Yan Churui understood Hou Manfeng’s, she nodded gently: "Yes, for now, this is the most appropriate way. After all, the academy already knows about Qin Shaofeng’s existence. It is Yulong who will be blamed, and I also heard that Qin Shaofeng has a good relationship with that person's disciple, and Zhao Yuner. We better not let him hate the Heavenly Kings Party."

When Yan Churui said so, the three of Lian Chengjiang were surprised.

Of course they knew who the person in Yan Churui's mouth was referring to. As for his disciple, it was naturally Du Meng.

And not to mention Du Meng, the identity of Zhao Yun'er alone can make them be more careful.

Zhao Yun'er, that means that their heavenly king saw it and didn't dare to offend her. After all, her status in Lianyang Academy was really special.

Even thinking of this, Lian Chengjiang was a little envious of Qin Shaofeng's luck.

You can actually have a good relationship with these two people. Is it stepping on **** or shit?

"Well, what the Queen said is quite true, I actually think so too!" Hou Manfeng nodded, but after finishing speaking, his brows wrinkled slightly, "But how on earth do you recruit? According to the collected information, I It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng is not a person who can obey other people's instructions, and he also has some means. This can be seen from Na Du Meng's listening to his words."

"On this point, Man Feng, you don't have to worry, I already have a solution!" Yan Churui smiled lightly, with confidence in her eyes.

"Oh, is there a way for the queen? Man Feng would like to hear the details!"

When Yan Churui said that she had a solution, Hou Manfeng moved in his heart and said, and the three of Lian Chengjiang also pricked their ears at this moment.

Yan Churui did not answer directly, but rather said to herself: "Then Qin Shaofeng is only fifteen years old now, and Yufeng is only fifteen years old this year!"

Lian Yufeng, the youngest princess of Lianyang Kingdom today, and the sister of Lian Yulong's mother and compatriot, is the jewel in the hands of the monarch of Lianyang Kingdom.

Although he was only fifteen years old, he was already slim, a complete little beauty.

Is this planning to use a beauty trick?

With just this sentence, everyone present understood what Yan Churui meant.

"No, I'm against it, what kind of status is the little princess that Qin Shaofeng can get in touch with? This strategy won't work!"

Lian Chengjiang stood up first and objected.

That said, but he didn't think so in his heart.

His surname is Lian, he is the royal family of Lianyang Kingdom. This is true, but in fact, he has been separated from the current royal family members of Lianyang Kingdom for several generations.

The ancestor of Liancheng Jiang was the fourth generation, and his grandfather was the prince of the previous four generations of Lianyang Kingdom.

Therefore, Lian Chengjiang had some different thoughts towards the little princess.

This is also the reason why he followed Lian Yulong loyally, except because Lian Yulong was the prince of the Lianyang Kingdom, and most importantly because of Lian Yufeng.

This point is not clear to others, but Yan Churui is very transparent in her heart.

However, she didn't break it, but smiled softly: "Heh, Chengjiang, what are you worried about? Let's not talk about other things, but with Yufeng's ability, who can arrange the marriage for her? I just think it is Yufeng. It's better to come forward. I believe that using Yufeng's means to win a mere Qin Shaofeng is not the same thing at all."

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