Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 124: Bad news


After Yan Churui said so, even Cheng Jiang suddenly realized.

Yes, with Yufeng's ability, it seems that this is the most appropriate way.

However, in Lian Chengjiang's heart, there was always some uncomfortable feeling, but other people seemed to think that this method was the best, and he didn't oppose anything anymore.

And he didn't believe that with Yufeng's temperament, he would fall in love with Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing that no one objected anymore, Yan Churui finally smiled and said: "No one objected, then it should be done like this. And speaking of it, the girl Fengnv should also go to Lianyang Academy for training. It’s not a good thing that the palace is treasured!"

As soon as Yan Churui finished speaking, Hou Manfeng nodded in agreement.

At this moment, that Lian Chengjiang stood up abruptly and said, "If this is the case, then I will pick up Yufeng!"

After that, she left in a hurry without waiting for Yan Churui to agree.

Yan Churui took a deep look at the leaving figure of Lian Chengjiang, and then at the other man beside him, he ordered: "Yaokai, you also go with you!"


The man had no objection to Yan Churui's order, but obediently responded and immediately followed out.

"In that case, the queen, then I will retire when I wait!"

After the two of Lian Chengjiang left, the remaining Hou Manfeng and the other person also fought immediately and left quickly.

They are actually very afraid of Yan Churui, this is not because of Yan Churui's strength, but because of Yan Churui's practice.

In order to help Lian Yulong, Yan Churui can always practice a special technique. Since the age of twelve, she has been accumulating pure Yin power in her body, so that one day, Lian Yulong can break through.

The power of pure Yin added to her body, which doubled her charm, which was also the reason why Hou Manfeng and the others did not dare to stay with Yan Churui.

Yan Churui loves Lian Yulong very much, and she can give everything for Lian Yulong.

In fact, Yan Churui had a word that he did not say to Hou Manfeng and the others.

If Qin Shaofeng can really show the talent that is enough to make her heart moving, she would not be wrong, let Lian Yufeng marry Qin Shaofeng.

Because the more talented people are, the more help Lian Yulong is.

Time is running out, she must find some geniuses for Lian Yulong, and Qin Shaofeng is just right.

Yan Churui had long felt that if Qin Shaofeng could enter the Spiritual Vessel Realm at the age of sixteen, even if she sacrificed Lian Yufeng, she would completely bring Qin Shaofeng under her command.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that he had been calculated by a woman.

And it seems that it is really possible to meet a beauty trick!

Not only the Heavenly Kings Party, but also the other two forces of the Yang Academy, in addition to Jiufeng Garden, the Lone Wolf Gang began to plan Qin Shaofeng.

In addition to the three major parties, there are actually five major gangs in Lianyang Academy. The five major gangs are Beihai Pavilion, Seven Kill Army, Black Ink Gang, Tiger Gang, and Hungry Wolf Gang.

After Qin Shaofeng's innate triple cultivation base came out, these five gangs also began to pay attention to Qin Shaofeng.

Whether it's stimulating the innate golden pillar during the assessment, or entering the spiritual garden, directly breaking through the triple realm at one time, this is a talent for these forces.

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng had both of these conditions.

Therefore, in the eyes of the eight major forces, Qin Shaofeng has become like a steamed bun.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng, who was like a steamed bun, was stopped by someone.

It's not that some people trouble Qin Shaofeng. With Wang Wenwu's stuff, I guess they would dare to trouble Qin Shaofeng.

The one who stopped Qin Shaofeng was a formal student of the Ninth Level of the acquired day. When Qin Shaofeng was about to enter the star student area, this person ran towards Qin Shaofeng and shouted at Qin Shaofeng, causing Qin Shaofeng to stop.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng finally didn't step into the star student area, he was finally relieved.

Finally caught up!

Otherwise, if Qin Shaofeng enters the star student area, he will not be qualified to enter!

Then how does he complete the task?

As for his task, it was a letter to Qin Shaofeng.


Looking at the envelope handed over, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused.

But the next moment, when Qin Shaofeng accidentally saw an inconspicuous mark on the envelope, his heart suddenly moved.

This is the sign of the dark guard!

Qin Shaofeng understood in an instant that this was a letter from home.

Is it a letter from grandpa?

Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart, then threw a jade bottle to the formal student.

"Thanks a lot!"

With a word, Qin Shaofeng left directly.

But the formal student was stunned very quickly.

Originally, being accidentally stopped outside the academy made him a little uncomfortable, but when the other party inquired about Qin Shaofeng, he kept an eye on him, did not offend the other party, and even became a messenger.

But now it seems that all this is worth it!

Because of the jade bottle Qin Shaofeng gave him, there were ten Super Qi Pills that instantly replenish one thousand points of internal energy.

Although this person has never seen a Super Qi Pill, he has seen a lot of Qi Pills and even ate a lot.

But compared with the Qi-buying pills in front of him, this person clearly felt that these ten pills with the same taste as the Qi-buying pills were definitely several times stronger than the best Qi-buying pills he had eaten.


With this thought, this person quickly put the jade bottle away.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew, and when he raised his head, he found a figure flashing past, flashing quickly to the distance.

This figure is a bit familiar!

"Huh? This person seems to be Senior Brother Qin!"

After blinking dazedly, the formal student gave a light hey.

He read it right, that figure was Qin Shaofeng.

Just now Qin Shaofeng opened the envelope, but the contents of the envelope made Qin Shaofeng somewhat unexpected.

It wasn't a letter from Old Man Qin, only two characters were written on the letter paper.

Come on!

Then, a line of small print.

I'm in the purple bamboo forest one kilometer outside the college.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand a word of no thought.

However, it was drawn on the letter paper, a very unique symbol of the Qin family's secret guard, indicating an emergency.

There are not many people who know this mark. The Qin family also knows the old man Qin, and Qin An knows it.

So seeing this mark, Qin Shaofeng ran directly to the Zizhu Forest outside the college without hesitation.

I don't know why, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt an extremely uneasy feeling in his heart.

Along the way, Qin Shaofeng, regardless of the consumption of internal energy, drove on the road with Xue Wuhen.

After a quarter of an hour, he came to the purple bamboo forest.


As soon as he arrived in the Zizhu Forest, Qin Shaofeng heard a very familiar voice, and then a chubby figure emerged from a pile of rubble and appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

"Uncle Dabao?"

After seeing your figure, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but let out a surprise.

Isn't this chubby figure the chef Qin Dabao of the Qin Mansion?

But why Qin Dabao came back to the college to find himself?

The uneasy feeling in Qin Shaofeng's heart became more and more serious.

But at this moment, Qin Dabao burst into tears, hugged Qin Shaofeng abruptly, and cried, "Little Master, our Qin family is over!"


Qin Shaofeng shook his whole body, and asked inexplicably, "Uncle Dabao, what are you talking about, please explain to me clearly, what is the end of the Qin family!"

Qin Dabao cried and said, "Little Master, this is what happened. The Zhang family didn't know why there were more innate masters, and then attacked our Qin family..."

After Qin Dabao's explanation, Qin Shaofeng's expression completely changed.

Five days ago, Lanjiang City had some innate masters for some reason, and it seemed that they had some connections with the Zhang family. Then after having a large number of inborn masters, Zhang Chongshan launched an attack on the Qin family.

In the face of a large number of innate masters who suddenly appeared, the Qin family was no opponent at all, and ended up in a disastrous defeat.

The Qin Mansion was destroyed, and more than a hundred people in the Qin family, except for a few people, were all beheaded.

Old man Qin managed to escape from the desperate situation in Qin'an.

But Qin An was dead.

After being seriously injured, Mr. Qin took a few people and escaped from Lanjiang City. Then Mr. Qin handed over all the property of the Qin family to Qin Dabao, who asked Qin Dabao to bring Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Dabao was barely an acquired martial artist, and his strength was not high. When the Qin Mansion was destroyed, he escaped because of going out to purchase.

It is precisely because of this that Elder Qin asked him to come to Qin Shaofeng.

That had already happened two days ago, and Qin Dabao spent two days endlessly rushing from Lanjiang City to this Lianyang Academy.

Qin Dabao also said that when he left, Old Man Qin was already being watched. This is also the reason why Old Man Qin did not come to Qin Shaofeng.

"Young master, when I left, the master said, let you take the last property of the Qin family and practice in Lianyang Academy with peace of mind. Even if you want to avenge his old man, you can only say that you have enough strength. Don't be impulsive!"

Qin Dabao said with tears, and even when he thought of the aura he saw from Old Qin when he left Blue River City, Qin Dabao knew that at that time, Old Qin was afraid that he had already made a deadly consciousness.

Although his Qin Dabao was afraid of death, at that moment, he really wanted to stay and face everything with Old Man Qin.

But in the face of the grandfather's last order, he had no choice but to do so.

Speaking of the task of the old man, Qin Dabao suddenly remembered something and fumbled for a while in his arms, then took out a ring and handed it to Qin Shaofeng.

"Little master, this is what the master gave you..."

Without speaking, Qin Dabao couldn't help but lowered his head and fainted.

It was also embarrassing for him. He drove endlessly for two days and two nights. In order not to attract the attention of others, he could only take the large transportation monster beast with the public.

But even so, because he barely managed to achieve the highest level of acquisition, I was afraid that he could not stand it.

Qin Dabao fell to the ground suddenly, shocking Qin Shaofeng's heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and after checking it, he found that Qin Dabao was only exhausted, and he was relieved.

But afterwards, Qin Shaofeng's face completely cooled down.

"Zhang Family!"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were extremely cold, and his body was full of murderous intent.

The Qin family is over!

Uncle An is dead!

The life and death of his grandfather is even more unknown, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to Qin Shaofeng.

Don't take revenge?

is it possible?

"What a Zhang family, you wait for me!" Qin Shaofeng stood up suddenly, looked in the direction of Lanjiang City, and said with murderous intent.

If it were before entering the Spirit Garden, Qin Shaofeng would still endure it for a while, but he didn't need it now.

He is now a martial artist of the innate four-level realm, even if he encounters the innate five-level or even the innate six-level martial arts, he will have the power to fight.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have the urge, so he rushed back.

Carrying Qin Dabao on his back, Qin Shaofeng walked towards Lianyang College with a gloomy expression.

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