Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 130: Enchanted! kill! kill! kill!


Zhang Chongshan is stupid!

He never expected that Qin Yueer would actually commit suicide.

Moreover, he was guarded by the two innate martial masters of his Zhang family, and committed suicide by snatching his own sword.

This is so unexpected!

No one thought that Qin Yue'er, who was not an acquired martial artist, suddenly broke out with such a powerful force.

However, this is also related to the fact that they didn't put Qin Yue'er in their eyes. Otherwise, how could Qin Yue'er break free from the control of the innate martial artist?

This is not to mention the fact that he has won the saber of the first congenital warrior.


What happened in front of him also made Lu Qi stay for a while, and then snorted to Zhang Chongshan with a gloomy expression.

Naturally, Zhang Chongshan didn't dare to say more, and could only admit it aggrieved.

But the next moment, Lu Qi saw a flower in front of him, and there was another figure, it was the army.

The army at the moment looked a little strange, and said solemnly to Lu Qi: "Second Young Master, be careful, then Qin Shaofeng is a little weird!"



What does it mean?

Lu Qi turned his head unknown, but he didn't see Qin Shaofeng's figure. When he saw Lu Jun's face raising his head solemnly, he also subconsciously looked up, but at this sight, he was instantly shocked.

Because he discovered that Qin Shaofeng had stopped in midair at this moment.

What kind of means is it to stay in the air?

Lu Qi's face became a little flustered, because he suddenly remembered that he could stay in mid-air, even his father couldn't do it!

This is how the same thing?

Lu Qi was shocked, but before he waited for him to speak, Qin Shaofeng in midair started to speak.


"You all have to die!"

Qin Shaofeng's tone was extremely cold, full of killing intent.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's face was not quite right at the moment, his face was ruthless, or numb, completely unlike the expression of a human being.

But the most shocking thing is Qin Shaofeng's breath at this moment.

Although it is still the breath of the innate five-level realm, the breath on Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment carries a very noble breath.

But this noble breath seemed to come from the blood of Qin Shaofeng.

With this noble aura, Qin Shaofeng was present, including the army, with a strange sense of oppression.

Under such pressure, Lu Qi panicked inexplicably, until he glanced at the army commander beside him, he was a little relieved.

"Huh! Pretending to be a god! The army killed him!" Lu Qi snorted coldly.

At this moment, because of the panic in his heart, Lu Qi no longer planned to continue torturing Qin Shaofeng, and directly ordered the army to kill Qin Shaofeng.

But Lu Qi didn't know that Qin Shaofeng's strange situation at this moment made the Army feel a little uneasy.

But thinking that this was Lu Qi's order, he finally gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also fell to the ground again, and immediately rushed to him when he saw the army.

"The Palm of Stormrage-the third type of Stormrage is amazing!"

With a low roar, the Army directly exploded out of its strongest blow so far under the uneasy heart.

But what made him dumbfounded was that Qin Shaofeng just glanced at him lightly when facing his strongest hand, and then...

With a swish flash, the army suddenly lost Qin Shaofeng's trace.


One palm fell through, and the army's palm hit the ground directly, punching a big hole in the ground.

"Idiot, he is behind you!"

Just as the army was wondering where Qin Shaofeng was going, Lu Qi's angrily roar suddenly came from behind him.


Just when Lu Qi was about to turn around, suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart, and his body's chills exploded instantly.

A feeling of extreme danger appeared in the Army's mind.

The Army was shocked, and even without thinking about it, he just ducked.

Unfortunately, although he reacted too quickly, he was still a little late.

call out!

A sound of breaking through the air came from behind, flashed past, and directly penetrated the army's shoulders.

Fortunately, he just dodged, otherwise the flash would not penetrate his shoulders, but the heart.

What kind of attack is this?

Actually possess such power?

Forbearing the pain of being pierced through his shoulder, Lu Qi was sweating coldly, and he felt fortunate to have avoided the fatal blow.

Then the army finally turned around.

But when he saw Qin Shaofeng, his heart suddenly became even more disturbed!

"Did it? Yes, I hope you can do it next!" Qin Shaofeng said mercilessly.

After that, before others could see, Qin Shaofeng's words flashed with a white light.

One of the primordial light set skills, the primordial light!

Light of the First Spirit: Instantly restore the player's 100% inner strength, and the cooling time is 1 hour.

The previous blow that pierced the army was precisely because Qin Shaofeng had a total of 130,000 points of internal energy on his body, and broke out a small Li flying knife.

But in the end, the army evaded the fatal injury, and depending on the situation, the army still had a very strong strength.

As soon as the inner aura was emptied, Qin Shaofeng moved the light of the first spirit to restore his inner aura again.

With a light move with his right hand, Qin Shaofeng's internal energy value was emptied again, and a small and beautiful internal energy knife appeared on Qin Shaofeng's right hand instantly.

As soon as this internal Qi knife appeared, the army trembled and felt a strong crisis.

not good!

This is dangerous to the internal air knife!

With a horror in his heart, Lu Qi panicked completely.

But, soon, Lu Qi was completely desperate!

Because at this moment, the inner Qi knife suddenly flashed slightly, as if there was something extra.

But after a closer look, it was still the same, no change.

But after this flash, what the inner Qi knife brought to the Army was no longer a sense of crisis, but a breath of death.

Lu Qi clearly felt the smell of death from the knife in Qin Shaofeng's right hand.

With this cut, he will die!

He would definitely die, because he couldn't catch it at all, and the army also felt that the aura of that internal qi knife had completely locked him up, even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't hide it at all.

The second skill of the first light of the light suit with a full blow!

Full blow: It can double the player's attack once, and the cooling time is 1 hour.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's all-out Xiao Li flying knife made the Army feel a fatal crisis.

This attack has doubled, and that situation can be imagined.

Yes, it is despair!

Literally, the full blow only doubled the attack power of Qin Shaofeng's Xiao Li flying knife at the moment.

After being able to double the attack, Xiao Li's flying knife is not as simple as one plus one. This power is probably far more than doubled.


With a sigh that seemed to come from the **** of death, Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand lightly.

call out!

The flying knife separated, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the army closed his eyes in despair.

Can't escape, the only thing he can do is close his eyes and wait for death!

The army never expected that he would end like this.

He is looked upon by the Lu Family, a potential genius who is expected to impact the Spiritual Realm!

Suddenly, when the flying knife was about to reach the army's forehead, a thought flashed through his mind.

Wouldn't this be the legendary prodigal?

My own experience was completely caused by Lu Qi, but in the final analysis, this was the trouble Lu Qi caused from beginning to end.


The army suddenly smiled in his heart.

What a Lu Qi, what a family!

The Lu family, my army is one step ahead, I am waiting for you!


The flying knife directly hit the army's forehead, and then the army's head, like a watermelon bursting open suddenly, exploded in blood and white everywhere.


In the distance, Lu Qi, Zhang Chongshan and others looked stupid.

The army is dead?

A dignified master of the Seventh Level of Innate Realm was killed by Qin Shaofeng?

And Qin Shaofeng looked very relaxed.

Is this a dream?

Unfortunately, no!

After killing the army, Qin Shaofeng suddenly turned around, looked at Lu Qi and others, and said indifferently, "It's your turn!"

"No, don't kill me!"

A martial artist from the Zhang family's congenital No.1 Heavy was the first to bear this kind of atmosphere, and he slumped directly on the ground, his expression extremely alarmed.

As for his family advocate Chongshan, he suddenly turned around and fled to the distance frantically.

Zhang Chongshan's actions instantly made the remaining few people react!


Only escape now!

They are also part of the Qin family being destroyed, and it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to let them go!

Not to escape is to die!

There is still a chance to escape!


A few figures flashed past, except for the congenital first-tier martial artist of the Zhang Family who was paralyzed, and Lu Qi, the rest of them all ran away in an instant.

Lu Qi wanted to run too, but he was already a useless person, how far could he run?

Besides, Lu Qi really didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng would really kill him.

"Qin Shaofeng, you'd better not mess around, I am the second son of the Lu family, and my father is a master of spirit veins. If you kill me, you will definitely die!"

Lu Qi pretended to be calm and said, as he said, he also seemed to have some certainty, and couldn't help but said: "Qin Shaofeng, it's better to be like this. I'll be here today, you let me go, I promise you won't trouble you again. The grievances between you and me are wiped out!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't reply, his face was still extremely cold, and he approached Lu Qi step by step.

This made Lu Qi extremely panicked and screamed loudly: "Qin Shaofeng, don't make mistakes. Today I completely understand that you have a strong talent and a bright future. You don't need to die with me. Killed. I, my father will avenge me, so you should not kill me!"

But Qin Shaofeng still couldn't smell him, and soon came to him.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qi finally couldn't help but fell directly on the ground and began to threaten Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, you better leave me alone, otherwise not only will you die, your grandfather will also die, and your brother Du Meng will also die because of you!"

"By the way, don't you still have a woman? That's Zhao Yun'er. If you let me kill me, my father would agree not to let her go!"


Amid Lu Qi's threat, Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised his right hand. After that, Qin Shaofeng's right hand had an extra sword at some point.

"Do not kill me!"

The sword light flashed. Seeing Qin Shaofeng lift the sword to slash at him, Lu Qi finally couldn't help but screamed, closed his eyes, and his pants became hot.

Scared to pee!

But soon, Lu Qi felt something wrong.

It doesn't hurt!

Opening his eyes, Lu Qi realized that Qin Shaofeng's sword had been cut at the Zhang Family Congenital First Heavy Martial Artist beside him.

In that case, Qin Shaofeng really didn't dare to kill?

Lu Qi was overjoyed, but the next moment, he felt a cold in his neck, and the world in front of him suddenly tilted.

He seemed to fall to the ground.

But when he felt his head fell to the ground, Lu Qi only realized it.

He fell to the ground, but it was his head that fell to the ground first, and then his body.

He was beheaded by Qin Shaofeng!

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