Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 131: Super God order props-super demon chess pieces


Lu Qi, the culprit who killed the Qin family, finally died!

Gu Lu rolled his head twice on the ground, and after calming down, he showed wide-open eyes.

However, what makes people strange is that the feeling that those eyes give people is not that they are dying, but that they are puzzled.

It seems to be wondering why he was killed, and it seems to be wondering if he really died?

Without paying attention to this, Qin Shaofeng remained expressionless, without the slightest excitement and ease after revenge.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have fallen into a strange state, as if he had lost his human emotions, just like a cold machine.

But it seems that there is another instruction in Qin Shaofeng's heart!

Looking up at the Lanjiang City in front of him, Qin Shaofeng finally changed his eyes.

Murderous intent emerged once again, and the only thing that really happened was pure killing intent.

Then, taking steps, Qin Shaofeng walked towards Lanjiang City.

Although the culprit is dead, he is still an accomplice!


Not just when Qin Shaofeng walked to Qin Yueer's side, his whole person suddenly paused, then knelt down and hugged Qin Yueer.

A trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, and a trace of utter grief!

Then, Qin Shaofeng hugged Qin Yue'er and walked into Blue River City.

At this time, the sky was already darkened.

In fact, the movement of the city gates had already been noticed by the people in Lanjiang City when the fighting broke out.

But no one dared to come out!

People still remember the tragedy of Qin's mansion a few days ago!

Those innate martial masters from outside are very ruthless, killing and beheading at every turn, no one dares to offend them.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't survive!

So after Qin Shaofeng entered Blue River City, he did not see a single person.

Just when Qin Shaofeng slowly walked to Zhang's house, he embraced Qin Yue'er in one hand and swung the sword lightly in the other.

Suddenly, the entire Zhang Mansion cried and screamed everywhere.

Not long after, the Zhang family was gone!

Then, it was the Wang's turn!

After extinguishing the Zhang Family and Wang Family, Qin Shaofeng suddenly rose into the air, and finally went to several hidden places in Lanjiang City, and found Zhang Chongshan who had fled and hid before, but also found a sword to kill him!

It has been less than half an hour since Qin Yueer died of suicide, but the number of people who died in Qin Shaofeng's hands was as many as three or four hundred.

What is even more strange is that Qin Shaofeng in this state seems to have no sense of murder at all.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng took Qin Yue'er back to the outside of Lanjiang City. In a small forest that Qin Shaofeng and Qin Yue'er used to often bring, Qin Shaofeng finally stopped.

After stopping, Qin Shaofeng finally got rid of the weird state before.

After leaving that state, Qin Shaofeng's face instantly showed sorrow that could not be erased!

Touching Qin Yue'er, who was already a little cold in her arms, Qin Shaofeng wept.


Holding Qin Yue'er tightly, Qin Shaofeng cried silently.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something, a frightening light flashed in his eyes, then Qin Shaofeng raised his head and summoned his attribute interface for the first time.

Because he suddenly remembered that he has a god-level system with everything in it.

That being the case, then...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Qin Shaofeng frantically opened the system store, and then began to search.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng found what he needed.

Phoenix Nirvana Pill: God-level ten-star pill, a pill made from the blood of the super beast Jiucai Phoenix. It has the effect of reviving the dead. After taking it, it can repair the soul and bring people back to life.

Resurrection Crystal: A special item that can resurrect the dead after use.

Rejuvenation Pill: A god-level ten-star pill. After use, even if there is only a trace of remnant soul, it can regenerate and resurrect completely!


very many……

There are at least a dozen kinds of pills that can make people resurrect.

But at this point, Qin Shaofeng was finally excited.

Whether it's the resurrection medicine or the resurrection props, as long as you own one of them, isn't it that you can bring Yue'er back to life?

But the next moment, after Qin Shaofeng saw an introduction to the properties of the medicine, he suddenly stopped there, motionless.

Phoenix Nirvana:...Buy one trillion points!

one trillion! ! !

These three words hit Qin Shaofeng's chest fiercely like a heavy hammer, making him breathless.


He had forgotten that even if the system had these heaven-defying resurrection pills and props, he could have the required points?

Qin Shaofeng looked at it carefully, and even the resurrection crystal with the lowest points required 68 billion points.

Hope came so suddenly, but despair came so thoroughly.

But soon, a trace of determination flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he turned on the system's recovery furnace.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Each skill was thrown in by Qin Shaofeng, and the system sounded one by one.

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering a god-level skill with glaring eyes. This skill is very powerful, unusually rare, and does not exist in the system store. Once recovered, player Qin Shaofeng will lose this skill forever. Please consider again!"

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering the god-level skill Xiaoli Feida. This skill is very powerful, unusually rare, and it does not exist in the system store. Once recovered, player Qin Shaofeng will lose this skill forever. Please consider again !"

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering the holy level skill Yi Jinjing, this skill..."

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering the 108 special skills Yoga pose. This skill..."

A series of system prompts, no, it should be said that they are system warning sounds.

This was the first time Qin Shaofeng encountered the warning sound of the system.

But Qin Shaofeng still turned a deaf ear, just looked at the recycling furnace.

Recycling price of the golden eye: 150 billion points!

Xiao Li Fei Dao recovery price: 100 billion points!

Yijinjing recovery price: 20 billion points!

Yoga 108 recovery price: 80 billion points

Wukongshu recovery price: 200 billion points

Alchemy recovery price: 100 billion points


In the end, all the skills in Qin Shaofeng's body are worth 650 billion after calculation by the recovery furnace system!

This is an extremely exaggerated figure, if it were put in the usual Qin Shaofeng at this moment, I would have been stunned.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had endless pain in his heart.

"Why? Why is there only 650 billion? Why not 680 billion?"


Even if Qin Shaofeng reclaimed all the skills in his body at this moment, he only had 650 billion points.

This is 30 billion short of buying that resurrection crystal!

Thirty billion!

This is as difficult for Qin Shaofeng to reach the sky.

"No! I still have another chance!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, closed the recovery furnace, and directly opened the system lottery interface.

He also has a special chance to draw!

If he is holding a special lottery at this moment, once he gets a special item or special skill. Or maybe it's god-level props and skills, maybe 30 billion!

Qin Shaofeng had never thought that he would be lucky enough to get the resurrection pills and resurrection items, and that hope was too slim.

The only thing he prays for now is that he can get an item and skill with a recycling price of at least 30 billion.


Taking a deep breath, Qin Shaofeng gave the system a lottery drawing instruction!

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng currently has a chance to draw a special lottery. Will player Qin Shaofeng hold a special draw?"


"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng starts a special draw, consumes one chance of the special draw, and the special draw is in progress..."

The music of the fruit machine that has remained unchanged for thousands of years rang again, and Qin Shaofeng's mood at the moment was extremely nervous.

This is his last hope, but don't let him down again.

Listening to the familiar fruit machine music, Qin Shaofeng felt for the first time that the music that only took ten seconds was so long.

It makes Qin Shaofeng feel like every second is like a year, which is really painful!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the super devil chess piece in the special draw!"

Super devil chess piece?

Qin Shaofeng frowned, and didn't plan to look at the attributes of the so-called super devil chess piece, directly commanded the system to throw it into the recovery furnace.

But the next moment, something that scared Qin Shaofeng happened!


Suddenly, the system sounded a harsh alarm, and Qin Shaofeng received the warning sound from the system.

And this time three times in a row!

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering Super God-level props and super demon chess pieces. This item is extremely precious and unique! It is one of the 18 super-divine-level props that surpasses the god-level in the entire god-level training system! Recycling, the loss of Qin Shaofeng, the player, will be difficult to estimate. The system hereby warns the player Qin Shaofeng not to recycle this item!"

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering Super God-level props and super demon chess pieces. This item is extremely precious and unique! It is one of the 18 super-divine-level props that surpasses the god-level in the entire god-level training system! Recycling, the loss of Qin Shaofeng, the player, will be difficult to estimate. The system hereby warns the player Qin Shaofeng not to recycle this item!"

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng is recovering Super God-level props and super demon chess pieces. This item is extremely precious and unique! It is one of the 18 super-divine-level props that surpasses the god-level in the entire god-level training system! Recycling, the loss of Qin Shaofeng, the player, will be difficult to estimate. The system hereby warns the player Qin Shaofeng not to recycle this item!"


The harsh sirens instantly stunned Qin Shaofeng.

Then, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked at the recovery furnace, and his eyes went wide.

Super devil chess piece recovery price: one trillion points!

(Note: This item is extremely rare and precious, unique and difficult to estimate. One trillion points is the lowest price! Players are expected to recycle it carefully!)

One trillion?


Happiness came so suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt a little unreal!

A moment ago, he was still struggling with 30 billion, praying desperately.

But at this moment, the props of hundreds of billions of points, just like this?

Am I dreaming?

After checking it again and again, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble again when he realized that he was not dreaming.

This super devil chess piece is very precious, but the question is, can I reclaim it?

Finally, taking a look at Xiao Yue'er in his arms, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with determination.


If you don't recycle it, Yue'er can't be resurrected.

However, in the end Qin Shaofeng hesitated for a while, planning to take a look at this super demon chess piece worth hundreds of billions.

He also wanted to know how powerful the attributes of this super god-level item were.

But after seeing this, Qin Shaofeng felt extremely grateful.

Fortunately, I took a look, otherwise he would have suffered a lot!

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