Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1300: Dominate the supreme potential?

Chapter 1300 Dominating the Supreme's Potential?


At the moment when Qin Shaofeng's breath appeared sublimated, Jiang Hengtian in the space of Nirvana realm immediately noticed it.

Such a breath...

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and Jiang Hengtian sighed softly, revealing a complex emotion on his face.

There are regrets, accidents, and disappointments, and there is a touch of comfort in these emotions.

However, such emotions disappeared instantly.

Elder Bai also felt the changes in Qin Shaofeng's body, a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he felt a little relaxed, and he did not notice the change in Jiang Hengtian's face beside him.

Prior to this, Mr. Bai was still a little worried about Qin Shaofeng. He believed in Qin Shaofeng's potential and Qin Shaofeng's power, but he also knew that everything Qin Shaofeng had experienced during this time made some mentality wrong.

Old Bai also knew that this was a normal situation. After all, Qin Shaofeng's age was there, and the time for cultivation was still too short. Even if it was because of his own talent and insight, it completely seemed to be his current realm and strength.

But after all, there are still some flaws in the mentality. Now the situation of Qin Shaofeng's breath sublimation, let Bai Lao know, Qin Shaofeng has already noticed this.

In the current situation, there is basically no problem.

However, considering certain circumstances, Old Bai still had something in his heart for Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, with regard to the current situation of the all-around competition, it is better to wait and see these things.


On the court, after Qin Shaofeng's aura sublimated, he felt that the repelling force of the big battlefield against him had begun to weaken.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this repulsive force has only weakened, but it has not disappeared.

"According to this situation, I am afraid that when there are less than three hundred auras in this arena, I will be teleported out!"

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he instantly understood his situation.

The mentality is just a state of artistic conception, and for his situation at the moment, it seems that there is no strong damn.

"It can't go on like this!"

Qin Shaofeng thought about how to make himself persevere.

If he is eliminated at this time, he won't be the first place in this game.

There are still seven or eight players left on the field, and Qin Shaofeng also feels that there are some talented potentials among the seven or eight players. I am afraid that the three hundred auras are not the opponent's limit.

and many more!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Now this big team is just testing a person's potential, but if the potential is too big and exceeds the detection range of this big team, can it be detected by this big team, or recognized by this big team? ?"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

And the more I thought about it, the more Qin Shaofeng felt that there was such a possibility.

Yes, it can't be detected!

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he suddenly felt that it would be difficult to detect the body of the gods and demons he owns in this big battlefield, and I am afraid that his body has exceeded the detection range.

Although this big battlefield is a powerful formation that is set up by a master who is good at formations.

But in his situation, even the laws of the Great Way cannot interfere.

Isn't it? You have to know that Qin Shaofeng is really only at the pinnacle of Nirvana, but because of the power of the gods and demons of the God and Devil Pills, he has the power to dominate the realm.

"If it's really the same as I guessed, then..."

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and a pair of eyes flashed abruptly, showing a faint purple-golden brilliance.


After Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed this faint purple-gold brilliance, he suddenly felt that his whole body was lightened, and there was no repulsive force.

Eyes of Gods and Demons!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng directly opened the eyes of the gods and demons.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes of the gods and demons are the same as the previous writing round eyes and reincarnation eyes, with active and hidden openings.

The state of opening can be revealed or not!

And once it did not appear, it would be difficult for others to detect Qin Shaofeng's eyes of the gods and demon. In front of the powerful master Bai Lao, Qin Shaofeng had not tried, whether his eyes of the gods and demon would be detected by the opponent.

But Qin Shaofeng tried several times and opened the eyes of the gods and demons in front of Bai Nishang, but it didn't show up, and Bai Nishang didn't even notice it.

The white neon clothes with a nine-color divine body is very sensitive to the fluctuations of all powers. Since she can't detect the eyes of the gods and demons hidden by Qin Shaofeng, the horror of others is almost the same.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that even if he was a strong master who dominated the Supreme, without using any means, he might have opened the eyes of the gods and demons. Once he didn't take the initiative to show it, the opponent would be difficult to detect.

And now Qin Shaofeng is also fully aware of one thing, that is, this big formation arranged by the Domination Supreme, if he does not take the initiative to open the eyes of the gods and demons, this big formation will not be able to detect the potential of having the eyes of the gods and demons.

Now that the eyes of the gods and demons were opened, the battlefield no longer rejected him.

Obviously, after taking the initiative to show the eyes of the gods and demons, the potential of the big battlefield against him has once again detected a more powerful potential situation.

From this point of view, I am afraid that this big battlefield team will not be able to test the potential of Qin Shaofeng's body of the gods and demons.

"In this way, if I don't use the eyes of gods and demons, I can only achieve two hundred auras only with my own pure power, which means that I have the potential to cultivate two hundred avenues?"

Qin Shaofeng was in a good mood for this result.

Because Qin Shaofeng remembered that he had tested his qualifications on the Nine Clouds Continent before, and the test results at that time were very unsatisfactory.

Not to mention cultivating the pattern of the Great Dao, Qin Shaofeng's own aptitude at the beginning was a bit choking even in the seven worlds.

Of course, this might also be because Qin Shaofeng didn't fully stimulate his own potential and had such a test result.

However, at that time, Qin Shaofeng didn't care much either, because of the existence of the god-level cultivation system, he didn't really care about his aptitude and potential! ~

But now, Qin Shaofeng has a thorough understanding of his own potential.

"Two hundred lines of avenues! It's barely possible!"

The corner of his mouth curled slightly, and Qin Shaofeng continued to sit cross-legged and waited quietly for the end of the test.

If other people, especially the remaining players on the big battlefield, know what Qin Shaofeng's thoughts are in his heart, I am afraid that he will vomit blood.

They are all struggling, and they have tried their best to persist for a longer time under the big battlefield.

But Qin Shaofeng was fine, so he just sat there.

It's just waiting for the end of the game!

This is too easy!

But there is no way, who called Qin Shaofeng's eyes of gods and demons, too powerful.

Qin Shaofeng's Eye of God and Demon even the system evaluated it as a super god-level skill!

That's a super **** level skill!

Qin Shaofeng knew that the super **** rank evaluated by the system was definitely not an ordinary existence.

So far, Qin Shaofeng has only been exposed to a few super god-level skills and props.

The first one is the super demon chess piece, this super god-level item.

There is no need to say more about the ability of the super devil chess piece. Every family member of Qin Shaofeng can be called unlimited potential.

And it goes without saying that he is the first and second envoy of the demon king.

There is also Xiaoyue'er's super god-level skill ‘Devil’s Hymn’, which is a super awesome ~ perverted skill that can resurrect the dead.

There is also Zhao Yuner's star realm, and Lian Yufeng's extremely profound fire...

None of these super god-level skills are simple, they are all talented skills that are powerful enough to make the entire ancient sanctuary very popular.

And these skills are actually somewhat different from Qin Shaofeng’s Eye of Gods and Demons. Although the gap is not very big, Qin Shaofeng can confirm that even if his Eye of Gods and Demons is among the skills of the Super God level, it definitely belongs to Very powerful skills.

No, Qin Shaofeng only slightly opened the eyes of the gods and demons, and the extent of the potential of the big array in the competition field changed instantly.

Before the two hundred halos, Qin Shaofeng also felt some repulsive forces.

But after opening the eyes of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel any repulsive power even if it was two hundred and fifty to the halo.

Even when the three hundred halos appeared, Qin Shaofeng still looked relaxed.


That is still impossible!

Three hundred halos!

This represents the potential of being able to cultivate the patterns of three hundred avenues!

Even after reaching the realm of the title of emperor in the supreme ruler, theoretically, it is possible to cultivate an unlimited number of avenue patterns.

But when the pattern of the avenue reaches a hundred, it is already a bottleneck.

If there is no chance or luck, no matter how high the potential is, it will not be able to break through this bottleneck, and continue to stay at the pinnacle of the Supreme Ruler.

Therefore, the supreme master who has cultivated hundreds of patterns of great avenues can be regarded as one of ten thousand.

However, having said this again, if there is no such potential, I am afraid that I will not be able to cultivate to that level.

I don't have the potential, so what can I talk about to cultivate to that level!

Therefore, at the moment, the three players, including Qin Shaofeng, who were still on the field, attracted the attention of countless people.

"Oh my God, there are three hundred halos, can these three people stick to it?"

"Three hundred halos, three hundred avenues, crazy, crazy, this is too exaggerated!"

"This time the all-around contest really did not come wrong, I can be regarded as seeing a real genius!"

"With such potential, I am afraid that everyone has the possibility of impacting and dominating the supreme!"

"Yes, there is indeed such a possibility. It is said that if the result of the big battlefield detection is that it has the potential to have the pattern of three hundred avenues, there is a slight possibility of becoming the sovereign!"

"Hiss——! Is it really possible? Dominate the Supreme!"

"That's not it! Even though it's only a slight possibility, it's far stronger than others. There is no chance for the entire ancient sanctuary to attack and dominate the Supreme!"

"In that case, maybe all three of the players on the field will become the masters?"

"Well, it's not wrong to say that, but it's just a slight possibility!"

"Master the Supreme!"


Indeed, the potential to dominate the Supreme is undetectable, because there are too many factors to dominate the Supreme, and it is also because the dominance is too strong.

However, if the potential is strong enough, there are still some who may become the supreme master.

With the potential to cultivate the patterns of three hundred avenues, there is a glimmer of opportunity to become the sovereign!

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