Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1301: Am I so awesome?

Chapter 1301 I am so awesome?

Dominate the supreme potential?


However, if you want to become the sovereign, it is not enough to have the potential.

But in any case, the three people who are still on the field at this time have made many people look at them.

Those Tianjiao who are very proud of themselves, after seeing this scene, finally have a touch of solemnity in their eyes.

The potential to dominate the Supreme, I am afraid that even these arrogants of them do not necessarily possess.

Although potential cannot represent everything, it is a potential threat.

The more talented people are, the more they care about other geniuses.

At the beginning, these geniuses didn't care much about Qin Shaofeng.

Even if Qin Shaofeng competed in three fields, he had a three consecutive championships.

But now after seeing Qin Shaofeng possessing such potential, someone finally couldn't sit still.

With such potential and being favored by the most powerful like Baidi, his own strength must not be simple.

In this Nirvana Realm, everyone was suppressed at the peak of the Nirvana Realm. Although they had some suppression that could temporarily break through the Nirvana Realm and recover some time.

But after all, time is limited, and the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng will not be without such a method!

I thought that Qin Shaofeng's time to apprentice Baidi was too short, and his cultivation base was barely promoted to the seven or eightfold dominance level, and it was still the cultivation base that was raised through the arena of Qianzhonglou, probably not stable at all.

In this state of cultivation, once you enter this Nirvana Realm, your cultivation is suppressed. I am afraid that there is no means to restore some cultivation while fighting.

But now that Qin Shaofeng has such potential, it is different.

There is a very common situation in the ancient sanctuary, that is, the greater the potential of the genius, the faster the improvement of the cultivation base.

Now that Qin Shaofeng has such potential, many people think that maybe Qin Shaofeng has already consolidated his realm, and maybe he has also practiced some incredible techniques and secret techniques from Emperor Bai.

This is a rival!

The competitions in the seven domains didn't make the top tianjiao of the ancient sanctuary care much. At the very least, few real tianjiao participated in the competition in the previous areas.

In the eyes of escape, only the competition in the field of strength is the real genius competition.

And now Qin Shaofeng has already made many Tianjiao feel threatened.

Perhaps from the outside world, with Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation base, it is difficult to threaten these arrogants, but now this almighty competition is different.


It didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to be the only one left in the battlefield.

At this time, there was a pale silver halo on the mask of the arena, which had reached 361!

The two geniuses who stayed with Qin Shaofeng before finally persisted to 327 auras, and then they were teleported out.

The other one happened to be in the Three Hundred and Sixty Paths, the number of the halo on the number of days of the week, which was sent out.

After the player was teleported out, Qin Shaofeng immediately got up after breaking through Zhou Tianzhi's halo.

Qin Shaofeng can continue to stay.

But now that there are results, Qin Shaofeng doesn't plan to continue.

This makes many people who want to see how much potential Qin Shaofeng has, a strong disappointment flashes in their eyes.

"Hey, why didn't you continue? I watched Qin Shaofeng still stick to it, why did he end like this?"

"That is to say, the previous competition in the spiritual realm is the same. He can continue to persevere, but he did not continue."

"Hey, what else do you need to insist on? Just get the first place."

"It's true to say that, but it makes people feel unbearable!"

The crowd was talking, and many people expressed dissatisfaction with Qin Shaofeng's behavior.

Suddenly, a voice appeared, and everyone's guess was immediately joined.

"You said, Qin Shaofeng doesn't take the initiative to accept this. If he continues, how far can he stick?"

"Which step can I hold on? I think I can hold at least twenty or thirty halos!"

"Twenty or thirty? I'm afraid this is less, I see Qin Shaofeng can hold on to 400 halo!"

"I can stick to five hundred Dao!"

"Five hundred? I've already said it! In my opinion, five hundred is impossible, but four hundred is still possible!"

"Whether it is five hundred or four hundred, in fact, in my opinion, they are all the same, they are all too bad!"



Qin Shaofeng didn't care much no matter how people viewed themselves or guessed themselves.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's attention was focused on the fifth stage mission of his'Almighty Champion'.

After winning the first place in two potential competitions, Qin Shaofeng is now the first in nine items.

And Qin Shaofeng also knows what kind of field the next field competition will be.

Comprehension competition!

The competition in the field of perception has two events.

One is to comprehend the practice exercises, and the other is to create your own exercises!

After learning that these two competitions were, Qin Shaofeng felt that the fifth stage of his ‘all-around champion’ was completely completed.

Because the first one to start the competition is a self-made exercise competition!

There is only one requirement for this self-made exercise competition, and that is to create a exercise that meets the requirements in the arena.

Of course, this exercise is only a stage of exercises.

After the entire self-created exercise competition, there were many stages.

Creating exercises is also a competition to test your comprehension, because exercises cannot be created casually. If there is no certain foundation and a certain level of understanding, it is impossible to create a exercise.

Even if it is created, I am afraid that it will not be able to cultivate normally, or after cultivation, various situations will appear.

The exercises in the ancient sanctuary are extremely powerful. All exercises and martial arts have one to ten stars, these ten levels.

Under normal circumstances, a one-star exercise can enable a person to cultivate to the realm of the realm master.

If you have a three-star level, you can cultivate to the Nirvana Realm, and those with a three-star level or above can cultivate to the Domination Realm.

However, even if they can cultivate to the dominance level, there is the speed of cultivation, and the difference between the strength of the strength after cultivation.

The higher the stars, the stronger the exercises.

It is even said that some powerful ten-star techniques can be cultivated to the realm of dominating the supreme.

But this kind of exercise is completely natural and existent. It is not something the strong can create, but a powerful exercise bred by Dao Law.

Therefore, ten-star exercises have special powers, allowing people to cultivate to the realm of dominating the supreme.

But such a powerful technique is extremely rare in the entire ancient sanctuary, and the most important thing is that even if it has a ten-star attack, if it does not meet its cultivation requirements, it will be in vain.

However, this time the competition of self-created exercises is not about creating particularly powerful exercises.

As long as you create something that allows others to practice, you will be eligible.

Of course, the stronger this exercise is, the easier it will be to win the first place.

But even so, there are very few people who can create their own exercises.

If the level is lower, it is very easy.

But in this competition, the first requirement to meet the standard is to create a one-star exercise.

Very helpless, just this one condition made most of the players who had not reached the dominance level directly gave up this game.

The one-star technique is a technique that allows people to cultivate to the realm of the realm, which is completely impossible for many players who are only in the realm of Nirvana or even the realm of realm.

Even if there are some individual geniuses who can create such a technique, the problem is that this is only the first test.

The first test is to create a one-star exercise method, so the next test is probably even more difficult.

Therefore, many people are very self-aware and did not participate in this game.

However, even with this situation, many players still participated.

Two hundred and thirty thousand!

This is the number of players participating in this savvy competition.

Although compared with the previous field competition, the number of participants this time is relatively small, but in fact, there are still a lot of two or three hundred thousand players.

I am afraid that such a situation can only be seen in this kind of ‘all-around competition’.

The first self-created exercises competition in the field of comprehension. The first one to pass the requirement is to create a one-star exercise. The only requirement is that this exercise can increase its own strength.

This is actually not difficult for Qin Shaofeng.

Whether on the Nine Clouds Continent or the Ancient Continent, Qin Shaofeng has been exposed to many exercises.

No way, Qin Shaofeng killed too many people. Although most of them were demons, Qin Shaofeng had gained a lot of techniques no matter it was a human race or a demons race.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng didn't take these exercises seriously before.

After all, he has a god-level cultivation system. Before he had the elixir, but now he even has the elixir of gods and demons. This is a powerful technique in the city.

Moreover, for Qin Shaofeng, the technique is not very important. He has powerful skills in the system and he can have a strong strength.

However, the time Qin Shaofeng saw Mr. Bai before the start of the all-around competition, Mr. Bai gave him a lot of powerful techniques.

Qin Shaofeng just didn't look at it much!

Now that Qin Shaofeng is not worried about this project of creating his own exercises.

With so many exercises, Qin Shaofeng was able to create his own exercises and martial arts long ago.

When he used his own immortal incarnation Yan Yang before, he also created a lot of exercises and martial arts!

One-star exercise?

No difficulty!

It's just that Qin Shaofeng created the technique in less than half an hour.

A technique that can increase strength. Even when it was created, Qin Shaofeng also added a lot of things to his thoughts about the realm master Realm King Quan and the gods and devil's great power, so that after this technique came out, it actually reached three stars. , And it's also the top exercise among the three-star.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless.

Am I so awesome now?

Can a self-created exercise method allow people to cultivate to the pinnacle of Nirvana?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that most of the exercises he captured were actually of good level.

Of course the most important thing is that when creating this exercise, Qin Shaofeng added some thoughts about the realm king's fist and the great power of the gods and demons.

Therefore, even if it is a practice created casually, it is definitely not simple.

And this result made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised.

Because after the referee got this exercise, he actually told Qin Shaofeng that he not only passed the first requirement of this game, but even the second and third requirements that were connected.

Therefore, the next second and third requirements require a self-created technique, and Qin Shaofeng can rest in place!

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