Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1302: Final request

Chapter 1302 the final request

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that he just created a practice technique casually, and actually passed the three requirements.

Although it was a bit unexpected, Qin Shaofeng didn't care so much either. This was a good thing for him.

Because of this, he could take advantage of the other people to pass the first, second, and third requirements to sort out the exercises he had obtained.

Although Qin Shaofeng had the confidence to create a good exercise method, he didn't know what the fourth and subsequent exercise methods required.

Organizing the exercises he has now is also in order to cope with the creation of the exercises required later.

When Qin Shaofeng started to organize the exercises, others were creating the first exercises!

Not many people are like Qin Shaofeng, who can create a technique in less than half an hour, and it also meets the requirements of the competition.

However, too long will not work, because there is a time limit in this game.

Five hours, if you can't create the exercises for five hours, and create the exercises required by the competition, then you will be eliminated directly.

After five hours have passed, the original 230,000 players on the field now have less than 100,000 players left.

Creating a one-star exercise is actually not difficult for these 230,000 players. Basically, the players participating in this competition have a certain level.

But unfortunately, because of the requirement to increase power and time constraints, this has caused most players to fail.

However, one situation has emerged.

That is, among the contestants who passed the first requirement, many contestants, like Qin Shaofeng, passed the second and third requirements of creating exercises. They did not need to perform the next two creation exercises. Yes, I was promoted directly.

Seeing this scene, countless spectators at the scene were filled with emotion.

"Create your own practice! Although it is only one-star, it is amazing that more than 90,000 people passed it at once!"

"No, this is a technique that allows people to cultivate to the realm of the realm!"

"Oh, I thought I had cultivated to the realm of the realm at the beginning, but the cultivation technique was a low-level technique of a small plane, and I couldn't even rank it with a star!"

"It is said that this time in this comprehension competition, the exercises created by the players will be announced free of charge, so that anyone can practice!"

"Really? This is 90,000 one-star techniques!"

"Hey--! I don't know yet, 90,000 one-star exercises! This is too scary!"

"If it is true, then many people will be blessed to enjoy it!"



There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, in fact, this is true of such a statement.

The exercises and martial arts created in the realm of understanding will be given out for free, allowing countless people to practice at will.

Although the one-star technique is not a big deal, it is only for the ancient sanctuary. If it is spread to the ancient continent outside the ancient sanctuary, it may cause countless sensations.

This is not to mention, the next two-star and three-star, and even more advanced techniques.


Next, the second creation technique required a two-star level upgrade, and the only thing that met the conditions was to increase power.

From this point of view, it means upgrading one-star to two-star.

However, from one-star to two-star, that is, the level of practice in the realm of the realm has been upgraded to the realm of kings. The improvement that needs to be considered is more complicated.

Fortunately, there is some rationality in this game.

This second exercise method to be created can be modified and upgraded from the exercise method created by the first one, and it will be passed as long as it is promoted to two-star.

And this time, the referee directly announced before the game that if this can raise the skill to three-star, then the next game requirement can also be passed directly.

This makes many players a little excited.

This is because it is much more difficult to create a self-made exercise and modify it on the basis of the original exercise.

And if the modified method is created by yourself, then it will definitely be easier to modify.

Of course, if you are great, you can also recreate and self-innovate.

However, basically no player would make such a choice to create a new exercise again.

But that's it, there are still not many players who pass the second requirement.

Because it was only a modification of the original exercise method, even though the star level of the exercise method that needed to be created was increased, this time it took only five hours.

Thirteen thousand!

This is the number of players remaining after passing the second requirement.

Although it is only one star level, fewer players can meet the requirements.

When the third five hours passed, there were only three thousand players left on the field.

There are only more than three thousand players left who can create three-star exercises.

However, this number is actually not too small.

Think about it, there are more than three thousand three-star exercises!

These are all techniques that allow people to cultivate to the pinnacle of Nirvana!

If this spread to the ancient continent, I am afraid that the base of the ancient continent and the existence of countless small planes could give birth to a large number of Nirvana in a short time.

In fact, in the ancient continent, there are not many Nirvana states, far inferior to the ancient sanctuary. In addition to the strength of the law and the purity, the ancient continent is not as good as the ancient sanctuary. The most important thing is merit. The lack of law.

If more than three thousand three-star techniques were suddenly injected, then a large number of Nirvana masters would naturally appear in the ancient continent.

This made many people on the scene quite excited.

Because most ethnic groups in the ancient sanctuary have some territories, but in more cases, the real roots of some small forces are on the ancient continent outside the ancient sanctuary.

If they have a powerful enough technique, these small forces can completely spawn a group of Nirvana masters from the ancient continent, and then bring them into the ancient sanctuary.

Perhaps this cannot be changed, these small forces have the power to dominate the top level.

But as long as there are enough masters in the Nirvana Realm, that can also increase the strength of their forces.

However, at this time, some smart people with foresight noticed something wrong.

What thoughts have been made in this almighty competition, it is not a good thing to announce so many three-star exercises.

Because although the ancient sanctuary is very good and the area is very large, it is still the same sentence after all, no matter how big it is, there is an uncontrollable limitation of limited resources.

If a large number of Nirvana masters suddenly appeared and joined the ancient sanctuary, it might cause countless competitions.

It stands to reason that those strong players who hold the all-around competition cannot fail to notice this drawback.

But why is this happening?

For a while, many people were suspicious, and they were very puzzled.

But many people have a thought in their minds.

Is there something important that needs a lot of Nirvana masters?


No matter what the reason is, the created techniques are unconditionally announced, which has no effect on Qin Shaofeng.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't feel any influence on him regardless of the advanced techniques.

There may be, but it should not be possible in the field of perception of this almighty competition.

In a few consecutive hours, Qin Shaofeng checked all the exercises he possessed once.

If it is only the amount of knowledge stored in the exercises, I am afraid that there should be few people who can compare to Qin Shaofeng in the entire arena.

Qin Shaofeng is now ready. He is confident that he can create a four-star, five-star or even higher level of exercises, and any attributes are fine.

But when the referee announced the fourth exercise requirement that needed to be created, Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned.

Power attribute!

It's still a method of increasing strength attributes, and this time it can still continue to create from the original method.

However, this time there is an obvious requirement, that is, to create the best and most complete exercises as best as possible.

Because this time, whether it is the created exercises or the newly created exercises, they will be handed over to several masters for evaluation, and finally the masters will be ranked.

After this condition was announced, the scene was a sensation.

Actually it is dominating the supreme evaluation, then this one is incredible.

Even Qin Shaofeng began to look serious.

Since it needs to be handed over to the Supreme Lord for evaluation, then it is certainly not possible to create ordinary exercises.

Although there is no star rating requirement this time, there are too many techniques that must be cultivated to the dominance realm.

However, under normal circumstances, it can only be so. If you want to create a practice that has the supreme ruler, it will be difficult.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the confidence to create such a technique, but the referee also said that it was not the star rating of the technique to be evaluated by the master.

Even the referee has already said that it is possible to let all the players create to the dominance level, even if they can only break through to the first dominance level.

Because the ultimate evaluation of supreme is from three aspects, the final evaluation and recognition.

The first one is the success rate!

What is the success rate of the exercises created to impact the dominance after practicing?

The second is perfection!

Whether there is any harm in the practice created after cultivation, if it is a practice that uses longevity and potential as the price, then forget it.

Even if this technique can be cultivated to the dominance level, I am afraid that there is not much time to enjoy the pleasure of becoming a dominion.

The third is strength!

The exercises created must have absolute strength after cultivation. Although not to mention the invincible combat strength of people after cultivation, they are at least up to the general level.

Don't have time to break through to the Domination Realm, but he is a flashy Domination Realm powerhouse, not as powerful as some Nirvana Peak Realm masters, that is ridiculous.

And regarding the third requirement, it is clearly stipulated that other circumstances can be set aside, but at least in terms of power, it needs to be in full compliance with the power of the dominating realm.

As long as this requirement is met, it can be considered as meeting the requirements of this creative exercise, and only then can it be evaluated by powerful people like Domination Supreme.

After all, the final evaluation is made by the supreme masters, such as the supreme. If it is a general **** technique, it is impossible to let the masters such as the supreme achieve their goals.

This is the first self-made exercise competition in the field of perception, and the last requirement.

After the request was made at the same time, the time available this time was also determined.

There is plenty of time, a whole hundred years!

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