Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1306: Tome of Gods and Demons

Chapter 1306

Soon, the referees on the field successively sent several exercises to the strongest who dominated the supreme.

Without exception, these exercises were created by the proud of heaven.

For a while, the crowd outside the stadium began to talk, all guessing who has the strongest technique.

"Unexpectedly, this time the competition actually allowed these Tianjiao to participate!"

"Yes! I don't know, who can get the first place!"

"Well, I think it's Young Master Ling. Young Master Ling was the first one of these Tianjiao to complete the exercises. That's right!"

"Cut, this is not faster than speed, I am optimistic about the young master of the sacred beast family!"

"That is to say, fast speed does not mean that you can directly get the first place. I am more optimistic about the devil prince!"

"I think Gu Bo of the ancients is good, but his savvy is surprisingly strong. It shouldn't be difficult to get the first place this time!"

"I think the Demon God Prince of Demon God Palace..."



After a loud discussion, everyone expressed their own guesses and named the Tianjiao players they supported.

But no one mentioned Qin Shaofeng, it is clear that Qin Shaofeng's existence has been ignored.

At this moment, Mr. Bai, who is in that special small space, has a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

It's been so long, this kid hasn't started yet?

Although he was anxious, because Jiang Hengtian was by his side, Mr. Bai still pretended to have a calm face, as if he was not worried at all.

It's just holding on!

At this time, Domination Supreme also evaluated the techniques created by these Tianjiao players.

Soon, under the gaze of countless people waiting, the referee who was in charge of the evaluation results of the supreme immediately announced the results of Lord Ling and others.

Without exception, Lord Ling and all of them created an eight-star exercise.

The eight-star exercises are all exercises that can allow people who dominate the first stage of the realm to cultivate to the second stage of the supreme dominating realm.

The whole election was a sensation for a while, and countless people were extremely excited.

Because including Ling Gongzi, that is the five Tianjiao contestants created the exercises!

This means that there are five eight-star exercises!

In this event, all the exercises created by the contestants can be announced.


These five eight-star exercises, but the exercises to be announced are the exercises they can practice.

Can this not be excited?

Usually the eight-star exercises can only be powerful by big forces.

What is a big power?

Let's put it this way, the ancient holy race knows it?

The ancient saints have seventy-two saints, right?

But among the thirty-six inferior saints among the ancient saints, the highest level of cultivation technique possessed was only eight stars.

And this eight-star technique, I am afraid that only disciples of the direct bloodline of its clan can practice.

This is the case for an ancient saint clan, so the other forces needless to say.

In fact, in the ancient sanctuary, even those powers that dominate the realm, the powers possessed by their powers, probably have the highest four-star and five-star exercises, no matter how high they are.

Therefore, after announcing that the exercise method created by Master Ling was an eight-star exercise method, countless people were excited.

However, the referee only announced the news. As for how the exercises created by the five of them were ranked, and who created the most advanced exercises, there was no result.

Because of this result, it will only be announced after this game is completely over.

But everyone didn't care about this anymore, because at this moment, the audience was full of discussions about the creation of the five spirits.

Eight-star exercises!

It was so easy to get, which is really amazing.

It is not important to them who can get the first place.

At this time, Young Master Ling and others who were still on the field could finally see other players.

Because the exercises created by the five masters of the spirit have been recognized by the powerful masters, they can stay on the field.

The five people of Lord Ling are already very familiar with each other, and even many of them have played against each other many times.

At this moment, Young Master Ling looked at the other four people and nodded with a smile one by one, which was regarded as a call, even for the demon prince of the ancient demon clan and three royal families.

The status of the Three Royals among the ancient demons is almost the same as that of the Three Saints.

It's just that the three imperial clans have absolute authority over all the tribes of the ancient demons.

Among the three imperial families, the demon emperor is the main one, and as the next heir to the demon emperor, the demon prince is the demon prince who deserves it.

The Three Saints and the Three Royals are rivals. Seeing Lord Ling nodded and smiled at him, the Demon Prince gave a cold snort of disdain, as if he didn't want to pay attention to each other.

But Master Ling didn't care, still smiling.

But in fact, at this moment, Young Master Ling sneered constantly in his heart.

Hehe, a demon in a mere tribe, dare to play sideways in front of my Lord Spirit?

Humph, ignorance!

Young Master Ling sneered in his heart, but soon became relaxed and happy in his heart.

Unlike the several Tianjiao players present, Lord Ling had received some hints from the ancestors of the Spirit Race before participating in this ‘Almighty Competition’ and learned a lot about things.

He even vaguely felt something about the ultimate purpose of this ‘all-around competition’, and the most critical reason.

And Young Master Ling also knows that this time the'Almighty Competition' seems to be a contest of geniuses in several fields in all aspects, but in fact, the most important thing in the entire competition is only a few of them!

The field of strength is one of them, and several competitions in the field of ability are also more important.

And this time, a competition for creating a self-created exercise technique also occupies great importance.

In fact, this point, from the moment of the competition, the creation of the exercise method, this point was announced free of charge, and Master Ling had already noticed it.

And because of some indirect hints from the ancestors of the Spirit Clan, Master Ling did not secretly hide the techniques created this time.

The principles of his cultivation have many origins, so he can create techniques that anyone can practice.

This time, the "Yu Ling Jue" he created is a popular technique created based on a certain peculiar technique of the spirit race and combined with his own situation.

Although Master Ling knew that his "Yu Ling Jue" might not be the most powerful exercise among the five eight-star exercises present.

But the final evaluation this time, but the overall evaluation of many aspects, is not powerful enough.

Therefore, Lord Ling is confident that the "Yu Ling Jue" he created is slightly better than the eight-star exercises created by the few present.

The few Tianjiao players in front of him were not enough to threaten him.


After turning his gaze, Master Ling looked at a place in the arena, and looked at a figure in that place, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

This is his only uncertain factor!

Now that he participated, Young Master Ling would naturally want to win the first place, and he had already known that this champion in the field of perception can get a very special reward.

This is something he must have!

He counted all the players present, and also exhausted a lot of thoughts to create the "Yu Ling Jue".

It stands to reason that this first place is already a sure thing for him.

But the innate spiritual awareness from his body of the Holy Spirit was to inform him that there is still an uncertain factor in this arena.

This factor is naturally Qin Shaofeng.

As far as strength is concerned, Master Ling would not pay attention to Qin Shaofeng at all, even if Bai Nishang, a monster with a nine-color divine body, existed, Master Ling would not care at all.

But I don't know why, the moment his spiritual sense came into contact with Qin Shaofeng, there was a faintly different feeling.

That seems to be a threat!

At first Young Master Ling felt a little unbelievable, but with Qin Shaofeng's talent, he has begun to attach importance to Qin Shaofeng.

Especially when standing on the same court with Qin Shaofeng in person, the feeling of this threat became clearer.

However, in the self-confidence, Ling Gongzi still has confidence.


Qin Shaofeng didn't know that, now he was being spotted by a Tianjiao who was rare in the ancient sanctuary.

Although the opponent still doesn't regard him as a close opponent, but because of his performance, the opponent has begun to take him seriously.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the outside world was like, and even Qin Shaofeng didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things.

Because now his ‘hodgepodge’ exercise has entered the most critical and final step of integration.

On the basis of the alchemy, Qin Shaofeng's self-created exercise method was added to it, as well as a lot of his previous skills.

After ninety years, Qin Shaofeng finally added everything that could be added.

So now is the final step of perfect integration.

Although Qin Shaofeng has also merged while adding exercises and skills in the past ninety years, these are only preliminary integrations.

Like the fusion of individual parts, it is now the beginning and final integration of all parts.

Fortunately, because of the previous cautiousness, in this final overall integration, there were no problems that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Even if some problems appeared occasionally, it was Qin Shaofeng's expectation, and he had already thought out a coping strategy, and all of them were resolved smoothly.

Now that the integration has reached the key, there is at least the last step left.

It is worth mentioning that this time Qin Shaofeng's practice is based on the alchemy world, so he can fully verify it on his own.

Because even if something goes wrong, Qin Shaofeng can rely on the God and Demon Pills he currently has to reverse the seriousness of the problem, without causing any harm to him.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that after the integration is over, Qin Shaofeng still needs to spend a lot of time to modify and improve the practice created by this new integration.

But it doesn't need to be so now!

But even with such benefits, Qin Shaofeng was finally in the arena for the past ninety-seven years, and only then did this exercise have finally been completely created.

And even after it is created, there is still a limitation in the practice of the whole exercise.

Although these training restrictions are not very large, only some geniuses with relatively outstanding talents can practice.

But Qin Shaofeng was still not satisfied, so he made another adjustment and modification.

In the end, when the time of this competition was about to end, Qin Shaofeng truly and completely created this exercise.

And Qin Shaofeng named this exercise "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

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