Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1307: Dominate the quarrel of the Supremes

Chapter 1307 Dominating The Argument Of The Supremes

"The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is the practice created by Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, the reason why Qin Shaofeng was named after God and Demon was also influenced by his own Eye of God and Demon, as well as many exclusive skills of Eye of God and Demon Awakening.

However, this "Treasure of Gods and Demons" is somewhat veritable.

Because this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", whether it is a human, a demon, or even a demon and other ethnic groups, is a cultivation method that can be practiced.

As far as this cultivation limit is concerned, there is no limit at all, and it is very extensive. As long as you have a certain foundation of cultivation and a certain talent, you can cultivate this "God and Demon".

Of course, according to the strength of the talent, the speed of practicing "The Book of Gods and Demons" is naturally also a difference.

However, the cultivation speed of this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is much faster than that of ordinary exercises.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was also sent up.

It was not until this time that everyone remembered Qin Shaofeng's existence, because the appearance of the previous five eight-star exercises had caused most of the people present to forget Qin Shaofeng.

But now Qin Shaofeng's practice was actually sent by the referee to dominate the supreme for evaluation. It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng's practice must be very simple.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to confirm their conjectures.

Seven stars!

This is the level of skill Qin Shaofeng created.

This shocked many people because Qin Shaofeng had been in a state of motionlessness. Everyone thought that Qin Shaofeng's exercises were four-star or five-star exercises at best.

However, Qin Shaofeng gave everyone a surprise in the end.

It's actually a seven-star exercise!

But well...

This is no longer possible!

Because Young Master Ling and others had already created five eight-star exercises, Qin Shaofeng's seven-star can only be ranked sixth.

When the referee announced the level of the exercises Qin Shaofeng had created, Master Ling seemed to heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head slightly and glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly in his heart.

"Heh, it seems that I am overly nervous. This Qin Shaofeng may become a good power in the future, but it is only now that he is not even a competitor to me!"

As for Qin Shaofeng, at the moment the referee announced the result, he had a calm expression on his face. Even if he learned of the five exercises created by the five masters of Ling, he did not show his face and then depressed.

Soon, the time for this game is finally over.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was the last one.

After he created the exercises, there was no one left on the court.

After Ling Gongzi waited for Tianjiao players, some people also created good exercises.

The remaining twenty or so contestants, even if they are not as good as Ling Gongzi and others, have good talents and understanding, and most of the contestants have created five-star exercises.

There are even three people who created a six-star exercise.

However, no one has created the seven-star and eight-star exercises.

In the end, there were more than 3,000 contestants who created a three-star exercise in this competition.

There are so many people in the four-star category, but only a dozen for the five-star category.

There are only three six-star stars, and if they have seven stars, that is Qin Shaofeng one!

As for the eight-star with the highest level, there are five people including Young Master Ling!

In the face of such a result, everyone is discussing who is the first one among the five young masters.

And Young Master Ling among the five was full of confidence, believing that he would win.

However, what makes people feel surprised is that after the end of this game, the result was not announced immediately. It seems that those who dominate the supreme are still discussing.

Faced with such a situation, Master Ling subconsciously believes that compared with his own "Yu Ling Jue", the exercises created by someone have made those who dominate the supreme have no final decision.

Who the **** is it?

Young Master Ling secretly guessed in his heart, and his eyes were swept back and forth on the other players who created the eight-star technique.

"Is it the Kylin young master of the sacred beast clan? That's right, the kylin clan is a powerful sacred beast clan, perhaps the cultivation method created by the kylin young master is more prominent in the increase in power, which allows those who dominate the supreme adults We can hardly decide!"

Master Ling guessed like this in his heart, but after recalling his "Yu Ling Jue" again, Master Ling's heart became calm again.

"It doesn't matter, my "Yu Ling Jue" is created based on many principles. It can make all humans cultivate, and it will definitely be better than that created by the Qilin Young Master. The first place is definitely mine!"


In the special space, at this moment, just as the son of Ling had expected, these supremely existing supreme masters are discussing.

However, unlike Master Ling's guess, it is better to say that they are arguing rather than discussing these masters.

Moreover, it was not at all what the Master Ling had guessed. The factor that caused all this was not his "Yu Ling Jue", nor was it the technique created by the young master Qilin.

"Huh, what's the joke to get this exercise to get the first place? I don't admit it!"

"Why didn't you admit it? Is it because of the level? But this is not a problem. Although this exercise is not as good as other exercises, the effect of this exercise is the most suitable."

"Yeah! According to the situation of this exercise, it is a matter of course to cultivate to Nirvana. I definitely deserve the first place in this exercise!"

"No, this is ridiculous. The eight-star technique will actually lose to the seven-star technique? What a joke!"


That's right, the factor that caused these quarrels among the supreme princes was the only seven-star technique, that is, "The Book of Gods and Demons" created by Qin Shaofeng!

From the very beginning, I saw that Qin Shaofeng’s practice was named after "The Book of Gods and Demons", which made these masters unhappy.

Tome of Gods and Demons?

What an arrogant tone!

In this regard, even Mr. Bai, who was also one of the evaluators, blushed a little, and even made up his mind. After returning, he would teach his little disciple a lesson.

I know you are a genius, but don't be so arrogant, OK!

Is it low-key?

Tome of Gods and Demons?

Don't you talk about becoming a god's book?

However, the situation is different after this understanding of the "Treasure of the Gods and Demons".

Because this "Treasure of Gods and Demons" is so unusual!

Qin Shaofeng created this "The Book of Gods and Demons", but it is based on the alchemy, so after the "Book of Gods and Demons" is cultivated, it will also form an inner alchemy in the body.

There are many such cultivation techniques in ancient sanctuary, but "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is different from these techniques.

The Gods and Demons' Treasure is divided into three parts, namely the basic chapter, the world chapter, and the master chapter!

In the basic chapter, you can cultivate ten inner alchemy, and the power possessed is many times that of ordinary people, such as internal energy or other powers, which are also many times that of ordinary people in the same realm.

In the world chapter, these inner alchemy can be transformed into world alchemy, storing the power of the world.

The World Chapter is also the practice of cultivating these ten inner alchemy into the world's alchemy, and what is incredible is that Qin Shaofeng made some creation based on the situation of his second indestructible incarnation of the sun.

Eventually appeared, this "Treasure of Gods and Demons" allows any cultivator, when entering the Nirvana realm, turn the world pill that he has cultivated into the pill of law in turn.

This means that those who practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" can cultivate ten pill of laws at the peak of Nirvana.

This pair of breakthrough promotion dominates the realm, but it has increased the success rate a lot.

Can you practice ten pill of law?

Although the ancient sanctuary possesses a lot of techniques similar to "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", this way of practicing inner alchemy.

But these exercises are all cultivated to Nirvana, at the moment of entering Nirvana, the inner world in the body instantly undergoes Nirvana, and then all the forces of the inner world are combined to produce the power of law, and then the pill of law is condensed .

But this "God and Demon Treasure" is good, it can touch the power of the law before the Nirvana, and it can directly stimulate the power of the law in the Nirvana in the inner world at the moment of entering the Nirvana.

Then, it is even more unreasonable to condense the pill of law.

This effort is amazing!

Because as long as you practice this "Treasure of Gods and Demons", you will be able to completely prevent the appearance of false Nirvana.

One level of realm, one pill of law, this is a treatment that can only occur with eight-star kung fu.

And most importantly, after adding the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" has become a power-based cultivation technique, and the cultivation method is entirely based on strength.

With powerful strength, and the foundation of the Ten Principles of Pill, it is completely possible to come into contact with the Dao Laws at the pinnacle of Nirvana.

Then, you can get the gift of the Dao Law, and you can rule on the power attribute at the peak of Nirvana.

And basically when in Nirvana, after any one of its own attributes is regularized, it is basically promoted to dominate, and there is only a question of time.

Therefore, from this aspect, the ability of this "Golden Book of Gods and Demons" to cultivate and promote to dominate the realm is already equivalent to the general nine-star exercises.

With the nine-star technique, as long as the cultivation is successful and there are no special surprises, it is completely possible to cultivate to the dominance state!

From these two aspects, this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" completely crushed the five times the eight-star exercises.

But the problem is that there is a limitation in the cultivation realm of the "Gods and Demons Treasure", that is, it can only cultivate to the first step of the dominance state, and the second step of the supreme dominance state cannot be cultivated at all.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng deliberately did this on this point. When he handed over "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng deliberately eliminated the part about the cultivation of the supreme ruler in the master chapter.

After all, his own realm now only dominates the first step of the realm, and there is still a gap between the second step of supreme dominance.

So if he creates a technique that allows the Supreme Lord to control his cultivation, it would be surprising.

However, in this regard, Qin Shaofeng also made some comments in "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", based on his own guesses and ideas.

Therefore, these supreme masters are not clear, Qin Shaofeng’s "The Book of Gods and Demons" is actually suitable for the cultivation of the supreme master.

But even so, this is enough to surprise these masters.

And the most important point is the training conditions of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

There is no limit, whether it is Human Race, Demon Race, Saint Race, Monster Race...

As long as all life forms with spirituality can cultivate this "The Book of Gods and Demons", there is no limitation of cultivation conditions at all.

And it was precisely because of this that caused these masters to quarrel.

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