Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1308: "Ten items first" completed

Chapter 1308'Ten Items First' Completed

It is only a seven-star rating, but its effect is unexpectedly good.

And not counting the shortcomings of cultivation at the highest realm. Several Domination Sovereigns present thought that this "The Book of Gods and Demons" was no less inferior to some nine-star exercises.

But according to the level of the exercises, this "The Book of Gods and Demons" is indeed only seven stars.

Therefore, contradictions arise.

When there are already five eight-star exercises, how can it be possible for one seven-star exercise to win the final championship?

Then, because of different opinions, these Domination Supremes separated into two factions. One is that the "Golden Book of Gods and Demons" created by Qin Shaofeng, with its effects and abilities, is completely in line with the first place results. of.

The other faction believes that "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is only a seven-star exercise. According to the situation of this competition, the level of exercises is not as good as the five eight-star exercises, so it cannot be evaluated as the first. name.

As for Mr. Bai, he stayed quietly and said nothing.

Because Mr. Bai knows that in this situation, keeping quiet from his stand is the most correct thing.

The quarrelsome discussion continues!

In the end, a person who surprised Mr. Bai said aloud.

"Well, everyone don't argue, don't forget, this time we are holding this so-called all-around competition, what is the reason for it!"

This sudden sound calmed down all the arguing Master Supreme.

Because this person who suddenly made a sound was Jiang Hengtian who had the title of Emperor of Heaven.

Jiang Hengtian has the title of Emperor of Heaven, not because of his name.

Heaven, but has a very high representative!

Like the Spirit Race and the Ancient Family among the Three Holy Races, there are Supreme Lords with the titles of Spirit Emperor and Ancient Emperor!

These two titles represent the owners of the strongest power of the two races!

Emperor Jiang naturally also exists in the Jiang family, but in fact, the person who can really call the shots of the Jiang family is Jiang Hengtian who has the title of Emperor.

Even Jiang Hengtian, the emperor, was recognized as the top existence even among the most powerful in the ancient sanctuary!

No one ruler dared to ignore the words of Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

As soon as he said aloud, these supreme masters immediately calmed down.

This is enough to prove the prestige that Jiang Hengtian possesses, and it is also enough to show that Jiang Hengtian is powerful.

The opening of Jiang Hengtian surprised Old Bai.

In this way, what he said seemed to be nothing, but in fact, he was a bit partial to Qin Shaofeng.

The reason for the holding of this all-around competition is very clear to everyone present.

Lao Bai was also aware of it naturally, but Lao Bai was even clearer. It would be very beneficial to Qin Shaofeng to tell this reason.

Because Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is most in line with the purpose of this all-around competition.

Therefore, Jiang Hengtian's words are entirely for Qin Shaofeng.

But how is this possible?

Doesn't this old guy deny the existence of that kid?

Old Bai was puzzled, looking at Jiang Hengtian with all doubts.

Sure enough, after Jiang Hengtian said such a thing, all the masters present immediately became quiet, and then they were silent for an instant.

Yes indeed!

How did they forget the purpose of holding the all-around competition this time?

However, if it is considered the purpose of this all-around competition, it seems that Qin Shaofeng should really get the first place.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was the most suitable for their destination in that respect.

In the end, those Domination Supremes who had previously opposed Qin Shaofeng's first place were also silent at this moment.

Then, there is no accident, the first place is indeed.

Qin Shaofeng's "The Book of Gods and Demons"!


What, how is this possible?

When the referee announced the first place in this game, everyone was stunned.

This is the seven-star technique created by Qin Shaofeng that won the first place?

Did the referee make a mistake!

How could this be possible, Qin Shaofeng's turn would not be possible!

Before Qin Shaofeng's seven-star exercise method, there were still five eight-star exercise methods!

But in the end, after the referee repeatedly announced the result, everyone finally believed it.

Then everyone went crazy.

However, the craziest person is the spirit son.

It's not right, it's too wrong, how could it not be that I won the first place?

Young Master Ling frowned and looked puzzled, but he didn't refute, because the referee only announced the result, and it was those who dominated the supreme who really decided everything.

Since the Supreme Masters have identified this way, then this result cannot be wrong.

Therefore, Lord Ling suppressed the anger in his heart without any action.

He is waiting!

He was waiting for the referee to announce the exercises, but he wanted to see what kind of seven-star exercises Qin Shaofeng created, which actually surpassed his "Yu Ling Jue"!

There are many people who have this idea.

Soon after, all the exercises created by this competition were announced.

At the moment when the exercise was announced, many people's eyes were the same, they all looked at a certain exercise.

It wasn't the eight-star technique created by Master Ling and others, but the seven-star technique created by Qin Shaofeng.

"The Book of Gods and Demons"?

When seeing the name of Qin Shaofeng's practice, many people have an idea at the same time.

What an arrogant name!

But after everyone had seen this arrogant name technique, they all showed incredible gazes.

Can you actually make any practice?

And when he cultivates to the Nirvana realm, he can gather a pill of law in a single realm?

If you see this kind of exercise in other places, I am afraid that most people think it is a joke.

How could such a technique exist, and it was only seven-star?

But here is different, since it has been announced, it is still recognized by the masters.

Then the method of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is absolutely true!

For a time, countless people were a complete sensation.

On the arena, Young Master Ling saw this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", his eyes flickered, and his heart was even more suppressed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that this exercise with such an arrogant name as "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was indeed stronger than his "Yu Ling Jue".

I was stunned to say that there is something inferior to his "Yu Ling Jue", then naturally this "God and Devil Treasure" is inferior to his "Yu Ling Jue", which allows the Supreme Lord to dominate the cultivation.

But putting aside all of these problems, this "The Book of Gods and Demons" is far better than his "Yu Ling Jue", and even has the potential to become a nine-star.

This is not only the thought of Young Master Ling, but many people present have such thoughts.

Because Qin Shaofeng is now in charge of the realm only, as long as his realm improves, then he will definitely be able to continue to complete this "Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Therefore, it is really possible that this "Glossary of Gods and Demons" will become a nine-star exercise in the future.


I actually lost!

Young Master Ling had a calm face, but his heart was surging like a river and sea!

Although thousands of people were unwilling in his heart, Young Master Ling knew he had lost this time.

However, soon the spirit of the young master returned to calm again.

It doesn't matter, there is a second item in this comprehension competition. I don't believe that Qin Shaofeng can win me in the second item!

I'm going to be the champion in this field of perception!


"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the first place in the first self-created exercises competition in the'Savvy Realm' of the All-Around Competition. He has won the first place in ten consecutive events and successfully completed the fifth in the'Almighty Champion' Phase task'ten items first'!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the fifth stage quest of ‘Almighty Champion’, ‘Top Ten First’, gaining 20 skill points and 100,000 points for system redemption points! The sixth stage quest of ‘Almighty Champion’ is open!"

Qin Shaofeng felt extremely happy when he heard the two system prompts that sounded one after another.

"Ha, the first of the ten items is completed, and I have gained 20 skill points and 100,000 system exchange points!"

Looking at his attribute interface, after the skill points and system exchange points have increased, Qin Shaofeng's mouth raised slightly, and he was very happy.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to consume 10 skill points to increase the level of the Gods and Demons Pill.

Because at this stage, Qin Shaofeng no longer needs to upgrade the star of the Gods and Demons' Pills, and even if it is to upgrade, if it only consumes 10 skill points, it is not enough.

The reason is simple, Qin Shaofeng's magic pill has been upgraded to 4 stars.

In the previous hundred years in the arena, Qin Shaofeng was more than just creating "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, he can do two things with one heart, so when he created "The Book of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng allocated a part of his energy to run the God and Demons Pill Sutra for cultivation.

It is rare to have such an opportunity to enter the area where time is accelerating, and Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to practice.

Because a hundred years of time in the arena is enough to promote the magic pill to 4 stars.

Moreover, it was just the practice to keep the God and Demon Pill Sutra running, and it didn't take much effort at all, and it didn't affect Qin Shaofeng's own practice at all.

Therefore, in the arena, Qin Shaofeng promoted the magic pill to 4 stars.

Gods and Demons Pill: Special skills, skills strengthened by the eyes of Gods and Demons by the special technique "Pills".

The current level is 4 stars, and 500 pieces of the pill of law with the power of gods and demons can be cultivated, which can hold more power of the law. And awakened the Fire of God Pill (upgrading to the next star level requires 20 skill points)

The magic pill has been 4 stars, and the law pill with the power of the gods and magic has been directly increased from one hundred to five hundred!

In other words, Qin Shaofeng is now equivalent to the cultivation level of the five-fold dominance realm.

In addition, there were two hundred more unruly pill of law. With the power of Qin Shaofeng's Eye of God and Demon, overall Qin Shaofeng's current combat power was not weak.

Under the supreme domination, I am afraid that few people are his opponents.

This also made Qin Shaofeng even more confident that he would be the first champion in the field of strength competition in this all-around competition.

Because the God and Demon Pill Sutra had been upgraded to 4 stars, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to continue upgrading the God and Demon Pill Sutra for the time being.

Although he can now fully upgrade the Divine Demon Pill to 5 stars, Qin Shaofeng guesses that if he upgrades the Divine Demon Pill to 5 stars, he will definitely be able to possess the power of a thousand magic pill.

But this matter is not in a hurry, Qin Shaofeng's current power of law is a bit close to a thousand pieces.

Secondly, Qin Shaofeng now only has 23 skill points. If he is now using it to upgrade the Gods and Demons Pill, then he will only have 3 skill points left.

With only 3 skill points, it would be a bit disadvantageous for Qin Shaofeng's next game.

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