Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1314: Practice in competition

Chapter 1314


Qin Shaofeng finally passed the seventh level!

But at this time, many players have passed the seventh level.

Seven-star martial arts is indeed difficult, but for some geniuses with excellent understanding that can appear in this almighty competition, even if it is not as enchanting as the spirit master.

But more than a year is enough time for them to cultivate a certain seven-star martial arts in the seventh level.

Perhaps for the average person, it would take several years or even more than ten years to cultivate a seven-star martial art, even if it is just a successful practice, which is not a proficient skill.

Even for many people, even if it took hundreds of years, it is not surprising.

This is the difference between genius and ordinary people!

It seems that the time spent in the seventh stage is too long, four times longer than that of Master Ling, so when Qin Shaofeng entered the eighth stage, although many people noticed, it was just paying attention, but not much. People pay attention to Qin Shaofeng.

Because in the eyes of many people, based on Qin Shaofeng's performance in the second event to the present, I am afraid that he will not be able to win the first place in the first event.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng's comprehension is indeed very high, but the problem is that this comprehension may have absolute superiority in creating techniques, but it may not be superior in understanding martial arts and techniques.

And at this time, many people believed that this might have something to do with Qin Shaofeng's current experience. Now many people know that Qin Shaofeng is only in his twenties, and he cannot compare with the Tianjiao of the ancient sanctuary generation.

Because now the Tianjiao of the ancient sanctuary, none of them like Master Ling has been born for 50 or 60 years.

Moreover, they have stayed in the ancient sanctuary for fifty to sixty years, enjoying the benefits of countless resources, and have already exploited most of their potential.

But Qin Shaofeng?

I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng, who was born in a small plane, even if the road goes smoothly, it is completely impossible to be the same as Ling Gongzi and others.

In short, Qin Shaofeng was late to his teacher.

If he had been looking for a teacher for ten or eight years to apprentice Baidi, then Qin Shaofeng would be even more dazzling today.

This is the mind of most people present.

But if these people were to know that Qin Shaofeng’s practice from the first level to the seventh level, whether it was a one-star martial arts or a seven-star martial arts, has been completed without fail, and they are all successful, then I’m afraid. Another scene.

"Huh, just come in?"

When Qin Shaofeng stepped into the eighth level, he was noticed by the spirit master who could distinguish a trace of spiritual consciousness.

In the first self-created technique in the field of understanding, he lost to Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", but Young Master Ling has always cared about this matter.

Therefore, Young Master Ling was very concerned about Qin Shaofeng's progress in this project, and even in order to notice Qin Shaofeng's situation, every time he entered a level, he divided a trace of spiritual knowledge to notice when Qin Shaofeng entered.

But this is good. Qin Shaofeng's performance in this event has always been unsatisfactory in the eyes of Young Master Ling, and he is not even ranked in the top ten.

This is even more so now. He has been in the eighth level for a year before Qin Shaofeng has come in.

After seeing this scene, Lord Ling smiled in contempt.

"Heh, this Qin Shaofeng really only has this ability. In the previous game, I am afraid that his luck was dictated by his luck. Now it is not a concern."

At this time, Master Ling was completely relieved.

Qin Shaofeng has only entered the eighth level, but he has been in the eighth level for a year, and Young Master Ling is confident that he will be able to pass the eighth level in two more years at most.

As for Qin Shaofeng?

Oh, so much time has been lost in the first few levels, I'm afraid he will be delayed even longer in this eighth level!

This was Lord Ling's thoughts towards Qin Shaofeng, and he no longer regarded Qin Shaofeng as his opponent.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's current situation, there is no threat to him at all.

Although Qin Shaofeng won the first place in the field of perception, with his current progress, I am afraid that the limit is the ninth level.

And his spirit son can hit the tenth level!

So, he is determined to win!


When Young Master Ling felt that he had a chance to win, Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed.

Because after entering the eighth level, he suddenly discovered that there is no martial arts in the eighth level, but five eight-star techniques!

There are also five eight-star exercises, which may be very attractive to others, but for Qin Shaofeng, these five eight-star exercises have nothing to attract him at all.

It's just practicing exercises. Although there are some martial arts in these eight-star exercises, compared to the martial arts that exist alone, these eight-star martial arts are not equivalent to the eight-star martial arts at all.

Even in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, if these martial arts were not supported by the techniques, they would not be as powerful as the seven-star martial arts, and at most they would be equivalent to the six-star martial arts.

So in a word, for the five eight-star exercises of the eighth level, Qin Shaofeng is completely lacking in interest.

What left Qin Shaofeng speechless was that even though he was not interested, the problem was that the replication success rate of these eight-star exercises to the gods and demons was still very low!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons. The current target of the copy is the eight-star exercise "Nine-turn Brute Force", with a success rate of 9.83%! Use 15 skill points to increase the success rate to 100% ! Does the player Qin Shaofeng use skill points to increase the success rate of this copy?"


Seeing such a success rate, Qin Shaofeng was in pain!

too low!

It's almost 10%, but think about Qin Shaofeng to understand.

After all, in terms of cultivation, the difficulty of the exercises is better than that of martial arts, so if it is an 8-star martial arts, it is estimated that the duplication of the gods and demon can still have a success rate of more than ten percent, but if you change the success method, I am afraid this is the case. Looks like.

"Hey, there seems to be no way, I can only stay in this level for a while!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng sat cross-legged in front of the stone tablet of the'Nine Turns Brute Force Decision'.

Of course, before that, he was too right to have a try, and he performed a copy of the gods and demons on these five eight-star exercises.

The results of it!

Without exception!

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

It failed five times in a row!

As for the failure of the copying of the eight-star exercises, the cooling time of the copy of the gods and demons was as long as ten years.

Qin Shaofeng didn't leave an eight-star exercise technique to try to practice, and then waited until he had cultivated to a certain level before performing the copy of the gods and demons.

Because the 9.83% success rate is too low, he has practiced seven-star martial arts for a year before achieving a success rate close to 100%.

Now that he changed to an eight-star, and it was still an eight-star technique, Qin Shaofeng knew that it would take a longer time.

Now it is better to just fail once, with the help of the gods and demons to replicate the failed replication, based on some of the training experience that can be obtained, it is good to practice these martial arts!

Uneven Qin Shaofeng didn't want to use 15 skill points to learn an eight-star exercise method that was of little use to him.

Besides, after all, the competition in this event has been a hundred years, and now it has only been a little over a year.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng sat down patiently and began to comprehend the "Nine Turns Brute Force Decision" on the stone tablet.

And not only that, at this time Qin Shaofeng even separated a trace of divine consciousness to continue to operate the cultivating gods and demons.

Anyway, idleness is also idleness. It is not necessary for Qin Shaofeng's full energy to comprehend this'Nine-turned Brute Force Decision'.

Probably the cultivator will be able to raise the magic pill sutra again, although this is somewhat unlikely, but it will not lose a piece of flesh after a try.

Not only the Divine Demon Pill Sutra, even Qin Shaofeng also began to try to absorb the power of the surrounding laws and continue to condense the cultivation of the Law Pill.

The second competition in the field of perception, but the competition of martial arts and exercises, is not just creating exercises like the first one, and does not require much consumption of law.

If you can practice, that's different.

Once you have entered the five exercises of martial arts, it will all require a lot of power.

This is an all-around competition held by the masters, so there will be no lack of law.

Although at this moment, the arena is not the same as the arena of Qianzhonglou, the power of the laws that are born and possessed are extremely pure, which can be directly absorbed for self-improvement.

But the power of the law in the arena is also very pure. After absorbing it, it only needs to be refined and transformed into the power of the law to supplement the power of the law consumed by practicing martial arts and exercises. .

In this way, there is no need to worry at all. When practicing martial arts and exercises, because it consumes too much power of the law, it takes a lot of time to recover.

But this environment allowed Qin Shaofeng to see the hope of cultivation.

Although the power of the law here cannot be directly absorbed, it can be transformed into its own power, requiring some refining.

But this is not a big problem for Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Demon Pill Sutra awakened the God’s Pill Fire when he was 3 stars. If he was tempered with the God’s Pill Fire, it would be able to directly refine the absorbed law power into Qin Shaofeng himself. the power of.

The speed of the magical pill fire of the 3-star God and Demon Pill Sutra, the strength of the law of tempering and absorption, is actually not very fast.

But after the God and Demon Pill was upgraded to 4 stars, the fire power of this awakened God Pill was also increased, and now the power of the law of absorption was tempered, and that speed was not slow.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng is already a good place to practice under such circumstances.

Still the same sentence, anyway, it doesn't affect the comprehension and cultivation of the'Nine Turns of Brute Force', which is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, when the other players were working hard to learn martial arts and exercises, Qin Shaofeng started to practice in the eighth level.

Yes, yes, he started to practice!

If you let other people know what Qin Shaofeng is doing now, I'm afraid it will be shocked.

However, everyone didn't think about it, because in the eyes of others, Qin Shaofeng, who was practicing the Pill of Ascension Law, was completely comprehending the cultivation of the eight-star technique!

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