Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1315: Damn it

Chapter 1315

In the arena, with time accelerating, ten years passed quickly.

At this time, Lord Ling had already entered the ninth level.

Not only Lingzi, but many other Tianjiao people have entered the ninth level, and they have been in it for several years.

But Qin Shaofeng!

He still sat down under the stele that recorded the ‘Nine Turns of Brute Force’ and continued to comprehend.

In fact, as early as three months ago, the cooling time of these five eight-star exercises by the gods and demons had already passed.

But Qin Shaofeng did not immediately copy the'Nine Turns Brute Force Decision'.

Because even if it has failed once, the success rate of the duplication of these 8-star exercises by the gods and demons has reached more than 20%, not even 30%.

In other words, based on the failure of the first copy, the second copy increases the success rate by more than ten percent.

This situation was a little bit beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

And what hurts Qin Shaofeng the most is that when he used the other four eight-star exercises again to copy the gods and demons, they all failed.

This made Qin Shaofeng speechless!

This is nearly a quarter of the success rate, why have it failed four times in a row!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was not eager to copy the'Nine Turns of Brute Force' again.

After ten years of comprehension, Qin Shaofeng has already comprehended the'Nine Turns of Brute Force Decision' seven seven eight eight.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's second copy of the'Nine Turns Brute Force' by copying the gods and demons has achieved 98% success rate!

However, it seems to have been hit by the failure of the second copy four times in a row. Qin Shaofeng did not copy the'Nine Turns Brute Force Decision' in the first place.

It was after three months of training on the'Nine Turns of Brute Force' and finally increased the success rate to 100% before he copied the'Nine Turns of Brute Force'!

Of course, this wasn't actually the main reason. The real reason was that after the cooling time passed, Qin Shaofeng had just cultivated to the realm of 744 pill of law.

Because of the distance of fifty pieces, it was only six pill of the rules, Qin Shaofeng planned to wait until he had cultivated 750 pill of the rules before entering the ninth level.

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng stayed at the eighth level for another three months.

In ten years, Qin Shaofeng had cultivated nearly fifty Pills of Law, which seemed to be slow, but in fact Qin Shaofeng's speed was already incredible.

After all, this arena is not the most suitable place for cultivation. I am afraid that only people like Qin Shaofeng can practice in this place.

There are already a lot of 50 pill of laws in ten years.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons, and successfully copied the eight-star exercise "Nine Turns Brute Force"!"

Finally, when the number of Pills of Law in his body reached 750, Qin Shaofeng stopped and copied the "Nine-turn Brute Force Decision".

Needless to say, after three months of comprehension and practice, Qin Shaofeng's copying success rate of the'Nine Turns of Brute Force' was completely 100%.

There is no possibility of failure!


After passing the eighth stage, Qin Shaofeng entered the ninth stage.

At this time, there were not many people who paid attention to Qin Shaofeng.

The Master Ling and other Tianjiao had only passed the eighth level within three to five years.

But Qin Shaofeng took twice as much time, how can this compare?

It's obvious!

In the case of comprehending martial arts and cultivation techniques, Qin Shaofeng is obviously inferior to the princes like Ling Gongzi!

As for the first three levels, Qin Shaofeng comprehend the completion of all the one-star to three-star martial arts, I am afraid this is because the one- to three-star martial arts are too simple.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng would not reach the end, and such a slow situation would happen!

It's not wrong to think this way, but other people don't even know that Qin Shaofeng has cultivated to improve his realm in the eighth level!

Although part of the energy was allocated to practice the Pill of Ascension Law, it did not affect Qin Shaofeng's understanding of the eight-star exercises.

But if Qin Shaofeng devotes all his energy to the comprehension and cultivation of the exercises, it would definitely not be the way it is now, it will become so slow.

Although not as good as that of Young Master Ling, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't take that long.

At last Qin Shaofeng entered the ninth level, and at this time, Lord Ling and other Tianjiao had been in the ninth level for four or five years.

And there is one more point. As far as the current situation is concerned, the players who can enter the ninth level are the spirit son of the spirit tribe Tianjiao, the ancient tribe Tianjiao Gubo who is also one of the three holy tribes, and the prince of the demon **** palace and the **** beast. The young master of the Kylin clan, and the demon prince of one of the three royal families of the ancient demon clan.

Very eyes, these are all talents who created eight-star exercises in the previous event!

Coupled with Qin Shaofeng, there are only six players in the ninth level at the moment.

Therefore, even if it took Qin Shaofeng ten years to pass the eighth level, such results have crushed countless players.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng is a lot worse than the five Tianjiao in the ninth level at the moment.

Uneven These five players only spent five or six years in the eighth level, and the differences are not very big.

But compared with these Tianjiao, Qin Shaofeng has a big gap.

But what about the actual situation?


After entering the ninth level, Qin Shaofeng didn't look at the five Tianjiao players present at the first time.

Of course, these five Tianjiao players, although they also noticed Qin Shaofeng's appearance, no one went to see Qin Shaofeng.

Because of the underlying consciousness, because after Qin Shaofeng stayed in the eighth level for so long, everyone did not regard Qin Shaofeng as their own competitor.

Although this competition in the field of perception is also based on points, the scores of the two competitions are directly fixed. There is no additional point, the total score is 20 points, and there will never be more than 21 points. .

The first and second competitions are scored according to the rankings. The first place is full of 10 points, and then the second place is nine points...

Eight points for third place!

Seven points for fourth place!

Six points for fifth place!

Five points for sixth place!

Seventh place four points!

From the seventh to the tenth place, they only get three points, the eleventh to the twentieth place can get two points, and the twenty-first to the thirtieth place can get one point.

No points will be awarded to people other than 30!

Therefore, in this final situation, we still have to look at the top few.

Although Qin Shaofeng scored a full 10 in the first event, in this second event, based on the current situation, Qin Shaofeng was ranked sixth at best.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's total score was only 15 points!

The current situation is that the five Tianjiao players in the ninth level are all the top ones in the previous game. According to this situation, among them, there will be players with a total score of more than 15 points, but there are several .

Therefore, the possibility of Qin Shaofeng winning the championship in the field of perception is actually very slim!

Unless he can break out and enter the top three directly, in this case, he still hopes to win the championship.

But this may not be great!

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about other people's thoughts and speculations. After entering the ninth level, he immediately chose to check this level, whether it was martial art or cultivation technique.

If it were martial arts, that would be great.

Qin Shaofeng would be a little disappointed if it were the technique.

He only wants martial arts now, but he doesn't need any exercises.

The final result was that the five stone tablets of the ninth level did not completely disappoint Qin Shaofeng.

Why is it thorough?

This is all because the stone stele that exists in the ninth level not only has martial arts but also exercises.

Among the five steles, there are two steles, which record nine-star martial arts, and the remaining three steles are nine-star martial arts.

This made Qin Shaofeng very happy. Although there are not five nine-star martial arts, there are a lot of three martial arts.

However, the happiness in Qin Shaofeng's heart in the next moment disappeared instantly.

Because the gods and demons copy these nine-star exercises and martial arts, the success rate of being able to copy them is really too low and too low!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons. The current target of the copy is the nine-star exercise "Xuanhuobao" with a success rate of 0.99%! Using 50 skill points can increase the success rate to 100%! May I ask Does player Qin Shaofeng use skill points to increase the success rate of this copy?"


I circled a cross, and there is no such thing as 1%!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say, and he needed 50 skill points to increase the success rate to 100%.

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng doesn't have 50 skill points now, even if Qin Shaofeng has it, it is impossible for him to use so many skill points to learn this "Profound Fire Book".

With such skill points, I might as well use it to upgrade the Eye of Gods and Demons!

Wouldn't it be that this "Treasure of Profound Fire" is too difficult?

With this thought in mind, Qin Shaofeng performed a copy of another nine-star exercise technique, to see the success rate of this nine-star exercise technique.

But before seeing this result, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched again.

Because this second nine-star exercise is even more special, the success rate is only 0.49%!

Well, this time there is not even 0.5%!

On the contrary, nine-star martial arts are easier to practice than nine-star exercises. The success rate of copying gods and demons is relatively slightly higher!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons. The current target is the nine-star martial art'Fantasy Hand', with a success rate of 2.76%! Use 50 skill points to increase the success rate to 100%! May I ask player Qin Shaofeng Do you use skill points to increase the success rate of this copy?"

Although it still needs to consume up to 50 skill points to increase the success rate to 100%!

But this 2.76% is better than less than 1%!


Well, this is just Qin Shaofeng's self-comfort.

Then Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything, and directly copied the nine-star martial arts ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’.

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

A system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any surprises, but if he succeeded, hell!

However, even if it fails, the duplication of the gods and demons can also give him some training experience, which is worth it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt the nine-star martial arts and techniques on these five stone tablets, and planned to copy the gods and demons once!

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons, and successfully copied the nine-star exercise "Xuanhuo Baodian"!"

After three consecutive failures, the last system prompt made Qin Shaofeng stunned.

Nima, what a hell!

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