Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1316: Sacred Hand of the Buddha

Chapter 1316

I circled a cross. What's the situation?

Qin Shaofeng was dazed by this last system prompt.


But... is this so possible?

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it at first, but after repeatedly checking the message column in the system interface several times, and then trying to run it inside his body, he finally confirmed the operation route of the "Xuanhuobao".

The copy of this special lady really succeeded!

I circled a big cross!

With a success rate of 0.99%, Te Niang was also successful!

Not even one percent!

Qin Shaofeng felt for the first time that he had such a level against the sky because of his luck.

"Hey, how can it be a martial art, not martial art? If this time the success is in martial art, that would be great!"

After confirming, Qin Shaofeng sighed.

But Qin Shaofeng soon felt that he was greedy.

This is a 0.99% success rate. If you can succeed once, it is already God's favor.

I am afraid that such a character will only appear once!

If you think about it more, then you are too greedy!

He laughed at himself slightly in his heart, and Qin Shaofeng then thought of another thing.

So what should I do now?

Yes indeed!

How to do it?

He has successfully practiced a nine-star exercise in this ninth level, so even if he can pass this level, he can go to the last level of the competition.

But Qin Shaofeng hesitated!

Because after failing to copy the nine-star exercises and martial skills, Qin Shaofeng found that the cooling time of the nine-star exercises and martial skills was the same, even the cooling after the eight-star failed. The time is the same, it is only ten years.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

However, this hesitation did not last long, and Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his heart.

What are you afraid of, isn't it ten years?

Anyway, when he is enlightened, he can still practice without much delay, and Qin Shaofeng also believes that he has a copy of the gods and demons, and he doesn't need to care how high the understanding of the spirits is.

High is a fart. I can even replicate a nine-star with a success rate of 0.99%. What should I worry about?

Don't hesitate, practice!

With a decision in his mind, Qin Shaofeng immediately sat down under the stone tablet that recorded the nine-star martial arts ‘Futu Sacred Hand’.

This time, Qin Shaofeng had no greedy thoughts.

This has reached the ninth level, and there is still the last level.

Therefore, he can't delay too much time in this ninth level, and can't be too far behind the other people.

After all, in the last level of the tenth level, no one knows what the situation is. If there are too many people behind Ling Gongzi and others, leading to an unexpected situation and losing the first place in this competition, then Qin Shaofeng will not have time to cry.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng had decided, and only successfully copied the nine-star martial arts ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’ before proceeding to the next level.

If the copying is not successful in the end, after waiting for Master Ling to enter the tenth level at most three years, Qin Shaofeng will also enter the tenth level, regardless of whether the nine-star martial art ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’ has been copied.

Only three years behind, Qin Shaofeng felt that he could catch up with the opponent by copying the gods and demons.


The nine-star level is very powerful, whether it is martial arts or martial arts.

In the ancient sanctuary, only the twelve imperial families among the ancient saints had the background of nine-star exercises and martial skills.

Now the nine-star exercises and martial arts in this ninth level are actually used by the masters, and it is really impossible for ordinary people to use it.

Qin Shaofeng used the gods and demons to replicate the "Profound Fire Treasure", which was actually a technique developed by a certain supreme master of the Shenlong clan.

This ‘Mysterious Fire Treasure’ is the secret knowledge of the Fire Dragon clan among the Shenlong clan. Even among the nine-star exercises, it is considered the top and first-class powerful exercises.

However, the "Xuanhuo Baodian" in this ninth level is not the "Xuanhuo Baodian" of the true fire dragon clan, but a modified technique based on the real "Xuanhuo Baodian".

After all, this "Profound Fire Treasure" is a dragon cultivation technique, and it is simply difficult for ordinary people to practice. I am afraid that people can't cultivate in this almighty competition. How can they still compete?

Therefore, the supreme master of the Shenlong clan modified this'Profound Fire Treasure' and turned it into a practice that can be practiced by all races, and even after the modification, it still belongs to the nine-star practice.

It has to be said that the strong who dominates the supreme level are very powerful.

Not only this ‘Profound Fire Treasure’, but in fact the nine-star martial arts and exercises in this ninth level are very powerful, and it’s not easy to practice.

Only in this way can one's understanding be manifested!

At this moment, even the son of spirit is also facing a problem.

This time, Master Ling was the same as Qin Shaofeng, choosing the nine-star martial arts ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’ to comprehend and practice.

This is not to say that this ‘frotu saint hand’ is easier to cultivate.

In fact, among the three martial arts and the two exercises, the nine-star exercise method "Xuanhuo Baodian" is the most suitable for him with the body of the Holy Spirit of Lord Ling.

Choosing the "Sacred Hand of the Buddha", Lord Ling is afraid it will increase the difficulty for himself.

Under normal circumstances, it takes at most twenty years for Master Ling to successfully cultivate the "Profound Fire Treasure Tome", but if it were to be replaced by the "Sacred Hand of the Buddha", it would take at least thirty years or even forty years. This may also be possible.

Although this ‘frotu sacred hand’ is a martial skill, it is reasonable to say that it is easier to cultivate than the exercise method, but the fact is on the contrary, this nine-star ‘frotu sacred hand’ is the most difficult to practice in this ninth level.

The reason is very simple. This is all because this nine-star ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’ is a very powerful martial skill. Although it is only nine-star, its power has reached the limit of nine-star.

Even in the hands of the person who created the "Sacred Hand of the Buddha", the "Sacred Hand of the Buddha" has the power of ten-star martial arts.

And the person who took out this ‘fantasy hand’ was the emperor Jiang Hengtian!

Moreover, this'Futu Sacred Hand' is also the fame of the emperor Jiang Hengtian. It is the emperor Jiang Hengtian's unique "slaughter finger" for the demon clan, as well as many powerful martial skills of the spirit and ancient clan. .

In the hands of the Emperor Jiang Hengtian, the power of this ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’ is absolutely comparable to an ordinary ten-star martial art.

Ten stars!

This theoretical level does not exist in the martial arts and martial arts, and only after the emergence of unusually powerful martial arts and techniques, whose power far exceeds nine stars, is it awarded a ten-star level.

In a sense, the nine-star ‘saint hand of the Buddha' is such a nine-star martial art.

In fact, at the beginning of the ninth level, the preparations were the exercises, but because of the appearance of Qin Shaofeng’s "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", after all the masters discussed it, he decided to replace the exercises with some. To become a martial skill, you don't need so many techniques.

And this matter did not hinder Tiandi Jiang Hengtian's affairs, but he was helpless in the end by the Baidi, and finally this ninth stage appeared the ‘fantasy hand’.

Heavenly Emperor Jiang Hengtian has not appeared in the sight of everyone in the ancient sanctuary for many years. This makes many people know that the Momo Clan, one of the three holy clans of the ancient holy clans, has a strongest person named Emperor Tian!

But regarding the Emperor Jiang Hengtian, the ancient sanctuary has rarely appeared.

People who truly know the terrible Emperor Jiang Hengtian are considered to be the older generation.

And most people don’t know that the Emperor Jiang Hengtian possesses the "Fantasy Sacred Hand", because many people think that because the Emperor is the strongest of the Demon Clan, people who don’t know about the "Futu Sacred Hand" think that this belongs to the Demon Clan. Powerful and unique.

Many people even put the name ‘Sacred Hand of Demon Slayer’ on the ‘Holy Hand of Buddha's Tusk’.

But Master Ling was different. He had some worship for the Heavenly Emperor Jiang Hengtian, because the other party was considered the number one powerhouse in the ancient sanctuary, which was generally recognized.

Therefore, Lord Ling set the goal of Emperor Jiang Hengtian and wanted to become the number one powerhouse in the ancient sanctuary.

Because of this situation, he naturally knew what kind of martial art the "Fantasy Sacred Hand" was.

As soon as he recognized the ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’, Master Ling decided in an instant to successfully cultivate this ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’.

So being able to cultivate the "Fantasy Sacred Hand" in such a fair manner, from the eyes of Master Ling, it is entirely God's favor for him. How could he miss it?

That was a failure because of this, and the loss of the champion of this competition in the field of perception, Lord Ling felt worth it.

Besides, even if it is very difficult for the ‘Float Tu Sacred Hand’ to cultivate, it’s not that it’s impossible for him to cultivate, it’s just that the cultivation time is longer.


A little bit of time passed, and after another ten years of time passed, there was still no one in the eighth stage, and there were still six players including Qin Shaofeng and Young Master Ling.

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

"System prompt: Copy failed!"

Ten years have passed, and the cooling time for Qin Shaofeng's gods and demons to copy the nine-star exercises and martial skills of this level has finally passed.

Well, four losing streak!

It failed four times in a row!

When these nine-star skills were copied for the second time, the success rate was finally not so low, basically above 10%, but it did not exceed 15%.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng's "Fantasy Sacred Hand" after ten years of comprehension and cultivation, in the second copy of the gods and demons, the success rate was 37%!

Unfortunately, it failed in the end.

But this is not the most important thing. What surprised Qin Shaofeng the most was that after the first failure of the nine-star exercises and martial arts, the cooldown time of the gods and demons copying them was 10 years. It is reasonable to say that the second time they failed, then It should be 10 years.

This has never happened in the previous one to eight-star exercises and martial arts.

Because one to eight stars, even if the copy of the gods and demons fails twice, the cooldown time of the first and second times is the same.

Obviously, the nine-star exercises and skills are different.

The copy of the gods and demons failed for the first time, and the cooling time was 10 years, and the second failure became 20 years.

This adds up to 30 years.

"That means, no matter what the situation, I need to leave 30 years for the last checkpoint?"

Because of the third failure, the gods and demons can no longer be copied, unless it is to use skill points.

It is actually only two decades before this event, but there are still more than seventy years left!

"If this is the case, you will still have enough time to stay in the ninth level for another twenty years!"

After taking a look at the situation on the scene, Qin Shaofeng waited for a while to try to replicate these exercises and martial arts for the third time!

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