Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1321: Giant Enlightenment Stone

Chapter 1321 Huge Enlightenment Stone

To shorten the time of one hundred years to a few days, this is the effect of the Enlightenment Stone.

And most importantly, this enlightenment stone can also help cultivators to comprehend the origin of the laws they cannot possess.

In order to strengthen the nine-color divine body of Bai Nishang, the old man used a lot of enlightenment stones to give the nine-color divine body of Bai Nishang the origin of the twelve principles.

Moreover, the effect of the enlightenment stone is not only that. If it is used to practice exercises and martial arts, the speed is absolutely fast, and for the cultivator, the exercises and martial arts cultivated with the enlightenment stone are better than those of their own practice. Much better.

If Master Ling had enough stones for enlightenment, then when he was cultivating the ‘Sacred Hand of the Buddha', he might be able to successfully cultivate the ‘Sacred Hand of the Buddha' in the true sense.

This is just like Qin Shaofeng, after successfully cultivating the ‘Fotu Sacred Hand’, his hands showed pale silver fluorescence instead of pale white.

Even for a powerful supreme master, possessing enough enlightenment stones can make Te Mo smoothly break through to the third step of the master realm and become the master of the strongest!

In a word, this enlightenment stone is a well-deserved treasure!

However, now, the phantom of the Void Great Emperor seems to be talking about it again. Does the huge stone monument behind him seem to be the Enlightenment Stone?

Is this what the Void Emperor said wrong?

Or is everyone wrong?

Such a big enlightenment stone?

is it possible?

After all, the size of this huge stone monument can already be compared to some small peaks.

This weight is counted in thousands of tons, so there might be such a huge enlightenment stone?

But the next moment, the shadow of Emperor Void confirmed the unbelievable suspicion in everyone's hearts.

"Don't doubt, this emperor can tell you very clearly that the stone tablets behind me are all refined from the Enlightenment Stones. They are complete Enlightenment Stones without a trace of impurities!"


It's really all enlightenment stones!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was also stunned, with only one thought in his mind.

What a big enlightenment stone!

But then Qin Shaofeng's heart was filled with ecstasy, because according to this situation, it seemed that after a while, they could use this huge enlightenment stone to cultivate, right?

Such a large piece of enlightenment stone, once used for cultivation, it should be against the sky!

Not only Qin Shaofeng thought so, but also the other ten players present.

And at this time, some self-holding talents outside the arena finally regretted it at this moment.

They regretted the arrogance of holding their own identity, so that they did not participate in this competition in the field of perception.

Although among these arrogances, many people may not be better than Lingzi and others, but in fact, most of the arrogances of all races who came to participate in the all-around competition this time were competing against the final field of strength.

In fact, it is definitely so!

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, only strength contests are true contests.

Strength, comprehension, etc., can't verify a person's true level at all!

In fact, this kind of thinking is the same for Young Master Ling and others. Even if it weren't for the champion reward of this comprehension field competition, one of the items would have a certain attraction to Young Master Ling and other Tianjiao, I am afraid they would not come to participate.

And because it was a Tianjiao like Young Master Ling who participated, even those other Tianjiao who wanted to be rewarded with champions in the field of comprehension eventually extinguished the idea of ​​going on stage.

The prince of the spirit possesses the body of the holy spirit, and the ancient powerful goddess of the ancient clan has a transcendent understanding. The prince of the demon **** palace and the demon prince are not simple roles.

Instead of participating in a competition where they can't get the championship reward, it's better to keep their arrogance and just not participate.

But now at this moment, these arrogances regret it in their hearts.

Such a big enlightenment stone!

If they had also participated in this comprehension field competition, they would now be able to enter the tenth level and gain the benefits of this huge enlightenment stone.

However, things are not so good!

This huge stone tablet is indeed a pure stone of enlightenment, but if you want to use this huge stone tablet for certain aspects of cultivation, you can't tell.

The next phantom of Emperor Void also confirmed this sentence.

"However, although this stone tablet is all made from the enlightenment stone, its real power is not used for cultivation. The real use of this huge enlightenment stone is to record a very powerful exercise! "


Record exercises?

When said by Emperor Void, the first thought in many people's hearts was a waste!

Such a waste!

Such a huge enlightenment stone is actually only used to record exercises?

But at the same time, some people noticed some more sensitive parts.

Use the enlightenment stone to record the exercises. How powerful is such a huge enlightenment stone and the exercises on such a huge enlightenment stone?

This simplicity is not a simple exercise method, because even the strongest of the rank of Emperor Void is very powerful.

Well, it’s not easy to feel the exercises on this huge stone tablet.

Next, the words of Emperor Void confirmed this.

Regarding where this huge stone stele refined from the Enlightenment Stone came from, even the Void Emperor who got it didn't know at all.

Because the Emperor Void said, he only obtained this stone tablet in a ruin while traveling.

After obtaining it, the Emperor Void naturally studied it for the first time.

After all, such a huge Enlightenment Stone was extremely shocking even for Emperor Void.

After researching, Emperor Xu Kong discovered that this huge enlightenment stone stele was actually only recording a technique.

The emperor Void immediately noticed that this exercise was definitely not simple, and then he tried to practice the exercise on the stone tablet.

But what made Emperor Xu Kong very disappointed was that the exercises on this stone tablet did not know what level of exercises it was, and what kind of exercises it was created by its existence. He actually couldn't even comprehend the cultivation with his comprehension.

It was only later that Emperor Void discovered that the practice on this huge stone tablet seemed to be that the lower the state, the more comprehensible and the more comprehensible, and then the opportunity to practice successful practice.

This point was also discovered by the Emperor Jiang Hengtian and other strong men after countless years based on the information left by Emperor Void.

But this is not the absolute cultivation level as low as possible. The best situation is when you are in the peak state of Nirvana, and after you get the strengthening of the Dao Law, the state that has the power of law is the most suitable for understanding the work on this stone tablet. legal.

But even now, the exercises on this stone tablet have not been cultivated, so this exercise recorded on the stone tablet is just a powerful and mysterious unknown exercise!

This is why, in this comprehension field competition, this huge stone monument will appear.

Because under the suppression of the Nirvana Realm, the players who have reached the dominance level can barely comprehend the nameless exercises recorded on this huge enlightenment stone.

But this is not any player, all have the qualifications for enlightenment!

This huge stone stele was made from the stone of enlightenment, which seems to be nothing, but in fact, the entire huge stone tablet possesses a powerful enlightenment power.

If the understanding is not high, or the mood is not strong, I am afraid that the power of enlightenment on this stone tablet will be directly lost.

Once lost, how can we talk about comprehension and cultivation?

In the end, after clarifying the origin and basic situation of the stele, the phantom of Emperor Void paused for a while, instantly turned into countless light spots, and then fell into the stele again.

This scene can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng understand, why the great emperor Void has been able to retain this lingering sense of consciousness in the years when the strongest people have fallen for so many years.

This is probably due to the huge stone monument!

After the phantom of Void Great disappeared, soon the content of the final level of the game also appeared.

This time the content of the test is actually very simple, that is, longer than someone who stays in the small practice space formed by the stone tablet.

Although these small cultivation spaces all have their own different time flow rates, the time flow rate is the same in other situations.

Although after entering the tenth level, the time spent in the tenth level is different, the time that can be spent in the small practice space is also different.

In a situation like this, if someone stays longer than anyone else, whoever can win the first place, then it seems that Gu Bo and the demon prince who entered first can directly win the first and second places.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Because under the power of enlightenment in the small-scale cultivation space of the stone tablet, it is not a simple matter to stick to the enlightenment with one's heart without being lost by the power of enlightenment.

Not to mention four or five hundred years, I am afraid that there are 11 players present, and there are very few players who can last for more than a hundred years.

That's why, this competition will have the limit of the last ten years.

Soon, under the force of the stone stele, ten small practice spaces appeared, wrapping Qin Shaofeng and others in it.

At this time, many people outside the stadium were extremely disappointed and envious.

Disappointingly, this time, they also couldn't see the content on the stele, they could also see the content on the stele, and the people who were able to comprehend were only the eleven contestants who entered the small training spaces made by the stele.

Such a powerful and mysterious exercise can't be seen, so I can't be disappointed?

As for envy, it goes without saying.

Regardless of the final situation, the eleven players in the tenth level at the moment are envied by countless people.

The strongest people who can perform at the level of Void Great Emperor are considered to be very powerful exercises. Even if it fails, it can be envied by countless people.


While the envy of countless people outside, the players who have entered the small practice space finally understand why this last level is longer than whoever persists, who can win.

Because it's too hard!

At the moment of entering these small training spaces, all players suffered a strong impact.

This shock does not come from the body, but the most effective and soul.

This shock is the power of enlightenment produced by this incomparably huge stone of enlightenment after being refined into a stone monument.

This kind of enlightenment power is actually no different from using enlightenment stones by yourself.

The only difference is the difference in quantity!

Generally speaking, even those who dominate the realm, using the enlightenment stone is just one-time use of the enlightenment stone the size of a finger.

No matter how much it is, it will be a little wasted. There is no way that personal understanding is limited, or the absorption is different, the enlightenment power inspired by a little finger enlightenment stone is enough to use.

No matter how much this is, it would be a waste.

Because no matter how much it can't be absorbed, it can only be wasted.

Enlightenment stone is so precious, but no one will waste it wantonly.

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