Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1322: Hard to comprehend

Chapter 1322

No one will spend an enlightenment stone, but no one will refine a mountain-like enlightenment stone into a treasure.

Needless to say, this is just a treasure for recording exercises.

But this stone tablet seems to have used a special method when refining, and possessed a very special ability.

That is, once someone comprehends the nameless exercises on them, then the enlightenment power he endures is very powerful, as if it is the enlightenment power inspired by the whole huge enlightenment stone stele.

The enlightenment power aroused by a finger-sized enlightenment stone is enough to be used by a cultivator who dominates the first step of the realm. If there are too many words, there will be waste.

And if it reaches a certain level, it will not only cause waste, but also have certain side effects on the cultivator.

It's too much!

Too much enlightenment power is not a certain benefit. Not only can it be absorbed, but under the impact of the power of overcoming enlightenment, it also affects one's own cultivation and enlightenment.

This is totally harmful and unprofitable.

But now Qin Shaofeng and others have just endured the enlightenment power inspired by this huge enlightenment stone.

Such an impact, I am afraid that even if the supreme ruler who is stronger than the title of emperor comes, it is estimated that it will be a little unbearable.

And for players like Qin Shaofeng and the others, it is even worse for players who dominate the realm of seven or eight layers.

Fortunately, this enlightenment stone stele takes care of people with low levels, and there will be no offensive enlightenment power impact.

Under the suppression of the Nirvana Realm, Master Ling and others are all at the pinnacle of the Nirvana Realm. Therefore, even if it is impacted by a strong enlightenment force, it is at most difficult to persist, and there will be no injury.

But just like that sentence, under such an impact, it is really a big problem to want to persist for a long time.

That's why, in the last level of the test, it was someone who persisted for a longer time, not someone who could successfully practice the exercises on the stone tablet.

Of course, if you can see the nameless exercises on the stone tablets, and you can understand them, or even directly practice successfully, then there is no need to compare, and you will be the first.

However, this might be difficult!

At this moment, even the most confident spirit son had a heavy face.

"What a powerful impact!"

Young Master Ling was shocked. It was not that he had never felt the enlightenment power of the Enlightenment Stone. In his capacity, he naturally used the Enlightenment Stone.

But compared with the enlightenment stone he used, the power of enlightenment inspired by him, compared with the impact of the enlightenment power he is currently suffering from, it is completely the comparison between the sea and the waves, and it is completely incomparable!

Under such circumstances, just by resisting the impact of this enlightenment force, Master Ling couldn't hold it a bit, and he couldn't make enlightenment at all.

However, the situation of Young Master Yi Ling would not be impacted by this enlightening power soon.

And after holding on for a while, Young Master Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was because the Nirvana Realm suppressed him, which caused him to be at the pinnacle of the Nirvana Realm at the moment. The impact of the enlightenment power he suffered was very strong as soon as possible, but there was no place where he was not uncomfortable.

Even Master Ling felt that after holding on for a period of time, he would definitely be able to adapt to the impact of this enlightening power.

At that time, he would have enough energy to comprehend the exercises on this stone tablet.

Even the great emperor Xu Kong couldn't comprehend the exercises, how could Lord Ling not be moved.

Even though he already knew, even the heavenly wizards like Emperor Void couldn't comprehend the nameless technique on this stone tablet.

But who has no hope in his heart?

For those who have such thoughts, the player in this tenth level is probably not the only one.

If others can't, it doesn't mean that you can't!

However, the small cultivation space formed by this stone monument is really not so easy to stay.

Except for the six players who entered this level at the beginning, the five players who came in from behind seemed to be less relaxed.

Especially that Kong Xin, the last player to come in.

Perhaps compared with others, this Kong Xin's savvy is absolutely extremely high, but among the 11 players in the tenth level, this Kong Xin is slightly worse.

Because after entering the small practice space, he has been reluctant, and it seems that it is difficult to hold on.

Looking at him like this, I am afraid that even if he can persist, it will not last long.

The people outside the arena can't see the situation in the small cultivation space where Qin Shaofeng and others are located at this moment, so they can only guess who will come out first.

But when these people guessed, when Ling Gongzi and other players struggled to persevere, in that small practice space, there was one person who was extremely relaxed.

This makes Qin Shaofeng!

The impact of enlightened power?

Excuse me, what is that, can I eat it?

Fortunately, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's situation in the small cultivation space cannot be seen by outsiders, and even the strongest people who dominate the supreme cannot be detected.

Otherwise, someone found that Qin Shaofeng was frowning at the moment.

"Hey, didn't you say yes, there is the impact of enlightenment power? Why is there nothing?" Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

This is no wonder, because after Qin Shaofeng entered here, he didn't feel the slightest discomfort at all.

The power of enlightenment does not exist at all.

If the power of enlightenment is too strong, there will be a strong impact, which makes people unable to hold on for long.

This is not there at all!

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the situation in this small cultivation space is completely the same as the outside world!

This is strange!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's situation, even the most powerful people who dominate the supreme, is an unexpected situation.

It is completely immune to the impact of enlightenment power, just like outside.

If there is a change, it is a change in the flow rate of time.

However, Qin Shaofeng finally noticed some differences.

That is the power of the law in this place, it is very abundant, and the power of the law here seems to be a very special power of the law.

Not only is it very essence, but also...

And it also had a special aura that Qin Shaofeng couldn't say, or power.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell how specific it was.

"By the way, this feeling is the same as the pill of law after I have the power of gods and demons, and the power of law in it!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something, and his eyes lit up slightly.

Yes, this is the feeling!

It does not mean that it is the power of the law after the strengthening of the Dao Law, but the power of the special law that is similar to the power of his own gods and demons after strengthening.

Qin Shaofeng relied on the power of such a law, in fact, only the cultivation level of the peak of Nirvana Realm, reaching the cultivation level of Domination Realm.

But I don't know why, the power of the law that appears in this small practice space is similar to the power of this law.

"Is it the power of a special alternative law?"

Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed something in his heart, but he didn't think too much, because for him, no matter it was the power of other laws or the power of this small practice space, he could cultivate.

"Forget it, all the power of the law can help me condense the pill of the law, this place is quite suitable for me to practice!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, but after disappointment, the only satisfaction revealed.

However, before practicing, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly.

"Although I didn't feel the power of enlightenment, I didn't feel it. However, under normal circumstances, in this small practice space, you can also comprehend the unknown technique of the stone tablet. Isn't that..."

A sharp light flashed through his eyes, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng used his **** and demon copy, and directly used it once against the entire small practice space.

Qin Shaofeng really guessed it right.

Because the system prompt sound soon confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess that this small-scale cultivation space really allowed him to copy the nameless techniques on the stone tablet.

However, after seeing the content of this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng felt painful.

"System prompt: The player Qin Shaofeng failed to perform the duplication of the gods and demons, and the current level of the copied target is too high to carry out the duplication of the gods and demons! Qin Shaofeng can consume 3 skill points to enhance the copying ability of the gods and demons against the current target. May I ask the player Qin Shaofeng Use 3 skill points to force copy the target?"

I circled a cross, what the **** is this?

The improvement of the system made Qin Shaofeng a little confused.

Can this copy fail?

Isn't my **** and demon copy a super **** level skill?

Couldn't the gods and demons copy any exercise skills?

How did this fail?

And 3 skill points are needed to copy the gods and demons forcibly. What the **** is it?

This system reminder sounded, and the information it brought brought several thoughts into Qin Shaofeng's mind.

But Qin Shaofeng also quickly understood, this is probably because the stone tablet feels that the nameless exercise is too powerful and too powerful!

Well, that's right!

Gods and demons copying are indeed super God-level skills, and they can indeed copy any exercise skills, but if the target level encountered is too high, it is not impossible to force copy.

This can still be forcibly copied, but it requires the use of skill points.

The problem now is already obvious.

Do you need these 3 skill points?

Qin Shaofeng hesitated for a moment, and then became firm in his heart.

"What's so special, I only have 20 skill points. Who can use 3 skill points to copy an unknown technique that is impossible to replicate successfully?"

The prompt of the system is already very clear, 3 skill points are enough to allow Qin Shaofeng to perform a copy of the gods and demons on the unknown technique on the stone tablet.

But if it is successful, it does not mean that you can copy it successfully.

Knowing that it will fail to replicate, why waste 3 skill points?

This is Qin Shaofeng's idea, so he intends to comprehend it on his own. As long as he has learned something, then he will use the gods and demons to copy it next.

Anyway, the flow rate of this small cultivation space is different from that of the outside world, but he has hundreds of years of annual time!

It can be thought of as plump, and reality is very skinny!

Because I have comprehended in this small practice space, for twenty years, let alone comprehend the nameless exercises on this stone tablet.

Qin Shaofeng didn't realize even a trace of sentiment.

With the time flow of these twenty years, Qin Shaofeng was completely like a fool, sitting here for twenty years without even realizing a fart.

This Qin Shaofeng Qin Shaofeng finally understood that the nameless exercise on this stone tablet is absolutely supreme. It is extremely difficult. If you want to understand it, it is probably even harder than reaching the sky!

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