Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1407: Enter the danger zone?

Chapter 1407 Entering the Dangerous Area?

The existence of the brutal beast realm, in fact, the ancient sanctuary had already known for a long time.

However, there are very few people who know, or power.

There is also the existence of the savage beast realm. When it first appeared, the cultivators of the master realm could not enter.

Even a cultivator in the Nirvana Realm will be greatly suppressed. If you encounter some wild beasts, you will have to hate Jiuquan.

Some forces have known the existence of the wild beasts for tens of thousands of years, but because of the suppression, they have no way of exploring the wild beasts.

The time when the real exploration of the savage beast realm began was only the last thousand years.

It seems that the suppression of the brutal beast realm has loosened, which has caused the power to dominate the realm to enter the brutal beast realm.

Although it is still suppressed, after some time of exploration and research, some forces in the ancient sanctuary have already made some countermeasures.

Brute Force Pill and Kuangwu Battle Armor are two of the countermeasures. Whether it is Brute Force Pill or Kuangwu Battle Armor, both can exert great effects in the wild beast world.

In addition, under constant exploration, the ancient sanctuary now has a lot of understanding of the brutal beast world.

For example, some information about the savage beasts in the savage beast world is not very comprehensive, but in fact, as a result of the exploration of the ancient sanctuary, thousands of savage beasts are already known.

These materials can be obtained free of charge when every player enters the world of brutal beasts.

Giant savage lion is a group of low-ranking savage beasts. Usually a group of giant savage lions is usually a family, and the number will exceed at least twenty.

Although this mighty savage lion is a lower rank savage beast, in fact, this mighty savage lion is a very strong lower rank savage group in the savage beast world.

Because a gigantic savage lion is born, it is a one-star lower savage beast, once it reaches adulthood, it is basically a five-star lower savage beast.

Many gigantic savage lions can reach the realm of nine-star and ten-star low-rank savage beasts, and even this gigantic savage lion can give birth to a savage beast with a higher probability of being able to give birth to a middle-ranked beast.

Usually a group of powerful brutal lions of a family group, the leaders of which are basically high-ranking brutes.

At this moment, where Qin Shaofeng is now, there is a group of powerful brutal lions with more than thirty.

Moreover, this group of giant brutal lions with only thirty-seven numbers, there are actually three middle-rank brutal beasts.

Although they are all one-star middle-ranked brutal beasts, such brutal beasts are already relatively strong brutal beasts.


Very unlucky, even if it's just one person, this group of gigantic brutal lions met Qin Shaofeng.




After perceiving Qin Shaofeng's human aura, the group of powerful wild lions burst out.

It seems that in the savage beast world, no matter what the savage beasts are, they all follow the rules of the savage beast world, and they are very resistant to outsiders.

For a while, all these mighty wild lions rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

The three one-star middle-rank beasts rushed to Qin Shaofeng frantically at the first.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a smile.



With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng's whole body was like a sharp arrow, and he rushed towards the group of wild beasts.


Qin Shaofeng found the three one-star middle-ranked wild beasts first.

Then, after hearing a bang, they found their leader and flew upside down in an instant when all the giant wild lions did not see clearly.


A burst of blood, mist in the sky!

This powerful brute lion suddenly lost its vitality, and he was directly exploded by Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had put on the Xuanwu battle armor he had researched and refined.

Although the basalt battle armor refined by Qin Shaofeng is exaggerated, with Qin Shaofeng's own circumstances, without affecting his own recovery of the power of the gods and demons, he can fully activate this basalt armor, making himself 30 times more powerful. The state of increased strength.

This seems to be equivalent to the advanced mad martial armor, but in fact it is not the case, because if Qin Shaofeng puts on the advanced mad martial armor and activates all its functions, he can obtain a 30-fold increase in strength.

But in this way, Qin Shaofeng's own power of the gods and demons was consumed.

If all the functions of the advanced mad martial armor were activated, with the power of the gods and demons in Qin Shaofeng's body and his recovery ability, it would be able to last two or three hours at most.

If coupled with the consumption of fighting, this time might be even shorter.

But now Qin Shaofeng uses the Xuanwu armor to inspire such an ascension state, the power of the gods and demons that the Xuanwu armor needs to consume can be completely restored by Qin Shaofeng's own recovery ability.

In other words, if Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he could keep it in this state forever.

And even in battle, some simple battles that consume little will not cause Qin Shaofeng to consume much power of the gods and demons.

The gigantic brutal lion that Qin Shaofeng had just killed was the leader of this group of gigantic brutal lions, a middle-ranked brutal beast of a one-star peak realm.

However, under the blessing state of 30 times the strength increase, Qin Shaofeng didn't consume much power of the gods and demons at all, so he directly killed the giant brutal lion.

A middle-ranked brutal beast in the pinnacle realm of one star was bombarded by Qin Shaofeng with one punch. For Qin Shaofeng, the remaining giant brutal lions were only a matter of twenty or thirty punches. .

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Soon, under Qin Shaofeng's body flashing, beating like an elf, one after another giant brutal lions fell.

In fact, this is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has attacked such a group of brutal beasts.

It is already the seventh day that Qin Shaofeng has entered the brutal beast world, which means that the final strength field competition of the Almighty Competition has started for six days, and it is now the seventh day.

From the second day after entering the world of brutal beasts, Qin Shaofeng, who was already somewhat familiar with the current environment, began to specifically look for groups of brutal beasts.

But at the beginning Qin Shaofeng only chose to hunt down a small group of savage beasts around thirty, and there was still no middle-ranked savage beast.

Although Qin Shaofeng wanted to hunt more wild beasts as soon as possible, he was cautious, and Qin Shaofeng still did not have Tai Chi.

More haste less speed!

Qin Shaofeng knew this truth very well.

However, after adapting for a day or two, Qin Shaofeng began to directly attack those small groups of brutal beasts with middle-rank brutal beasts.

And during the period, Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about it, and began to put on the Xuanwu armor, adapting to the Xuanwu armor to fight in this brutal beast world.

Even this time, facing a group of more than 30 savage beasts led by three middle-ranked savage beasts, and even directly rushed over, completely killing these savage beasts every bit.

One time solution!

At this moment, after seeing the corpses of more than 30 savage beasts on the ground, Qin Shaofeng finally had a certain understanding of the use of the basalt armor, and knew how to use the basalt armor to its maximum effect under limited circumstances without consuming it. Excessive power of gods and demons.

Turning on the Xuanwu Battle Armor had a 30-fold increase in strength. This state was the best that Qin Shaofeng had found after groping for so many days.

Because turning the Xuanwu Battle Armor into a 30-fold power-up state, he does not need to consume much power of the gods and demons at all. It will not consume much power of the gods and demons.

And even if it is consumed, as long as the battle is over, he can recover in a short time.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was able to maintain a complete battle state.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, for Qin Shaofeng to use the Xuanwu Battle Armor to fully function, that is, to activate the state of a hundredfold improvement, it is completely unnecessary.

If that time is really reached, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng will encounter some tricky high-ranking beasts.

At the moment, the giant brutal lions facing each other took less than ten breaths from the beginning to the end of the battle.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand, it's just that the brutal beasts of this level are no longer challenging for him.

With more than 30 gigantic brutal lions, plus three of them, one-star middle-ranked brutal lions, Qin Shaofeng won more than 40 points this time.

And this time with more than 40 points, he finally broke through to the amount of 1,000 points.

One thousand points seemed a lot of points, but even with such points, Qin Shaofeng still couldn't see other people's points.

It's very simple, because even if he has a thousand points, he still hasn't entered the top 10,000 of the standings this time.

Although a little unbelievable, one thousand points can't make it into the top ten thousand rankings.

But thinking about it carefully, Qin Shaofeng understood that this was actually a normal thing.

Because during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng had already met many people, and they all saw that they were hunting brutal beasts as a team.

The brutal beasts that were hunted were concentrated on one person, and the speed at which the opponent could gain points was very fast.

Well, people are not fighting alone, but a group of people fighting.

With this advantage, I am afraid that as long as it is a person with a simple identity, no matter what the other party's pustule is, even if it is sitting and sleeping, it can still get a lot of points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that if he could rank in the top ten thousand under such circumstances, then he would really be hell.

After all, he is just a person, really adapting to the stage.

And most importantly, if you are alone, it is a bit slow to pick up the brute beast.

Although Qin Shaofeng has a relatively large scope of exploration in this brutal beast world, it is impossible to explore quickly with hundreds of people in all directions.

Qin Shaofeng also automatically viewed this situation. If he wanted to be in the top 10,000 rankings, he would need at least tens of thousands of points.

And the longer you stay in this savage beast world, the more the bottom line for entering the ten thousand ranking list will increase.

So after taking out all the wild beast pills from the corpses of these giant wild lions, Qin Shaofeng raised his head and looked forward.

Qin Shaofeng had already felt it now. After arriving in this place, brutal beasts appeared more and more frequently.

I am afraid that at this time, he has reached the edge of the safe area planned by the ancient sanctuary.

If this goes deeper, I am afraid it will be a dangerous zone where a large number of wild beasts are infested.

Qin Shaofeng has a map in his hand. This is the map that Qin Shaofeng got when he inadvertently shot down a storage ring in the opponent's hand when he was fighting with that Fan Ming.

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