Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1408: Medium danger zone

Chapter 1408

This map is the place of this brutal beast world, although it is only a limited area map.

But this gave Qin Shaofeng a general understanding of this brutal beast world.

The savage beast world has been explored by the ancient sanctuary, but the current situation is that the ancient sanctuary has divided this part of the area into several stages!

Safe area, dangerous area!

Needless to say, the safe area, Qin Shaofeng has already experienced it, and now he has reached the edge of the safe area.

And the next place was the dangerous area Qin Shaofeng was about to go to.

This dangerous area is divided into several stages by the ancient sanctuary, four stages of low, medium, high and extremely dangerous.

In low-class terms, it is almost like the place Qin Shaofeng is now, but there is a general danger. Even if the brutal beasts appear in groups, there will be more than a hundred at most.

And most of them are three or five one- and two-star middle-ranked brutal beasts, facing such brutal beasts, it is not a threat to the general team at all.

Of course, if a single person acts alone, encountering such a savage group of beasts, then it might be dangerous.

However, if they were discovered early or had some means, they would be able to avoid and escape.

In a medium-risk area, you will encounter hundreds of savage beasts. Such a number of savage beasts, even if there are no upper-level savage beasts, can definitely have more than ten mid-level savage beasts. .

Even if hundreds of middle-ranked wild beasts appeared directly, that was normal.

If it is a group of brutal beasts that come out in a high-level area, it is usually a large group of tens of thousands of brutal beasts. Among them, there may be hundreds of middle-rank brutal beasts. There are even two or three high-rank brutal beasts. !

But this is not the most dangerous. The real danger in high-risk areas is the lone beasts.

The brutal beasts that can walk alone in that area are basically very powerful high-rank brutal beasts.

It is even said that once there was a force, when exploring this savage beast world, in a high-risk area, a cute little white beast was encountered, and it was almost completely destroyed.

And this was almost wiped out, and in the end it was just a strong man with a serious injury and barely escaped.

And the hundreds of supreme masters of the refined cultivation form Dafa that accompanied him have all fallen, and even among them there are two masters who have reached the realm of the title of emperor.

Although in this brutal beast realm, the stronger the higher the realm, after entering, the stronger the suppression will be.

But if you stay in the brutal beast realm for a long time, the higher the realm, the stronger the force will erupt in the end.

It seems that the longer you stay in this brutal beast realm, the more powerful you can burst out from practicing with the power of the law, which seems to be recognized by the brutal beast realm.

That force wanted to explore the brutal beast realm, so that team had to stay in the brutal beast realm for ten years.

One thing to mention is that the time formation of the ancient sanctuary in this brutal beast world has no effect at all, and can't even be completely deployed.

Therefore, if you want to adapt to the power of the law in the brutal beast world, you can't use time to accelerate this method at all, you can only spend time normally.

It lasted ten years, so that everyone in the team could explode with a relatively powerful force.

But in the end it ended up like this, that force also lost a large number of masters, resulting in a lot of decline in its status in the ancient sanctuary, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover without tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, in those high-risk areas of the brutal world, if you encounter a lone brute, it is truly dangerous.

As for extremely dangerous areas, they are all unknown areas in the Brutal Beast Realm, that is, areas that have not been explored by the ancient sanctuary.

And this area is probably the real dangerous place in the brutal beast world.

The unknown is the most dangerous!

Without exploring it, no one knows what dangers there will be in those unknown places in the brutal beast world.

Moreover, in this savage beast world, it is not necessarily that the upper savage beast is the strongest existence.

No one can be sure, in the deepest area of ​​the brutal beast world, there will be some brutal beasts that surpass the upper-level brutal beasts!

Of course, these are far from Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention the extremely dangerous unknown area, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​going to the high-risk area now.

At this moment, after seeing the amount of his points, Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his mind.

He is going to enter the medium danger zone!

Qin Shaofeng originally planned to wait, but now the situation makes him unable to wait!

Too few points!

Others are hunting brute beasts as a team, allowing individuals to gain points. According to this situation, it is difficult for him to improve his ranking.

Unless he destroys hundreds of savage beasts at once, according to this method of obtaining points, he is likely to catch up with others.

Such a situation can only be done in a medium-risk area.

And if there were hundreds of savage beasts, Qin Shaofeng was able to deal with it with just a dozen or twenty middle-rank savage beasts.

The big deal is to turn on the full power of the Xuanwu Battle Armor, and then use the Nine Ranks of Brute Force Pill to increase it. Qin Shaofeng doesn't believe that in this state, he will not be able to destroy a group of seven or eight hundred wild beasts.

Even if the savage beast group has a lot of middle-ranked savage beasts, as long as the middle-ranked savage beasts that appear are not strong, when he fully activates the Basalt Armor, it is not a defense comparable to a six-star dominance. Generally, a middle-ranked brute can break it.

Well, this is equivalent to Qin Shaofeng putting a tortoise shell on his back, so that the brutal beasts can't help him, but can be killed by him one by one.

Besides, besides the Xuanwu Battle Armor and Rank Nine Brute Force Pill, he also owns many places.

The various skills of the awakening of the eyes of the gods and demons can make Qin Shaofeng burst out of decent combat power in this brutal beast world.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that the medium-dangerous area divided by the brutal beast realm was not very dangerous to him!

Well, then go to the medium-dangerous area to hunt the brutal beasts!

As soon as he had a decision in his heart, Qin Shaofeng flashed, his whole person turned into a black lightning, and he started to run towards the medium-dangerous area.


A day later, Qin Shaofeng hadn't entered the medium danger zone, he was still in the low danger zone.

In this area, the number of brutal beasts Qin Shaofeng encountered was basically fifty or sixty, and a little more would barely have a hundred.

However, among these savage beast groups, there are not many savage beasts that can reach the middle-ranked savage beast. For the most time, Qin Shaofeng only encountered a group of savage beasts with four middle-ranked savage beasts.

In the face of such a group of brutal beasts, even if Qin Shaofeng stood still, these brutal beasts could not break through the defense of his Xuanwu armor.

Therefore, whenever he encountered these wild beasts, Qin Shaofeng killed them decisively and quickly.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission had already completed the second-star mission and unlocked the third-star mission.

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.

The current ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest is a person who is rewarded by the ‘Almighty Champion’ quest and triggered after entering the savage beast world.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, and there is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, each star-level task is unlocked. Each time you complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the reward, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This "Unlimited Kill" task unlocks unlimited stars, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this task will end. After the task is over, the player can complete all the star tasks and make an evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The duration of the "Unlimited Kills" mission: three months!)

Current progress: unlock three stars!

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three-star (137/10000): Kill 10,000 wild beasts in the wild beast world! Reward 30 skill points and 300,000 system redemption points!


The completion of the two-star ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission has increased Qin Shaofeng’s skill points by 20 points again. Now Qin Shaofeng’s skill points have exceeded 100, reaching 103 points!

As for the system exchange points, it has reached more than 4.65 million points.

Qin Shaofeng is absolutely now, and the skill points are stored first, and when this time the limit upgrade task is about to reach the deadline, he decides to upgrade the stars of those skills.

The third-star requirement of the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission has increased from the two-star level of 1,000 savage beasts to 10,000.

Although the number has increased tenfold, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this task is still very simple.

As long as he enters the medium-dangerous area of ​​the brutal beast world, destroying more than a dozen brutal beast groups, he can complete this task.


Finally after another three days passed, Qin Shaofeng, who once again killed seven or eight hundred wild beasts, finally entered the medium-dangerous area.

The first time Qin Shaofeng entered the medium-risk zone, Qin Shaofeng was ready to start.

Because after entering this area, Qin Shaofeng quickly figured out the situation with tens of thousands of miles around him. It is worth mentioning that after entering this area, Qin Shaofeng didn't even meet anyone.

It seems that at this stage, even those teams in the medium-risk zone have no plans to enter.

Think about it, even though those big teams have combat power, even if they enter this medium-dangerous area and face thousands of brutal beasts, they will not fall in the slightest.

But it won't be much more powerful, even in battle, there will be losses, and it will definitely take a lot of time.

This will affect the speed at which their points increase.

Therefore, just thinking about the stage, staying in the low-risk zone, the opponent's three to five hundred savage beasts, still points faster.

Now Qin Shaofeng has discovered again that one advantage of entering a medium-dangerous zone is that no one can grab the brute.

This also made Qin Shaofeng not need to avoid other people, and then spent a lot of time searching for the brutal beasts, and could kill them all the way.

So Qin Shaofeng had already decided. He planned to hunt down all the brutal beasts in this 30,000-mile area in three days, and then he would go to the next place.

This seems a bit arrogant, but with Qin Shaofeng's strength, this plan is still feasible.

As soon as he had a plan, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything, and immediately started this hunting plan.

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