Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1409: Unicorn herd

Chapter 1409

So let's get started!

His eyes flashed, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's figure shook slightly and disappeared instantly.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng came to the woods beside a small lake.

This is Qin Shaofeng's first goal-a group of unicorn rhinoceros!

One-horned Rhinoceros!

The Unicorn Rhinoceros is also a gregarious savage beast, but although this Unihorn Rhinoceros is also a gregarious savage beast, they usually only live in groups of one or two hundred.

Even in many cases, a group of unicorn rhinos is at most in their early 100s.

The group of one-horned wild rhinos before Qin Shaofeng's eyes was a small group of one-horned wild rhinos, because there were only one hundred and seven one-horned wild rhinos.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng did not take it lightly, because these unihorn wild rhinos are a relatively powerful group of wild beasts. Once they reach adulthood, they are at most seven-star low-rank beasts.

Although there are only one hundred and seven unihorn wild rhinos in front of them, even the dozen cubs among them are already in the one- and two-star low-ranking wild beast realm.

The other adult unihorned wild rhinos are almost all seven or eight stars, and there are many lower-level wild beasts with nine and ten stars. Especially the five most powerful one-horned wild rhinos, but they all reached the realm of middle-ranked wild beasts.

Even one of them is already a three-star median savage beast!

Coupled with the skin of this one-horned wild rhinoceros, it is very hard and its defense is amazing.

According to the information Qin Shaofeng got, the defensive power of this one-horned wild rhinoceros was stronger than that of ordinary wild beasts.

Usually, the one-horned wild rhinoceros in the lower-ranked brutal beast realm of nine-star and ten-star has the same defensive power as a general one-star master.

The defensive power of the mid-level unicorn rhinoceros is even more amazing, basically equivalent to a general two-star master.

It stands to reason to choose such a savage group, even if the number is only in the early 100s, it is a bit difficult, and it takes a lot of effort to hunt.

Even if Qin Shaofeng is very confident in his own strength, if he hadn't had a Xuanwu armor in his hand, Qin Shaofeng would have said nothing to trouble these one-horned wild rhinos.

Because the unicorn rhinoceros not only have a strong defense, but they are also infinite. The power they possess is often far beyond the realm they possess. This situation is completely proportional to their defense.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't worry either, because he had the basalt armor he was confident that he would deal with these unicorn wild rhinos in a very short time.

After watching for a while, Qin Shaofeng shot a sharp light in his eyes after probably grasping the situation of these unicorn rhinos.

It's now!


The body shook slightly, and Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared instantly.

When Qin Shaofeng appeared again, he had already come to a one-horned wild rhinoceros. This one-horned wild rhinoceros seemed to be an adult. Because of its undulating aura, Qin Shaofeng knew this, so Qin Shaofeng chose it as a breakthrough point. Up.


The blade light flashed, but Qin Shaofeng cut off the head of this one-horned wild rhinoceros with the big sword of the Xuanwu armor in his hand.

Even if it was a seven-star low-ranking brute, Qin Shaofeng could instantly kill instantly!


As soon as Qin Shaofeng killed this one-horned wild rhinoceros, the one-horned wild rhinoceros among the group of one-horned wild rhinos, the leader of the three-star middle-ranked wild beast, discovered the uninvited guest Qin Shaofeng and immediately roared. There was a cry.

Then, the whole group of unihorn wild rhinoceros boiled, especially after discovering that their companions had been killed, they all became extremely angry.



Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed again and ran to the next one-horned wild rhinoceros.

And this time it was not the weak one-horned wild rhinoceros, but the strongest leader among the group of one-horned wild rhinoceros.

Three-star median brute!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already appeared in front of this one-horned wild rhinoceros, and then the black sword in his hand flashed in an instant.


With a flash of light, Qin Shaofeng slashed the leader of the three-star middle-ranked brutal beast realm unihorn wild rhinoceros.

To Qin Shaofeng who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros had no time to react, and it couldn't make any reaction.

Because Qin Shaofeng's speed is too fast!


There was a crisp collision sound, and when Qin Shaofeng's big knife was about to cut the head of the one-horned wild rhinoceros leader, it was at the last critical moment that Qin Shaofeng's knife was blocked with a single horn on the head.

The broadsword was blocked by a single horn, and the most amazing thing was that the single horn of this single-horned wild rhinoceros was obviously more defensive.

Even if it was the big sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand, it was the weapon that matched his basalt armor, he didn't cut off that one horn, and in the end it only left a shallow knife mark.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng was shocked several steps by the counter-shock force of the sword in his hand immediately, and his mouth was numb.

What a hard one!

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in his heart, and then he became more vigilant.

Because at this time, the rest of the one-horned wild rhinoceros had already rushed over.


The one-horned wild rhinoceros closest to Qin Shaofeng had already arrived in front of Qin Shaofeng, lowered his head and approached Qin Shaofeng with the single-horned horn above his head as a weapon.

Qin Shaofeng already knew that the hardness of the unicorn on this unicorn rhinoceros's head was amazing, and even the big knife in his hand couldn't break it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not plan to have a head-on with this one-horned horn.

But this time the unihorned wild rhinoceros was just the one-horned wild rhinoceros of the seven-star subordinate beast.

and so……


A blade of light flashed, a stream of blood wafted out, and then a huge one-horned wild rhino head flew in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Then, the one-horned wild rhinoceros that rushed towards him fell directly to the ground and became the corpse of a headless one-horned wild rhinoceros.

Relying on the broad sword of the Xuanwu armor suit, Qin Shaofeng once again beheaded a seven-star lower rank brute.

And after beheading this one-horned wild rhinoceros, Qin Shaofeng did not stop, because at this moment there were other one-horned wild rhinoceros rushing up, Qin Shaofeng then swung the big sword in his hand twice.



Two blood arrows shot out, and two huge heads flew up, and two more unicorn rhinos rushing over, were instantly beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.


In the blink of an eye, three more subordinates were killed, which made the leader of the one-horned wild rhino roar, his eyes flushed in an instant, his head lowered, the single horn glowing with cold light, after aiming at Qin Shaofeng, he went crazy Rushed over.


Between the one-horned wild rhinoceros leader running, he carried a brutal momentum, the huge and heavy footsteps, more like two giant mountains walking, the momentum is extremely vast and amazing!

After all, it is a three-star middle-ranked savage beast. Once it becomes angry, the power that bursts out is very astonishing.

but. Qin Shaofeng didn't panic, but flashed slightly, easily avoiding the collision of this kind of one-horned wild rhinoceros, then raised the big knife in his hand, and swung his sword at the other one-horned wild rhinoceros who rushed forward. Chopped off.


The blade of light flashed, bringing up a huge head, and another one-horned rhinoceros was beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.

And this time, it was a unicorn rhinoceros that was a nine-star lower rank beast.


With a shock, this time, the angry leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros finally rushed to Qin Shaofeng's body.


A fierce collision sounded, and Qin Shaofeng’s attack was blocked by Qin Shaofeng’s sword, but because of the collision, countless sparks were splashed. The sparks flew up in mid-air, stirring the surrounding air. The strong energy burst out instantly.

But some other sparks, after shooting to the ground, actually ignited the flowers and plants on the ground instantly.

Just a simple blow, and some sparks produced have such a powerful power, it can be seen that even pure power is very terrifying.

With this blow, the sharp sword and the black one-horned clash, no matter how high or low, no one can win.

However, Qin Shaofeng himself felt a very pure and huge power, and the strength of this power directly shook him away.

Even his right hand holding the big sword was slightly numb, and the tiger's mouth was a little bit painful.

Qin Shaofeng can be sure that the strength of that power just now has definitely reached the power that ordinary cultivators of the supreme dominance realm possess.

The lower savage beast is just a power that corresponds to the realm of Nirvana practitioners.

The middle-ranked savage beast is the power of the first step of the opponent's dominance state, and only the upper-ranked savage beast has the power equivalent to the supreme dominance.

But this one-horned wild rhinoceros is only a three-star middle-ranked wild beast realm. It stands to reason that at most it only possesses the power possessed by the triple dominance realm.

Don't want to, this one-horned wild rhino leader can almost burst out with a power equivalent to a supreme dominating realm under his anger.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised. This one-horned wild rhino is indeed a wild beast with a particularly powerful force. This power is really very powerful!

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that the one-horned one-horned rhinoceros was so hard, much harder than its black fur.

Qin Shaofeng could still understand if he had been blocked the previous time, but at that moment, Qin Shaofeng opened the Xuanwu armor to thirty times.

Before the Xuanwu Battle Armor was opened, the matching sword was at best a sharper weapon.

After the 30-fold increase in power can be activated, the sharpness of this sword and even its attack hardness can reach a level comparable to a three-star master.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the three-star ruler's broadsword could definitely be cut off by the one-horned rhinoceros leader's one-horn.

But in fact, even if he raised the big sword in his hand to a three-star master, he didn't cut off the one-horned leader of the one-horned wild rhino.

Even this slash, at best, left a slightly deeper knife mark than the previous one.

It can be seen that the unicorn on the head of this unicorn wild rhinoceros is at least the hardness of the four-star ruler, and it may even be better.

This is the best material for refining defense equipment!

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's immediate reaction was surprise, but after the surprise, it was not embarrassment, but surprise.

Because he had discovered that the single horn on top of this horned rhinoceros' head is definitely the best material for refining.


There was another roar, which interrupted Qin Shaofeng who was thinking.

The one-horned wild rhino charged at Qin Shaofeng again!

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