Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1410: All off

Chapter 1410


Qin Shaofeng dodged lightly again, avoiding the attack of the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros, and then the blade in his hand turned and slashed directly at the other one-horned wild rhinoceros that rushed towards him.

This one-horned wild rhinoceros is only a seven-star low-ranking wild beast level. It stands to reason that at his speed, if it is directly beheaded, it can't hide.

The speed is not so fast, the reaction is not so fast, after all, it is just a seven-star low-ranking beast.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng did not decapitate him for the first time. Instead, he turned the blade and directly slashed at the unicorn on the head of the unicorn rhinoceros.

The unihorned rhinoceros leader of the three-star middle-ranked wild beast, the unicorn Qin Shaofeng above his head has already seen it, it is very hard, and it is an excellent material for refining defensive equipment.

But if the one-horned rhinoceros leader has a one-horned, the material is too little.

This one-horned wild rhino is very big, comparable to a normal elephant, but the one-horned horn on it barely has a length of ten inches, not even half a meter long, only one-third of a meter.

Once this is refined and purified, I am afraid that only a little bit remains.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to see if the horns of these other unicorn rhinoceros were the same hard.


With a bang, Qin Shaofeng's big knife was blocked.

Although it is only the state of a seven-star low-ranking wild beast, the unicorn of this one-horned wild rhinoceros is also very hard.

Although not as hard as the unihorn leader of the three-star middle-ranked savage unicorn, it is also quite good.

Because Qin Shaofeng's knife only slightly cut into the one-horned wild rhinoceros horn, about one-fifth of the entire one-horned horn.

According to this situation, the hardness of the unicorn of the seven-star low-ranking brute is equivalent to the one-star master!

"It seems that once this one-horned wild rhinoceros becomes an adult, the one-horned rhinoceros they have can reach the hardness of a master."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, a little more clear.

The single horn on the head of this one-horned wild rhinoceros seems to be the best material for defensive refinement.

And I'm afraid it's just with such a hardness, once attacked, the power is definitely not small.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng pulled away instantly and left.

There are already too many one-horned wild rhinos who have besieged him now. Almost a hundred one-horned wild rhinos, even those cubs, have been besieging him.

Knowing the hardness of these unicorn rhinoceros, Qin Shaofeng knew that once he was attacked, he would definitely not feel good.

Although Qin Shaofeng believed that with his own speed and strength, he would not let these unicorns attack.

But being besieged is an uncomfortable thing after all, so Qin Shaofeng chose to dodge.

Of course, while dodge the siege with a big knife, Qin Shaofeng also turned the blade smoothly, beheading the seven-star lower rank beast.

While beheading the one-horned wild rhinoceros in the lower seven-star realm, Qin Shaofeng also flashed out the encirclement of those one-horned wild rhinoceros.

Qin Shaofeng only flashed more than a hundred meters, and for these one-horned wild rhinoceros, he would soon be able to rush over. Qin Shaofeng knew this very well.

However, from beginning to end, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to escape.

The reason why he came to drive a distance is entirely intended to make an attack.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"


Obviously they are only in their early 100s, but at this moment these one-horned wild rhinos are galloping like a thousand horses, with a huge momentum and an amazing momentum!

Facing such a momentum, Qin Shaofeng paused slightly, with his left hand together, he instantly took away the big knife in his hand.

Then, with a fierce pressure on his hands, Qin Shaofeng began to wave his right hand, and slapped a palm at the hundred one-horned wild rhinoceros.

"Sacred Hand of the Buddha!"

With a low cry, Qin Shaofeng slapped his left hand, and suddenly a huge palm print was shot, and in an instant he blasted at the group of unicorns with a terrifying aura.

From a distance, this palm print is like a big hand covering the sky, it is extremely huge, and it can cover all the one-horned wild rhinos with one palm.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the saint hand of the Buddha was created by the Emperor Jiang Hengtian. He just knew that the saint hand of the Buddha could burst out in the form of power and form a powerful attack.

This was an attack method Qin Shaofeng found after coming down from the Buddha's Sacred Hand.

In other words, even in this brutal beast realm, Qin Shaofeng can still use this sacred hand of the Buddha.

It's just that the power of the gods and demons needed to cast once, even for Qin Shaofeng, is extremely large.

But the effect brought by the saint hand of the Buddha was absolutely amazing.

Under Qin Shaofeng's line of sight, the extremely huge Buddha Buddha's palm prints directly smashed at the hundred one-horned wild rhinoceros.


Suddenly Qin Shaofeng heard a special roar, but when he listened carefully, it was the roar of the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros.

Facing such a powerful and terrifying attack, the leader of the one-horned wild rhino roared, strong and powerful, and got a slight bend of his limbs, and then jumped up completely, trying to use his own strength to counter the palm prints of the holy hand of the Buddha.

But a pity, although with the strength and speed of this one-horned wild rhinoceros, it can completely escape the attack of this palm.

But in the end, it actually chose to resist Qin Shaofeng's move instead of escaping directly.

Even Qin Shaofeng was somewhat unexpected about this.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this soon, because no matter how this one-horned wild rhino broke out, facing the palm print of that huge Buddha statue, it was bombed down for the first time.


With a loud noise, a hundred one-horned wild rhinoceros was completely covered by the huge palm print of the Buddha's hand.

Even because of the immense power, there were waves of vibration on the ground.

Dust is flying and dense!

After a while, Qin Shaofeng could see the ground situation clearly again.

I saw a huge hole in front of Qin Shaofeng, and the next moment, the corpse of a single-horned rhinoceros appeared in the hole.

However, most of these corpses were incomplete, and it was clear that the power of Qin Shaofeng's hand of the Buddha in the palm of his hand was really amazing.

Then, even the one-horned Rhinoceros with amazing defense can fall apart with one palm.

The one-horned horns of the one-horned rhinoceros, but because of the amazing hardness, they are now completely preserved.

But soon something that caused Qin Shaofeng's egg pain and meat pain appeared.

Because he soon discovered that among the unsound corpses of the unihorn wild rhinoceros, there were none of the wild beast pill.

Well, it's obvious!

Qin Shaofeng's palm of the Buddha's hand not only blasted a large number of unihorn wild rhinoceros, but even because the power of the Buddha's hand was too fierce, he even directly smashed the wild beast pill in some of the unihorn wild rhinoceros.

Those savage beast pill, but his pill of law!

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng felt regretful in his heart!

"I circled a cross. This Buddha Sacred Hand is too strong. It is only a simple power attack that can actually cause such power. I knew I would not need this Buddha Sacred Hand, my wild beast pill!"

Qin Shaofeng wailed, his expression depressed.

It seems that the saint hand of the Buddha should be used less!

Although its power is good, it is precisely because it is too powerful, and there has been a lot of loss!


Suddenly, an angry roar interrupted Qin Shaofeng's heartache.

After subconsciously looking up, Qin Shaofeng noticed that a unicorn rhinoceros appeared not far away.

It was indeed the leader of the unicorn wild rhinoceros of the three-star middle-ranked wild beast!

It's not dead yet!

This made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised!

However, when Qin Shaofeng saw that part of the one-horned rhinoceros leader's one-horn was missing, he suddenly realized that.

I am afraid that at the highest juncture, this single-horned wild rhino used a single horn to resist his sacred hand of the Buddha, which saved his life.

Think about it, after all, Qin Shaofeng's use of the Buddha's Hand this time only aimed at all the Rhinoceros, not the leader of Rhinoceros.

Therefore, the attack strength is relatively scattered, not a little gathering, and the leader of the unicorn wild rhinoceros is already a three-star middle-ranked wild beast after all, and it has not been bombarded, which is normal.

But even so, in order to resist Qin Shaofeng's palm, the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros paid, his one-horn was broken, and it itself was seriously injured.

However, the few unicorn rhinoceros in the fringe area survived the attack and survived.

At this moment, under the roar of their leader, they rushed to Qin Shaofeng again.

But even with the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros, the number of these one-horned wild rhinoceros now is only eleven or two.

Although three of them are only middle-ranked brutal beasts, the other lowest ranks are also ten-star lower rank brutal beasts.

But whether it was the leader of the one-horned wild rhinoceros or the other one-horned wild rhinoceros, they were all injured at the moment.

I am afraid that there is not much combat power left!

Stop here!

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and the figure disappeared again.

Now that he knew that these one-horned wild rhinos had been maimed by him, then Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything.

In three days, all the savage beasts in this area of ​​30,000 miles will be hunted and killed, so the time left for Qin Shaofeng is not that much. After all, the group of savage beasts in this area of ​​30,000 miles is no longer a minority.

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to waste too much time on this one-horned wild rhino group.


With a slight flash, Qin Shaofeng instantly rushed into the remaining eleven or two one-horned wild rhinos, and the big sword of the Xuanwu armor appeared in his right hand again.


With a splash of blood, a ten-star low-ranked unicorn rhinoceros was instantly beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.

Then, the next moment Qin Shaofeng avoided the collision of another one-horned wild rhinoceros, and then cut it down with a single knife.

With a snort, another one-horned wild rhino fell to the ground.

Huh! Huh! Huh!




Qin Shaofeng's figure kept flashing, and each flash took away the life of a one-horned wild rhinoceros.

Even the unicorn horned rhinoceros of the middle rank savage beast level can't escape this fate.

After a while, the one-horned wild rhinoceros that can still stand is the leader of this group of one-horned wild rhinoceros.


Seeing that his group was all beheaded by Qin Shaofeng, that one-horned wild rhino went completely crazy, and unexpectedly entered a violent state.

The savage beasts become violent and can usually exert more powerful power.

But after the violent savage beast, it will completely lose its intelligence, and the whole state will go crazy, only knowing to attack!

Qin Shaofeng saw this opportunity!

Because the wild beast after the rage, as long as he is a little careful, there is no threat to him at all.

With a swish flash, Qin Shaofeng dodged the violent one-horned rhinoceros, and then...


Qin Shaofeng slashed out directly, and Dao in his hand cut directly at the neck of the one-horned wild rhinoceros leader.

Perhaps the one-horned horn of the one-horned wild rhinoceros leader is indeed very hard, exceeding the hardness of a three-star master.

In contrast, although the fur defense on its neck is good, it is somewhat inadequate.

At the very least, facing the broad sword of the Xuanwu Armor in Qin Shaofeng's hand, its fur is absolutely unstoppable.


With a striking blood red, the big knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand brought up a series of blood beads.

The three-star median beast is dead!

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