Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1419: The Great Ape King (middle)

Chapter 1419 Fighting the Great Ape King (Part 2)

Qin Shaofeng actually saw the strange look flashing in the eyes of the long-armed white ape king at the beginning, and now he just did this on purpose.

Isn't the gibbon white ape king trying to play with him?

So why not just play with the other side instead?

As a savage beast, this long-armed white ape king's perception ability is very powerful, which can be regarded as another effect of it swallowing that special exotic fruit.

Improved perception!

The perception of beasts is often much stronger than that of humans. This is the same even in the world. The so-called ants move before the rain, and before the Hongshan earthquake, thousands of birds fly and all beasts run wild, because they are far better than humans. I knew some natural disasters in advance.

And this kind of perception, when the beast's cultivation base gets higher and higher, not only has it not been lost, but on the contrary, it has become more and more strengthened.

This is even more true for brutal beasts, because the cultivation direction of brutal beasts in the power of law has been completely suppressed by this brutal beast world.

On the contrary, the physical body has been improved more powerfully, and then because of the physical improvement, the perception ability has also been strengthened and improved accordingly.

When I first saw Qin Shaofeng, the long-armed white ape king felt that even though Qin Shaofeng's realm seemed far inferior to it, he was still greatly suppressed in this savage beast world.

But the Gibbon White Ape King had sensed it, and there was an extremely powerful force hidden in the opponent's body, a force that was so powerful that it scared him.

Otherwise, it wouldn't bring more than two dozen subordinates who are at least three-star middle-ranked brutal beasts.

The law of beasts has always been an absolute food for the weak. If it weren't for the power hidden in Qin Shaofeng's body, the long-armed white ape king would have done the first thing to tear up Qin Shaofeng completely.

After killing half of his own people, how could the White Ape King and Qin Shaofeng challenge?

This is just to confuse Qin Shaofeng.

Now it saw Qin Shaofeng put away the broadsword and prepared to fight it in hand-to-hand combat, but a trace of pride flashed in the eyes of the Long-armed White Ape King.

What about humans?

Isn't it still playing around at will?

The long-armed White Ape King had long noticed the power of the Xuanwu Armor in Qin Shaofeng’s hand, and the reason why Qin Shaofeng didn’t cut it was because Qin Shaofeng only opened the Xuanwu Armor to 30 times its strength at this moment. That’s all.

In such an elevated state, the power of this broadsword matched with the basalt armor will also be affected, although in terms of hardness and defensive power, this broadsword will not change much.

But in terms of the power of the attack, there is a big difference between the 30-fold boost state and the 100-fold boost state.

However, this gibbon white ape was all sensed by its powerful perception.

It sensed that Qin Shaofeng's broad knife was a potential threat to it.

And it has also sensed that the humans in front of it also have a potential threat to it.

However, the threat that the White Gibbon Ape King perceives was identified as a threat from Qin Shaofeng's basalt armor.

This is true.

But in fact, the Gibbon White Ape King didn't really realize that the human being in front of it was the existence that threatened it the most.

However, after all, because of the perception of danger, the White Gibbon Ape King would naturally not really despise Qin Shaofeng as it seems at the moment.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng slashed at it just now, the long-armed white ape king seemed to have done nothing.

But in fact, this long-armed white ape king secretly gathered all the strength in his body, and then blessed it on his right arm, which made it so unharmed and'easy' to completely block Qin Shaofeng's slash. Up.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this, he thought it was the reason for the amazing defensive power of the Gibbon White Ape King!

Perhaps the defensive power of the Gibbon White Ape King is amazing, but what is even more powerful is its cunning.

In the end, this gibbon white ape can be more intelligent than ordinary wild beasts, and being able to become an absolute king among such wild beasts, this gibbon white ape king is naturally more intelligent.

However, although Qin Shaofeng didn't know these conditions, he also wanted to try, with his current strength, whether he could deal with this gibbon white ape king, after all, the opponent was close to the existence of a high-ranking brute beast.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose to fight hand-to-hand with the white gibbon ape king.

The long-armed White Ape King didn’t know it, thinking that his strategy had worked. When Qin Shaofeng’s punch was blasted, his heart was slightly happy, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and his long arms carried enough of his body. Brute force greeted Qin Shaofeng's fist.

Regarding his own power, the Gibbon White Ape King is very confident. Before it was promoted, it was only a six-star middle-ranked brutal beast. In fact, the power it possesses can be comparable to ordinary The seven-star median beast is comparable.

At this moment, it has been promoted to the realm of ten-star mid-rank brutal beasts, and the power it possesses is no less inferior to some one-star upper brutal beasts.

After it confidently punched this human, even if the opponent could resist it, it would definitely suffer a little injury.

But soon, the Gibbon White Ape King discovered that this thing was a little different from what it expected.


Fists and fists collided, this was a flesh-to-body confrontation, and they banged together sturdily, a real hand-to-hand fight.

With a shock, the force of the two fists collided, and a strong burst of vigor burst out, blowing over some flowers and plants on the ground around.

Even at this moment, the ground under the feet of Qin Shaofeng and the long-armed white ape king, centered on the two of them, began to crack and crack.

It can be seen that the punches blasted by both sides did not retain their hands, they all exploded with full force, the strength was extremely powerful, and it caused a shock.

tread! tread! tread! tread!

The powerful impact caused Qin Shaofeng and the Long-armed White Ape King to step back a few steps!

Regardless of top and bottom!

Judging from this punch, the power of Qin Shaofeng and the White Ape King seemed to be on the same level.

But in this situation, what made the silver-haired face of the Gibbon White Ape King a little bit wrong was that it actually felt that the power contained in this human punch was not under it.

This punch not only didn't hurt the opponent, but even faintly couldn't help the opponent.

On the contrary, in the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng smiled softly as if he had expected it a long time ago.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng also secretly exclaimed at this moment.

I circled a cross, the strength of this wild monkey is really not small!

Brute force all over!

With a 30-fold increase in strength, I am afraid that I can explode a seven- or eight-star middle-ranked brute with this fist, but it easily blocked it.

If it hadn't just exploded in a state of thirty-fold increase in strength, the Xuanwu armor had a defensive power that was not low, I am afraid I might not have received a punch from this wild monkey just now!

His face was calm, but Qin Shaofeng exclaimed repeatedly in his heart.

Because he has discovered now that the strength of the Gibbon White Ape King is probably beyond his expectations.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also had more doubts in his heart.

Because it makes no sense! ~

Although he encountered a ten-star middle-ranked brute for the first time, according to the middle-ranked brutes he encountered before and the information he knew, it is impossible for a 10-star middle-ranked brute to have this A tremendous strength.


Unless it is this Gibbon White Ape King who is a mutant savage beast!

Savage beasts are beasts with absolute physical and power attributes. In terms of physical strength and strength, even some monsters with strong bloodlines in the ancient sanctuary are far inferior to brutal beasts.

But there are also differences among the savage beasts, and the most obvious one is the mutant savage beast.

The emergence of mutant savage beasts is usually under some special circumstances. Some savage beasts have undergone other evolutions beyond the scope of their race. This is mutation.

This kind of variation is natural and acquired.

However, among the savage beasts, whenever there is a mutation, it changes to a stronger aspect.

Therefore, mutant beasts have always been powerful.

As Qin Shaofeng had guessed, the Gibbon White Ape King really mutated.

However, this gibbon white ape king does not change naturally, it is an acquired mutation, and it has only recently undergone mutation.

Yes, that's right, after taking that special exotic fruit, this white gibbon ape king not only improved his cultivation level, but even began to mutate.

However, the mutation of the Gibbon White Ape King has not been completely mutated. If it is allowed some more time, then it will be able to mutate completely.

However, it is also fortunate that this is the case. If it were not, the Gibbon White Ape King has completely mutated, then I am afraid that the power it possesses at this moment will be even stronger.

Qin Shaofeng also noticed this situation, and then he knew that the Gibbon White Ape King was a savage beast in the process of mutation.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand, I am afraid that this also has a lot to do with the level of the long-armed white ape king, suddenly rising to the ten-star middle-ranked brutal beast realm.

With a sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng also knew more clearly that the punch just now was definitely not the full strength of the Long-armed White Ape King.

Qin Shaofeng believes that if the Gibbon White Ape King exploded all his power and brain, he would be a little hard to deal with in his current state.

It seems that I can't keep my hands!

With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng had a decision in his heart, the power of the gods and demons in his body surged, and the power of the gods and demons surged onto his body.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's Xuanwu battle armor immediately went from a thirty-fold boosted state to a fifty-fold power boosted state.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's strength to rise again a step!


Just as Qin Shaofeng opened the Xuanwu armor to the state of 50 times the strength increase, the long-armed White Ape King suddenly screamed, and the aura on his body suddenly rose.

Then, this long-armed White Ape King slammed Qin Shaofeng with a grim look.

Obviously, a punch with Qin Shaofeng didn't take any advantage, which made this gibbon white ape king feel ashamed, especially when his subordinates were present, which made it very angry.

So that when it attacked Qin Shaofeng, its eyes were a little red because of anger, and the entire pair of eyes became more and more red.

But the Gibbon White Ape King also noticed that Qin Shaofeng was not easy, so suddenly a stronger force burst out.

A beast is a beast!

Impulsive, furious!

It is still their nature. At this point, even the powerful savage beasts are the same, especially for the gibbon white apes whose temperaments are very irritable.

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