Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1420: The Great Ape King (Part 2)

Chapter 1420 Fighting the Great Ape King (Part 2)

In this state, the attack of the Gibbon White Ape King again is naturally not simple.

Feeling the punch of the Gib White Ape King, the force it blasted was several times stronger than before. Qin Shaofeng did not panic about this, but waved his hands and slapped fiercely!

Cover the sky!

With a violent cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng used the seven-star martial arts ‘Sky Covering Hand’ in the face of the fist of the White Ape King.


The palm wind whizzed up, the momentum was amazing.

A palm of the ‘sky-covering hand’ was shot, and in the brutal beast world where the power of this law was extremely suppressed, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly took a pale golden palm print with the power of his own gods and demons.

The breath of this pale golden palm print alone is already extremely powerful. If it is replaced by another brutal beast, even an eight- or nine-star middle-rank brutal beast, it is estimated that it can be directly bombarded by this palm print. killed.

Even in the face of this long-armed white ape king, Qin Shaofeng was confident that he could make the other party suffer a loss.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that facing the huge pale golden palm print he had made, the White Gibbon Ape King didn't even look at it, but just roared directly.


This roar is completely incompatible with this gibbon white ape king who is more than two meters in size. It seemed that what was roaring out was a great sky giant, roaring at the sky.

The roar is extremely sensational and loud!

Extremely shocking!


The roar of the Gibbon White Ape King unexpectedly formed a powerful sound wave, instantly destroying all the palm prints of the'Sky Covering Hand' displayed by Qin Shaofeng, and directly dissipating into the air.

Not only that, the sound wave also set off an invisible vibrating force, shaking the surroundings completely.

I circled a cross. This is... a sonic attack?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was in pain, because he never expected that the Gibbon White Ape King would actually have such a hand.

With a roar, he shattered his moves?

Can you exaggerate a bit more?

Obviously it is a savage beast, but now it still attacks with sound waves?


After shattering the palm print, the Long-armed White Ape King roared again, but this time, there was a trace of triumph in his roar, and the gaze that looked at Qin Shaofeng also carried a trace of demeanor and contempt.

It is intentional!

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng understood the intention of the Long-armed White Ape King.

What a wild monkey, actually laughing at me again?

Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly angry, and he flicked before he slammed the white ape king with long arms.

The young Gibbon White Ape King also didn't dodge or evade, and directly shook his arms and punched again.


Just like Hong Zhong banged, the fists of one man and one ape banged together again.

This time, Qin Shaofeng once again applied the power of the Eye of God and Demon in the state where the strength of the Xuanwu Battle Armor was increased by fifty times, and then burst out with a heavy punch.

From this one can imagine how amazing the power of this punch is.

At the moment when the fist collided, he seemed to feel the immense power from Qin Shaofeng's fist, and there was a hint of disbelief and a hint of panic in the eyes of the long-armed White Ape King.

This punch is horrible!

At this time, it suddenly had the thought of retreating in its heart, but it was too late.

Because at the moment when the thought of retreating occurred in its heart, a surging and arrogant force broke out from Qin Shaofeng's fist in an instant.


An astonishing and huge bang suddenly broke out.

Afterwards, it seemed as if a strong storm was rolled up, centering on Qin Shaofeng and the Gibbon White Ape King, a powerful fist wind began to blow wildly around.

And in this powerful fist wind, suddenly a figure flew upside down and slammed straight back. After hitting countless trees and rocks, it stopped.


A howl of an extremely angry ape announced the identity of the flying out figure.

The figure that was thrown out by the blast is the long-armed white ape king!

Originally, Qin Shaofeng was suppressed less in this savage beast world than ordinary people, and after so many days of adaptation, Qin Shaofeng can now explode a lot of power.

Now Qin Shaofeng could not use the power of the gods and demons to explode many powerful skills and abilities, but his pure physical abilities had recovered a lot.

However, it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's development of the body of his own gods and demons is in its infancy, otherwise, even if it is only a preliminary stage of development, it will give Qin Shaofeng an unusually powerful body.

In that case, Qin Shaofeng could completely crush the opponent with his physical strength on the spot, with a mere white ape king.

However, even if there is no strong body of gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng can also burst out very arrogant power under the promotion state with the help of the Xuanwu armor.

And this time Qin Shaofeng also blessed the power of the gods and demons, which was even more remarkable.

Qin Shaofeng's God and Demon Eye's Eyes of Gods and Demon Skills are also classified as pure physical skills, consuming part of the power of Gods and Demons, causing the flesh to burst out with powerful power.

Therefore, if Qin Shaofeng’s ‘Fu Heavy Punch’ is only about pure power, it is enough to surpass the realm of dominance, and it has reached the realm of supreme dominance.

Well, in other words, it has reached the realm of a high-ranking brute.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's punch not only gained the upper hand, but also blasted the long-armed white ape king far away.

But even so, the Gibbon White Ape King was still unharmed. After falling to the ground, the Gibbon White Ape King stood up for the first time.

The body remains the same, unscathed!

Even if Qin Shaofeng burst out of the power of the upper barbarian beast realm, he didn't actually hurt it.

However, even though he was not injured, such an encounter made the Gibbon White Ape King completely angry!

It never expected that in terms of strength, it actually lost to the tiny human beings.

Even if it is not severely traumatized at this moment, it will never accept it in the face of such an encounter.

Especially at this moment, there are still those who have it here!

This time, the shame and anger in the heart of the white gibbon ape king reached its limit!


Suddenly, the white gibbon ape king roared, and then there was a change in it.


An extremely manic force suddenly broke out from the gibbon white ape king.

Furious and powerful!

It's amazing!

That powerful breath rolled upside down, causing an invisible small whirlpool to form a storm around the Gibbon White Ape King.

Not only that, the powerful aura erupting from the White Gibbon Ape King seemed to carry some special power, and it completely disrupted the power of a certain range of laws around him.

Even with the small whirlwind storm surrounding the Gibbon White Ape King, it began to rotate rapidly, and the power of the surrounding laws was actually absorbed crazy.

Suddenly, the surrounding space became extremely chaotic, and at least the power of the law of a hundred miles of space was absorbed.

And this scope is still slowly expanding, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was shocked. He didn't know what was going on, so he could only wait quietly.

In fact, even if Qin Shaofengxiang shot the long-armed White Ape King at this moment, he would not be close to him.

Because of the small whirlpool-like storm, it seems that because of absorbing a large amount of the power of the law, a protective wall similar to a barrier was formed around the long-armed white ape king, making it difficult to get close.

But soon, something that changed Qin Shaofeng's expression even more appeared.

Because he suddenly felt that in the whirlpool storm, the aura belonging to the Gibbon White Ape King actually began to rise at this moment.

And the speed of this improvement is actually very fast!

Sudden... broke through?

Feeling this situation, Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened, and there was a faint sadness in his heart.

Nima, after being punched by the young master, not only did you shit, but now you have broken through?

Is there any reason for this?

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly reacted.

The current situation is not what makes him complain, but what to do next.

This Gibbon White Ape King is already a ten-star middle-ranked brutal beast. If this is to make a breakthrough, then...

That's so special it's a high-ranking brute!

In the current situation, Qin Shaofeng is not ready to confront the upper rank beasts!


Qin Shaofeng's guess was right, this long-armed white ape king was now breaking through and advancing to become a high-ranking brute.

After being blasted by Qin Shaofeng's punch, the Gibbon White Ape felt unprecedented humiliation, but the anger in his heart reached its limit.

Having the same reason as a human, the Gibbon White Ape King has even more realized the meaning of humiliation, but at the same time, it has the nature of beasts, but it is also more prone to anger.

Therefore, in this state, anger became the shackles that allowed the white gibbon ape king to break through.

After all, the special exotic fruit that the Gibbon White Ape King had taken before has not been completely refined. In addition, the Gibbon White Ape King, who is also undergoing mutation due to the relationship between the different fruit, is even more There is uncertainty.

Therefore, anger is only the fuse, which completely ignited the power of that foreign fruit.




Feeling the strength of this power, I also understand that my king is becoming stronger.

The two dozen gibbon apes that withdrew from the source due to the whirlpool storm all roared in excitement at this moment, cheering for their king!


Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng sighed lightly, then shook his head slightly, and said helplessly: "No, it's still a bit reluctant for me to face the upper rank brute beasts!"

This is not to say that Qin Shaofeng is afraid of this long-armed white ape king. To be honest, even if this long-armed white ape king becomes a high-ranking beast, Qin Shaofeng still has the confidence to kill the opponent.

The big deal, the power of the Xuanwu Battle Armor is opened to the limit, directly increasing the power by a hundred times.

In that case, even if it is a high-ranking brute, he can beat the opponent out of a "life in flowers"!

But after that, it was another question!

Qin Shaofeng estimated that based on his current situation, but with the power of his own gods and demons, he could not sustain ten breaths when he opened the Xuanwu armor one hundred times the strength.

And this is just for maintenance, not for fighting at all.

This is not to say that the Xuanwu Battle Armor refined by Qin Shaofeng really consumes such energy.

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