Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1421: Mutated high rank brute

Chapter 1421

The main reason is that this is the world of brutal beasts, and there is great suppression. The cultivators from the outside world use any power as a burden.

For Qin Shaofeng, it would not require much power of the gods and demons to activate the Xuanwu Battle Armor's one-hundred-fold increase in strength if it were outside.

But in this savage beast world, it's not enough.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that he could only activate the full functions of the Xuanwu Battle Armor in the state of God's recovery.

And Qin Shaofeng also believed that a three-minute resurrection of the gods could definitely defeat the long-armed white ape king, and it might be possible to kill it.

But the biggest problem now is that, except for the Gibbon Ape King who is about to become a high-ranking savage beast, there are still a lot of other Gibbon Apes! ~

There are currently more than two dozen gibbon white apes with the lowest three-star middle-ranked brutal beast realm, so I won't talk about it for the time being.

Not far behind, there are dozens of middle-ranked savage beasts and more than five thousand lower-ranked savage beasts.

Under such circumstances, even if he could kill the gibbon white ape king, and then the entire gibbon white ape group fell into a state of headless dragons, Qin Shaofeng was not sure to wipe out all the gibbon white apes.

As early as the beginning, Qin Shaofeng had already decided that the power of the gods and demons that he possessed could only be used twice a day.

In any case, Qin Shaofeng would use one of them as a hole card that could not be used.

Because this is the world of brutal beasts, there are dangers everywhere, especially here is a relatively deep medium-dangerous area.

For now, he is still greatly suppressed, and he cannot run out of cards, otherwise, if something unexpected happens, it would be bad.

After considering these various circumstances, Qin Shaofeng made up his mind.

Well, it's time to bugger!

This savage beast world is big, there is no need to smash on a group of gibbon apes.

But just when Qin Shaofeng's mind just gave birth to the idea of ​​fleeing, a terrifying roar suddenly came from a distance.


With a loud roar, the whirlpool storm that had always existed suddenly stopped, and then dispersed.

This process actually took only an instant, and then the figure of the long-armed white ape king was revealed.

The white-armed white ape king who appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes again, his body has been raised again, at this moment, his entire body has exceeded five meters, and it looks like a little giant!

Moreover, the silver-white hair of the Gibbon White Ape King had already turned crimson at this moment.

This color is absolutely independent and special among the gibbon apes.

It can be seen that even if the Gibbon White Ape King has not mutated, it will definitely mutate to a new stage.

In general, the Gibbon White Ape King at this moment is probably several times stronger than the previous one, even ten times stronger!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

After revealing his body, the long-armed white ape king beat its chest a few times again.

After that, its figure shook slightly, and instantly turned into a crimson streamer, shooting towards Qin Shaofeng.

So fast!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's heart was slightly startled, and subconsciously it was to display the magic flash.

But it's a pity that in this savage beast world, because of the existence of suppression, it is not possible for him to use the magic flash like in the ancient sanctuary, it is only a matter that can be completed in a single thought.

Because of the existence of suppression, it will take a little time for Qin Shaofeng to use the magic flash at this moment.

This time is not long, not even a breath time.

But just such a small amount of time allowed the long-armed white ape king to come to Qin Shaofeng.

not good!

That's too late!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, realizing in his heart that he couldn't escape, and Qin Shaofeng quickly moved forward with both hands.

And the moment Qin Shaofeng crossed his hands and blocked him in front of him, he felt his arm, and suddenly withstood a huge force.


A power that made Qin Shaofeng feel unmatched suddenly came from his arms, causing his body to fly backwards without any pause.

At the moment when the inverted flight appeared, what Qin Shaofeng saw was a fluffy face, but it was also extremely hideous.

Well, there is a hint of ease in the other person's eyes.

Then, Qin Shaofeng just felt the wind whistling in his ears.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With repeated collisions, Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many trees he had hit and how far he flew, until he finally hit a hill, his body that had been flying upside down, then stopped.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng trapped deeply in the boulder of that hill.

On that hill, except for a pothole, Qin Shaofeng himself could not be seen at all, he had already entered.


With a proud roar, the long-armed white ape king thumped his chest and raised his head again and roared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was another loud thumping chest, watching Qin Shaofeng being blasted far away by himself, the long-armed white ape king finally became proud again.




The twenty-odd long-armed white apes watching the battle from a distance are now dancing and thumping their chests, their mouths roaring, as if cheering and cheering for their king.

"I circled a cross, it hurts!"

Inside the hill, Qin Shaofeng grinned uncontrollably, feeling the pain all over his body.

"What a great thing, this wild monkey is really amazing!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already felt that under the protection of the Xuanwu armor, he had not received any actual harm.

But at this moment, his whole body was a little bit faintly painful, especially his numb arms, he had already faintly lost consciousness.

It can be seen that the attack he suffered this time was absolutely no trivial matter.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that this long-armed white ape with brute force was really tough.

In terms of power, Qin Shaofeng asked himself that he was not the opponent's opponent, even in the ancient sanctuary that was not suppressed, with Qin Shaofeng's current state of more than 1,000 lawless pills, and the power possessed by his body, he did not have this white gibbon ape king. powerful.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that, in terms of strength alone, the strength of this long-armed white ape king may at least be equivalent to the supreme master of the triple realm, and it is also the supreme master of physical cultivation who specializes in cultivating the flesh.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel any fear at this moment, and there was even a hint of eagerness in his heart.

Although the power of the Gibbon White Ape King was very powerful, it still couldn't threaten Qin Shaofeng's life, and at best it made Qin Shaofeng feel troublesome.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also heard the proud roar of the gibbon white ape king from outside, and the cheers of other gibbon white apes, frowning slightly.

"Huh, do you really think I won?" Qin Shaofeng vaguely saw through the pothole, the appearance of the long-armed white ape king beating his chest vigorously in the distance, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


With a violent shout, Qin Shaofeng's whole body shook, shaking out his body that had been embedded in a huge rock.

After moving his body slightly, a sharp light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

"Forget it, regardless of that much, I'm going to see how powerful this gibbon white ape king is!"

With a cold snort, a strange breath burst out from Qin Shaofeng's body in the next moment.


The breath shook, and a powerful force rose from Qin Shaofeng's body, and Qin Shaofeng's breath began to soar.

Revival of God!

He hesitated before, but at this moment, Qin Shaofeng decided to completely kill the gibbon white ape king.

In the previous words, Qin Shaofeng still planned to retreat after thinking about it, but at this moment, after seeing the power of the Gibbon White Ape King who has reached the upper barbarian state, Qin Shaofeng had other ideas in his mind.

Because Qin Shaofeng is completely certain now that this long-armed white ape king has mutated.

Once the wild beast mutates, it can be full of treasures.

Fur, claws, and fangs are all top-quality refining materials, and blood and bones can also be used to refine pill.

The flesh on the body can also be used to cultivate war beasts.

Of course, the most important thing is the wild beast pill in the opponent's body!

The wild beast pill in the general wild beast has a very powerful effect.

What about replacing it with a high-ranking brute?

Well, in a nutshell, Qin Shaofeng has now completely focused on the wild beast pill in this gibbon white ape king.

It's already a rare thing to see the general savage beast mutated. Now that a mutated high-ranking savage beast is in front of him, how could Qin Shaofeng miss it?

This is a mutant brutal beast pill of the upper rank brutal beast level!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has only one thought in his mind now!

Kill the beast and get the pill!


After the state of God's recovery appeared, Qin Shaofeng immediately aroused the entire state of the Xuanwu Battle Armor.

The state of strength increased by a hundredfold, this caused Qin Shaofeng's power to burst instantly.


With a loud noise, the hill that was hit by Qin Shaofeng was suddenly shocked by such a powerful force as Qin Shaofeng, and it exploded completely in an instant.

Countless broken stones flew out, and in a blink of an eye, a hill covering an area of ​​several hundred meters was completely shattered by Qin Shaofeng.

With the rejuvenation of the gods, Qin Shaofeng's current power of the gods and demons could not be used up, and he had no idea of ​​saving.

Even Qin Shaofeng wanted to explode completely at this moment, to see to what extent the power he possessed could explode in this brutal beast realm.

Therefore, after the resurrection of the gods, it is the blessing of the gods and demons state, and then the gods and demons great power...

Gradually, the breath on Qin Shaofeng's body became more and more suppressed.

This is a special breath caused by growing strength.

Thick, dull and powerful!

In the distance, the beating of the Long-armed White Ape King suddenly stopped and looked at Qin Shaofeng.

It felt that an extremely dangerous and terrifying power erupted from the human being beaten out by it.

Under this power, even if it had been promoted to a high-ranking brute, it couldn't help feeling a little scared in his heart.

The perception of beasts is the most sensitive!

Not only the Gibbon White Ape King felt Qin Shaofeng's powerful power, but the other two dozen middle-ranked Savage Beast Gibbon Apes felt Qin Shaofeng's breath at this moment.

And they are also scared!


Although it is terrifying to feel the strength of the other party, the long-armed white ape king is still not timid, and even believes in his heart that he is the strongest.

However, this situation made it more and more disgusted with the human being in front of it.

It must kill this human.


With this thought, the long-armed White Ape King roared, turning into a crimson streamer again, and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

But soon it found that it was wrong, and it was still very wrong.

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