Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1422: Group of monkeys

Chapter 1422

Seeing that the long-armed white ape king turned into a crimson streamer to attack him again, this time it was Qin Shaofeng's turn to flash a trace of disdain.

Qin Shaofeng knew exactly what powerful power he had when he entered the state of God's recovery at this moment.

Although the Gibbon White Ape King is powerful, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Therefore, this time facing the furious punch from the Gibbon White Ape King, he did not choose to avoid it.

Instead, his right hand tightened slightly and gave a firm grip.

This time, he still chose to fight hard!


A pure punch, without any other martial arts or skills, was just a punch that Qin Shaofeng threw at will.

But even with such a punch, after Qin Shaofeng blasted it out, thunderous explosions shook up in the void, all of which was a subtle explosion caused by the collision with the space when the force was so strong to a certain extent.

This is the Shinto realm of the brutal beast clan, and it has extremely strong suppression on the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary. It is not a simple matter to cause space shock or something in this.

But Qin Shaofeng's fist at this moment can burst out with such power, which shows that Qin Shaofeng's current strength is already very powerful.

At this moment, the long-armed White Ape King also seemed to see that Qin Shaofeng's punch was not simple.

But in the face of such a situation, this actually aroused the ferocity of the brutal beasts in it.


With another roar, the right arm of the long-armed white ape king suddenly shook and doubled in an instant. The scarlet hair on his right arm also stood up in an instant. The punch it blasted, at this moment, the breath also rose in vain, soaring more powerfully and amazingly.

Obviously, after the Gibbon White Ape King noticed that something was wrong, he squeezed his strength and burst out fiercely.

But even so, in the end when Qin Shaofeng and its fists banged together.

With a bang, there was a trace of horror that could not be concealed in the eyes of the Long-armed White Ape King, as if the power that horrified this human being suddenly became so powerful.

With a scream, the long-armed White Ape King was directly blasted out by the power of Qin Shaofeng's punch, and finally hit the ground fiercely.


With a loud noise, a huge crater was exploded in the ground instantly, shocking countless dust.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't stop, and there was a time limit for the recovery state of God, he only had three minutes!

But here is not only the Gibbon White Ape King, but also the two dozen other Gibbon White Apes that are at least three-star middle-ranked beasts, and there are more Gibbon White Apes in the distance. Hurry up here!

God flash!

With a sigh of flash, Qin Shaofeng jumped directly to the ground and came to the huge pit where the long-armed white ape king fell.


In the giant pit, even if it was bombarded with such a punch by Qin Shaofeng, the long-armed White Ape King was still not completely defeated.

However, judging from its somewhat unstable aura at this moment, it seems to be injured.

But after seeing Qin Shaofeng appear, it stood up abruptly and roared at Qin Shaofeng.

Angry and grumpy!

What could respond to it was another punch from Qin Shaofeng.

And still punch after punch, fists without gaps.

boom! boom! boom!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In the dust of the sky, there was a loud noise from time to time, and a loud roar of anger was also sandwiched in the loud noise.

The earth was trembling, and the gibbon white ape king was roaring.

But soon, from the roar of the Gib White Ape King, there was a trace of grief and...


Obviously, facing Qin Shaofeng's attack at this moment, the Gibbon White Ape King couldn't hold on anymore.

Because it seemed to finally understand that the human being in front of him who had been underestimated by him had really powerful strength, so powerful that it was a little frightening.

Moreover, the white gibbon ape king seems to have completely understood the reality, and it is also clearer. If he continues to be passively beaten like this, it is very likely that it will die!

will die!

Thinking of this, the White Gibbon Ape King, who already possesses a good sense of intelligence, panicked even more.

Then, it didn't take long for it to escape, and it did so.

Frozen, he forcibly took one or two punches from Qin Shaofeng, and ignored it, allowing the long-armed White Ape King to find a chance and plan to get out of the huge pit.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng seems to have known it a long time ago. The moment it swept away, he beat it back to the giant pit again.


The white gibbon ape king who was beaten back wailed, and there was no more kingly demeanor in his voice, and no more pride and contempt.

From this moment on, there was endless panic and fear in the voice of the White Gibbon Ape King, as well as a trace of...despair!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

As time passed, the roar of the Gibbon White Ape King became smaller and weaker.


In the end, it seemed that it was an announcement of the final victory. An extra powerful bang suddenly broke out, much better than that, and even the momentum was several times stronger.

And this time there was a loud noise, and there was no angry roar.

At the same time, the breath of life belonging to the Gibbon White Ape King in the huge pit began to fade away quickly at this moment, and it quickly disappeared completely.

In the distance, the twenty-odd gibbons who watched the middle-ranked brutal beast realm were already impatient at this moment.

When the gibbon white ape king was blasted to the ground by Qin Shaofeng, they began to feel uneasy, because they had also noticed that their king fell into a disadvantage.

And the subsequent bombardment made them feel restless.

After the last loud bang, they felt a little quiet in the huge pit, and after they could no longer feel the king's breath, the two dozen long-armed white apes roared uneasy.


Suddenly when the white gibbon apes roared, a black shadow flew out, and then, a violent shout suddenly shook their ears.

"Cover the sky!"

boom! boom! boom!

After the violent drinking, a huge palm print flew out and blasted down at the group of gibbon apes.

Needless to say, the black shadow that suddenly flew out was naturally Qin Shaofeng.

As for the King of White Gibbon...

Well, that doesn't need to be said anymore.

That must have been solved by Qin Shaofeng.

Under the constant bombardment, this long-armed white ape king couldn't bear Qin Shaofeng's fist at all, and was finally stupefied by Qin Shaofeng's fist.

From entering the state of God's recovery, until Qin Shaofeng killed the Gibbon White Ape King, this process seemed very long, but in fact it only took eleven or two breaths.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he could completely kill the Gibbon White Ape King who had already been promoted to a high-ranking brute beast within one or two breaths.

However, because this was the first time Qin Shaofeng had entered the state of God's recovery in this brutal beast world, and maintained all the functions of the Xuanwu armor, he wanted to try the approximate power he possessed in this state.

This allows Qin Shaofeng to have a general understanding of the strength he currently possesses.

So, unfortunately, the long-armed white ape king was taken by Qin Shaofeng, and he became a white mouse for him to test his own strength.

Now Qin Shaofeng has fully understood the power he possesses at the moment from the ‘little white mouse’ of the Gibbon White Ape King.

Then, Qin Shaofeng killed the long-armed white ape king for the first time, and then he came to the group of long-armed white apes.

At this moment, with the power that Qin Shaofeng currently possesses, it is just a purely random fist, and the power that is bombarded is something that the long-armed white ape king can't hold.

Needless to say, the power of the Wanzhetian hand that has been displayed is definitely not simple, but even more powerful.

What's terrible is that the opponent that Qin Shaofeng is attacking is still far inferior to the two dozen gibbon white apes of the Gibbon White Ape King.

Although these two dozen gibbon white apes are all middle-ranked savage beasts, and the lowest are all three-star middle-ranked savage beasts.

But it's a pity that Qin Shaofeng was already doomed as soon as he shot.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

Feeling Qin Shaofeng’s palm prints, the intense oppression, the two dozen long-armed white apes also started to exclaim for the first time, and then they all screamed in panic just like ordinary monkeys. Avoid it.

But how can they escape?


There was a loud noise, and a huge palm print collapsed. These two dozen gibbon white apes were directly bombarded and killed, and they were still bombarded into flesh, and they could not die again.

"I circled a cross, and I started again!"

Looking at the more than two dozen corpses of long-armed white apes on the ground, Qin Shaofeng's cheeks twitched, and his heart was even more painful.

My beast Dan!

Brutal beasts have a very special situation, that is, the brutal beast pills in their bodies are not as hard as their bodies, and they are even very fragile.

These two dozen gibbon white apes had all been blasted into flesh, so naturally there was no such thing as a beast pill.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has lost, more than 20 middle-ranked brutal beast pill!

And it's still a beast pill with a three-star median beast level!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the pain for long, because at this time the army of gibbons finally arrived.

"come yet?"

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and the next moment his figure flashed, he instantly killed the group of long-armed white apes.

One person to five thousand!

This seems to be a very different number, but in fact, this battle has been doomed from the beginning.

It seems that after staying in this brutal beast world for a while, Qin Shaofeng's power of gods and demons has adapted to the general suppression here, even though Qin Shaofeng is still unable to burst out formidable power in the brutal beast world, just like in the ancient sanctuary.

But this was even stronger than the power that Qin Shaofeng could explode before.

This can be seen from the fact that he killed the Gibbon White Ape King so simply and decisively.

After rushing into the group of long-armed white apes, Qin Shaofeng's broad sword of the Xuanwu battle armor flashed out again.

Then, Qin Shaofeng slashed so fiercely, the sword burst out.

Then, countless blood was spilled, and an incomplete body was added to the ground for an instant.

Only with this cut, at least hundreds of white gibbon apes were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

And this was just the beginning. After cutting out with a single knife, Qin Shaofeng's Xuanwu Battle Armor broadsword began to slash frantically.

Knife light, blood light, mutual brilliance!

Not long after, there was no longer a standing gibbon ape on the ground.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng killed all the overlord-level white gibbon apes in an area of ​​more than 15,000, with a radius of 30,000 miles.

Qin Shaofeng's group of more than 15,000 powerful brutal beasts was destroyed!

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