Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1423: First on the leaderboard

Chapter 1423

Ancient sanctuary, Nirvana.

The ranking light curtain on this all-around competition venue is constantly changing all the time, and the points of all the top 10,000 players are constantly updated.

Increase the loss of points at one time, increase dozens of points, or even hundreds of points at once.

In the end, the entire ranking list also changed with such changes in points, especially the last few places of 10,000, which changed almost every moment.

Even many times, several different names can appear in one second.

Obviously, the players in the savage beast world are already in a fierce state just by competing for the top ten thousand.

The time of the Brutal Beast World and the companions of the Ancient Sanctuary, which means that many days have passed now.

But the audience watching here did not leave, but kept staring at the player rankings on the screen.

Among the more than 10,000 rankings, the first place at the top is the Demon Prince.

In fact, many people have expected this.

The ancient demons are not the ancient holy races. There are hundreds of tribes, and although the ancient holy races are clearly headed by the three holy races, unless they really endanger the entire ancient holy race, or else, even the three holy races The clan cannot command all the ancient holy clan.

At this point, the ancient demons are different.

The ancient saints have three saints, and the ancient demons also have three royal families. The demon, cold, and blood tribes are the three royal families of the ancient demons.

However, the ancient demons in the ancient sanctuary have a unified posture. Although they have three royal families, in fact, whether it is the Leng family, the blood family, or the other races of the ancient demons, they are all headed by the demons.

If the ancient demon clan is compared to a dynasty, then the demon family is the royal family of this dynasty, and the Leng family and the blood family are at best two royal families.

Therefore, as the first person in this generation of the demon family, and the demon prince who is also recognized as the next generation of the demon family, he has the title of prince.

Because in a way, he was indeed the true prince of the ancient demons.

As a demon prince with such an identity, he can naturally command many geniuses of the ancient demon race.

In the previous almighty competition, the demon prince could only compete on his own, but in this final field of strength, after entering this brutal beast world, the power that the demon prince can use is greater.

Even for the talented players of the Leng Family and the Blood Family, the Demon Prince directly ordered a hunt for them. In this case, how could this Demon Prince not have many points?

The second place is the spirit son of the spirit race. If ranked according to strength, in the eyes of many people, the spirit son is probably slightly better than the demon prince.

After all, the perfect body of the Holy Spirit possessed by Lord Spirit is very powerful.

However, the power that Young Master Spirit can use is only some masters of the Spirit Race, as well as some people who depend on the Ancient Saint Race of the Spirit Race and other small forces.

This naturally cannot be compared with the demon prince, so in terms of points, the spirit prince is much behind the devil prince.

However, because the spirit master himself is good in strength and the spirit race's physique is special, the suppression in this brutal beast world is weaker than other cultivators.

Therefore, Ling Gongzi also has a lot of points.

That's why, Master Ling's points are more than that of the third young master Qilin who can command many geniuses of beasts.

Compared with other cultivators, the sacred beast clan is less suppressed in this brutal beast world.

And even if it is suppressed by the laws of the brutal beast world, the cultivators of the mythical beast clan can completely transform their bodies and burst out stronger powers.

In fact, the power possessed by the Kylin Young Master at this moment is no weaker than Qin Shaofeng, who fully arouses the power he possesses when he enters the state of God's recovery.

This is the power of the beast clan!

At this point, those demon clan disciples in the Demon God Palace were almost the same, except that they could not compete with the powerful bodies of the beast clan.

But if it is a monster of some special bloodline, its body is no weaker than the cultivator of the beast.

Therefore, the prince of the Demon God Palace ranked fourth in the points.

Instead, the fifth place was the young master of the Shenlong clan of the sacred beasts, and the sixth place was the young master of a superior saint clan in the ancient sanctuary.

The seventh place is the heir of a great power in the ancient sanctuary, and the eighth place is the ancient Tianjiao Gubo.

The reason why the Demon Prince, the Spirit Prince, the Young Master Qilin, and the Prince of the Demon God Palace ranked in the top four, and how far their points were from other players, was because they used a lot of manpower.

According to the ancient Tianjiao Gu Bo, the power he can use is relatively small, and he can only rank eighth.

But whether it is the first demon prince, the eighth place Gu Bo, and the hundreds of thousands of players afterwards, the points obtained among them are all with the help of other people. Of points.

In fact, everyone has already guessed this.

However, what makes many people feel puzzled is Qin Shaofeng?

As the young master of the two halls and three sects, this ranking does not say the top ten thousand, even among the top 100, there are many disciples of the two halls and three sects.

But Qin Shaofeng, the Young Master, hasn't appeared on the rankings yet?

how can that be?

For this kind of situation, many people who expected Qin Shaofeng's performance were a bit lost.

Not even 10,000 people entered, what the **** is Qin Shaofeng doing?

It seemed that when many people were complaining, the last place on the list suddenly flashed at a certain moment, and then Qin Shaofeng's name appeared.

Because the competition for the last few places, especially the ten thousandth place, is fierce, many eyes are gathered here.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Shaofeng entered the ranking, many people noticed it.

"Wow, it has appeared, Qin Shaofeng's name has appeared!"

An exclamation suddenly attracted the attention of countless people.

"Appeared? Has he finally entered the leaderboard?"

"Oh my God, Lord Ling and Demon Prince are both the first and second place, with scores of tens of millions of points. Qin Shaofeng has only entered the rankings now?"

"Yeah, he only has tens of thousands of points now. There is too much difference in points from Young Master Ling. I'm afraid he can't catch up!"

"Definitely can't catch up. His Qin Shaofeng's current number of points doesn't even have a fraction of others. How can he catch up?"

Although Qin Shaofeng's name finally appeared on the rankings, no one was optimistic about him at the moment.

After all, the top three players now have a minimum of more than two million points.

This can't be chased at all!

At this time, there were a lot of gloating sounds.

"Cut, grandstanding. With this result, Qin Shaofeng is really embarrassed to participate in the competition in the field of strength!"

"That means it's just so patience, why continue to play? Isn't it shameful?"

"Hmph, I think, even if it is the 10,000th place, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng will not be able to keep it, and it is estimated that it will be surpassed by others soon!"

"Yes, the competition for the last few places in this ranking is very fierce. It has been so long, and few people can hold on for long. I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng will be brushed down later."

"Ha, I guess he will be brushed off without even a breath."

"Hey, don't look down on others like this. After all, the opponent is the'first strong' in the Almighty Tournament, so how can you insist on taking a breath and a half!"



In the world, there are always so many people who are not good at them. As long as they are slightly unsatisfactory, they will laugh and ridicule, exaggerate and contempt each other.

It seems that this is the only way to show their ‘powerful’ and ‘arrogant’!

In fact, they are just a group of poor people who are inferior to the villains, because they can only find their own presence in this way.


If a reversal suddenly occurs at this time, they will be extremely regretful one by one, or even more angry, and even more hate those who have not offended them at all.

Soon such a situation appeared.

Because just when Qin Shaofeng's name first made the ranking, he was really in the ten thousandth place and didn't hold on for more than one breath.

But Qin Shaofeng's name did not go down, but began to move forward rapidly.

And at this time, it was exactly the time Qin Shaofeng hunted down those two dozen gibbons in the middle-ranked brutal beast realm.

After killing the Gibbon White Ape King, Qin Shaofeng scored a full thousand points!

Although the Gibbon White Ape King was promoted to a high-ranking brute beast, it was only a one-star middle-rank brutal beast. It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng could only earn one hundred points.

But because the Gibbon White Ape King finally mutated completely, it belonged to a special savage beast, and killing a special savage beast in the savage beast world, such as the mutant savage beast, would get even more points.

With these thousand points, Qin Shaofeng's points just surpassed, and the 10,000th player on the ranking list immediately replaced the opponent.

After that, Qin Shaofeng killed two dozen gibbon white apes, all three-star middle-ranked wild beasts.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng earned another four to five hundred points. This is what allowed him to rank more than 20 places from the ten thousandth place to 9,973.

And this was just the beginning, because in the next period of time, when Qin Shaofeng killed the group of more than 5,000 long-armed white apes, Qin Shaofeng's ranking began to continuously improve.

No. 9970...



Qin Shaofeng's ranking continues to improve, surpassing one player after another, and his speed is still very fast.






In the end, in just a little more than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shaofeng was directly promoted from the first ten thousandth on the ranking list to 8726th.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred in the brutal world for so long. In such a short period of time, the ranking has increased so fast!

Faced with this situation, many people are silent.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's situation, Te has nothing to say.

However, many people still didn't care too much about Qin Shaofeng's auction.

It's just over 8,000, and the points are still less than 50,000, which is still too few and too bad!

But only a few careful people found an unusual situation.

That's when Qin Shaofeng's points first appeared on the leaderboard, every moment the points changed, that was an increase of 10 or more points at once!

Add 10 points at once?

Doesn't this mean that Qin Shaofeng's targets are all middle-rank savage beasts?

If there were other people to help, it would be fine, but if it was Qin Shaofeng alone, it would be terrible.

Kill the middle savage alone in the savage world?

And still more than twenty at a time?

Isn't this unrealistic?

Many people comforted themselves in this way, saying that Qin Shaofeng is not that powerful, and someone must have helped. After all, the other party is the Young Master of Two Halls and Three Sects!

But these people seem to have forgotten, if there are others to help, why is Qin Shaofeng only entering the ranking now?

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