Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1433: Storm rises

Chapter 1433

The barbarians are indeed the natives of the savage beast world, as if these barbarians have existed since the emergence of the savage beast world.

However, there are some differences among the barbarians in this brutal world.

They are not like wild beasts, but after absorbing the power of the law, almost all of them are absorbed by the flesh.

These barbarians also practice the power of law, but they are different from the practitioners of the ancient sanctuary.

The cultivation situation of the ancient sanctuary, after becoming the supreme ruler, the inner world within the body will depict the lines of the great road.

But this barbarian clan, but only on itself, portrayed a series of barbaric gods.

According to Qin Shaofeng's understanding, these so-called barbarian gods' patterns seemed to be bestowed by the barbarians' worship and even belief.

This existence is the so-called wild beast, so the real name of the wild pattern is the pattern of the wild god, not the pattern of the great road.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's view, perhaps this barbaric **** believed by the barbarians in the barbaric world is probably the great law of the barbaric world.

This is the same as the principle of the Great Dao of the Ancient Sanctuary, allowing practitioners to portray the next Dao pattern.

It's just that in the world of brutal beasts, the barbarians enshrine the law of the Great Dao as a god.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the savage patterns of the savages did not exist in the body, but were directly portrayed on the surface of the body.

Qin Shaofeng only knew that except for the first savage pattern of these barbarians, the rest of the savage patterns were all drawn on themselves after a series of complicated processes using the blood of the savage beast, or the power of the savage beast pill.

This can also be said to be condensed, and even this process, in Qin Shaofeng's view, seems to be no different from condensing the lines of the Great Dao in his own cultivation.

From the souls of the two barbarian warriors, Qin Shaofeng also knew the process of the general barbarian painting the barbaric patterns.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't replicate this process.

It can't be said that it cannot be copied, but to be precise, Qin Shaofeng can't paint barbaric patterns on his flesh like the barbarians.

This is about the savage beasts of the savage beast world, that is, the power of the great laws of the savage beast world, just like the great laws of the ancient sanctuary, it is not a system at all, and it is basically cultivated to one place.


With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng looked at the two barbarian bodies on the ground. To be precise, Qin Shaofeng saw the barbarian patterns on the two bodies.

Just like the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary, the savage patterns of the barbarians are like the patterns of the road.

It's just that there is one place where the barbaric pattern of this barbarian tribe is different from the pattern of the avenue. Usually, if a supreme ruler falls in the ancient sanctuary, the pattern of the avenue of the inner world in the body will collapse in the first time.

Although the pattern of the avenue is higher than the pill of law, in a sense, the pattern of the avenue is an invisible existence, and it is a kind of energy body.

Therefore, after the fall of the supreme ruler, the pattern of the avenue he cultivated will collapse in the first place, and then affect the collapse of the inner world.

But the brutal pattern of this barbarian warrior is different.

The savage patterns of the barbarians are carved on the body surface, like a series of patterns, which can be regarded as real objects.

Even the entire savage pattern is presented by the force of the corresponding law after being portrayed.

This is exactly equivalent to the pattern of the great road after visualization.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to move some thoughts.

Can he absorb such wild patterns?

At first, this thought was just a thought that Qin Shaofeng suddenly struck through his mind.

But the more I thought about it now, the more moved Qin Shaofeng's heart became.

Qin Shaofeng had already absorbed a lot of the high-ranking wild beast's wild beast pill.

Qin Shaofeng discovered even the high-ranking wild beast pill when he absorbed it. When he absorbed it, the lines on the surface of the high-ranking wild beast pill would dissipate one by one as he absorbed and refined it. Ultimately turned into the power of pure law.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng guessed, is it the barbarian pattern that can be absorbed and refined by himself just like the pattern of the barbarian pill of the upper rank beast?

If it is possible, then...

Qin Shaofeng's eyes kept gleaming, and finally he made a decision in his heart. He drew the jaws and the corpses of the two barbarian middle-ranked fighters directly with him.

Qin Shaofeng, who was eager to try to absorb the savage patterns on the barbarian clan, didn't know. At that moment, his points suddenly increased by 530,000 points!

Nirvana Realm, because Qin Shaofeng's points suddenly increased by 530,000 points, it caused quite a storm.

Because this time Qin Shaofeng's points only changed three times, once 50,000, and the remaining two times, once was 230,000, and once was 250,000!

And the last 23 and 250,000 points are almost all added together.

But what is the situation?

Many people in the Nirvana world are stunned, because it makes no sense.

Even if it is a ten-star high-ranking brute, killing one can add 1,000 points at most!

With the increase of 50,000 points this time, what level of brutal beasts did this kill?

Could there be more powerful brutal beasts beyond the upper rank brutal beasts?

Well, even if it is so, then 230,000 and 250,000 points can be increased at one time, so what is it?

With 50,000 points, I can barely make people try to accept it.

But more than 200,000 points can be increased in one go. What the **** is this?

Nima, could it be that this savage beast that Qin Shaofeng hunted to dominate the Supreme Realm?

But such an idea was too crazy, and it was quickly denied by people.

Dominate the Supreme?

Oh, kidding~!

But if this is not the case, what is the situation?

For a time, except for a handful of people who knew everything about it, everyone couldn't understand it, and couldn't understand it.

What the **** is this?

At this moment, the sovereign supreme in that special space in the Nirvana Realm was also speechless.

It's him again!

It's Qin Shaofeng again, this kid is really making trouble!

For a one-time, direct increase of 50,000 and more than 200,000 points, these masters are not surprised.

Because they know why this is, but it's incredible.

In fact, this time entering the barbaric world, the competition in the final field of the all-around competition, in addition to hunting barbarians to get points, hunting barbarians can also get points.

And the points for hunting the barbarians are relatively objective!

All players, as long as they kill a barbarian, they can get a thousand points. If they kill a barbarian with savage patterns, the points are more objective.

There is no level correspondence situation, these rulers directly decided that the barbarian warriors killed can get at least 10,000 points, and every barbarian warrior with a barbarian pattern can get 10,000 more points.

But at that time, the jaw that Qin Shaofeng killed had five savage patterns. After Qin Shaofeng killed him, he naturally gained 50,000 points.

The latter two middle-ranked fighters of the barbarian tribe, who were penetrated by Qin Shaofeng with a flying feather knife and eventually died in Qin Shaofeng's magical fantasy, had 23 and 25 barbarian patterns respectively.

Therefore, after killing these two barbarian warriors, Qin Shaofeng got 230,000 and 250,000 points increase respectively.

Although at the beginning, such things were not directly disclosed.

But those who dominate the supreme also have ideas in their hearts. Since it is a game, it is simply a bit more thorough.

Don't mention the existence of the barbarians, and wait until the players find out for themselves, wouldn't this be a better experience of the game?

And besides, their purpose this time, but the plan is not small, if it is to disclose the existence of the barbarian in advance.

So once in the barbaric world, some players fell into the hands of the barbarians, and finally interrogated what happened.

I am afraid that it will probably have some influence on their plans.

It's better not to say it, and give these players more training.

As for the final meeting, there will be a lot of losses?

This point, these supreme masters do not care, because in their view, just because the existence of the barbarian was concealed, there was a loss, and they were simply people with insufficient strength.

If you deal with it carefully, it doesn't matter if you don't know the existence of the barbarians in advance.

Although this time the all-around competition, the ultimate goal is to fight against the barbarians in the brutal world, and even the entire barbarians.

But for these masters, the selection of some geniuses at the same time is what they care about.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng killed the barbarians so early, and among them there were two middle-ranked barbarian warriors with more than twenty barbaric patterns. This was a bit beyond the expectations of these masters.

Because this is the time they envisioned, it is still a lot earlier.

They didn't expect that someone could kill the barbarian's median fighter so early.

However, it was from this point that these masters understood for some time.

Regarding the sudden deaths of a large number of one-two hundred and three-five hundred team players before, they finally understood why this was.

Before, these masters thought it was because of those players that they encountered a large group of barbarians, but now it seems that they have encountered barbarians.

Players at this stage, even if they have absorbed some barbarian pill, they will still be greatly suppressed by the barbarian world, and they will still suffer a big loss if they compete with barbarian opponents.

"The barbarians acted? Is it noticed?"

One Dominator frowned slightly.

"No, it shouldn't be there yet!" Baidi shook his head, "If it is discovered, I am afraid that the dead players will be more than that, there will be more."

"Well, what Baidi said is quite true!"

The Great Emperor Wan Zhen nodded and said: "From the feedback from the Emperor's formation tower, the barbarians should not have noticed anything. I'm afraid they are just sending some fighters to conduct detection and other actions!"

When the Emperor Bai and the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays said so, the other masters were relieved.

Also, if the barbarians really noticed something, then I am afraid they would have sent a large army to slaughter those players.

I'm afraid it's really just an act of probing. After all, the number of people they sent from the Ancient Sanctuary to the Barbarian Beast Realm this time is so huge that it is impossible not to attract the attention of the Barbarians.

However, this is also one of the plans.

When the barbarians are attracted by these large numbers of invaders, it may not be so easy to discover what they are plotting in secret.

At the very least, even if it is discovered, it is probably too late!

However, these masters do not know that something is happening in the brutal beast world at this moment, which is beyond their expectations and even has a certain impact on their entire plan.

In their opinion, Qin Shaofeng was the first to kill the barbarians among all the players who entered the barbarian world this time.

But in fact, this is not the case.

And at this moment, a small tribe of barbarians in the barbaric world is performing a tragic massacre!

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