Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1434: Xuan Changfeng acting secretly

Chapter 1434 Xuan Changfeng Acting Secretly

"Hahaha, happy, it's so happy!"

In a small barbarian tribe, a crazy laugh came.

This place was originally a land of birds and flowers, and the barbarians living in it are not barbarians keen to fight.

Even the barbarians of this tribe did not belong to any of the three major tribes, but the barbarians who lived and multiplied quietly in a small valley.

If Qin Shaofeng meets these barbarians, I am afraid that he will not attack them at all.

This point, I am afraid that even Master Ling, Gu Bo and others will probably be like this.

Even if the demon prince came, he didn't bother to kill the barbarians of this tribe.

First, it was because the barbarians of this tribe were too few in number, only two to three hundred.

Secondly, there are too many barbarians in this tribe.

In the savage beast world, although the barbarians can condense savage patterns, in fact, not all barbarians can condense savage patterns after they reach adulthood.

In the entire savage beast world, there will also be many savages, and they will not be able to condense the first savage pattern in this lifetime.

The talent is limited, and even the first wild pattern that can be condensed and portrayed by nature cannot be condensed and portrayed.

And there are also many barbarians who, after reaching adulthood, barely condensed to portray the first barbarian pattern, they were unable to portray the second barbarian pattern in their lifetime.

Like the ancient continent, the barbarians in the barbaric world also have so-called geniuses and ordinary people.

The barbarians of this tribe are very ordinary barbarians.

Among the population of more than 300, there are 70 or 80 warriors. In other words, the other two hundred or so people are ordinary people without agglomeration and depiction of barbarians, or underage barbarians.

And even among the warriors, among the barbarian warriors of this tribe, the strongest warrior is still the lower warrior. The brutal patterns on the body are not as many as the jaws, but only four brutal patterns.

Such a small tribe, not even the three major tribes of the barbarian tribe, would not favor it.

In fact, there are many such small tribes in the savage beast world.

There are also certain underlying rules in the brutal beast world, even if it is a battle between tribes, these small tribes are rarely involved.

This can be regarded as a potential rule among the powerful tribes of the barbarians.

But today this tribe has been thoroughly bloodbathed, and all the barbarians, including babies born less than ten days old, have also been brutally killed, and the entire tribe has been slaughtered.

And the murderer who did all this was laughing wildly, a figure exuding blood and black mist.

Xuan Changfeng!

That's right, to make such a brutal murderer was Xuan Changfeng who sneaked into the barbarian world.

Because Xuan Changfeng entered illegally, he didn't refine the jade charms at all, so even those who dominated the Supremes did not notice the existence of Xuan Changfeng.

When Xuan Changfeng entered the savage beast world, he first killed the group of people who brought him into the savage beast world, and finally sneaked up on many disciples of the ancient sanctuary with good bloodlines.

Sneak attack and kill, refining blood!

However, Xuan Changfeng did not attack the disciples of those powerful races in the ancient sanctuary because he was cautious and didn't want to expose it early.

But by chance, Xuan Changfeng discovered that the blood of the brutal beast had a very good improvement on the power of his bloodline, as well as the three pupils.

Therefore, he has mixed into a certain ethnic force.

After absorbing a large amount of ethnic blood, Xuan Changfeng's three-pupil divine eyes can already allow him to imitate the blood of some ethnic groups, so that it is impossible for others to detect the abnormality.

Of course, if you meet someone with a strong realm, you can still detect Xuan Changfeng's imitation.

However, the ethnic groups Xuan Changfeng chose to enter were all not very powerful ethnic groups, and he himself concealed his true cultivation realm, which was hardly noticeable.

After entering the savage beast world, most players found that the savage beast pill on the savage beast was the most important thing, and the other ones were the claws and fangs, which had some effects.

As for the blood of the brutal beast, no one cares, but it is precisely because of this that Xuan Changfeng is extremely easy to get it.

Before he knew it, Xuan Changfeng obtained a large amount of brutal beast blood, which quickly raised his realm.

Although in this world of wild beasts, he Xuan Changfeng was still suppressed a bit, but as his realm improved, and it seemed that because the wild beasts had absorbed more blood, Xuan Changfeng's physique developed towards the strong physique of the wild beasts. same.

Gradually Xuan Changfeng discovered that he was less and less suppressed in this brutal beast world.

Soon, when the eleventh avenue pattern condensed in Xuan Changfeng's body, he found that he could release the power of the law equivalent to a avenue pattern in the brutal beast world.

Perhaps this Xuan Changfeng could, like Qin Shaofeng, arbitrarily unleash the power of the law of a big road in the brutal beast world.

But Xuan Changfeng's methods rely on the three-pupil divine eyes that have now evolved, and the restrictions in this brutal beast world are still relatively large.

But even so, Xuan Changfeng's situation was much better than the others.

The most important thing is that Xuan Changfeng can do even more things after possessing the power of the law of the pattern of a great road.

For example, he can use the power of the Three Eyes to confuse others.

Before he knew it, Xuan Changfeng soon became the central figure in his team.

You don't need to do anything, just wait for others to hunt and kill the brutal beasts, and then contribute all the brutal beasts' blood to the brutal beasts for him to enjoy.

Under such circumstances, Xuan Changfeng's realm was very fast.

But the good times didn't last long. Once when the hunting of wild beasts ended, Xuan Changfeng's team was suddenly attacked.

At the beginning, Xuan Changfeng thought it was someone who didn't have long eyes and wanted to rob them!

Xuan Changfeng hadn't met such a thing for a while, and the reason why the other party did not have eyesight was because the other party was only three people.

Three people to three to five hundred people?

This is not long eyes, what is that?


But soon Xuan Changfeng didn't think so, because after these three appeared, they displayed power that ordinary people couldn't match.

Most importantly, Xuan Changfeng sensed the power of law from them.

The opponent is also a master who can use the power of the law!

However, compared with this, what makes Xuan Changfeng feel most incredible is that the other party actually killed someone!


The three of them didn't have the slightest scruples. The opponents they encountered were all directly bombarded.

Such a situation once made Xuan Changfeng think that these three people, like him, belonged to ‘smuggling’ into the brutal beast world!

Since the opponent is strong, Xuan Changfeng didn't really have the idea of ​​resisting, so he chose to retreat in the first place.

But what made Xuan Changfeng angry was that the other party didn't let them go, which made his heart furious and even more fierce.

The confuse ability of the Santong Divine Eye is very powerful, and the people on the team that Xuan Changfeng is in are completely bewitched by him.

The main reason for this was that these people were suppressed by the brutal beast world, and they were easily succeeded by Xuan Changfeng.

Because they were completely bewildered, even in the face of a mortal order, these people did not hesitate to turn back.

In the end, under the desperate siege of three to five hundred people, the three sneak attackers were actually defeated.

And just when the other three were injured and were about to escape, Xuan Changfeng, who had never taken a shot, found a chance to take a shot.

This shot was succeeded by Xuan Changfeng.

When the three pupils were moved, the power of the three pupils was turned to the extreme, and the three figures were stabilized for an instant, Xuan Changfeng broke out and directly injured the three men seriously.

Once Xuan Changfeng succeeded, he immediately retreated, letting the remaining sixty or seventy members of his team besiege the three.

In the end, Xuan Changfeng's team was not left, but the three who attacked also died two, and the remaining one fell into a state of frequent death.

No waste, Xuan Changfeng took the blood of all the dead in his team at the first time to improve himself.

Finally, when Xuan Changfeng came to the three people who had attacked and collected the blood of two of the dead, his face suddenly changed.

Because he suddenly discovered that the blood in these two people with unknown tattoos was actually the same as that of wild beasts.

To be precise, it is purer than brutal beast blood, and it is no less attractive to him than the blood of those powerful races in the ancient sanctuary.

After I felt it, the last person hadn't died yet, even Xuan Changfeng used means to search for the soul of the last person.

Although the last person was in a state of dying frequently, he could not withstand Xuan Changfeng's soul search.

At the beginning of the soul search, within less than one breath, the other party was completely breathless.

However, this also gave Xuan Changfeng some information.

Then, he knew that these two people who attacked him were actually natives of the barbaric world—barbarians!

After learning about the existence of the barbarians, Xuan Changfeng was excited.

Without mixing in any more teams, Xuan Changfeng started looking for the barbarians instead.

The barbarian who was searched for soul by Xuan Changfeng was actually just a low-level warrior with three savage patterns, and he was not a member of the Jaw tribe. The person who voted for the Jaw tribe came from a small tribe.

Based on this information, Xuan Changfeng finally found this small tribe.

However, Xuan Changfeng did not do anything against that small tribe.

Because although it is a small tribe, compared with ordinary small tribes, this small tribe has a population of more than 3,000, and there are more barbarian warriors.

Although there is no upper rank warrior, there are more than a hundred middle rank warriors in this tribe, and the strongest middle rank warrior has more than 20 brutal patterns on his body.

Xuan Changfeng was very cautious, and instead of rushing out, he withdrew.

But Xuan Changfeng didn't give up either, because when looking for this small tribe, he also discovered that there were other tribes nearby, among which there were many small tribes with very low strength.

Since this barbarian can improve his bloodline power, as well as the three-pupil divine eyes, it can also improve his realm.

Then wait until his realm has improved before coming to trouble this tribe.

Before long, Xuan Changfeng began to bloodbath one after another small tribes.

At this moment, the tribe in front of him was already the twenty-odd small tribe that Xuan Changfeng had won.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng had absorbed the blood of seven or eight thousand barbarians, and even those savage patterns had been absorbed by him and turned into his own law.

Fifty-one lines of avenue!

The six-fold supreme realm dominates the early stage!

This was the result of Xuan Changfeng's bloodbath. Faced with such results, Xuan Changfeng was very satisfied.

And Xuan Changfeng also found out, I don't know if it was because of the absorption of a large amount of barbarian blood and the barbarian pattern, which caused him to adapt more and more in the barbaric world.

Now he can display more than 30 powers of the law of the realm of 51 Dadao Patterns.

"Oh, great!"

Feeling his strength at the moment, Xuan Changfeng's mouth grinned slightly, revealing a hideous and cruel smile.

The next moment, Xuan Changfeng's eyes turned, and he landed on a mountain peak ahead.

"Well, it's time to do it!"

The direction he looked towards was the tribe where the barbarian was born in his soul search.

He was not strong before, but now!

That's enough!

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