Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1435: The benefits of brutal patterns

Chapter 1435

"Huh, I didn't expect this to be really okay!"

In a cave, sitting cross-legged Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

After the previous battle was over, Qin Shaofeng found this cave and began to try to absorb the wild lines on the jaws.

As a result, after experimenting, Qin Shaofeng found that the wild lines on the jaws could really be absorbed by him.

After absorbing the savage patterns on the jaws, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this savage pattern turned into a force of pure law and entered his inner world.

However, Qin Shaofeng based on the principle of caution, when the power of this law entered the inner world in his body, he used his own god's pill fire to temper it.

Although it was tempered with the pill fire of the gods, no impurities were tempered, but even so, when absorbing other wild patterns, Qin Shaofeng used the pill fire of the gods to make these wild patterns pure. The power of the law has been tempered once.

After being tempered with the divine pill fire of the seven-star God and Demon Pill Sutra, it is like filtering. Only in this way, Qin Shaofeng can safely absorb the power of the law transformed by these brutal patterns.

The power of the laws that these savage patterns turn into is very pure, I don't know if it is because of pure reason, this finally gave Qin Shaofeng a very strange feeling.

This feels as if a barbarian pattern possesses the power of the law, which is far inferior to the pattern of an ordinary supreme ruler in the ancient sanctuary, and the power of the law is equivalent.

No, it should be said that there is no comparison at all.

If it is said that an ordinary supreme ruler, the pattern of a great road has the power of 10 points.

So at this moment Qin Shaofeng absorbed a savage pattern on the jaws, and the power of the law was at most 2 points, or even only 1 point!

This feeling was strange to Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng, but when he thought of the power of the law that the barbarians could use, it was rare compared to the supreme sovereign.

In addition to the environment of the brutal beast world, Qin Shaofeng could only think that this was a normal situation.

After all, the savage patterns of the barbarians can never be compared with the pattern of the great avenues that dominate the realm!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that every time he absorbed the power transformed by a brutal pattern, it was actually the same as the pattern of the Great Dao at 10 points.

It's just that the pattern of the Great Dao that is supremely dominating the realm, the 10 points possessed are all the power of the law.

But the savage patterns of the barbarians were not purely cultivated, but were finally portrayed through some means.

The cultivation only occupies a part.

Therefore, every barbarian pattern possessed by every barbaric race, except for the first barbaric pattern condensed in adulthood, in addition to the power of law, the rest of the barbaric patterns contain many other types of power.

Perhaps Qin Shaofeng's Divine Pill Fire could temper many of these powers, but Qin Shaofeng didn't know that almost every savage pattern he absorbed contained a very special energy.

After this power entered Qin Shaofeng's body, it didn't rush into the inner world in his body at all, but entered his soul without Qin Shaofeng's awareness.

Even directly into his soul!

Qin Shaofeng didn't even notice this.

The savage patterns of the barbarians can absorb and refine the power of pure laws, which is naturally clear to the supreme masters of the ancient sanctuary.

But they are also aware of the pros and cons.

In fact, after learning that Qin Shaofeng had killed the three barbarians, there was a trace of worry in Baidi's heart.

He was worried that Qin Shaofeng would just absorb the barbaric patterns of the refining barbarians. To be honest, Emperor Bai was a little regretful. In order to prove Qin Shaofeng's excellence, he bet with Emperor Jiang Hengtian that he did not inform Qin Shaofeng of the barbarians in the beast world.

Now that Emperor Bai is worried that Qin Shaofeng will refine the barbaric patterns of the barbarian clan, the situation is not good.

The barbarians’ savage patterns can’t be absorbed and refined, but the problem is that they need to be processed before they can be absorbed.

Only after processing and removing some of the power from the wild patterns, can it be truly absorbed and refined.

If it were to absorb and refine the savage patterns of the barbarian clan without treatment, it would not be very good.

Because even no matter how brilliant a genius, no matter how powerful and special the bloodline is, it is difficult to eliminate the power of some unfavorable factors in the barbarian patterns.

Once the power of refining is absorbed, it will be a big trouble!

However, in the end Baidi could only let Qin Shaofeng develop freely, because now he could not remind Qin Shaofeng to pay attention to this.

But Baidi didn't care, because even if Qin Shaofeng absorbed and refined the wild patterns, and used the power of the laws in the wild patterns to improve his realm, it didn't matter.

Because he is the master!

Although absorbing some of the power in the wild patterns would cause some troublesome consequences, Baidi was confident that with his methods, it didn't matter.

At most, after the incident, he would wash his own little disciple's soul to remove those unfavorable factors.

But after a while, Baidi felt very regretful in his heart.

That's right, with his realm and strength, it is very easy to help Qin Shaofeng's soul remove some unfavorable factors.

But this premise is that the barbarian patterns that Qin Shaofeng has absorbed and refined will not be too many.

If there are too many words, I am afraid that even his powerful master supreme can not be eliminated.

However, having tasted the effects of the barbaric patterns, how could Qin Shaofeng stop?

The three barbarians, all add up to fifty-three barbaric patterns.

But these fifty-three savage patterns brought Qin Shaofeng a very considerable power of rules.

Five thousand six hundred!

The power of the law formed by the fifty-three savage patterns brought Qin Shaofeng more than five thousand law pill.

On average, a savage pattern could enable Qin Shaofeng to raise a hundred pill of law.

In addition, with the addition of a large number of Barbarian Pills accumulated by Qin Shaofeng before, this time Qin Shaofeng's ascension of the Rule of Pills exceeded 6,000.

Adding this to Qin Shaofeng's nearly 9,000 Pills of Law before, now the number of Pills of Law in Qin Shaofeng's inner world has exceeded 15,000.

And Qin Shaofeng also arranged fifteen thousand-star dao formations in his body, which was equivalent to the realm of having fifteen avenues.

In terms of realm, Qin Shaofeng is now equivalent to the mid-term state of the supreme dominator, but in terms of true strength, Qin Shaofeng is confident that he is no lower than the supreme dominator of the fifth and sixth levels.

If it explodes with full force, the combat power Qin Shaofeng can possess will be even stronger.

And for some reason, the power of the law transformed by the barbarian patterns is not as good as the mutant barbarian pill.

But now Qin Shaofeng has the power of fifteen thousand-star dao formations in his body, and he can completely release the power of three thousand-star dao formations in this brutal beast world.

This means that compared with the power of the gods and demons of the previous avenue pattern, Qin Shaofeng is now able to explode the power of the gods and demons with two more avenue patterns.

In this respect, the barbaric pattern of this barbarian tribe is completely equivalent to the barbaric pill of mutant beast.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng felt even more excited.

There was no extra delay, after the absorption and refining, Qin Shaofeng immediately started hunting.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng's hunting target had changed from the main barbarian to the barbarian.

Qin Shaofeng also learned from the souls of the two guards of the jaw that the barbarian warriors that appeared this time were all jaw warriors from one of the three major tribes of the barbarian tribe.

Their intention is also very clear, just to find out, these invaders from the ancient sanctuary!

It's just a big game, it turned into an intruder~!

Such a change is really interesting!

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly in his heart, but this time, he didn't care much about the competition.

This time there is no system task, so Qin Shaofeng is not very keen on the first place in this field of strength competition.

But Qin Shaofeng also discovered at the same time that his points suddenly soared by 530,000 points!

Combining the previous situation, this made Qin Shaofeng understand that the points obtained by killing the barbarians would probably be more.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many points the top players had now, and whether they had hunted down the barbarians.

But according to Qin Shaofeng's plan, he seems to be able to increase his points more quickly.

Because now the barbarians are the best hunting target!

And most importantly, because of the interrogation of the souls of the two Jaw Warriors during the previous demonization, Qin Shaofeng already knew the situation of many Jaw Warriors.


Not long ago, Qin Shaofeng came to a jungle.

Here, there are a group of dozens of barbarian warriors who happened to be surrounded by other players in the ancient sanctuary.

Most of the dozen or so barbarian warriors were low-level fighters with five or six savage patterns, and there were also three to five median soldiers, but the median warrior with the most savage patterns had only fifteen savage patterns.

And even if he has fifteen brutal patterns, the median warrior is already quite old and has limited talent. I am afraid that the power of the law that can be used is at most three or five.

For such a lineup, Qin Shaofeng was ready to start as soon as he caught sight of it.


With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng came directly to the barbarian team.

Then, waved together...

Holy Hand of Buddha!

With a cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's hands glowed with a pale golden light.

After that, the pale golden light was like a sea tide, instantly rising up and turning into a huge pale golden palm print.


There was a loud noise and the palm prints fell, and the team of a dozen barbarian warriors was wiped out.

Qin Shaofeng, who can freely run the power of the gods and demons, can already control his own moves more freely.

Even if it is to cast the Buddha Hand, it will not cause serious damage to the target.

After all, the savage patterns on the barbarians are all carved on the surface of the body. If the body is damaged, Qin Shaofeng does not know whether the savage patterns will also be damaged!

With one hit, Qin Shaofeng collected all the corpses of the barbarian warriors immediately, and then fleeed away immediately.

A small group of more than a dozen barbarian warriors is nothing to Qin Shaofeng.

But if it is targeted by a large number of barbarians, it will be bad.

At the very least, for Qin Shaofeng at this stage, a middle-ranked barbarian fighter can handle it, but if it's a high-level fighter, that can be difficult.

The high-ranking warrior among the barbarians has a realm with more than thirty barbaric patterns. Even if they can only use one-third of the power of the law, it is equivalent to the power of the realm law of the pattern of the three avenues.

Moreover, the high-ranking warriors among the barbarians are more powerful in their physical bodies, and their pure physical strength is comparable to the general physical cultivation of six thousand weights of supreme dominance.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to care about such an opponent even if he met one, not to mention that the fighters of these Jaw tribes were basically in groups.

This is too bad for him!

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