Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1436: Anger of jaw war

Chapter 1436

Qin Shaofeng knew after only a little understanding of the barbarians. In fact, the barbarians are not simple.

Under normal circumstances, there is an equal number of barbaric warriors and the supreme ruler, but there is a gap in strength.

If it is in the ancient continent, perhaps the supreme ruler is more powerful, after all, the use of the power of the rhyme law, the barbarian is far inferior to the cultivators of the ancient continent.

But if this environment were placed in the savage beast world, the situation would be very different.

In the savage beast realm, a lower barbarian warrior with a savage pattern, his combat power, even the supreme masters of the second and third levels, are incomparable.

After all, under the suppression of the brutal beast world, it is difficult for the supreme ruler to use the power of the law.

So in the world of brutal beasts, the barbarians whose realm has reached the realm of upper-level warriors are actually already very powerful.

For such a barbarian warrior, Qin Shaofeng naturally chose to avoid it.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng began to hunt the barbarians, and every time he hunted the barbarian squad, Qin Shaofeng would leave one or two of the middle-ranked fighters a little.

As for leaving such a barbarian warrior, Qin Shaofeng's goal is to use magic, to obtain more information about the barbarian, as well as the situation of the Jaw Tribe's investigation.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's process of hunting wild beasts went very smoothly.

Even if a powerful barbarian warrior appeared by chance, Qin Shaofeng solved it in the end.

After not being suppressed by the brutal beast realm, Qin Shaofeng not only had good combat power, but the basalt armor on his body could also burst out formidable power.

Every time a barbarian was hunted, even if there were some accidents, Qin Shaofeng could still finish the hunt in the end.

As time passed, more and more barbarians were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

The Jaw tribe in the savage beast world is a very powerful tribe with the largest population of the three tribes, with more than hundreds of millions of people.

And this is only the Jaw tribe. If you add those other tribe barbarians who take refuge in and depend on the Jaw tribe, the number of warriors in the Jaw tribe will be even greater.

This time, the Jaw Tribe sent tens of thousands of warriors alone.

Although Jaw Warfare is only a high-ranking warrior with more than 30 savage patterns, because he is a person born in the Jaw tribe, his status is not low. In this investigation team, he belongs to a small team leader.

But even if it was just a small squad, Jaw Warfare managed more than a thousand barbarian warriors this time, and the scope of investigation was also very large.

It just so happened that Qin Shaofeng was within the scope of Jaw War.

When Qin Shaofeng hunted the barbarian warriors at the beginning, Jaw Zhan didn't notice anything unusual.

However, Jaw Warfare stipulates that no matter what the special circumstances, every team that goes out to investigate must report to him at the latest three days.

But as a result, today is more than three days since the last report.

But there were five or six teams, who didn't report to him, and he couldn't even contact those teams.

This made the Jaws feel that something was wrong, so they sent someone to investigate immediately.

As a result, the investigation was not able to come out soon. According to various signs, those teams that lost contact might have become more ill-fortuned.

Although the corpses of those soldiers were not seen, Jaw War had already determined that those soldiers had been killed.

And Jaw War is also sure that the invaders must have started.

If it is a barbarian beast, even if all the corpses of those barbarian warriors are eaten, there will still be some traces left, which can be traced.

but no!

After finding a few suspicious points, Jaw War must be the actions of those invaders from the ancient sanctuary.

Because only those invaders from the ancient sanctuary would have a certain interest in the corpses of their barbarian warriors, and after killing them, they would take them away.

This makes Jaw War very angry!

There are two places that make him angry.

One is that, in the eyes of Jaw War, those weak invaders dare to kill their barbarian warriors. This is simply inexcusable.

Be sure to find out the other party and torture him severely, otherwise he can't let it go.

The second is for those barbarians who died. In the eyes of Jaw War, all invaders were disgusted by their belief in barbaric gods. After entering the barbarian world, their strength was suppressed and became extremely weak.

In the face of such a weak invader, there were still soldiers killed, not one or two, but seventy or eighty.

How can this keep him from feeling angry?

Too useless!

But after all, those barbarian warriors were already dead, and Jaw War could not spread the anger on them.

But for the murderer who killed them, Jaw War is inexcusable.

Jaw Zhan immediately gave orders to all the teams he led.

At all costs, we must find out the heinous murderer who killed their barbarian warriors and avenge the dead warriors.

But soon something that made Jaw Zhan more angry happened, that is, he couldn't contact his brother Jaw.

He couldn't even contact the two middle fighters who protected his brother's jaws.

Although there is a glimmer of hope in Jaizhan's heart, in fact, what he knows more clearly in his heart is that his younger brother Jawkan is probably the same as those of the barbarian warriors.

This made Jaw Wars even more angry, and even hesitated to speak to other teams.

Just look for the murderer who killed their Jaw warriors, or even his brother Jaw, and he will come up with an inferior savage fruit as a reward.

The inferior savage fruit is the savage fruit that Qin Shaofeng encountered before taking the gibbon white ape king.

Don't even think of it as an inferior savage fruit, but even in the world of savage beasts, this savage fruit is extremely rare, and every savage fruit is an incomparable treasure to a barbarian warrior.

Because even if it's just a low-level savage fruit, it can help a low-level soldier increase the realm of at least three savage patterns.

Under normal circumstances, some low-level barbarian warriors with seven or more barbaric patterns can break through to the middle-level warrior level with a low-level barbarian **** fruit.

This inferior savage divine fruit was originally prepared by Jaw War for his brother Jaw, when he broke through the realm of the middle warrior.

But now this one has been used a lot!

However, this time all the units sent by the Jaw War tribe were a bit sensational because of the generous shot of Jaw War.

Although the inferior savage fruit has no effect on the upper barbarian warriors, it can also help the lower warriors to break through to the middle warrior. The value in the barbarian world is not low.

Even its value can be exchanged for some items that allow low-level upper barbarian warriors to add one or two barbarian patterns.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the jaw he killed had such an identity.

No way, when Qin Shaofeng cared about demonizing and interrogating those barbarians, he didn't pay attention to this point!


Two days later, after Qin Shaofeng once again solved a barbarian team, he finally decided to stop.

Because in this short period of three or four days, Qin Shaofeng had already hunted, more than three hundred barbarian warriors.

This is already an astonishing number. If it weren't for the next one or two days, Qin Shaofeng would gradually leave the area under the responsibility of Jaw War, and it would be the barbarians of another squad who were hunting down.

Then a small team loses more than 300 soldiers, which is definitely a big deal for the Jaw tribe in this line.

But because the two teams shared the three hundred soldiers equally, and the action of Jaw Fight, other teams knew that Jaw Fight had lost a lot of people, which actually delayed the sensation.

Of course Qin Shaofeng still wanted to continue hunting and killing the barbarians, because he had already hunted so many. According to this situation, I am afraid that it won't take long for him to hunt down the barbarian warriors and other barbarian warriors will know about it.

In that way, the hunt for him would be a little troublesome.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know it, because he killed Jaw Pass, which made Jaw Zhan a little angry, some forgot the purpose of this trip, and the main thing was to investigate.

After being unable to find the murderer who killed his brother, the Jaw War started to massacre the players who entered the ancient sanctuary on a large scale.

This has caused many players to know the existence of barbarians.

Because of this, the teams of other players and the warriors of the Jaw tribe have launched a lot of battles.

Both parties have losses!

Although the team on the side of the ancient sanctuary suffered more serious losses.

But the teams that entered the ancient sanctuary were basically relatively large in number, occupying an absolute advantage.

Therefore, even if the strength is not enough, the warriors of the Jaw War Tribe also suffered losses in the end.

At this time, the other players also knew that the points obtained by killing the barbarian warriors were far more than the points obtained by killing the barbarian world.

At the same time, many people also understood why Qin Shaofeng's performance increased so many points at once.

Of course, now, Qin Shaofeng has even more points.

With hundreds of jaw warriors, on average, everyone can be regarded as the realm of five or six barbarians. This means that after hunting hundreds of barbarians, Qin Shaofeng's points have increased by several million points.

This also made Qin Shaofeng on the ranking list, not only finally entered the top 100, but also directly soared to the top 50.

However, after discovering that hunting barbarians can get more points, many teams started hunting barbarians.

Unknowingly, many players' initial goals to kill Brutal Beasts have changed.

From killing barbarians to killing barbarians!

The reason why Qin Shaofeng stopped now was not for other reasons, but he discovered that even if it was put in his storage space, after the barbarians died, starting from the third day, the savage patterns on their bodies would begin to dim. stand up.

By the fourth day, the phenomenon began to slowly dissipate.

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to waste it. Naturally, he wanted to find a secluded place for the first time and absorb all the wild patterns of these hundreds of barbarians into refining.

Therefore, after killing the last barbarian warrior of the barbarian warrior squad he encountered this time, Qin Shaofeng tidied up a bit, and left directly to find a secluded place.

Next, he will wholeheartedly absorb and refine the savage patterns on those barbarians, and increase his law of pill.

Not long after Qin Shaofeng opened up, a young man with a strong breath all over his body suddenly appeared and came to this place.

And behind this young man, there are more than a dozen burly men with strong aura.

Without exception, these people are painted all over, with lines of all kinds of shapes!

Needless to say, these people are naturally barbarian warriors.

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