Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1442: Reaction of all parties

Chapter 1442

In a place hundreds of thousands of miles away from Qin Shaofeng, many people had gathered around Jazhan at this moment.

After Yin Fei also lost contact, Jaw Zhan finally felt that something was wrong.

Of course, the most important thing is Jaw War. I have realized that because of my own sake, I have already caused a lot of losses in this investigation.

Even this time, the person in charge sent by the Jaw Tribe, a high-ranking warrior with forty barbaric patterns, was actually killed.

Of course, this warrior with jaws didn't die by Qin Shaofeng's hands, but the opponent encountered the Demon Prince, and the Demon Prince was forced to use a large amount of brutal beast blood, and the blood evil formation formed by it was consumed to death.

Although the blood evil formation of the demon prince did not have the support of **** marks in this brutal beast world, its power was greatly reduced.

But because the blood of brutal beasts and a few barbaric warriors was condensed and formed, the blood evil formation formed by the demon prince in this brutal beast world was not low in power.

After the death of the person in charge, the Jaw tribe sent out this time, and there were not a few high-ranking fighters belonging to the Yi tribe.

Unfortunately, Jaw War is considered to be a relatively high status among the remaining Jaw tribe warriors. For a while, he has temporarily become the person in charge of this operation.

Therefore, Jaw War began to gather the remaining people.

Seeing people are almost there, Jaw Zhan suddenly said: "You should know the purpose of my calling you here, right?"

But no one replied, and even many barbarian warriors looked at Jaw Zhan with a hint of coldness.

The barbarian warriors present were not all members of the Jaw tribe, but most of them belonged to the small tribes attached to the Jaw tribe.

This time, because of Jaw Warfare's reckless behavior, it led to a battle with the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary, causing considerable losses to all the tribes present.

They are not a Jaw tribe, even if they lose 50 or 60 high-ranking fighters, they can still bear it.

But for these tribes, the number of high-ranking warriors in a tribe is at most a dozen or twenty, and as many as thirty or fifty.

It takes a long time to lose one or two.

Now that the Jaw War is in such a mess, each tribe has lost three or five high-ranking fighters, among which there are more middle-ranking fighters and lower-ranking fighters.

Under such circumstances, how could they still have a good face in the face-to-face war.

But Jaw Zhan didn't care. Perhaps in the eyes of others, he was caught in frantic revenge because of his brother's killing.

But how could other people know that even though his brother Jaw was killed, he was really angry in his heart, and he wanted to take the murderer alive.

But even so, he would not lose his wisdom, so that this reconnaissance mission became a direct battle with the invaders from the ancient sanctuary.

He didn't want to be such a mindless person, and the reason he behaved like this was because he had received orders.

In fact, in the investigation team sent this time, those high-ranking fighters belonging to the Jaw tribe tribe all received a secret order.

That is to make this matter a complete disturbance.

This command came from Jawman, although Jawman was the main battle idea from the beginning, but not all the high-level members of the Jaw tribe.

In Jaw tribes, Jawmans are not always talking, because in Jaw tribes there are still many seniors, some of whom are highly respected and powerful, but they have many supporters.

Although these older generation masters will not affect Jawman's leadership status, if there is a disagreement with Jawman on a certain matter, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, Jawman had a plan. First, because of the large number of invaders that appeared in the ancient sanctuary, he directly sent a team of tens of thousands of fighters.

Then, think of a way for the investigating team to start a head-on battle with the invaders, and an increasingly sensational battle erupts.

In this way, if he sends a large number of fighters again, Chiman believes that those senior masters will definitely not stop him.

In fact, it was true. When Jawman sent a large number of fighters again, he learned that the investigating team had been killed a lot by intruders from the ancient sanctuary, and the senior master Anxi was also angry.

Therefore, after the leader Jawman sent troops again, and sent a large number of soldiers, they had no opinion.

Jaw Zhan also received this order in advance, and only after his brother was killed, so many things happened.

If not, he might not be so crazy.

At this moment, after seeing the faces of these people around, Jaw Zhan gently smiled and said: "I know what everyone is thinking, but what I want to say is that now my Jaw tribe has sent more and more powerful teams. Come to support us! So..."

After a slight pause, the corners of the jaws and mouth curled up: "I don't need to explain the next thing, right?"

None of the barbarian warriors present were fools. Since Jaw Warfare was so obvious, then how could they not understand that this time their little tribes might have made a bait.

But in the face of such a situation, they really have no way to resist.

The other party is the Yan tribe. The objects of their small tribes, resist or something, let it go!

Upon seeing this, Jaw Zhan smiled in satisfaction, because he knew that from now on, these people would definitely not resist the orders they gave them.

Then in the next time, what he has to do is not to fight with the invaders of the ancient sanctuary.

As long as he persisted, after the arrival of their Jaw tribe tribe, it would be enough.

Of course, before that, Jaw Zhan still intends to do everything possible to find out the murderer who killed his brother Jaw.

But what Jaw War didn't know was that at the same time, there were some situations on the side of the ancient sanctuary.

In the forest somewhere, several players are gathering at this moment.

And these players are basically people with high points, even those with a lot of status and status in the ancient sanctuary.

Among them, the prince of the spirit and the prince of the devil, as well as the prince of the demon **** palace, and the young master of the unicorn are all within it.

And this time they gathered together, but each represented a force.

Lord Ling represents the ancient sanctuary. Needless to say, the demon prince represents the ancient demons. The prince of the demon **** palace and the young master of the Qilin naturally represent the demon palace and the **** beast.

In addition to the four of them, there was also a masked woman in lavender clothes.

No one knew her name for this woman, and everyone who knew her called her Ziyan Huofeng.

Because the power of the other party's law is extremely special, it seems to be some kind of extreme mysterious fire law, the color is purple, and it is displayed like a fire phoenix in the world.

Moreover, this kind of extreme profound fire is very powerful and domineering, and can transform the power of the law it has cultivated into that specific profound fire law.

This is also the case in the ancient sanctuary. Although it is possible to cultivate the power of the original law of various attributes at the same time, if one of the laws is strong, it can completely transform the power of the other attributes into the most powerful The power of strong laws.

Only practice one source of law!

This seems to be very weak, but once the power of the law that you have is a certain ultimate power, then the power of the law that you cultivate is very scary.

In fact, in this respect, the Demon Prince is also the case.

The demon prince has a very special physique and spiritual roots, and can also cultivate a large number of attributes of the power of the law, but in the end he will cultivate the power of the various attributes of the law, completely transformed the unique power of the magic family— -The Law of Magic!

The Law of Demon is a unique rule of the ancient demon clan demon family. Although it is only a single attribute rule, its power is far superior to the power of dozens of other laws, even hundreds of laws.

Therefore, even though the opponent is a woman, the other Tianjiao present did not underestimate each other.

And this purple-clothed woman is the representative of Liuli Palace.

Since then, the seven powers of the ancient sanctuary have gathered five of them here to represent the beasts.

As for the remaining two two halls and three sects of the seven forces of the ancient sanctuary, as well as the representatives of the Star God Temple, none of them appeared here.

The Star God Temple’s words were too mysterious because of the situation in the Star God Temple. Even in the comparison of entering the brutal beast world this time, the Star God Temple didn’t know if anyone had participated.

As for the words of the two halls and three sects, it is a pity that they were not favored by Master Ling and others.

Because in the eyes of escape, the two halls and three sects are completely a group of mobs, if there is no existence of the Baidi, I am afraid that it can not be regarded as the seven powers.

Without even the Emperor Bai, I am afraid that the Two Halls and Three Sects will disintegrate immediately, and they can no longer be counted as one of the seven powers.

Except for the seven powers, those other powers can't enter the eyes of the spirit prince and the demon prince, so naturally they don't need it.

"Master Ling, why did you call us?" The Prince Demon God Palace suddenly asked.

The person who asked them to gather here this time was the spirit son of the spirit race. Although the Prince of the Demon God Palace had some guesses in his heart, he still asked.

"Heh, Prince Demon God, I'm calling you over. Actually, you know a little bit about what happened!" Young Master Ling smiled slightly.

"Huh, don't be sloppy, don't you just gather and deal with those barbarians?"

As soon as Young Master Ling's voice fell, the Demon Prince said with some disdain.

After this period of time, fighting with the barbarians, the Ancient Sanctuary not only knew about the existence of the barbarians, but also a lot of information.

Seeing that the demon prince did not give himself face so much, the spirit prince was not angry, but smiled and said: "Since everyone knows, then I won't say much. The reason for calling you here this time is to cooperate! "


For this word, it was said from the spirit son Tianjiao, but it surprised all the people present.

Because everyone knows that this son of spirit is very arrogant. He has always looked down on other people. Now he actually says to cooperate. Isn't this surprising?

"Hahaha, I didn't expect your son to speak of cooperation one day!"

The devil prince laughed loudly, but soon he turned his head and said coldly: "However, cooperation is fine, the other side barbarians, my devil prince will not cooperate with you!"

After that, the devil prince turned around and planned to leave.

Young Master Ling is indeed arrogant, but this Demon Prince is even more so. He came here because he thought Young Master Ling was going to exchange information about the barbarians with him!

But I didn't expect that it was just a matter of letting them work together.

This disappointed him?

Because from beginning to end, he never thought of cooperating with other forces and going to the other barbarians.

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