Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1443: Thirty thousand pill of law

Chapter 1443 The Pill of Thirty Thousand Rules

"The devil prince, don't leave in a hurry!"

Seeing the demon prince, he planned to leave, but the spirit prince suddenly called the other party.


The demon prince frowned, and said coldly: "What? Isn't what I said clearly enough? It's impossible to cooperate!"

The devil prince did not think of cooperation or something.

Because in a hunt for a barbarian, after the demon prince swallowed the corpse of a barbarian with a blood evil array, to be precise, after swallowing the savage patterns on the opponent's body, the demon prince accidentally discovered that the brutal patterns on the barbarian's body It is absorbed and refined.

Therefore, in the eyes of the demon prince, the savage patterns on the barbarians are like the patterns of the supreme dominator that can be absorbed.

By absorbing wild patterns to improve one's realm, that speed is fast.

The demon prince is confident that if he continues at this speed, it will not take long for him to reach the realm of the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao and obtain the title of emperor.

Therefore, when Lord Ling talked about cooperation, the first thought in the heart of the Demon Prince was opposition.

He was afraid that after cooperating with Master Ling and others, he would also be aware of the benefits of the brutal patterns on the barbarians.

The higher the realm, the greater the strength of the law needed to promote the pattern of a great avenue.

Although it is a very quick shortcut to absorb the wild patterns on the barbarian.

But for the moment, the power of the law contained in the brutal patterns on the barbarian warriors who appeared was too little for the demon prince.

The team he led, and all the barbarian warriors that he killed, had been absorbed by all the brutal patterns on his body by himself, but even so, he had only raised the realm of several avenue patterns.

In the eyes of the demon prince, the savage patterns of the barbarian warriors that were killed were a bit reluctant to satisfy him alone, let alone share it with other people.

But at this moment, the spirit son seemed to see through the thoughts in the devil prince’s heart, smiled slightly, and regardless of the surprise in the devil prince’s eyes, he directly said: "The devil prince, the reason you are not planning to cooperate with us is probably because you are worried about hunting. The barbarians, the brutal patterns on the opponent's body are not enough for you to absorb, right?"


The demon prince was shocked when Ling Gongzi suddenly said such words, and subconsciously said, "You know?"

"Of course I do!"

Young Master Ling smiled softly and said: "In fact, I have long discovered that the savage patterns on those barbarians are the best tonic for us ancient sanctuary cultivators to absorb and refine and improve the realm of the pattern of the Dao!"

I not only discovered it a long time ago, but I also know the drawbacks of absorbing these wild lines.

Of course, this sentence was just secretly muttered in Young Master Ling's heart, and did not say it.

In fact, no one knew that the Spirit Race was the first to discover the Barbarian Beast Realm in the Ancient Sanctuary, and that there was a barbarian power in the Barbarian Beast Realm.

Therefore, for the understanding of the barbarians, the spirits are very detailed.

Savage patterns can be absorbed, this, as the most outstanding genius of the spirit race, the spirit master naturally knows.

The most important thing is that I don't know much at all. This is not the first time that Young Master Ling has entered the barbaric world, and it is not the first time he has come into contact with the barbarians.

Among the few people present, the one who knows the barbarians best is probably none other than the spirit master.

But this situation, the devil prince and others did not know.

Even the demon **** prince and the young master Qilin didn't know that the wild patterns on the barbarians could be absorbed, and the spirit master said this, but he was very surprised.

Suddenly, the two asked Lord Ling for more detailed information about the barbarian pattern, and Lord Ling did not refuse to come, and they answered a lot of questions about the barbarian tattoo.

The demon prince had the intention to stop, but in the end after thinking about it, he still didn't.

For one thing, he really couldn't stop the son of Ling. Secondly, if he prevented the son of Ling from explaining to the demon **** prince and the young master of Qilin at this moment, it would cause hostility between the two, which would be very unfavorable for their ancient demons. Up.

However, after this time, the devil prince did not intend to leave.

This is the end of the matter. If you leave again, I am afraid that it is not a wise choice. At the very least, Young Master Ling has to evaluate how to cooperate and then make a decision.

After degrading the barbaric patterns, Lord Ling spoke again: "Now everyone understands the importance of barbaric patterns, so we suggest that everyone act together to hunt those barbaric warriors. As for..."

After a slight pause, Lord Ling looked at the demon prince and smiled slightly: "As for the worry that the wild patterns are not distributed enough, you don’t need to worry, because I have obtained a very important situation, that is, the jaw tribe of the barbarian tribe. Yes, send more barbarian warriors, the number is estimated to be tens of thousands or tens of thousands, or even more!"


When Young Master Ling gave out such an information, everyone else was startled, even the Demon Prince was surprised.

The strength of the barbarian warriors is obvious to all.

It's not that the barbarian warriors are all powerful and terrifying, but the key is that they are all in the barbarian beast realm, their realm is suppressed by the barbarian beast realm, and the combat power they exert is only part of themselves.

If the number is small, the demon prince is confident that he can hunt the barbarians with his team and his own blood evil formation.

But if the quantity is too much, it will be a little troublesome, and it may even be dangerous.

The demon prince did not doubt the truth or falsehood of Lord Ling's words, because he knew that as Lord Ling, he would not lie in this regard.

And he also understood why the other party asked them to cooperate.

Because in the face of such a situation, I am afraid that no one party can easily cope with the past.

Upon seeing this, Master Ling knew that the cooperation had been finalized.

In the ensuing time, several people followed the interests of cooperation and launched a series of discussions.

At the same time, Jaw War also began to act.

After completely obtaining the leadership of the team this time, Jaw Wars immediately began to investigate who among the invaders killed his brother.

For a time, a large number of players from the ancient sanctuary encountered the team led by Jaw War, and they were all killed.

Among the barbarians, because they can use the power of the law, and then because of the power of the law they use, it is the law of the barbarian world.

Therefore, it is very easy for the barbarians to directly block the jade charms of all the players, the ability to transport them back to the Nirvana Realm of the Ancient Sanctuary.

This is why, once the players of the ancient sanctuary, after encountering the barbarians, they all chose to fight to the death if they could not escape.

If you can't send it out, and you can't escape, you can only choose to fight to death.

In the beginning, Jaw Warfare's plan went smoothly, and he killed many players from the ancient sanctuary.

However, when Lord Ling and Demon Prince and others finalized the cooperation plan, Jaw Wars and the others suffered.

Jaw Wars, their team of tens of thousands of fighters, has actually lost half of it so far, although this loss of half of its combat power allowed them to kill more ancient sanctuary players.

However, in the case of losing more than half, the overall strength of Jaws has also dropped a lot.

And under such circumstances, it was destined to be a tragedy to be targeted by Master Ling and others.

Even if there were only four thousand soldiers left, the combat power of Jaw Warfare was still very strong.

But the problem is that after the cooperation of Lord Ling and others, it is the cooperation of the five major forces of the ancient sanctuary.

Whether it is the number or the strength, it has been greatly improved.

And the most important point is that under the proposal of Master Ling, the members of the team led by them have begun to absorb the wild patterns.

This is because Young Master Ling told the Demon Prince and the others that as long as it absorbs some of the power of the brutal patterns on the barbarians, it will enable them, the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary, to use some of the power of the law in this barbaric world.

Under normal circumstances, the brutal pattern on a lower soldier can allow ten people with supreme dominating realm to use the power of one-tenth of the law of the pattern of a great road after being absorbed together.

Although it was only one-tenth, it was much stronger than the previous state where there was no power to use the law.

And most importantly, they are large in number, even if they can only use the power of some laws, once a large number of people form an attack formation, then when they kill the barbarian warriors, they will be more powerful.

It is precisely because of this that in the following time, the team of four to five thousand barbarian warriors brought by Jaw Wars was slaughtered by the spirit master and their combined team.

Faced with such a situation, Jaw Zhan could only choose to retreat while fighting, and was completely at a disadvantage.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng, who was in retreat, also began to try to cultivate the barbaric skills of the barbarians.

After absorbing and refining all the brutal patterns on the bodies of all the barbarians killed, Qin Shaofeng began to practice the barbaric skills of the barbarians.

This is already the third day Qin Shaofeng has killed Yin Fei, which means that Qin Shaofeng spent three days to absorb the brutal patterns on Yan Fei and other barbarian warriors.

In fact, this was beyond Qin Shaofeng’s expectation. Originally, Qin Shaofeng thought he would be able to do these things in only three days, but because the fighters of the Yan tribe and others have reached the realm of a median warrior. .

And the higher the state of the barbarian, the more powerful the law power contained in the barbaric patterns on its body.

The savage patterns on the middle fighter and the lower fighter contained a considerable gap in the power of the law.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng absorbed more than fifteen thousand pill of the laws of the world in his body because of the absorption of wild lines.

Then, because of the arrangement of the Thousand-Star Dao Formation, Qin Shaofeng's realm has reached the realm of the pattern of fifteen avenues, which is equivalent to the realm of the mid-term dual supreme ruler.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng hunted even more barbarian warriors, there were more than 200, of which more than 30 reached the level of the middle warrior, and among them was Ji Fei who was close to the upper warrior. .

Of course, this is due to Na Fei, if the other party had not brought the dozens of mid-level fighters from the Yen tribe to the door, Qin Shaofeng would not have been able to look for so many mid-level fighters for a while.

And I'm afraid that even if it is found, it will probably be a group of barbarians, and Qin Shaofeng will not have the opportunity to hunt.

Well, thanks to Yin Fei!

In this way, Qin Shaofeng absorbed the savage patterns on these barbarian warriors, and the pill of law in that body was even more.

Thirty thousand!

That's right, Qin Shaofeng's power of law now has reached the mark of 30,000.

This has doubled the number before.

This means that Qin Shaofeng has now arranged thirty thousand-star Dao formations with the pill of thirty thousand laws, which is considered to have reached the state of the peak of the triple supreme dominance.

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