Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1447: Was found

Once the gold-clad ladybug of the Jaw tribe is killed, the female worm will know it for the first time.

And once the golden beetle is killed, the person who kills the golden beetle will leave a trace of breath that only the golden beetle can sense.

In this way, as long as the person who has the parasite of the golden armour ladybug can actually track the killer.

Of course, if you don’t know about the golden beetle, or you don’t have the order of the golden beetle's mother, it can't be tracked.

As the youngest son of the leader of the Jaw tribe, and a son of great talent, Jaw Kuan naturally knows the situation of the golden ladybug.

At the same time, there is also a golden beetle in the body of the jaw, and the golden beetle used to track Qin Shaofeng this time is another golden beetle obtained from the female insect by the jaw.

And not only Jawkuan, some absolutely loyal Jaw tribe warriors who walked with him, they can also look for Qin Shaofeng's trace through the golden ladybug in their body.

Although the leader of the large army sent by Jawman is Jakuang, the person in charge of leading the army is actually someone else.

Although Chikuang had a good talent, he was young and had little experience, unable to lead a large number of barbarian warriors in battle.

Therefore, there are also some high-ranking fighters who are very good at fighting in many Jaw tribes.

Coming here, while meeting with Jaw War, Jaw Kuan let the upper soldiers lead in batches, and the large troops sent this time went to fight with the practitioners of the ancient sanctuary.

And he himself was with a team of twenty or thirty people, planning to track Qin Shaofeng, and even the high-ranking fighters holding the golden armor ladybugs had been sent out by Jawkuang.

Suddenly, at this moment, a figure rushed and fell directly in front of Chikui.

"Master Kui, I found it!"

As soon as the person appeared, he immediately replied respectfully to the jaw.

This person was naturally sent out by Jakuang to look for Qin Shaofeng's subordinates.

Although he is his own hand, this Jaw tribe warrior, who was born in Jaw tribe, is absolutely loyal to Jaw Kuan’s father, Jawman, and knows some basic information about the golden ladybug.

Moreover, the opponent is still very good at using the golden ladybug to find fighters who kill the golden ladybug and its parasites.

found it?

Jaw Kuan's eyes lit up, and a gleam of light flashed across his face: "Have you confirmed the identity of the other party?"

"I'm sure!" The high-ranking soldier said affirmatively, "Although we have no contact with the other party in order not to let the other party notice, and we are still very far apart, after a few golden ladybugs have confirmed, it must be that Qin Shaofeng The breath is undoubtedly!"

Finally found!

The words of the high-ranking soldier made the corners of his jaw and mouth slightly tilted.

Since it was confirmed by several golden beetles together, then this matter is probably correct.

"Very good, then let's go!"

After striding across the footsteps, Chikuang screamed and ran away.

When the others saw it, they followed, and a group of more than 20 or 30 high-ranking fighters, including Jaw War, chased Qin Shaofeng in a mighty manner.


Somewhere in the high-risk area of ​​the Brutal Beast Realm, Qin Shaofeng, who was finishing the solution of six or seven Jaw Tribe warriors, and preparing to go to the next destination, suddenly seemed to sense something.


this is?

After collecting the body of the last Jaw tribe warrior, Qin Shaofeng suddenly paused, as if he had noticed something, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked into the distance.

Far away, Qin Shaofeng sensed the breath of some barbarian warriors.

At this moment, the pike, who had been quietly sitting on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, suddenly squeaked.

"Huh? Is it the breath of Jaw War?"

Squirrel told Qin Shaofeng that there was a familiar aura among the barbarian warriors rushing to this place from far away, that was Jaw War.

Is the team led by Jaw War, huh?

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, as if he saw that there would be something to gain again.

But then it seemed that Qin Shaofeng's brow wrinkled slightly. A trace of puzzlement appeared on his face.

"its not right!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

Because according to the information he got, the jaw battle he knew was the realm of a high-ranking warrior, but it seemed to be the realm of thirty-six savage patterns.

And under the current circumstances, Jaw War is already the most powerful warrior of those Jaw tribe warriors left.

But now the twenty or thirty barbarian warriors who are rushing in the distance, what Qin Shaofeng feels, are all high-ranking fighters, and the lowest high-ranking warrior among them all possesses the state of thirty-two barbarian patterns.

Even the highest among them has reached the realm of fifty wild patterns.

This situation is a little different from what Qin Shaofeng thought.

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng asked the squirrel on his shoulders: "Little guy, how many people are there and what are their cultivation bases?"

Because of the long distance, Qin Shaofeng couldn't detect it with his spiritual sense, at most he could only sense a general situation, and the specific situation can only look forward to the scenting ability of the pike.

This pity beast has a very strong sense of smell, and it can smell the realm of any barbarian warrior from a very far place.


But the answer from the Pokemon made Qin Shaofeng a big jump.

Because the squirrel told Qin Shaofeng that the barbarian warriors who were running towards him in the distance were not only high-ranking fighters, but also thirty-eight high-ranking fighters, whose realm was above the state of thirty-two barbaric patterns.

Among them, there are more than 40 high-ranking fighters in the realm of barbaric patterns, and there are also more than ten people, and the strongest person has reached the realm of fifty barbarous patterns just as Qin Shaofeng sensed.

And the squirrel also knows the identity of the opponent!

Although the Pinch has not seen many high-ranking warriors of the Jaw tribe, when he was with Yu Fei before, the Pinch had seen Jaw, so it smelled the breath of Jaw.


The squat beast squeaked quickly, telling Qin Shaofeng the condition of his jaws, and it screamed very quickly.

The sage of this pity is not low, even higher than the sage of the long-armed white ape king Qin Shaofeng had encountered before, so it is very clear and powerful.

Its hurried cry at this moment was warning Qin Shaofeng, the new master.

"Zhikuan? Jawbarb boy?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, a little surprised by this situation.

Qin Shaofeng knew about the situation of Jawkuan, and the other party had some general information.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng understood, I am afraid that the large force supported by the Jaw Tribe has already arrived here.

Even though Qin Shaofeng was mentally prepared, the situation before him made Qin Shaofeng depressed.

Qin Shaofeng had prepared most of the support in advance, but at this moment, as soon as the large force of the Jaw Tribe appeared, it was not what Qin Shaofeng wanted to let himself meet such a team.

And even if it was the current Qin Shaofeng, he asked himself that he was a little reluctant to meet the team led by this jaw.

Jaw Kuan did not mention it, the realm of fifty savage patterns, and the power of the law that the opponent could use, reached at least forty savage patterns.

With such strength, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, but it is impossible to win the opponent in a short time, and this is not a single person soon, the team he brings are all elite Jaw tribe warriors!

Sister, heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. The team led by this jawkuan is too strong, it must not be beaten, but it’s always okay to run on your own?

When I thought of the attack by so many powerful barbarian fighters, no matter how confident Qin Shaofeng was in his own strength, he would never think that he could beat so many people.

Knowing that he couldn't beat it, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his face, so he thought of fleeing directly in his heart.

But Qin Shaofeng's face changed drastically soon, making him extremely ugly.

Because just when Qin Shaofeng was about to flee, he immediately noticed that a few wisps of Ruoyuowu breath had actually locked him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that this was another ability of the golden ladybug of the Jaw tribe.

When tracking down the murderer who killed the Golden Armor Ladybug, as long as he is close enough to the opponent, it is possible to directly lock the opponent's breath.

And once locked, such a lock is difficult to break.

Even if Qin Shaofeng is now a long way away from Zhikuang and the others, he can't get rid of this kind of air lock.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know the existence of the Golden Armor Ladybug, Qin Shaofeng was not unfamiliar with this kind of aura lock, because there were many such secret techniques in the ancient sanctuary.

What's more terrible is that Qin Shaofeng also discovered that even if he could already use a lot of powers of gods and demons in this brutal beast world, he still couldn't get rid of the lock of this kind of energy.

The only way is to temper with God's Pill Fire.

But it takes time, but it is clear that Qin Shaofeng knows that Jakuang, who is in the distance, will not give him this time.

This situation is not good news for Qin Shaofeng.

This escape must be impossible to escape for a while!

However, Qin Shaofeng soon calmed down.

Since I can't escape, then I won't escape!

Looking up somewhere in front of him, Qin Shaofeng had clearly seen the figure of the jaw at this moment.

And soon, with a flash of huh, that jaw was already in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw that jaw-kuan figure fell not far away.


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng's heart instantly became extremely vigilant.

"Hahaha, little thief Qin Shaofeng, he has finally found you, so let's get rid of it!"

After landing, Na Chikuang laughed loudly.

At the same time, the tribal warriors of the Breath Jaw tribe that he led all fell behind him.


The jaws of laughter did not make Qin Shaofeng feel any disgust, because the moment the other party called out his name, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Does this jaw know who I am?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and felt extremely puzzled, but now that the other party had appeared in front of him, Qin Shaofeng knew it was not the time to think about these things.

Because no matter how the other party knows his name, it doesn't matter now.

The important thing now is how to get through this challenge.


Ignoring Jawkuan's frantic laughter, Qin Shaofeng asked instead.

There was a sudden burst of laughter, and this time it was his turn to be surprised in his heart.

Obviously, Jikuang was surprised that Qin Shaofeng knew about himself, but he didn't care.

"Yes, you know me, Qin Shaofeng, you are not easy!"

Chikui nodded slightly and looked at Qin Shaofeng with admiration, but soon he sneered again.

"Since you know who I am, then what are you waiting for?

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