Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1448: Battle Jaw

Chapter 1448

"Catch with nothing?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, showing a trace of disdain when he heard the laughter of Jakuang.

"I've heard things like this many times. Not long ago, someone named Yan Fei said exactly the same things as you. But after all, I'm still alive and well. As for those who say such things The people, including that but not Ke, are all dead!"

If you lose, you don't lose.

Although this jaw-kuan combat power is very good, the team he leads is also very powerful.

But Qin Shaofeng would not show weakness at the beginning.

If it was normal, if someone dared to say such a thing to himself, the jaw would slap the opponent directly and kill him directly.

What is his identity, the young man of the Jaw tribe leader, Jawbarb, with a supernatural talent, who would dare to talk to him like this in ordinary days?

But now when he thought of the intruder called Qin Shaofeng, he didn't care about some special circumstances.

Because both Jaw and Yan Fei had golden beetles in their bodies, Qin Shaofeng killed the two one after another, and the golden beetles in the two people also gave feedback to the female insects. Some information about Qin Shaofeng’s killer Up.

This was only a few days before and after, but it was these few days that some high-level members of the Jaw tribe noticed, and even Jawman knew about the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is very simple. This is because before and after Qin Shaofeng killed Jaw and Yan Fei, there was a huge gap in the power of the law he could explode.

The information that the golden ladybirds feed back to the female insects, but told the high level of the Jaw tribe.

When slaying the jaws, this Qin Shaofeng was just the power of the law that could burst out a realm of dao patterns.

But only a few days later, when Qin Shaofeng killed Qi Fei, the power of the law he could burst out actually reached the realm of the Five Dao Dao Patterns.

And the most important thing is that this is the power of the law of the Daowen Realm, not the power of the law of the Savage Weave Realm.

This is a big difference.

Although I don’t want to admit it, all the barbarians are very clear in their hearts. Under the same circumstances, generally speaking, their warriors in the barbaric world, a barbaric pattern possesses the power of the law, absolutely not the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary. There are many laws in the realm of the pattern of the avenue.

Only less, no more!

That's right, perhaps some barbaric genius fighters, such as geniuses like Jakuang, have the power of the law of that barbaric pattern realm definitely more than that of the supreme ruler of the ancient sanctuary of the same realm.

But this is only referring to the general supreme ruler, if you compare it with the gods like Lingzi, let alone a brutal pattern.

The jaw-kuang is probably the power of the laws possessed by the three or five savage patterns, which is not as powerful as the law of the pattern of the Great Master Ling.

Therefore, knowing that Qin Shaofeng could explode a pattern of avenues and all the power of the laws contained, those high-level Jaw Tribes were shocked.

Even if it was the supreme master who had been in the brutal beast world for three to five hundred years, it was impossible for him to explode in the brutal beast world with all the power of the laws of his own avenue.

But Qin Shaofeng did it, and the most incredible thing is that in just a few days, he was directly promoted to the five realms by the power of a complete law of the pattern of a great road.

This is amazing.

According to Qin Shaofeng's situation, within the same realm, there is probably no warrior among the barbarians to be his opponent.

Even judging from the power of the law contained in the pattern of the great road, even if it is a barbarian warrior who is two or three realms higher than the opponent, the power of the law in this brutal beast world is definitely not as much as the opponent.

And now it's just Qin Shaofeng alone. Those high-level powerhouses in the Jaw Tribe have no idea what means this intruder named Qin Shaofeng used.

But if the other party informs other intruders of this method, then...

So this is a disaster for the brutal beast world.

That's why, this time the leader who supported the large force was the youngest son of the Jawman tribe leader Jawman.

Because the real mission of Jawkuang was not to fight other invaders from the ancient sanctuary, but to capture Qin Shaofeng in front of him back to the Jaw tribe.

Because the high-level members of the Jaw Tribe tribe wanted to know what methods Qin Shaofeng used to allow him to burst out the power of a complete avenue pattern in their brutal beast world.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this, but to him, that sentence was a joke.

But in his opinion, Qin Shaofeng couldn't escape the palm of his hand at all, and he would definitely be captured by him, and then brought back to the Jaw tribe.

In the end, why is it all a death, now let the other party say a few more words, that's okay?

My jaw is very big!

"Oh, is it?"

Chikuang smiled softly, and didn't care about Qin Shaofeng's fishing area, but looked at Qin Shaofeng and said, "It doesn't matter, no matter what, you Qin Shaofeng can't escape this time. I believe you should also be aware that your qi has been locked. It’s a special treatment for you, just to catch you. So don’t waste everyone’s time, don’t struggle."

It was actually those few golden beetles that locked Qin Shao's spirit.

However, this method of locking the air machine is also a great burden for the golden ladybug. If it takes a long time, it may endanger its life.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know about these things, and he was even more puzzled as to what exactly was locking his energy.

However, Qin Shaofeng remained unmoved, and was not affected by his babble, his face remained calm.

Even the next moment, Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand slightly, and instantly summoned the broad sword of the Xuanwu Battle Armor, directly expressing his attitude.

Catch it?


Let's play!

This did not surprise Jawkuan, if Qin Shaofeng really caught it with his hands, he would be surprised!

Turning his head slightly, Jaw Kuan suddenly spoke to a Jaw Zhan behind him: "Jaw Zhan, give you a chance, you go to Qin Shaofeng to take it."

At the end, Jikuang seemed to think of something, and added another sentence: "Oh, by the way, aren't you going to avenge your brother Jikuan? This Qin Shaofeng is the murderer of your brother!"


It's him?

The Jaw Clan, who had been behind the jaws, suddenly brightened his eyes, and suddenly became extremely red, and his eyes were full of anger.

The intruder named Qin Shaofeng in front of him was the murderer who killed his brother?


Without the slightest hesitation, the Jaws who fell into an angry state violently jumped together, like a hungry eagle rushing to kill Qin Shaofeng, his roar full of anger also sounded in the air.

"Damn intruder, you dare to kill my brother, I won't let you go!"


As he spoke, his whole body shook fiercely, and a frenzy-like aura pressed against Qin Shaofeng overwhelmingly.

Obviously, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was the only one in the eyes of Jaw Wars, and he couldn't wait to kill Qin Shaofeng quickly.

Jaw war?

Hearing the other party's roar, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved. This seems to be the name of that brother Jawkun?

This jaw battle was stronger than the Yan Fei Qin Shaofeng had encountered. After all, compared with Yan Fei, the opponent was not in the realm of a Dzogchen middle-ranked fighter with 30 savage patterns, but a genuine upper-ranking fighter.

Even if it was only 30 barbaric patterns, there was a gap between the 30 barbaric patterns realm.

But there is still a huge gap between the middle-ranking fighters and the upper-ranking fighters.

Let’s put it this way, a barbarian warrior of the middle realm can only use two or three powers of his own 30 barbarian patterns when he has 30 barbarian patterns to reach the perfect state of the middle warrior. Once the opponent is promoted to the upper fighter, the situation is different.

Because once the barbarians reach the realm of a high-ranking warrior, with thirty-one savage patterns on their body, at least ten savage patterns can be used.

Moreover, after being promoted to a high-ranking fighter, the savage patterns condensed again, basically the power of the laws used by them, can increase the power of the laws of the realm of savage patterns.

It was that the jaw battle in front of him not only had 36 savage patterns, but also the power of the law that the opponent could use, but it had reached the realm of 20 savage patterns.

Jaw Zhan also relied on this kind of strength to escape under the besieged by the Tianjiao Alliance such as Young Master Ling.

But for Qin Shaofeng, the strength of this realm was still not enough.

Although Qin Shaofeng could only use the power of the gods and demons from ten of his 30 thousand-star Dao formations.

But the power of the gods and demons possessed by these ten thousand-star Dao formations was much more than the power of the other supreme rules that ruled the realm of the ten Dao Dao Dao dao.

Although this jaw battle can explode the power of more than 20 savage patterns realm, the power of the gods and demons possessed by Qin Shaofeng is replaced by the law of jaw war, which is definitely more than several times.

Therefore, no matter how fierce or angry this Jaw War yelled, it couldn't make up the gap between him and Qin Shaofeng.

He didn't care about the roar of Jaw War, and even Qin Shaofeng was a little impatient. Before the opponent slaughtered him, he just slashed at that Jaw War, and directly slashed out a knife energy.


Jaw Zhan didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng dared to take the initiative to attack himself, a superior fighter, which made him even more angry.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's aura of the power of gods and demons was still only the aura of the realm of several avenues in the eyes of Zhikuang and others.

Nothing to worry about!

"Asshole thing, you dare to resist?"

That jaw was furious, facing the sword energy that Qin Shaofeng slashed out, his hands scratched in the void, he actually wanted to grab the sword energy that Qin Shaofeng had slashed with his own hands?

To be precise, he wanted to chop Qin Shaofeng's sword energy from this, and directly grab it with his hands.


Seeing the action of Jaw War, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, with disdain in his eyes.

The sword energy Qin Shaofeng slashed out was what a high-ranking soldier of the 36-savage pattern realm in your jaw war zone could break into pieces?

The fighters of the barbarians are indeed physically strong, and the upper-level fighters are even more so.

If the body of a barbarian high-ranking warrior can portray the **** pattern of the ancient sanctuary, then the proper one is a master.

But this is the world of brutal beasts, it is impossible to condense and depict the gods of the ancient sanctuary here, and it is even more impossible for the warriors of the barbarian race to depict the gods of the ancient sanctuary on themselves.

and so……




The sword gas flashed, and a scream sounded like a sharp blade breaking meat.

After that, two streams of blood spurted out frantically, and the jaws of war's face fell to the ground with an extremely pale expression, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

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