Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1449: Angry jaw

Chapter 1449: Angry Jaws

One knife, just one knife!

And it's just a blow!

Qin Shaofeng cut off his hands for this jaw battle after a stab of air.

Looking at his severed hands, Jaw Zhan cried out, but soon he fainted.

The sword energy Qin Shaofeng slashed out was not an ordinary sword energy.

Qin Shaofeng was able to attach the fire of the gods to his own attacks when he became more and more proficient in using the fire of the gods created by his own gods and demons.

This made his attacks bring the power of God's Pill Fire.

The seven-star pill fire of the gods and devil pill, but even some four- and five-star defensive masters can easily be refined.

How can it be said that a mere jaw fight can resist?

Even if it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's power to control the fire of the God's Pill, I am afraid that Jaw Zhan would not simply faint now, but directly burned into carbon ashes.

"Useless things are simply a waste!"

Seeing such a scene, Jakuang's face instantly became gloomy.

Although he also felt that Jaw Warfare would not be Qin Shaofeng's opponent, because of the feedback from the golden ladybugs on Jaw and Yan Fei, Jaw Kuan knew that Qin Shaofeng's strength was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

At least a jaw-dropping battle is definitely not the opponent's opponent.

But Jaw Kuan never expected that Jaw War would be defeated like this.

Moreover, it was so ugly to lose, and even the sword energy the opponent slashed could not follow. It was too shameful.

"Come on, whoever captures that Qin Shaofeng, Ben Shao has a lot of rewards!" Chikui whispered angrily.

Although he couldn't wait to take Qin Shaofeng down immediately, there were such Jaw tribe warriors on the scene, and Jaikuang didn't want to just take it.

If he went to capture Qin Shaofeng himself, he would have lost his identity as the youngest son of the leader of the Jaw Tribe.

Because from the perspective of Jikuang, a small invader, even if it is some famous, is not worth his own hands. He can come here already very degrading his status. If it were not for him to be bored in the Jaw tribe, If he is also interested in this Qin Shaofeng, he will never come to catch Qin Shaofeng.

This is too inconsistent with his identity.

Moreover, Jikuang always believed that no matter how powerful Qin Shaofeng was, he would not be able to escape the fate of being taken by him in the end.

Jaw War is not an opponent, that doesn't matter, because among the fighters he brought, there are more fighters stronger than Jaw War, and Jaw War is nothing.

This sentence of Jaw Kuan made the warriors of the Jaw tribe behind him a little excited.

Although Jaikuang himself did not dare to have a temper, he was extremely generous to the subordinates who performed meritorious service. This sentence of great rewards made these fighters move.

Suddenly, there were more than 30 fighters behind Jakuang. Except for a few two or three, the rest of the fighters attacked Qin Shaofeng in a swarm. They were all extremely excited. When they looked at Qin Shaofeng, they seemed to see something. Treasures are average.

But these Jaw tribe warriors in the excitement did not think about a problem.

The opposite Qin Shaofeng could use a stab of stab energy to slap the upper warrior with thirty-six savage patterns in his jaw and cut off his hands directly. How could the opponent's strength be simple?

These Jaw tribe warriors, who can be blinded by greed, didn't think about this at all.

Perhaps in their eyes, Jaw War was done carelessly, and both hands were cut.

Moreover, they are now a group of people, among them there are more than a dozen high-ranking fighters stronger than Jaw War. Under such circumstances, they don't believe that the intruder named Qin Shaofeng in front of them can withstand the power of their group.


This group of Jaw tribe warriors are all high-ranking warriors, and there are thirty-two people.

And most of them are at a higher realm than Jaw War, and the lowest high-ranking fighter also has thirty-two savage patterns. As for the highest-ranking fighters, their realm has reached the realm of forty savage patterns.

Moreover, there are still five high-ranking fighters in this realm.

Therefore, such a team lineup is already very strong.

Even Chikuang is confident, this time Qin Shaofeng must be hard to fly.

However, none of them knew that even with such a lineup, Qin Shaofeng was not an invincible lineup.

Thirty Thousand-Star Dao Arrays are equivalent to the realm with thirty Dao Dao patterns, although Qin Shaofeng can only explode the power of ten thousand-star Dao Arrays in this brutal beast world.

Calculated according to the power of the barbaric warrior's barbaric pattern realm, the power of the gods and demons of Qin Shaofeng's ten thousand star formations is at least equivalent to the power of the 30 barbaric pattern realm laws of the average high-ranking warrior.

Therefore, the thirty-two high-ranking soldiers rushing toward Qin Shaofeng in front of him did not make Qin Shaofeng worried.

Because among the group of people, Qin Shaofeng could feel threatened, except for the jaws, the only remaining high-ranking fighters who were still beside the opponent at the moment.

However, none of the high-ranking soldiers who made Qin Shaofeng felt threatened had moved.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't have a trace of fear, but rather a trace of excitement.

At this moment, in Qin Shaofeng's heart, there was a crazy plan.

If this plan is successful, then the warriors of these Jaw tribe tribes, including Na Jakuang, are likely to be left here in the end!

Although this crazy plan is very dangerous, but...

Qin Shaofeng glanced at that jaw, and Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his eyes showed a cold light.

Very well, this jaw-kuan's character is really arrogant, and he didn't besiege him with other people, and the same is true for the soldiers around him. This feeling is good!

If this is the case, then your own plan can be easier to succeed!


Qin Shaofeng's figure changed into a flash of lightning in an instant. At this moment, he took the initiative to rush towards the group of high-ranking fighters who attacked him.

Upon seeing this, a few people in the distance, especially the jaw, showed disdain at the corners of their mouths.

Qin Shaofeng can't help it anymore, he dare to attack by himself?

Didn't escape?

This is really no brain!

Alas, I thought I had encountered a good invader. After all, the opponent could defeat the jaw war with one move, but now it seems that I think too much.

Chikui sighed softly in his heart, shook his head involuntarily, and then suddenly remembered something.

Wait, in such a situation, don't let Qin Shaofeng be killed by the group of people all at once.

I want to take him back alive!

It seemed that he had thought of this too, and the jaw-kuan frowned slightly, and shouted to the master of the crowd who was about to be in contact with Qin Shaofeng in the distance: "Please pay attention to me, this Qin Shaofeng, Ben Shao wants to live!"

But when he finished speaking, he suddenly heard several screams in the distance.




The sudden screams made Jakuang's brows frowned.

Then, he subconsciously looked up, but his face changed in an instant, becoming extremely difficult to look at again.

I saw that in the distance, among the crowd, a figure kept flashing, extremely agile, dancing among the crowd of high-ranking warriors like an elf.

The knife shines continuously, and the knife is vertical and horizontal.

Immediately after the knife light, the limbs flew horizontally, and flesh and blood flowed in the air.

And every time, there will be a scream before death.

Those sword lights were naturally the sword energy Qin Shaofeng wielded.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was able to explode the power of the gods and demons, and he could use many tricks.

Moreover, although the broad sword of the basalt armor suit refined by Qin Shaofeng did not depict the gods, its sharpness was comparable to a general three- or five-star master.

If this were to add some of the powers of the gods and demons to the operation, the sword skills that were displayed would be even sharper!

It shouldn't be too simple to chop some barbarian warriors who have no precautions, but rely on their own pure physical defenses.

That's all about cutting melons and vegetables.

Therefore, at the moment Chikuang looked up and looked here, he saw that the thirty-two high-ranking soldiers he brought with him were killed by Qin Shaofeng one after another.

Under Qin Shaofeng's hack and slaying, his players were completely helpless.

Damn, how could this be?

His face changed slightly, and there was a burst of anger in his heart.

Although he doesn't care about the life and death of those Jaw tribe warriors, but as the leader, watching the people he brought, he was easily killed by Qin Shaofeng like cutting melons and vegetables. If this spreads out, his jaw will be on his face. Matt.

And besides, these people are all high-ranking fighters after all, even in their Jaw tribe tribe, they can count as some combat power.

If it is still cut and killed by the opponent, the loss is too much, I am afraid it will also cause dissatisfaction with some people in the Jaw tribe.

Although Chikuang is small, he is also very ambitious.

He knew his father's majestic achievements, but because of this, he wanted to inherit everything from his father.

Because, very likely, in the future, he will inherit the leader of the entire barbarian clan-the throne of the barbarian king!

But the same is true for his brothers. If he loses too many fighters this time, even if he wins in the end.

I'm afraid that his brothers will also be put down.

This is not what Jakuang is happy about.

"ZhiDa!"Zhikuang shouted suddenly.

"Subordinates are here!"

Behind Chikuang, a burly man in his thirties stepped forward to answer.

"Go, give it to me, as long as you don't die, Qin Shaofeng will do it with you!"

After seeing that the three of them were hacked and killed by Qin Shaofeng again, Zhikuang finally couldn't help it, and shouted at Jauda beside him.

Jadah, one of Jawkuang's loyal subordinates, a high-ranking warrior, has the same realm as Jawkuang, with fifty savage patterns, and even the power of the law that the opponent can use has exceeded forty savage patterns.

This Jadah is a warrior of the Jawkuan mother clan, and is also a born Jaw tribe, the very center of the Jawkuang.

Originally, Jaida would not be interested in an intruder in a small area, but after seeing Qin Shaofeng's performance, he finally understood that the strength of this intruder called Qin Shaofeng was indeed not simple.

The most important thing is that the broad sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand and the Xuanwu armor on his body have deeply attracted his attention.

It's not that Jauda had never seen the weapons and armors of the ancient sanctuary, but the armor set on Qin Shaofeng's body was very different from the armors he had seen before.

In the eyes of Jaida, Qin Shaofeng can have such strength, and most of the credit for this is because of the suit of armor on his body, and being able to kill the high-ranking fighters on his side so easily is probably because of that. The sword is surprisingly sharp.

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