Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1450: Powerful jaw

Chapter 1450: Powerful Jaw

Really speaking, Jauda didn't think that Qin Shaofeng himself had a strong strength, and the opponent relied on nothing but the armor on his body and the sharp sword in his hand.

In this respect, this is true.

Although the power of the gods and demons was released and Qin Shaofeng's own realm was also improved, the power of Qin Shaofeng's own body in the brutal beast world was still not very strong.

Compared with these barbarians in the Beast World, Qin Shaofeng's physical strength was still quite weak.

But these do not need to be concerned, because Qin Shaofeng has the basalt armor he refined, which can completely make up for these defects.

But it is precisely because of this that this makes Jauda's heart moved.

He fell in love with the battle armor on Qin Shaofeng's body and the sharp knife in his hand.

As soon as he thought that he hadn't had a weapon that was worthy of his hand, Jaida looked at the big knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

How could such a sharp knife and an excellent and powerful armor be used by an intruder?

Such a thing, only he, a powerful Jaw tribe warrior, is qualified to have it!

Letting a mere invader occupy it is a waste of resources!

So as soon as he heard that, after Chikui opened his mouth, Chidana's red eyes burst into flames instantly.

Let me do it?

Just live?

How can I say it, that powerful armor and big sword, is my jaw?

With joy in my heart, Jadah laughed fiercely: "Okay! Since it was Master Kui's order, then my subordinate, Jadah, will do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Jauda took a step directly and charged Qin Shaofeng with his billowing breath.

This made the eyes of the two high-ranking fighters who were similar to them flashed with jealousy.

They naturally saw the broad sword and battle armor in Qin Shaofeng's hand very clearly, they were powerful battle armor and broad sword. .

It's a pity that Jikuang said that, let them understand that those two things have belonged to Jiuda.

As for whether Jauda would be Qin Shaofeng's opponent, these two high-ranking fighters did not have the slightest doubt.

With Jawda's strength, in their opinion, winning Qin Shaofeng was just a matter of speed.

The result is doomed!

"Haha, kid intruder, let this uncle come to meet you!"

With a loud laugh, the jaw came to Qin Shaofeng's side in a blink of an eye, and slammed a punch.

Now that he understood that Qin Shaofeng was holding an astonishingly sharp sword, no matter how reckless he was, he wouldn't use his fists to try the sharpness of that sword.

Therefore, his punch was just a punch in the air, directly blasting a fist with a trace of hot air, like a burning reddish fireball, with an extremely powerful pressure, and blasted towards Qin Shaofeng.

In the savage beast world, after the savage beast reaches the upper realm, the lines of the savage beast pill in the body will appear in various colors.

In fact, this change of color was caused by the barbarian itself, because from a certain aspect, these changes are actually attributes of the barbarian itself.

What kind of attribute, the lines on the wild beast pill, become the color of the corresponding attribute.

The situation of the barbarians is almost the same!

Moreover, once the barbarians reach the moment they have drawn the barbaric patterns and become warriors, they can more or less use the power of the law.

And if it is promoted to the upper warrior realm, because of the power of the law that can be used, at least the realm of ten barbaric patterns can be reached, which is a lot more power than the previous law.

Therefore, the barbarian warriors after this realm can use the attribute attack power.

However, it can be used, but if a good attack erupts, it will take some time to practice.

This is also the reason why the previous Jaw Wars and the subordinates of Jaw Kuan killed by Qin Shaofeng did not explode with the power of attribute laws to attack him.

They can also explode the attack of the power of the attribute law, but the attack of the power of the attribute law that erupts is limited, and the power of the law is extremely consumed, so they did not choose that kind of attack.

But this Jaw Darco is different, because among his fifty wild patterns, more than forty of them can be used.

In this way, attacking with the power of the attribute law is nothing to Jaida.

And judging from the current situation, the power of the law of the jaw is a fire attribute, and it is a relatively powerful attack.

It can be said that this jaw is much stronger than the barbarian warrior Qin Shaofeng encountered before.

Has a decent opponent finally appeared?

Qin Shaofeng realized the power of the jaw da when he rushed towards the sky with anger.

Despite this, Qin Shaofeng was not shocked, he slashed with his hand, and after slashing a high-ranking soldier beside him, he faced the jaw that blasted him.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to be too careless.

This Jaw Da strength is really strong, in fact, the jaw battle strength is also good, if the opponent is not careless from the beginning, Qin Shaofeng will not cut off the opponent's hands so easily.

This is not to mention the Jauda who can burst out the power of the attribute law in front of him.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, brazenly not afraid, shaking his left hand, clenching into a fist, and directly greeted him with a punch.

Fu heavy punch!

Although feeling the punch from the opponent, it didn't use much power.

But that is only relative. With the strength and realm of the jaws in front of him, no matter how careless a blow is, the power that bursts out is extremely difficult.

The explosion of the power of the law, with attributes and without attributes, the power is completely different.

So at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate at all, but directly exploded with a punch with all his strength.


There was a loud noise, resounding in the air.

The power of the law was surging, and the hot breath exploded in an instant.

The flames burst into flames, and the fireball fists exuding raging anger, after the mid-air collision, set off a strong and violent hot storm, bursting out countless small fireballs.

When Jaw Da made a move, the upper rank warriors of the Jaw tribe who had besieged Qin Shaofeng instantly changed their expressions and chose to retreat.

Because they know Jauda's strength very well, and fortunately for this understanding, otherwise, I am afraid that many people will be injured in this hot storm.

Of course, the main reason for this was that Qin Shaofeng made them frightened.


What a joke, they are just the rhythm of giving away heads.

Now someone is taking action against Qin Shaofeng, they are eager to leave directly!

Huh! Huh!

After a punch collision, Qin Shaofeng and Jaida separated instantly and stood opposite each other.

Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed at the moment when he burst into a heavy punch and collided with the other's punch.

Because he felt it, the strength of this jaw was completely beyond his imagination.

The power erupted from the opponent's fist, the power of the fire attribute law was very violent, and also very powerful, and it quickly destroyed the power of the law on his fist.

Had it not been for Qin Shaofeng to see the opportunity quickly and step back in time, I am afraid he would have been affected.

But this is just one of the points. What surprised Qin Shaofeng most was the power of this jaw.

Very powerful, really powerful.

The punch came down, and the pure power that burst out almost made Qin Shaofeng unable to handle it.

Fortunately, because of the vigilance in his heart, Qin Shaofeng opened the Xuanwu Battle Armor to all his lifting powers, and the pure power of his own body was improved a hundredfold.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng might not be able to take it just because of the punch.

But even so, after everything calmed down, Qin Shaofeng's face was still flushed, the aura in his body appeared chaotic, and the whole body's blood was constantly churning.

It was not until a long while before Qin Shaofeng stabilized these conditions.

Slightly raising his head and looking into the distance, Qin Shaofeng felt very uneasy.

Knew it!

This barbarian warrior, the higher the realm, the more savage patterns, the more terrifying the power he possesses!

Can't be careless!

"Hahaha, good, good!"

After the punch was blasted out, seeing Qin Shaofeng actually being able to stop him, his jaws burst into a loud laugh.

For a moment, Jauda did not intend to attack again, but nodded slightly, looked at Qin Shaofeng with some appreciation, and nodded slightly as he spoke, but the arrogance in his expression was even more compelling. Up.

Qin Shaofeng was unhappy, but did not say anything.

Upon seeing this, Jaida smiled and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Boy, it seems that you have a lot of treasures on your body. Except for the big knife in your hand, this suit of armor on your body is not an ordinary thing, otherwise, just now You will never be able to take my punch."

Jauda's tone was full of affirmation, and then without waiting for Qin Shaofeng's response, he nodded affirmatively again: "Well, it must be like this. Although the realm of your ancient sanctuary is a little different from my barbarians, I can sense it. At most, you are the equivalent of having thirty wild patterns."

"And the thirty barbaric patterns realm is able to burst out such a powerful law, which has surprised me. And you can take my full punch. It stands to reason that your physical power cannot have this. It’s so big, so your strength probably comes from your armor!"

Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked by the words of Jauda.

Because he discovered that with just a simple punch, this Jaida had already got a general idea of ​​his own situation.

Although not quite right, it is almost the same.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this Jadah seemed to be a brawny man with well-developed limbs and simple mind, but in fact it was not like that. In terms of close minds and reactions, Jadah was definitely not simple.

It seems that no barbarians can be underestimated!

Qin Shaofeng became vigilant, and Jaida spoke again.

"But, it's a pity 1" Jaida couldn't help but shook his head with a look of regret.

"It's a pity that you are so unlucky that you met my Jadah, even if you have a powerful armor and weapons, you can never be my Jadah's opponent, so stop struggling!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Jadah moved again.

"Qin Shaofeng, you remember, you were defeated by the future first warrior of the Jaw tribe, my Jauda."

With a loud shout, Jaida's whole body flashed with fire, and the fire burst into the sky, his breath surging and powerful.

This time, he directly exploded the power of all the laws in his body. He wanted to severely wound Qin Shaofeng with a single blow to end this farce.

In his opinion, with so many high-ranking fighters, it is a farce to deal with a small Qin Shaofeng.

He was already a little impatient, he wanted to end this farce early, and then go to kill other invaders.

Although it wasn't his intention to come here this time, he couldn't sit still when he thought of killing those invaders in the ancient sanctuary and gaining military exploits.

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