Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 145: Return to Academy


When Yun Qingrou and Gao Lianyang looked at the little fox curiously, the little fox flashed suddenly and jumped out from Qin Shaofeng's neck.

With this jump, the little guy jumped into the arms of a white figure.


With a low hum, the little fox kindly rubbed the owner of the white figure in front of him.

The owner of this white figure is not someone else, but Meng Xin'er who has just walked out of the room on the side.

At this moment, Meng Xin'er was also very excited, although she already knew that the little fox would recover.

But when she saw the familiar little guy again, and the kindness that the little guy showed, she couldn't help holding the little fox excitedly, with a happy expression on her face.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any opinion on Meng Xin'er.

After all these things, Qin Shaofeng understood. I am afraid that in Meng Xin'er's heart, since the first time she met the little fox, she had regarded the little fox as her sister. If not, she would not call the little fox Xue'er. younger sister.

However, when he thinks of the little fox's appearance after the change, this sister's name is quite suitable.

After a greeting, plus Qin Shaofeng's injury, he took the initiative to run the Yi Jin Jing, and he got better, so Gao Lianyang asked them to rush back to the academy in advance.

Qin Shaofeng knew that the place he was in was an inn in a town.

Originally, Meng Xin'er and Yun Qingrou had Gao Lianyang, but they were on their way back to Lianyang Academy from the Black Point Mountain Range, but because of Qin Shaofeng's injury, they finally stopped.

After all, the big event that happened in the Black Point Mountain Range attracted the attention of the three academies of Lianyang Country, Black Martial Country, and Silver Moon Country. The three of them were naturally eager to return to the academy.

As for what it was, Qin Shaofeng also learned some basic information from Senior Brother Gao Lianyang on the road.

It seems that because of a fight in the Black Point Mountains, a strong man's residence was eventually unintentionally drawn.

Moreover, that strong man seemed to be a famous strong man thousands of years ago. Such a strong man’s mansion naturally attracted the attention of both parties in the fight, and finally triggered a fight.

In the end, the scramble soon spread, and it got bigger and bigger.

When Qin Shaofeng heard that in this battle, not only did an elite student in their Lianyang Academy died, but one of them was seriously injured.

And the other two colleges are dead separately, two elite students in the spiritual vein.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng's heart greatly. What kind of mansion's residence was this that actually caused the elite students to lose their lives?

However, Gao Lianyang didn't explain much about this. Instead, he smiled and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Don't worry, after you return to the academy, you will find out about it, and this time, it is likely to be your star. As a student, you should hurry up and heal your injuries!"

Qin Shaofeng was even more puzzled about Gao Lianyang's statement, but no matter how he asked, this senior Gao Lianyang still kept his face secret, really making him helpless.

However, after having made friends with the little fox on the road for a while, Meng Xiner suddenly asked Qin Shaofeng why he was chased and killed, and who was the person who chased him and what was his name.

Qin Shaofeng didn't notice the strange tone of Meng Xin'er asking this question. It was because Meng Xin'er asked this question, Qin Shaofeng began to talk about the process of being pursued and killed Zhang Lingtian completely.

After learning that Qin Shaofeng's family, except for his grandfather and a maid, had been killed, both Meng Xin'er and Yun Qingrou looked at Qin Shaofeng with sympathy.

That Gao Lianyang even cursed directly, saying that it would not harm his family, and then even the official officials of the Lianyang State, who did not protect the family of his college students, but made people annihilate.

As for Lu Qi's situation, Qin Shaofeng did not say anything.

Qin Shaofeng only talked about the grievances between himself and the Zhang Family, and then this time Zhang Family talked heavily and invited some innate martial arts masters to destroy his own Qin Family.

As for him, after receiving the news, it was too late to rush back to Lanjiang City, but Qin Shaofeng eventually slashed the enemy.

Then, things were simple. Zhang Lingtian, who was originally abolished by him, had practiced a weird technique without knowing where he played. He just happened to be successful in his cultivation and returned, making him invincible. He was eventually chased and killed. People also know.

However, Qin Shaofeng also noticed. After he talked about Zhang Lingtian's weird technique, Yun Qingrou and Gao Lianyang, both of them changed slightly.

Then they looked at Meng Xin'er, and after seeing Meng Xin'er nodded slightly, their faces became more solemn.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't know that the matter about Zhang Lingtian was a bit serious?

However, seeing whether it was Meng Xin'er, Yun Qingrou, and Gao Lianyang, there was no sign of telling him clearly. In the end, Qin Shaofeng didn't ask, but he left a doubt in his heart.

But compared to this doubt, Qin Shaofeng was more concerned about another matter.

That is how powerful Meng Xin'er who rescued him and killed Zhang Lingtian was.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, when he first met Meng Xin'er, he thought Meng Xin'er was a powerful innate martial artist, but now it is definitely not that simple.

Although Qin Shaofeng fainted after Tianmeng Xin'er appeared, but at that time, the little fox was still sober, so the little fox thoroughly recorded the scene of Tianmeng Xin'er killing Zhang Lingtian.

And when Qin Shaofeng asked about this accidentally, the little fox told Qin Shaofeng all the scene he had seen.

Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked when he knew what happened after he was unconscious from the little fox.

Zhang Lingtian, who chased and killed himself and fled like a dog in the family, was actually killed by Meng Xiner.

Moreover, facing Zhang Lingtian's helpless **** surroundings, Meng Xiner just shook her whole body, emitting a burst of golden light, dissolving Zhang Lingtian's blood by as much as 90%, causing Zhang Lingtian to flee frantically.

Even in the end, Meng Xin'er simply pointed Zhang Lingtian and completely killed Zhang Lingtian.

After hearing this kind of thing, Qin Shaofeng was completely confused.

At this moment, recalling this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but flashed a red light in his eyes.

Fiery eyes!

Unsurprisingly, even if the glaring eyes were opened, what Qin Shaofeng detected was only Meng Xin'er's name. As for other information, it was a series of question marks.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Qin Shaofeng.

Ding dong!

After the investigation was over, the system unexpectedly heard a blazing upgrade prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng Fire Eye Golden Eye for reaching the upgrade requirements, Level 3 Fire Eye Golden Eye has been upgraded to Level 4 Fire Eye Golden Eye!"

The fiery eyes were finally upgraded, and with joy, Qin Shaofeng didn't start checking his attribute interface for the first time.

Instead, he once again cast a fiery eye on Meng Xin'er, but finally got the information, which still made him helpless.

Character: Meng Xiner

grade:? ? ?


Still the same as the Level 3 Golden Eye, Qin Shaofeng still didn't get any attribute information of Meng Xiner.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he began to summon his own attribute interface, and began to check the attributes of Level 3 Eyes.

Fiery Eyes: Level 4 1/100000, god-level active skill, a famous stunt of Monkey King Monkey King. The current level is 4, which can detect the information of people who do not exceed the player's level 10, and there is a certain chance of getting the opponent's weakness. In addition, it can also detect any other things, and detect the level of things, depending on the player's level. Every time it is cast, it consumes 1000 internal energy.

Can you detect the information of characters not exceeding the player's level 10?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was startled.

He is now a martial artist of the innate five-level realm. At level 10, he is the five-level spirit vein.

That is to say, his current level 4 fiery eyes and golden eyes can detect information about characters in the five levels of spiritual veins at the highest level.

How do you say that, the realm of Meng Xin'er has surpassed the realm of the five levels of Lingmai?

Unable to look again, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched with that petite and soft body.

At the same age, the opponent is actually at least a full level higher than himself. This is really more than popular!

The cultivation base of at least five levels of spiritual veins, no wonder it was just one or two easy moves that solved the Lingtian Zhang.

This talent is simply crazy to make people jealous!

As for Senior Sister Yun Qingrou and Senior Brother Gao Lianyang on the side, Qin Shaofeng also secretly opened his eyes and probed.

But the final result is no different from Meng Xin'er, except that the name is all question marks.

However, this was also what Qin Shaofeng expected.

But this also let Qin Shaofeng know that he was still too far away.


After several hours of rushing, under the transportation of Senior Brother Gao Lianyang, the Thunder-winged Black Tiger King, several people quickly returned to Lianyang Academy.

Once again, after expressing his gratitude to the three men of Meng Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng separated from the three men of Meng Xin'er and returned to the new residence of his star student.

However, the little fox was very unwilling to give up to Meng Xin'er, the savior's sister, which made Qin Shaofeng almost let the little fox stay with Meng Xin'er for a while.

However, thinking of the secret of the little fox, Qin Shaofeng finally hardened his heart and left with the little fox.

After returning to his residence, Qin Shaofeng saw Qin Dabao with an anxious look on his face.

These days, Qin Dabao stayed in the residence of the star students of Lianyang Academy. Although it was safe and the surrounding things were also very novel, Qin Dabao would be very curious if it were in the usual situation.

But when he learned that Qin Shaofeng had gone to Blue River City, he had never been calm for a moment.

"Blame me, I knew I wouldn't tell the young master so much!"

This sentence has been uttered by Qin Dabao many times in the past few days.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng saw him, he heard this sentence again.

With a slight warmth in his heart, Qin Shaofeng hurried over.

"Uncle Dabao!"

Uncle Dabao immediately awakened the regretful Qin Dabao. He couldn't help but look up. When he saw Qin Shaofeng, Qin Dabao jumped suddenly. After jumping a few times, he came to Qin Shaofeng with an urgent look. Said: "Little young master, you have finally come back. If you have a long and two shortcomings, what face does Qin Dabao have to meet with the old man!"

"Little master, are you really back to Lanjiang City? Where's the old man?"

"And how is everyone?"

Facing Qin Dabao’s series of problems, Qin Shaofeng could only respond with a wry smile, but in the end he told Qin Dabao about what happened when he returned to Blue River City. Of course, Qin Shaofeng had nothing to do with his being chased by Zhang Lingtian. Say.

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