Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 146: Alchemy mansion

A day later, outside the gate of Lianyang Academy, Qin Shaofeng watched Qin Dabao leave.

After learning that only Father Qin and Qin Yue'er were still alive in the Qin family, and that the rest of the people had died and disappeared, Qin Dabao was depressed for a long time.

His wife and his children are in Qin's house, but now...

Facing Qin Dabao's depressed appearance, Qin Shaofeng didn't know how to comfort him.

Fortunately, Qin Dabao took the initiative to come out in the end, but instead comforted Qin Shaofeng, don't worry about him.

However, after this, Qin Shaofeng knew that it would be inappropriate for Qin Dabao to be in Blue River City again.

First, there is no Qin family in Lanjiang City anymore, and Qin Dabao has gone back, fearing that it is not so good. The second is seeing things and feelings. Facing the familiar Lanjiang City, I am afraid that Qin Dabao will not have a better life after returning.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, took out a token that Du Meng gave him, and asked Qin Dabao to take it to Du Meng's father's town and go out to Du Meng's father.

Although Qin Shaofeng met Du Meng’s father once, Du Meng’s father gave him the feeling that he was not much different from Du Meng. He was a reliable person, and based on his relationship with Du Meng, Qin Dabao would definitely be able to do so in the future. Go smoothly.

In this way, after getting rid of the formal students who were extremely smooth, Qin Dabao left like this.

However, when Qin Dabao left, Qin Shaofeng gave the storage that Qin Dabao brought or all the money of the Qin family to Qin Dabao, and also gave a storage bag from Lu Qi. And gave it to Qin Dabao.

Qin Dabao said at the beginning that he would not accept anything, but Qin Shaofeng said that with his current status, these money was not needed at all, nor needed. Qin Dabao forced Qin Dabao to accept any orders from the young master of the Qin family.

As for the storage ring, there is a big problem.

When he got the storage ring, Qin Shaofeng checked it.

The storage ring had a small space, which was one cubic meter, but the space in it was extremely stable, much higher than the storage ring Qin Shaofeng got from the system.

Previously, Qin Shaofeng didn’t check carefully because of the emergency, but when the manager of Lanjiang City left, he reminded Qin Shaofeng that the storage ring he was wearing was his father’s storage ring. Moreover, Guan Shi also stated clearly that the storage ring was the most advanced storage ring he had ever seen.

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng mentioned the situation of the storage ring space. Fang Guan just smiled slightly and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Don't worry, I want to come to this Kongyuan ring because it was sealed by your father. Only your strength is further improved. Only then will the seal be gradually released, and perhaps after your strength reaches a certain level, you will be able to know where your father is going."

Where is the father?

Looking down, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a glance at Kong Yuanjie, who was not normal in his right hand.

I will know all this one day!


After sending Qin Dabao away, Qin Shaofeng will arrive at his residence.

I don't want to, as soon as I returned to my residence, I saw an unexpected person.

"Sister Zhao, why are you here? Your retreat is over?"

Looking at Zhao Yun'er in his room, Qin Shaofeng was a headache. He really couldn't understand why Zhao Yun'er could go in and out freely no matter whether it was the residence of the official student before or the residence of the current star student.

Doesn’t it mean that ordinary people can’t open every room without the owner’s permission?

The student residence of Lianyang Academy is very solid!

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand, but when he thought that the other party was Zhao Yun'er, he finally gave up thinking about such problems.

When Qin Shaofeng spoke, Zhao Yun'er walked up to him and said with a concerned tone: "Are you all right!"


Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly startled, and then he understood. I am afraid Zhao Yuner learned from Senior Sister Yun Qingrou and others what happened to him during this period of time.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er caring about herself so much, Qin Shaofeng's heart warmed and smiled: "Thank you, Senior Sister Zhao for caring, I'm fine!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's face was almost the same as usual, Zhao Yun'er was also relieved.

She had just heard the news that Qin Shaofeng's family had been destroyed, but she was shocked. The good mood that had just risen in strength just after the retreat disappeared instantly, and then rushed to see Qin Shaofeng.

However, at the same time as she breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Yun'er's face flushed slightly, and she suddenly remembered that her expression just now made her feel ashamed. Then she stretched out her little hand and slapped Qin Shaofeng on the shoulder.


Zhao Yuner's shot, but with a little bit of effort, Qin Shaofeng is still seriously injured now, being shot like this by Zhao Yuner, his whole body immediately hurt and his face twitched slightly.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's face turned a little bit painful, Zhao Yun'er was startled.

She had been prepared for a long time, but with a little effort, Qin Shaofeng was still in pain.

Does it hurt so much?

It seems that he suffered more injuries than his cousin said.

With a panic in her heart, Zhao Yun'er retracted her little hand in a panic, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with a look of worry and self-blame, but she still said with a strong dissatisfaction: "Very good? Even if it's all like this, let's take it!"

After that, Zhao Yuner lost something to Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng subconsciously took it, and it was a pill.

this is……

Seeing the snow-white pill in his hand but with a few **** lines, Qin Shaofeng was shocked and suddenly remembered the name of a pill.

After subconsciously opening his fiery eyes, Qin Shaofeng immediately showed such an expression on his face.

Xueluo Pill: Heaven-level one-star pill, which has the powerful ability to activate the meridians and repair damaged bones. It has great healing power for severely injured people.

It's really a blood pill!

When seeing the blood-colored lines on the medicine, Qin Shaofeng guessed that it was a blood-cold medicine.

But Xueluo Pill is a heaven-level pill after all, even in Lianyang Academy, it is also one of the extremely precious pill. Normal disciples, even some elite disciples, don't necessarily get it in exchange.

"Sister Zhao, this pill is too expensive, I..."

Subconsciously pushing the pill in his hand to Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng said.

But without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to finish speaking, Zhao Yun'er just raised her eyebrows and interrupted Qin Shaofeng with dissatisfaction.

"I will give you what I am, I will give it to you, what's the point of your babble!"

With that said, Zhao Yun'er was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would say more, so she grabbed Qin Shaofeng's hand directly and stuffed the bloodline pill directly into Qin Shaofeng's mouth.


Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened, his eyes were both astonished and helpless, but more moved.

Nothing was being held back, Qin Shaofeng swallowed as soon as the pill was taken in, swallowing the blood network pill thoroughly.

"That's right!"

After Qin Shaofeng swallowed the blood-collateral pill, Zhao Yun'er smiled on her face and released Qin Shaofeng's hand.

Qin Shaofeng, who swallowed the blood-collateral pill, smiled slightly at this time and said: "Sister Zhao, you are so kind to me, I will repay you in the future!"

"Who treats you well!" Qin Shaofeng's words caused Zhao Yun'er's face to change suddenly, turning red a lot, and then feeling wrong. This pretended to be an abrupt tone, "I do this, but I have the conditions, wait for a while. You have to listen to me in the next month!"

Action in half a month?

A trace of doubt flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face, and then his heart moved slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Senior Sister Zhao, the action you mentioned, but Senior Sister Yun and the others said, this time the big event that happened in the Black Point Mountain Range?" Qin Shaofeng asked tentatively.

"Hmph, aren't you stupid!" Zhao Yun'er gave Qin Shaofeng a blank look, her tone was still a bit blunt, obviously he hadn't gotten out of the emotions Qin Shaofeng said before.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't notice it, but frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way: "Sister Zhao, I told Senior Sister Yun and Senior Brother Gao, because this time the big incident, there was spirit. In the case of the life loss of the elite students of the pulse realm, I only have a little cultivation base, and I am only five-fold innate. Shouldn't I go to die?"

"Five innate?"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Yun'er's eyes when Qin Shaofeng exploded his cultivation realm.

He is really not easy, how long has it been since he came out of the spiritual garden, he has actually improved his two levels of cultivation.

However, after listening to Qin Shaofeng’s last words, Zhao Yuner smiled softly: “You can rest assured about this. In fact, it is precisely because of the death of elite disciples. After the three major colleges discussed, they waited for the mansion to open. After that, the three major academies will not send students from the Spiritual Vessel realm into it, which means that at most they only allow students from the Innate Martial Master realm to enter."

As he said, Zhao Yuner blinked at Qin Shaofeng in a playful manner, and said: "Furthermore, even if the three major academies want to let Lingmai Realm students enter, it is not realistic, after all, it is the alchemy residence!"


Only let students in the realm of innate martial arts enter?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and he was a little bit happy.

In this case, this alchemy mansion...

Wait, alchemy mansion?

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something. He looked at Zhao Yun'er inconceivably, and exclaimed in a bit of silence: "Senior Sister Zhao, is the residence of the alchemist you are talking about, is it the cultivation residence of the old alchemist in the legend?"

"Ha, you only reacted until now, so slow!" Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaffey expression, Zhao Yun'er was finally pleased a lot.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these, instead, he was shocked by the stormy sea.

That's the old alchemist!

Thousands of years ago, a mysterious and powerful alchemist appeared in this area, calling himself an old alchemist.

No one knows how powerful this old alchemist is, but there are legends about the pill that came from him.

It is said that because of the appreciation of the old man, Emperor Lianyang was lucky enough to be given an elixir by the old man. It was this pill that finally made Emperor Lianyang so strong and created his legend.

Moreover, it is not only Emperor Yang who has the opportunity, but also many historical powerhouses in the Yang Kingdom, the Black Martial Kingdom, and the Yinyue Kingdom, all of whom have risen because of the pill of the elderly alchemist.

There are even rumors that the old alchemist treats some monsters with intelligence and wisdom equally, and now the queen of the Blackhorn Mountains, the black-horned double-winged flying dragon, it is also because of the old alchemist's medicine that eventually evolved into a powerful holy beast. , Became the well-deserved king of the Blackhorn Mountains.

These legends and deeds made the old alchemist become mysterious. Many people embarked on the journey of searching for the old alchemist with a trace of the mentality of being appreciated by the old alchemist.

But what makes people regret is that the old alchemist only appeared for a few years and never appeared again.

However, the elderly alchemist has extremely strange behaviors, often setting tests in some places, and then putting down the rewarding pills.

I don't know what kind of anti-the-sky method the old alchemist possesses, which can keep the effect of the pill for a long time without being corroded by time.

This is also because even if the old alchemist does not show up, his reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

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